
Most types of inflammatory lesions of the esophagus do not manifest as endoscopically recognizable polyps. They instead cause only a slight mucosal irregularity or surface erosion. In contrast, most neoplastic processes of the esophagus manifest clinically at an advanced pathological stage. Malignant tumors may form strictures, plaquelike masses, or deeply penetrating or fungating ulcers. Polyps, which are discrete, well-circumscribed luminal protrusions, are uncommon in the esophagus. However, many unusual types of tumors of the esophagus are polypoid. Although esophageal polyps are rare, they often have interesting or unusual pathology.

Esophageal polyps may be divided into epithelial and mesenchymal types. Each type can be further subdivided as benign or malignant. The epithelial nature of an esophageal polyp is usually apparent at endoscopy or on radiographic evaluation because of the formation of a mucosal irregularity. In contrast, most mesenchymal polyps originate within the subepithelial tissues, causing an endoscopically recognizable elevation of the overlying mucosa, but the latter is usually left intact with a smooth contour.

Epithelial Polyps


Small polyps covered by benign (nonneoplastic) squamous epithelium may develop anywhere in the esophagus ( Table 19.1 ). The pathogenesis and morphological features of these polyps tend to correlate roughly with their site of origin. The two main types of squamous polyps are inflammatory polyps and squamous papillomas.

TABLE 19.1
Epithelial Polyps of the Esophagus
Type of Lesion Pathological Features Clinical and Pathogenetic Features
Inflammatory polyp Smooth rounded surface; irregular tongues of squamous epithelium; inflamed lamina propria GEJ, reflux related, represents an exaggerated response to mucosal injury
Hyperplastic polyp Foveolar hyperplasia, cystic change, regenerative changes, inflammation, ulceration; may also have hyperplastic squamous epithelium GEJ, associated with chronic mucosal injury usually due to GERD
Squamous papilloma Finger-like squamous papillae with underlying fibrovascular cores of lamina propria Exophytic, distal esophagus, most common; also endophytic and spiked
Often associated with HPV
Gastric heterotopia Surface and gland epithelium lamina propria Proximal esophagus; congenital; also called “inlet patch”
Glycogenic acanthosis Larger clear squamous cells; endoscopic nodule, PAS+ Increased intracellular glycogen level; if numerous, consider Cowden’s syndrome
Precursor Lesions
Polypoid dysplasia Resembles colonic adenoma Setting of Barrett’s esophagus
Squamous dysplasia Nuclear atypia and loss of polarity; mild, moderate, or severe Precursor to squamous cell carcinoma and spindle cell carcinoma
Spindle cell carcinoma Biphasic, squamous and spindle cells; keratin+, either component can metastasize Better prognosis than conventional SCCA as exophytic morphology leads to earlier diagnosis
Squamous cell carcinoma Usually strictured, ulcerated, or fungating mass Rarely polypoid
Adenocarcinoma Usually strictured, ulcerated, or fungating mass Rarely polypoid
GEJ , Gastroesophageal junction; GERD , gastroesophageal reflux disease; HPV , human papillomavirus; PAS , periodic acid–Schiff stain; SCCA , squamous cell carcinoma.

Inflammatory Polyps

Inflammatory polyps are the most common type of benign, squamous esophageal polyp ( Box 19.1 ). They occur primarily in men at the lower esophageal junction and usually are associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Inflammatory polyps represent an exaggerated response to mucosal injury. Some are exuberant, healed ulcer sites. Inflammatory polyps may also develop proximal to the gastroesophageal junction, where they are often associated with mucosal injury caused by embedded pills, infection, or surgical anastomoses.

BOX 19.1
Key Features of Inflammatory Polyps
HPV , Human papillomavirus.

  • Most common type of benign, squamous esophageal polyp

  • Male, gastroesophageal junction, reflux-associated

  • Smooth, rounded surface with irregular tongues of squamous epithelium extending deeply within an inflamed lamina propria

  • Key differential diagnosis:

    • May resemble endophytic squamous papillomas and may be HPV associated; but these are less frequently diagnosed

Histologically, inflammatory polyps often have a smooth, rounded surface and consist of irregular tongues of squamous epithelium that extend deeply within an inflamed lamina propria ( Fig. 19.1 ). Although controversial, some investigators think these polyps represent an endophytic type of squamous papilloma. Human papillomavirus (HPV) was identified in 33% of these polyps by polymerase chain reaction analysis in a study by Odze and colleagues. HPV was postulated to be a promoter of epithelial growth in mucosa that had been damaged by other irritants such as GERD.

FIGURE 19.1, Squamous-lined inflammatory polyps have an endophytic growth pattern characterized by elongated tongues of benign squamous epithelium extending into the underlying lamina propria. These lesions may represent a subtype of squamous papilloma.

Hyperplastic Polyps

At the level of the gastroesophageal junction, hyperplastic polyps composed primarily of gastric hyperplastic foveolar epithelium ( Fig. 19.2 ), with or without hyperplastic and regenerative-appearing squamous epithelium, can develop, presumably as a result of chronic mucosal injury. These gastroesophageal junction polyps have been most often reported in the clinical gastroenterology or radiology literature. Hyperplastic polyps at the gastroesophageal junction may be associated with a short or ultrashort Barrett’s esophagus (33% of cases), and they have less inflammation compared with those arising in a non-Barrett’s setting.

FIGURE 19.2, Gastric foveolar hyperplasia with lamina propria edema and mild inflammation are characteristic of hyperplastic polyps. Squamous mucosa, although not always present in the biopsy, may be hyperplastic or regenerative appearing.

Squamous Papilloma

Squamous papillomas are the other main type of squamous polyp of the esophagus (see Chapter 24 ) ( Box 19.2 ). They are the most common benign tumor of the esophagus and can occur at any age. , The reported frequency of squamous papilloma ranges from 0.01% to 0.26% in Europe , and 0.1% to 0.2% in Asia. , The presence of multiple polyps (squamous papillomatosis) should raise the possibility of a hereditary syndrome.

BOX 19.2
Key Features of Squamous Papilloma

  • Exophytic is most common histological pattern

    • Finger-like squamous papillae overlying fibrovascular cores of lamina propria

    • May have koilocytic features

    • May be HPV associated

  • Endophytic has a smooth, round surface with inverted papilloma appearance

  • Spiked are least common, with verrucous appearance, corrugated surface, hyperkeratosis, and prominent granular cell layer

  • Benign but small risk for associated malignancy

  • Key differential diagnoses:

    • Fibrovascular polyp: usually upper esophagus, larger at presentation

    • Squamous dysplasia and carcinoma: nuclear atypia, invasive component

Three main histological patterns have been described: exophytic , endophytic , and spiked . The exophytic type is more common. On endoscopy, these lesions are a few millimeters in size and have a cauliflower-like appearance. Histological examination of the exophytic type reveals finger-like squamous papillae overlying fibrovascular cores of lamina propria ( Fig. 19.3 ). The squamous epithelium may have features of koilocytosis, but it usually lacks the large, hyperchromatic nuclei and binucleation typical of HPV-infected cervical epithelium. Exophytic squamous papillomas occur most frequently in the distal esophagus, but they also occur in the middle and upper esophagus. HPV is associated with as many as 78% of these squamous papillomas, , although much lower HPV associations have also been reported. For instance, Takeshita et al. reported HPV in 10.5% of squamous papillomas. All of these were located in the middle esophagus of female patients. Recent studies have also found high-risk HPV phenotypes in up to 50% of squamous papillomas. ,

FIGURE 19.3, Squamous papillomas are an exophytic type of squamous polyp that have a finger-like growth pattern. Human papillomavirus infection is strongly associated with these polyps.

The endophytic type of papilloma has a round, smooth surface and an inverted papillomatous appearance. Some investigators think they are inflammatory polyps. Spiked squamous papillomas have a verrucous appearance, a corrugated surface, hyperkeratosis, and a prominent granular cell layer. This is the least common form of squamous papilloma. Forty percent of spiked papillomas were shown to harbor HPV in one study. Ratoosh and coworkers described a 60-year-old woman who had a large, verrucous lesion of the distal esophagus and multiple warts on her distal fingertips. HPV-45 DNA sequences were identified in the fingertip and esophageal verrucous lesions, suggesting autoinoculation of the finger wart HPV virus to the esophagus.

Squamous papillomas are benign. Rarely, large squamous papillomas have undergone malignant degeneration. However, whether these lesions represent de novo carcinomas or true malignant degeneration of a squamous papilloma is unknown. Due to the very low risk of malignancy, squamous papillomas should be excised.

Several types of esophageal heterotopias rarely manifest as polypoid lesions on endoscopy (see Chapter 24 ). Heterotopias occur in 10% of the general population and usually consist of gastric heterotopia, although thyroid, parathyroid, and ectopic sebaceous tissues ( Fig. 19.4 ) have been described. Gastric heterotopias in the esophagus usually contain glands and foveolar epithelium (82% of cases) and are thought to be congenital in origin. Heterotopias are often found in the proximal esophagus and may be called an inlet patch on endoscopy. These lesions are distinct from Barrett’s esophagus, as described in Table 19.2 .

FIGURE 19.4, Examination of this esophageal polyp at high power reveals sebaceous glands embedded within the squamous epithelium.

TABLE 19.2
Features Distinguishing Heterotopic Gastric Inlet Patch from Barrett’s Esophagus
Feature Heterotopic gastric inlet patch Barrett’s esophagus
Clinical Incidental, congenital Reflux associated
Location Proximal esophagus Distal esophagus
Endoscopy Salmon-colored, velvety patch surrounded entirely by normal gray-white esophageal squamous mucosa Salmon-colored tongues extending at least 1 cm proximal to, and contiguous with, the GEJ
Histology Gastric epithelium: glands may be mucinous, oxyntic, or both
Typically not inflamed
Normally no goblet cells
Goblet cells (intestinal epithelium), may be incomplete: interspersed among gastric-type epithelium
GEJ , Gastroesophageal junction.

Glycogenic Acanthosis

Small, plaquelike or nodule-like lesions can occur in patients with prominent glycogenic acanthosis. They represent focal nodular thickening of the squamous mucosa with cells that contain prominent intracytoplasmic glycogen, seen histologically as clear cytoplasm ( Fig. 19.5 ). Endoscopically, the lesions can resemble squamous papillomas. Patients with Cowden’s syndrome or tuberous sclerosis may have numerous polypoid areas of glycogenic acanthosis, and this finding always raises the possibility of one of these diagnoses. , If making the diagnosis of multifocal glycogenic acanthosis in a patient not known to have already been diagnosed with a syndrome, it is helpful to state in a comment that these clinical syndromes should be considered.

FIGURE 19.5, Thickened squamous mucosa with large clear cytoplasmic accumulation of glycogen is characteristic of glycogenic acanthosis.


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