
Evidence Levels: A Double-blind study B Clinical trial ≥ 20 subjects C Clinical trial < 20 subjects D Series ≥ 5 subjects E Anecdotal case reports

Paronychia is characterized by inflammation of the proximal and/or lateral nailfolds, with the fingers being more commonly affected than the toes. Acute paronychia usually involves single digits, is a painful pyogenic infection that usually occurs after injury or minor trauma, and is characteristically caused by Staphylococcus aureus, although other aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and herpetic viruses are also found. Polymicrobial infection is also commonly found. Greenish-gray-black discoloration in the nail bed may help identify Pseudomonas dominant infections.

Chronic paronychia (typically polydigital) is one of the most common inflammatory nail disorders and presents as tender erythema of the nailfolds with thickening of the tissues, loss of the cuticle, and subsequent dystrophy of the nail plate. The causative factors are repetitive microtrauma and exposure to water, irritants, and allergens, causing a contact dermatitis with subsequent colonization by yeasts and bacteria. Other less common causes of chronic paronychia include retronychia, characterized by the disruption of the longitudinal growth of a nail due to acute traumatic injury or repetitive microtrauma, with resultant embedding of the old nail in the ventral surface of the proximal nailfold as the new nail regenerates. Also, cutaneous leishmaniasis may rarely present as an unusual chronic paronychia in endemic areas. Pemphigus vulgaris may present with either acute or chronic paronychia.

Drug-induced paronychia with pseudopyogenic granuloma is increasingly recognized and may occur with systemic retinoids; antiretroviral drugs such as indinavir; epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor inhibitors, including gefitinib and cetuximab; and the novel anticancer mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors, such as everolimus.

Tumors, including Bowen disease, keratoacanthomas, squamous cell carcinoma, enchondroma, and amelanotic melanoma, may masquerade as chronic paronychia. Dermoscopy has been used to diagnose periungual Bowen disease mimicking chronic paronychia.

Management Strategy

Acute paronychia requires urgent effective treatment to prevent damage to the nail matrix. If the infection is superficial and pointing, then incision and drainage may be appropriate. Infection is often due to S. aureus, but β-hemolytic streptococci and anaerobic organisms may also be found. A swab should be taken for bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity and a broad-spectrum antibiotic covering both aerobic and anaerobic organisms given. Warm compresses with an astringent (e.g., aluminum acetate solution, if available) can help reduce edema and provide a hostile environment for bacteria. For deeper infections, if there has been no marked clinical improvement after 48 hours of antibiotic therapy, surgical treatment may be undertaken. Under local anesthesia, the proximal third of the nail plate is removed, and a gauze wick is laid under the proximal nailfold to allow drainage. Cases of antibiotic-resistant acute paronychia may be due to herpetic viruses, fungi, or non-infectious causes.

Chronic paronychia is usually due to dermatitis and often associated with wet work (e.g., in domestic workers, cooks, bartenders, fishmongers, etc.) and may be exacerbated by contact irritants or allergens. Immediate sensitivity to fresh foods can be a factor. In children, thumb sucking may initiate the condition. Eczema or psoriasis may predispose to chronic paronychia, as may poor peripheral circulation and rarely pemphigus vulgaris. Microtrauma, including overzealous manicuring of the cuticle, is also important. The middle and index fingers of the right hand and the middle finger of the left hand are most commonly affected, but any finger may be involved. Inflammation with bolstering of the nailfold and loss of the cuticle opens a space between the nailfold and the nail plate, which commonly becomes colonized with yeast, especially Candida species, and a wide range of other microorganisms. Acute exacerbations due to bacterial infection may occur.

Successful treatment relies on protection of the affected fingers from water, irritants, allergens, and trauma, together with antiinflammatory treatment using moderately potent or potent topical corticosteroids . Tacrolimus 0.1% ointment applied twice daily may also be effective. Swabs for yeast and bacteria should be taken, anticandidal preparations can be useful, and antibiotic preparations may also be needed. Treatment should be continued until the inflammation has subsided and the cuticle reformed and reattached to the nail plate (3 months or more). For repeated acute episodes, intralesional or systemic corticosteroids plus systemic antibiotics for a week may be useful. In cases where conservative management fails, surgery or low-dose superficial radiotherapy has been tried. For cases due to retronychia, simple avulsion of the nail plate is normally curative but conservative treatment using taping can be tried.

Drug-induced pseudopyogenic granulomatous paronychia responds to daily topical 2% mupirocin with clobetasol propionate ointment. Additionally, for patients on EGF or mTOR inhibitors, oral doxycycline 100 mg twice daily or dose reduction may be useful.

Specific Investigations

  • Skin swabs ± abscess fluid (for microscopy, culture, and sensitivities)

  • Open patch tests against fresh foods

Anaerobic paronychia

Whitehead SM, Eykyn SJ, Phillips I. Br J Surg 1981; 68: 420–2.

Swabs were taken from 116 acute paronychias. Anaerobes or mixed aerobes and anaerobes were isolated in 30%. Of 81 paronychias with aerobic organisms only, S. aureus was isolated in 69%.

Clinical and cytologic features of antibiotic-resistant acute paronychia

Durdu M, Ruocco V. J Am Acad Dermatol 2014; 70: 120–6.

Antibiotic-resistant paronychia may be infectious or non-infectious. Cytologic examination may be useful diagnostically and may prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics and surgical drainage procedures.

Refractory purulent paronychia in a young girl. Pediatric dermatology photoquiz. Diagnosis paronychial cutaneous leishmaniasis

Topal I, Duman H, Baz V, et al. Pediatr Dermatol 2016; 33: 93–4.

Case report and successful treatment with complete resolution using intralesional meglumine antimoniate once a week for 5 weeks.

Chronic paronychia. Short review of 590 cases

Frain-Bell W. Trans St John’s. Hosp Dermatol Soc 1957; 38: 29–35.

On culture, Candida albicans was grown in 70% and bacteria, including S. aureus, in 10%.

An excellent overview.

Role of foods in the pathogenesis of chronic paronychia

Tosti A, Guerra L, Morelli R, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1992; 27: 706–10.

Nine of 20 food handlers with chronic paronychia had positive reactions to 20-minute open patch tests with suspected fresh foods, including wheat flour, egg, chicory, and tomatoes.

First-Line Therapies

  • Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid

  • E

  • Surgical drainage

  • E

  • Topical corticosteroid preparations

  • B

  • Topical tacrolimus 0.1% ointment

  • B

  • Topical clotrimazole drops

  • E

  • Topical clindamycin solution

  • E

Due to retronychia
  • Avulsion of nail plate

  • E

Drug-induced paronychia/periungual granuloma
  • Mupirocin and clobetasol propionate

  • E

  • Mupirocin, clobetasol, and acetic acid soaks

  • E

EGF- or mTOR inhibitor–induced paronychia
  • Doxycycline

  • E

  • Dose reduction

  • E

  • Topical β-blockers, i.e., timolol or propranolol

  • D

Acute and chronic paronychia

Leggit JC. Am Fam Physician 2017; 96(1): 44–51

Successful drainage of acute paronychiae/abscesses do not usually require oral antibiotic therapy postdrainage. Warm compresses or soaks with aluminum acetate solution or acetic acid 1–3% usually suffice.

Paronychia: a mixed infection, microbiology, and management

Brook I. J Hand Surg [Br] 1993; 18: 358–9.

Culture from 61 patients with paronychia showed a mixture of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in 49%. The combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is suggested as first-line treatment for acute bacterial paronychia, together with appropriate surgical drainage.

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