Principles of anesthesia and physiology


The increased use of robotic surgery across multiple surgical disciplines has required anesthesiologists to refine their approach to continue to provide safe and effective anesthesia.

The anesthesiologist must consider whether the health status of the patient is adequate to withstand the position, duration and physiological demands required of the chosen robotic surgery approach. The conduct of anesthesia needs to be adapted at certain surgical time points to prevent patient harm and promote an uncomplicated recovery.

Preoperative considerations

While there are no absolute contraindications to robotic surgery, adequate assessment of the patient requires consideration of their ability to withstand the planned duration of surgery. Some operating table positions encountered in robotic surgery have a significant impact on body systems. Some patients are unable to withstand these effects and an alternative surgical approach may be necessary. Adequate preoperative assessment, optimization of existing medical conditions and an explanation of the plan for anesthesia need to take place.

Relative contraindications to robotic surgery include morbid obesity, severe cardiovascular and respiratory disease, and conditions that increase intracranial and intraocular pressure, particularly for those procedures that require the Trendelenburg position. Assessment of patients well in advance of surgery in a multidisciplinary fashion is ideal.

Ensuring the operating theater is set up in the most efficient manner is an important consideration. Robotic equipment takes up a great deal of space and thus communication with the theater team including the theater technician allows ideal placement of equipment.

It is critical that theater staff possess the technical expertise required to prepare and use the robot in a safe and sterile manner. As access to the patient is limited ( Fig. 6.1 ), a thorough understanding as to how to undock the robotic apparatus as quickly as possible to facilitate resuscitation in an emergency will prevent undue delays in management. Simulation has been shown to improve efficiency in this situation.

Fig. 6.1, Access to the patient is severely limited while the robotic apparatus is docked.

Furthermore, the theater team need to be prepared for conversion from a robotic approach to an open procedure. In the event of rapid blood loss, the surgeon needs to keep the anesthesiologist and team informed about the feasibility of controlling bleeding using the robotic instruments. If this proves difficult, a decision to convert to an open procedure will be required.

Patient preparation

Vascular access

Prior to procedure commencement, consideration needs to be made regarding bleeding risk. Adequate caliber and the site of intravascular access need to be established. Despite the lower rate of blood transfusion in robotic gynecological and urological surgery, , the placement of an arterial line is preferred because access to the patient during robotic surgery is compromised. Arterial catheterization enables constant evaluation of hemodynamics and intermittent testing of respiratory parameters, bleeding status, and biochemistry.

Robotic cardiac surgery necessitates the placement of cannulas in particular locations. Preparation for cardiopulmonary bypass may require the anesthesiologist to place a 15 to 17 Fr cannula in the right internal jugular vein to facilitate the drainage of the superior vena cava. Further placement of cannulas including a coronary sinus cannula may also be necessary, and the pulmonary artery cannula may need to be placed in an alternative position. Cannulas are placed using transesophageal echocardiography guidance and thus anesthesiologists need to be familiar with this approach. External defibrillation pads need to put in place, as internal defibrillation is not possible.

Patient protection

Extreme operating table positions encountered in robotic surgery require prevention of patient movement. This is achieved through use of antislip mats and patient restraints. Deep muscle relaxation prior to port placement and throughout surgery is required as patient movement may lead to injury. Neuromuscular monitoring sited prior to procedure commencement facilitates adequate relaxation.

Intravascular catheters must be protected from kinking and compression, as after the patient cart has been docked, the arms are not easily accessible. The position of the arterial line transducer should be placed at the same height as the head such that the measured blood pressure reflects cerebral perfusion. This is particularly important in robotic surgeries such as gastric surgery where the reverse Trendelenburg position may compromise cerebral blood flow if not adequately identified and treated.

Long duration and poor visualization of the patient throughout surgery means it is essential that adequate time be taken to ensure the patient is protected from pressure injury. While rare, the effects of peripheral nerve injury may be prolonged. Excessive stretching and direct pressure of nerves must be avoided.

Nerves at particular risk include the common peroneal nerve when the modified lithotomy position is used. The brachial plexus is at risk of injury if excessive pressure is placed over the acromioclavicular joint and with excessive abduction of the arm. Utilization of somatosensory evoked potentials to monitor brachial plexus neuropathy is advantageous in robotic transaxillary thyroid and parathyroid surgery.

When a lateral decubitus position is used in thoracic surgery patients, an axillary roll placed inferior to the axilla will protect the brachial plexus. In this position, adequate padding needs to be placed between the knees and ankles and in the dependent arm; hyperextension of the elbow needs to be avoided.

In all surgeries, a neutral position of the head and neck is sought after.

Pressure sores and gluteal injury are possible, particularly when the patient is placed in a lithotomy position.

There are a variety of ways to protect the eyes. Whichever approach is undertaken, it is mandatory to ensure eye lubrication, closure, and protection from pressure. Further eye protection from regurgitation of gastric contents is afforded by nasogastric tube insertion.

The prone position employed in robotic esophagectomy poses increased risk of pressure injury and regular checks need to occur.

In transoral robotic surgery (TORS), utilization of goggles and a mouthguard protect the eyes and teeth, respectively.

Protection of the patient’s head from the robotic arms can be achieved by clamping an anesthetic screen such that it rests immediately above the patient’s face.

Movement of the table once the patient cart is docked can only be achieved if the table-robot interface has been fitted with a specific upgrade that allows dynamic movement of the table while the robot is docked. If this upgrade is not present, movements of the table must be strictly avoided as rigid instruments may cause significant visceral injury.

The prolonged duration of many robotic procedures and the risk of venous stasis due to pneumoperitoneum dictate a plan for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis to be implemented. Use of stockings and pneumatic calf compressors decrease the risk of DVT.

Intraoperative management

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