Key Points


Acute leukemias (acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ALL] and acute myeloid leukemia [AML]) and lymphomas (Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma [NHL]) together represent approximately 40% of malignancies in children. Annual incidence of new cases in the United States in children less than 15 years: ALL 2500-3500; AML ~500; NHL ~500.

Biology, Classification, and Staging

ALL is classified by: Immunophenotype: B-cell progenitor, T-cell progenitor, non-B, non-T; Morphology, immunological markers; Cellular DNA content (ploidy); Cytogenetics (presence of specific translocations, trisomies, other chromosomal or genetic aberrations); Molecular genetic characteristics. Staging involves evaluation of bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid, and extramedullary sites. AML is classified according to the French-American-British (FAB) morphology. Staging is the same as for ALL. NHL is classified by either the Revised European-American Lymphoma Classification or the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Major subtypes: Precursor B-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma; Burkitt lymphoma; Diffuse large cell lymphoma: Large cell lymphomas can be of B-cell origin or T-cell origin and are subclassified as anaplastic or immunoblastic lymphoma. Staging involves examination of bone marrow and radiographic and nuclear imaging for nodal and extranodal sites in addition to evaluation of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Primary Therapy

The primary treatment of leukemias and lymphomas is based on systemic chemotherapy. The intensity of therapy for leukemia and the duration of therapy for lymphoma are determined by risk stratification according to biological and clinical features. Therapy for ALL involves induction chemotherapy, intensification or consolidation, central nervous system (CNS) therapy, and maintenance therapy. Therapy for AML includes induction chemotherapy based on the FAB classification. Intensification or consolidation may be done with bone marrow transplant. Therapy for NHL involves chemotherapy based on the biological and clinical features of histological subtype and clinical stage.

Indications for Radiotherapy

ALL: Cranial irradiation for CNS prophylaxis in high-risk patients with CNS involvement at diagnosis (may vary by protocol to include T-cell leukemia); Cranial irradiation for treatment of children with CNS involvement at relapse; Testicular irradiation for relapse in the testes (as determined by protocol); Total body irradiation as part of the myeloablative regimen in bone marrow transplantation. AML: Primary use is total body irradiation as part of myeloablative regimen in stem cell transplantation. NHL: Total body irradiation is part of the myeloablative regimen in bone marrow transplantation.

Late Sequelae

Late sequelae may include neurocognitive disorders, endocrine problems, growth delay, and induction of secondary malignancies.

Treatment of Relapse and Palliation

Local radiotherapy can be used to palliate symptomatic recurrences in leukemias and lymphomas. Relapses in the testes and CNS are treated by intensive, systemic chemotherapy with radiotherapy. Treatment of relapse often includes bone marrow transplantation with total body irradiation as part of the myeloablative regimen.

Leukemias are the most common malignancies in children, accounting for one-third of all childhood cancers, with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) accounting for the majority of these cases. The advances in the treatment of ALL since the 1940s represent one of the most tremendous success stories in modern medicine. The early successes resulted from the identification of single-agent chemotherapy, followed by the development of combination chemotherapy, recognition of the need for central nervous system (CNS) preventative therapy, and maintenance chemotherapy. Concurrent with these developments, new understanding of immunophenotyping, molecular characterization, and treatment responses allowed for the definition of risk groups to tailor therapy. In fact, despite leukemia remaining the most common malignancy of childhood, by 2014, leukemia was no longer the leading cause of cancer-related death among children aged 1 to 19 years.


ALL accounts for approximately 75% of childhood leukemia and is diagnosed in approximately 2500 to 3000 children in the United States annually with a peak age incidence between 2 and 5 years. The incidence of ALL is higher among boys than girls. This difference is more pronounced in pubertal children and particularly evident in cases of T-cell ALL. In the United States, ALL occurs more commonly among white children than among African American children.


Although there is no single etiology of ALL, several predisposing risk factors have been identified. These include genetics, environmental factors, viral infection, and immunodeficiency. Genetics appear to play a role in the cause of ALL in some children as evidenced by the association between specific chromosomal abnormalities and childhood ALL. The most common constitutional chromosomal abnormality associated with childhood leukemia is trisomy 21 or Down syndrome. However, the majority of cases of leukemia in children cannot be attributed to any known factors.

ALL comprises a very heterogenous group of diseases that can be defined by their cell of origin, state of maturation arrest, and oncogenic driver pathways and mutations. Although ALL is subclassified into B- and T-progenitor disease based on gene expression and presumed cell of origin, these diseases do share a common origin from the committed lymphoid progenitor. Therefore the clinically different behaviors of these two biologically distinct diseases are more likely the result of different underlying oncogenic driver events. In contrast, in both Philadelphia chromosome-positive ALL and in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) this event may occur earlier, as mutations are observed in multiple cell lineages. The sequence of events resulting in malignant transformation is likely to be multifactorial in all types of leukemia.

Molecular Biology and Classification

ALL has been classified according to morphological, immunological, cytogenetic, biochemical, and molecular genetic characteristics. The most widely accepted morphological classification of ALL is that proposed by the French-American-British (FAB) Cooperative Working Group. The FAB system defines three categories of lymphoblasts. The L1 subtype is the most common, occurring in approximately 90% of pediatric ALL. The L1 lymphoblasts are smaller, with scant cytoplasm and inconspicuous nucleoli. L2 lymphoblasts are seen in 5% to 15% of pediatric ALL and are larger, demonstrate marked heterogeneity in size, contain prominent nucleoli, and more abundant cytoplasm. Morphologically they can be difficult to distinguish from the M1 subtype of AML. L3 lymphoblasts, present in only 1% to 2% of cases, are large with more abundant, basophilic cytoplasm and often have cytoplasmic vacuolation. The L3 lymphoblast is morphologically identical to the Burkitt lymphoma cell. L3 morphology is almost always associated with a mature B-cell phenotype and translocations involving the MYC gene, and patients should be treated with therapy for Burkitt lymphoma rather than ALL.


The immunobiological studies of ALL indicate that leukemic transformation and clonal expansion occurs at different stages of lymphocyte maturation. The use of monoclonal antibodies has classified leukemias; however, these monoclonal antibodies are not purely lineage-specific and so the term “lineage-associated” is used. Based on their patterns of reactivity to these lineage-associated antibodies, ALL can be subclassified into three primary types: B-precursor, mature B-cell, and T-cell. B-precursor cell ALL comprises 80% to 85% of pediatric ALL cases. These cells characteristically express B-cell markers such as CD 9, CD 19, CD 22, and in contrast to mature B-cell ALL they lack expression of surface immunoglobulin. Most cases of B-lineage ALL in children and adolescents are found to have the common ALL antigen CD 10 on their cell surfaces. Patients with B-precursor ALL whose lymphoblasts express the common ALL antigen or CD 10 on their surfaces have a more favorable prognosis than those who do not, primarily because of the strong association of CD 10 negativity with rearrangements of the MLL gene on chromosome 11q23.

Children with mature B-cell ALL (characterized by the presence of mature B-cell antigens, including surface immunoglobulin) have a poorer prognosis than those of earlier B-lineage if treated with standard ALL therapies; such patients are more appropriately treated on regimens for patients with advanced-stage Burkitt lymphoma. Approximately 10% to 15% of pediatric ALL is of T-cell origin. In contrast to B-precursor ALL, T-cell ALL is more frequently associated with older age at diagnosis, a higher presenting leukocyte count, and bulky extramedullary disease. Extramedullary involvement can include an anterior mediastinal mass, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and overt CNS involvement. T-cell ALL has on average a shorter time to relapse than does B-precursor ALL. Although historically T-cell ALL had a worse prognosis, now that more intensive treatment regimens are used for patients with this subtype, this difference is no longer observed.

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