Other Endocrine Disorders of Pregnancy


We gratefully acknowledge the contributions in this chapter of Dr. Dalal Al-Ali and Dr. Karel Dandurand, fellows in Metabolic Bone Disease at McMaster University.

Hypothalamic-Pituitary Disorders

Hypothalamic-pituitary disorders present in one or more of the following ways: an incidental finding on an MRI or CT scan, evidence of a space-occupying mass (headache, bitemporal hemianopsia, cranial nerve palsy), hyposecretion of one or more pituitary hormones, or hypersecretion of one or more pituitary hormones. Pregnancy is dependent on a functioning (or replaced) hypothalamic-pituitary axis and thus disorders are often, but not always, identified prior to pregnancy. For those that occur prior to puberty, there can be impact not only on hormonal milieu but also maturation of the uterus. In some cases, a preexisting pituitary disorder becomes clinically apparent during pregnancy, and there are several unique to pregnancy conditions. Pregnancy itself alters hormone production, changes “normal” values, may impact growth of neoplasms, increases risk of vascular and autoimmune destruction, and impacts choice of diagnostic modalities and pharmacological treatment due to uncertainty around safety. The most common pituitary disorders will be discussed in more detail.

The sella turcica of the sphenoid bone, which is lined by dura mater, is occupied by the pituitary gland. The dura covering the roof, called the sellar diaphragm, is perforated centrally by the pituitary stalk. Directly above this diaphragm and anterior to the stalk lies the optic chiasm. The pituitary gland consists of an anterior lobe (the adenohypophysis) and a posterior lobe (the neurohypophysis); the former accounts for more than 80% of the gland’s volume. The pituitary stalk contains direct neural connections between the hypothalamic nuclei and the posterior lobe, and it is the vascular link between the hypothalamus and the anterior lobe. Paired superior hypophyseal arteries arising from the internal carotids anastomose around the upper part of the stalk and terminate in elongated coiled capillary loops into which the hypothalamic hormones are discharged. The capillary bed drains into portal veins that empty into sinusoids of the anterior lobe. Paired inferior hypophyseal arteries supply the posterior lobe. The venous drainage of both lobes flows into the cavernous sinuses, which are lateral to the pituitary gland. Within the cavernous sinus lie cranial nerves III and IV and the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of V and VI ( e-Fig. 62.1 ).

e-Figure 62.1, Relative anatomy of the pituitary gland.

Fig. 62.2 shows interrelationships and feedback mechanisms of the higher brain centers, hypothalamus, pituitary, and target endocrine glands in normal, nonpregnant women. The adenohypophysis produces gonadotropins (e.g., luteinizing hormone [LH], follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH]), growth hormone (GH), thyrotropin (or thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH]), prolactin, and adrenocorticotropin (or adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH]) and its related peptide β-lipotropin, from which β-melanocyte-stimulating hormone is derived.

Figure 62.2, Relationships and feedback mechanisms of the neuroendocrine and endocrine systems.

Control of the anterior pituitary is exerted through a neurohumoral mechanism, and several peptides produced by the hypothalamus function in this capacity. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) causes release of TSH (and prolactin); growth hormone–releasing hormone releases GH; gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) releases both LH and FSH; and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) releases ACTH. Substances with an inhibitory rather than a stimulatory influence are also secreted by the hypothalamus. Somatostatin inhibits the release of GH (and many other hormones), and dopamine inhibits the release of prolactin. This inhibition of the prolactin-producing lactotroph is clinically important because prolactin secretion is normally under inhibitory control. Thus disturbances of the stalk, or vascular dissociation of the hypothalamus from the anterior pituitary, result in deficiency of all anterior pituitary hormones with the exception of prolactin.

Physiologic Changes in Pregnancy

During pregnancy and in the immediate postpartum period, the anterior lobe of the pituitary can double or triple in size because of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of lactotrophs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of normal primigravid patients confirmed progressively increasing pituitary volumes during gestation : pituitary gland volume increases of 40%, 75%, and a maximum of 120% in the second trimester, third trimester, and immediate postpartum periods, respectively. At delivery, involution of pregnancy cells occurs for a period of up to 6 months but seems to be inhibited by lactation.

Anterior pituitary hormone secretion is dramatically altered in pregnancy. Placental estrogens stimulate lactotroph DNA synthesis, mitotic activity, and prolactin secretion. There is a progressive increase in serum prolactin concentrations, with an approximately 10-fold increase during gestation ( e-Fig. 62.3 ).

e-Figure 62.3, Prolactin levels during normal pregnancy.

While GnRH, which is expressed by the placenta, increases, gonadotropin (LH and FSH) concentrations decline, with a progressively diminishing response to GnRH. Pituitary-derived GH is the only detectable form in the first trimester, but later in pregnancy placental-derived GH increases progressively. This variant has similar somatogenic but less lactogenic bioactivity than pituitary GH. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) which is produced in response to GH increases commensurate with elevated levels of the GH variant. CRH stimulates ACTH release. Levels of CRH progressively rise during the second and third trimesters, likely reflecting placental production. There is a two- to fourfold increase in ACTH concentration, despite elevations of bound and free plasma cortisol (threefold by term) ( Box 62.1 ). This is likely explained by the placental production of ACTH which is not under the negative feedback of circulating cortisol levels. See adrenal section for further details. Thyrotropin (TSH) is discussed in Chapter 61 .

BOX 62.1
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis Changes in Normal Pregnancy
From Eschler DC, Kogekar N, Pessah-Pollack R. Management of adrenal tumors in pregnancy. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am. 2015;44:381–397.

  • Increase in zona fasciculata in adrenal gland

  • Increase in total and free cortisol and urinary free cortisol (UFC)

    • Starting about 11 weeks’ gestation

    • Free cortisol levels by 1.2-fold, 1.4-fold, and 1.6-fold and 24-hour UFC by 1.7-fold, 2.4-fold, and 3.1-fold in the first, second, and third trimesters, respectively

  • Increase in ACTH

    • Beginning in the late first trimester, peaking during labor and delivery

  • Increase in CRH

    • Mostly from placental production

    • Detectable then steadily increases in middle of the second trimester, with a sharp increase at the end of gestation

  • Increase in cortisol binding globulin (CBG)

  • Increase in aldosterone

    • Levels increase steadily up to 3-fold to 8-fold then plateau in the third trimester

  • Increase in plasma renin activity

    • Approximately 4-fold by eighth week; 7-fold at term

  • Increase in deoxycorticosterone

CRH and ACTH levels return to nonpregnant values within 24 hours of delivery, and, at 2 to 3 months postpartum, plasma free cortisol and UFC levels return to baseline but CBG and total plasma cortisol levels remain increased

The posterior pituitary is a storage terminal for oxytocin and vasopressin (AVP) produced by the supraoptic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei along with their respective binding proteins or neurophysins. These hormones are transported as neurosecretory granules along the supraopticohypophysial tract to the pituitary gland, and from there they find their way into circulation. Vasopressin plays a central role in osmolarity and volume regulation. Osmoreceptors are located in the anterior hypothalamus, and vasopressin release increases when plasma osmolality rises ( Fig. 62.4 ). Early in pregnancy, plasma osmolality decreases to values that are 5 to 10 mOsm/kg below the normal mean of 285 mOsm/kg in nonpregnant women. Plasma levels of AVP and its response to water loading and dehydration, however, are normal in pregnancy, indicating a resetting of the threshold—that is, AVP is secreted at a lower plasma osmolality (see Fig. 62.4 ). Similarly, the plasma osmolality at which thirst is experienced is lower in the pregnant state. There is an increase in metabolic clearance of AVP between gestational week 10 and midpregnancy due to placental production of vasopressinase which is offset by an increase in production, resulting in serum concentrations similar to the nonpregnancy population. Placental vasopressinase is produced by placental trophoblasts and is detectable by week 10 with a rapid rise through late second to early third trimester.

Figure 62.4, Osmolarity and volume regulation.

Oxytocin is involved in the process of parturition and in suckling. Although the role of oxytocin in the initiation of labor is unclear, there is a significant preterm increase in plasma concentrations of oxytocin. During nursing, nipple stimulation initiates a neurogenic reflex that is transmitted to the hypothalamus, triggering oxytocin release from the posterior pituitary. Oxytocin then induces contraction of the myoepithelial cells and mammary duct smooth muscle, resulting in milk ejection.

Fetal Hypothalamic and Pituitary Development

The development of the structural and functional aspects of the neuroendocrine system in the fetus occurs as follows. By 10 to 13 weeks’ gestation, fetal pituitary and hypothalamic tissues can respond in vitro to stimulatory or inhibitory stimuli. By midgestation, the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary axis is a functional and autonomous unit subject to feedback control mechanisms.

Fetal adrenal glands secrete DHEA and DHEAS early in gestation, and glucocorticoids as the pregnancy progresses. Fetal glucocorticoid levels are low until the third trimester when they have an important role in differentiation of lungs, thyroid, and the gastrointestinal tract. The placental syncytiotrophoblasts express the enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 which deactivates maternal cortisol to inactive cortisone limiting fetal exposure to maternal glucocorticoids.

Hypothalamic Disorders

Disorders of the hypothalamus are much rarer than pituitary disorders, and given the dependency on GnRH for pregnancy, those affected may require medical assistance to conceive. They can be congenital (e.g., Laurence-Moon and Bardet-Biedl syndromes) or acquired through inflammatory (e.g., meningitis, encephalitis), space-occupying (e.g., tumors, cysts), vascular, or degenerative conditions. Among female patients with the autosomal recessive Laurence-Moon and Bardet-Biedl syndromes (polydactyly, obesity, retinitis pigmentosa, and mental retardation), 45% to 53% are hypogonadal, but several pregnancies have been reported in such patients.

Craniopharyngiomas are rare benign embryonal malformations derived from ectoblastic remnants of Rathke’s pouch that may present in childhood or adulthood. Manifestations are related to space-occupying effects and can include headaches, visual disturbances (usually bitemporal hemianopsia), and hypothalamic dysfunction, including delayed puberty, growth disorders in children, and diabetes insipidus. Unfortunately, the surgical treatment often results in permanent hypothalamic and pituitary dysfunction. Pregnancies are uncommon, especially in childhood-onset cases. One review of eight published cases of craniopharyngioma in pregnancy reported that 75% of individuals had visual deficits with or without headaches and three of the eight had diabetes insipidus. Two had therapeutic abortions and six were delivered at 33 to 40 weeks; all had tumor resection. It has been suggested that the hormonal stimulation of pregnancy may potentiate growth of this congenital tumor, and surveillance MRI in the second trimester, especially those with large residual cystic components, should be considered.

Disorders of the Pituitary Gland

Pituitary adenomas in pregnancy have recently been reviewed. , Pituitary adenomas can be classified as hormonally functioning or nonfunctioning lesions depending on their secretion of pituitary hormones. Pituitary adenomas are common and may be discovered incidentally through imaging done for other indications or they may present through space-occupying effects, hypersecretion of pituitary hormone(s), or hyposecretion of some or all of the pituitary hormones. They are classified based on size into microadenomas (< 1 cm) and macroadenomas (≥1 cm).

Hormonally functionless pituitary tumors (which are clinically hormonally functionless, although some of them produce subunits of pituitary hormones) are less common than functioning lesions. Because they do not secrete pituitary hormones, these pituitary tumors are relatively asymptomatic in their early stages and tend to be larger at the time of diagnosis. If they have been identified, the patient should undergo appropriate surgical treatment before becoming pregnant. Enlargement during pregnancy may relate to tumor growth or apoplexy, and visual field defects during pregnancy have been reported. In the case reported by Masding and coworkers there was prompt response to bromocriptine, presumably related to shrinkage of lactotroph hyperplasia, and such treatment should be considered. Surgery is also feasible during the second trimester.

Prolactin-Producing Pituitary Adenomas

Approximately 40% of pituitary tumors are prolactinomas. Given that they often present with amenorrhea and infertility, they are most commonly diagnosed prior to pregnancy. The first line of treatment is medical, with a dopamine agonist such as cabergoline or bromocriptine rather than transsphenoidal surgery. , If there is insufficient response or adverse effects to medical treatment, surgery is considered. The key issues in pregnancy for a woman with a prolactinoma are the impact of dopamine agonist therapy continuation or discontinuation during the pregnancy, and the risk of tumor growth.

Bromocriptine mesylate is an ergot derivative with potent dopamine receptor agonist activity. Administered orally, it is a potent inhibitor of prolactin secretion. Bromocriptine crosses the placental barrier and can be found in dosage-related concentrations in fetal blood and in the amniotic fluid. , The newer synthetic dopamine agonist cabergoline is also approved for treatment of prolactinomas. Its twice-weekly administration and reduced side effect profile make it more palatable for patients. Cabergoline also has been shown to cross the placenta in animal studies. A third dopamine agonist, quinagolide, may not be safe based on a case series of 176 pregnancies with 9 fetal anomalies.

A recent review by Huang summarized data available from over 6000 pregnancies exposed to bromocriptine and 1000 pregnancies exposed to cabergoline ( Table 62.1 ). The results showed that its use was not associated with an increased risk for spontaneous abortion, multiple pregnancy, or congenital malformation in exposed progeny. However, in a cohort study of 183 pregnancies, exposure to a dopamine agonist increased the risk of early pregnancy loss and prematurity. Long-term studies have not identified any concerns. In one study of 546 children followed up to the age of 9 years, no adverse effect on postnatal development was found. In up to 12 years’ follow-up of more than 200 children exposed to cabergoline, none had adverse outcomes. The risks to the mom of long-term dopamine agonist therapy include the reported risk of cardiac valvular defects in patients using cabergoline in large dosages for Parkinson disease. However, the dosages used in patients with prolactinoma are much smaller, and the relevance of these studies to its use in such patients is unknown.

TABLE 62.1
Pregnancy Outcomes for Women Who Became Pregnant While Taking Bromocriptine or Cabergoline, Compared With What Is Expected in the Normal Population
From Huang W, Molitch MR. Pituitary tumors in pregnancy. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am. 2019;48:569–581.
Bromocriptine (N) Bromocriptine (%) Cabergoline (N) Cabergoline (%) Normal (%)
Pregnancies 6272 100 1061 100 100
Spontaneous abortions 620 9.9 77 7.6 10–15
Terminations 75 1.2 66 a 6.5 20
Ectopic 31 0.5 3 0.3 1.0–1.5
Hydatidiform moles 11 0.2 1 0.1 0.1–0.15
Deliveries (known duration) 4139 100 791 100 100
At term (>37 wks) 3620 87.5 715 b 90.4 87.3
Preterm (<37 wks) 519 12.5 76 9.6 12.7
Deliveries (known outcome) 5120 100 670 100 100
Single births 5031 98.3 655 97.8 96.8
Multiple births 89 1.7 15 2.2 3.2
Babies (known details) 5246 100 908 100 100
Normal 5061 98.2 884 97.4 97
With malformations 95 1.8 24 2.6 3.0

a Fourteen of these terminations were for malformations.

b Seven of these births were stillbirths.

In general, dopamine agonists are discontinued upon diagnosis of pregnancy, which, together with the increase in estrogen levels, puts the woman at risk for tumor enlargement. Most patients with microadenomas have uncomplicated pregnancies, whereas an important number of patients with untreated macroadenomas have symptomatic tumor enlargement. In a summary of published papers from 1979–2018 of 800 pituitary microadenomas, 288 macroadenomas treated medically and 148 macroadenomas treated with radiation or surgery showed a symptomatic enlargement rate of 2.5%, 18.1%, and 4.7% respectively. Based on a small sample of 46 pregnancies with macroprolactinomas, there was a 20% risk of symptomatic tumor expansion requiring reinitiation of medical therapy or surgery. For women with extrasellar extension, it is important to confirm response to dopamine agonist treatment with not only a normalization of prolactin levels but also a reduction in size of the lesion prior to pregnancy. The failure to have tumor size reduction prior to pregnancy of at least 50% may be a predictor of expansion during pregnancy.

Given the tumor-shrinking properties of dopamine agonists, the continuous use of cabergoline or bromocriptine in pregnancy has been advocated and used in some patients with macroadenomas. Experience with its use throughout gestation is limited, but it appears to be safe. Data on the use of bromocriptine throughout pregnancy have been limited to approximately 100 patients; one infant had an undescended testicle, and another a talipes deformity. The continuous use of cabergoline in pregnant women has also been reported in pregnancy with no untoward fetal effect; dopamine agonists are generally considered safer than surgery in pregnancy.

Prolactin levels increase 10-fold in pregnancy; thus following prolactin levels in pregnancy is not helpful for determining if there is disease progression. Visual field testing and MRI, without gadolinium contrast, should be performed in patients with visual changes or symptoms suggestive of tumor expansion in any trimester. For patients with macroadenomas treated with dopamine agonists or surgically, follow-up at 1- to 3-month intervals is recommended, along with visual field testing. Repeat MRI is performed for patients with symptoms or signs of tumor expansion. For women with expansion of the adenoma during pregnancy resulting in space-occupying effects, dopamine agonists, either bromocriptine and cabergoline, can be started and have been shown to reduce the size of the tumor in pregnancy. Bromocriptine should be administered with food and the dosage adjusted according to symptoms (e.g., 2.5 to 5 mg given two or three times daily). Cabergoline is given at a dosage of 0.25 to 0.5 mg twice weekly. Glucocorticoids may also be given to expedite recovery of visual defects. Surgery, preferably in the second trimester, or early delivery, if feasible, is recommended only if there is no response to bromocriptine or cabergoline and there is risk of visual compromise. However, surgery has been associated with a 1.5-fold increase in fetal loss in the first trimester and 5-fold loss in the second trimester. Even in women resistant to dopamine agonists prepregnancy, treatment with bromocriptine during pregnancy may result in improvement of symptoms of tumor expansion, presumed to relate to a decrease in the pituitary hyperplasia of pregnancy.

Recommendations for management of patients with prolactinomas are outlined in Table 62.2 .

TABLE 62.2
Recommendations for Treatment of Hyperprolactinemia During Pregnancy
Prior to pregnancy
  • Women with macroprolactinomas who do not experience pituitary tumor shrinkage during dopamine agonist therapy or who cannot tolerate bromocriptine or cabergoline should be counseled regarding the potential benefits of surgical resection before attempting pregnancy

At diagnosis of pregnancy
  • Discontinue dopamine agonist therapy at diagnosis of pregnancy

  • If macroadenoma (>1 cm) with invasion into cavernous sinus or abutting optic chiasm, consider continuing dopamine agonist

If symptomatic (headache, visual field changes) during pregnancy
  • Obtain formal visual field assessment followed by MRI without gadolinium

  • Initiate bromocriptine or cabergoline therapy in patients who experience symptomatic growth of a prolactinoma

  • Consider transsphenoidal surgery if vision is compromised and are unresponsive to bromocryptine

  • Obtain visual field testing and MRI 2–3 months after delivery

  • Hold off on dopamine agonist therapy to enable lactation unless documented evidence of tumor growth

There is no reason to avoid breastfeeding and restart dopamine agonists when a patient with prolactinoma wishes to nurse her child unless there is concern over advancing space-occupying effects. In a small study of 14 women with microadenomas who breastfed for 6 to 14 months, the level of serum prolactin was not significantly higher than it was before pregnancy.

Ophthalmologic and radiologic evaluation and determination of serum prolactin concentrations should be performed 2–3 months after delivery or cessation of lactation. In most instances, the sella returns to its original size and prolactin decreases to previous levels. In some women there will be improvement compared to prepregnancy. Decreases in prolactin and tumor size have been reported in patients with bromocriptine-induced pregnancies. Two studies showed 41% and 68% of women with prolactinomas had remission of hyperprolactinemia after pregnancy and lactation at a median of 22 months and 60 months, respectively. , If MRI is required during lactation, gadolinium contrast can be used because less than 1% is excreted in breast milk. Alternatively, breastfeeding can be suspended for 24 hours after the scan. Dopamine agonist therapy should be restarted if there is significant extrasellar tumor growth to prevent neurological sequelae.

Acromegaly: Growth Hormone–Secreting Pituitary Adenomas

Acromegaly is the result of excessive GH secretion in adults and is associated with acidophilic or chromophobic pituitary adenomas, with the majority having macroadenomas. Typical clinical features of acromegaly include an insidious onset of coarse facial features, prognathism, and spade-like hands and feet. Hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, compression neuropathies, and sleep apnea may also be present. Menstrual irregularity or amenorrhea is a common finding in acromegalic women. In a study of 55 patients, only 31% were eumenorrheic. Fertility impairment can result from direct ovarian inhibition from the GH excess; hyperprolactinemia from stalk compression by the mass or due to prolactin co-secretion from the pituitary adenoma; or GnRH deficiency from mass effect or intervention such as surgery or radiation. Concerns for women with acromegaly during pregnancy include the optimization and treatment of comorbidities, risk of interruption of medical therapy, safety and efficacy of continuing medical therapy, and the risk of tumor enlargement.

Because the biologic effect of GH is mediated through IGF-I, elevation of serum concentrations of this growth factor is considered a useful screening test outside of pregnancy and is used to monitor progression of the disease. The 75-g glucose tolerance test is still considered the gold standard; lack of suppression of GH below 1 ng/mL during this test is consistent with a diagnosis of acromegaly in nonpregnant patients. In pregnancy, GH secretion is primarily from the pituitary gland during the first trimester. By 15 weeks, the placental variant GH (GH-V) dominates and, in normal women, pituitary production of GH decreases. Pituitary GH secretion is pulsatile, with 13 to 19 pulses daily, as opposed to the placental variant, which is nonpulsatile. The placental variant is undetectable within 24 hours after delivery. IGF-1 levels increase during the second half of pregnancy to 2–3 times the upper limit of normal by 37 weeks. The maternal-fetal transfer of GH is thought to be negligible, and apart from the effects of glucose intolerance, the fetus is not thought to be affected by acromegaly.

To diagnose acromegaly de novo in pregnancy, specific assays are required to distinguish placental from pituitary GH. Because of the production of a placental variant of GH, an interference-free immunofluorometric assay specific for placental GH is required to differentiate placental from pituitary GH. Oral glucose tolerance tests should not be used to diagnose acromegaly in pregnancy due to the placental GH which is not suppressed by glucose. The definitive diagnosis of acromegaly in pregnancy may be difficult and may need to be confirmed postpartum.

Acromegaly may improve in pregnancy; however this is not always the case. , In pregnancy GH and IGF-1 levels become difficult to interpret for the woman with acromegaly and generally should not be used to monitor for disease progression as they may be misleading. A reduction in IGF-I during pregnancy in acromegalic patients has been noted, often without the use of medical therapy. This improvement could be attributed to the effect of markedly increased estrogen concentrations, which inhibit GH signaling, resulting in GH resistance. , In one recent case series of 17 pregnancies in 12 patients, 75% had normalization of IGF-1 during pregnancy. In patients with GH-secreting macroadenomas, tumor enlargement may rarely occur, and close follow-up and visual field testing each trimester is required. MRI may be done to confirm tumor enlargement, if suspected.

Definitive treatment (tumor size reduction and biochemical control) before conception is the treatment of choice in acromegalic women desiring children. For those that aren’t cured with surgical management, medical therapy or radiation therapy is recommended to normalize IGF-1. Medical therapy for acromegaly may include one or more of somatostatin analogues, dopamine agonists, and GH receptor antagonists. For those with mild, stable disease consideration for stopping these prior to pregnancy should be given; for most others, medical therapy should be discontinued at diagnosis of pregnancy and only restarted if there is evidence of tumor growth or severe symptoms. , , For women with poorly controlled acromegaly with severe symptoms and risk of neurological sequela if tumor growth occurs, treatment may be continued. Somatostatin analogues such as octreotide are the most commonly used agents. They do cross the placenta with potential to bind to fetal brain somatostatin receptors and decrease uterine artery blood flow. However, small case series have suggested safety and efficacy in pregnancy. Dopamine agonists, although less efficacious in acromegaly, do have good safety data based on experience in treating prolactin-secreting adenomas (see earlier). In a case reported by Yap and associates, acromegaly was diagnosed in the second trimester. Bromocriptine corrected visual field defects and suppressed prolactin secretion but did not reduce fasting GH levels. It was suggested that suppression of physiologic lactotroph hyperplasia by bromocriptine might permit noninvasive management of the pituitary adenoma in pregnancy and should constitute first-line treatment.

The use of pegvisomant, a GH receptor antagonist, in pregnancy has been limited to a few case reports. However, in a report of 27 women who were taking pegvisomant at the time of conception, three of whom continued the medication during the pregnancy, there appeared to be no link between pegvisomant use up to conception and adverse fetal outcome. Although there are no known adverse pregnancy outcomes, pegvisomant should be avoided if possible in pregnancy. In patients with evidence of tumor growth despite medical treatment or where there is an urgent need for decompression, transsphenoidal surgery should be considered.

Comorbidities associated with acromegaly, including compression neuropathies, sleep apnea, hypertension, and glucose intolerance, may worsen during pregnancy. These should be identified and managed in a “pregnancy-safe way” prior to conception and reassessed during pregnancy. Carbohydrate intolerance occurs in up to 50% and overt diabetes in up to 20% of acromegalic women, and the insulin resistance of pregnancy is additive. Hypertension occurs in 25% to 35% of acromegalic women.

Breastfeeding can be allowed after an uncomplicated pregnancy. Postpartum reassessment of tumor size by MRI and growth hormone production through IGF-1 measurement should be done 2–3 months postpartum. Medical therapy with somatostatin analogues can be reintroduced in the postpartum period. Dopamine agonists need to be delayed until lactation is complete.

Thyrotropin-Secreting Tumors

TSH-secreting tumors result in increased TSH, freeT4, and freeT3 levels. They are extremely rare, with only 6 pregnancies reported to date. Most are large, invasive lesions and may be managed with surgery, somatostatin receptor analogues, and/or radiation.

Cushing Syndrome

Cushing syndrome, a state of hypercortisolemia, may be due to an ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma (Cushing disease), ectopic ACTH production, or autonomous cortisol production from the adrenal cortex. This is further discussed in the Disorders of the Adrenal Glands section of this chapter.


Diminished or decreased production of anterior pituitary hormones results in inadequate activity of target organs, such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and gonads. The deficiency can be partial—affecting trophic hormones in various degrees—or it can be complete, resulting in panhypopituitarism. It may be preexisting or arise de novo during the pregnancy or postpartum. It is important for the obstetrics provider to be aware of the unique disease processes that can affect the pregnant patient and to recognize and treat hypopituitarism in the pregnant or postpartum patient.

Preexisting Hypopituitarism

Hypopituitarism predating pregnancy is most commonly due to large pituitary masses, vascular injury, infiltration, inflammation (hypophysitis), previous surgery, or radiation. Functional suppression of pituitary hormones can also result from hypersecretion of prolactin, growth hormone, or glucocorticoids. Some or all of the pituitary hormones may be affected. Hypopituitarism affects fertility, pregnancy outcomes, and delivery. For those with GnRH/LH/FSH deficiency, assisted reproductive techniques have greatly increased their likelihood of pregnancy. For those diagnosed prior to puberty there may be smaller uterine and ovarian size. Pregnant women with hypopituitarism are more likely to have small-for-gestational age newborns, cesarean delivery, and possibly postpartum hemorrhage compared to other women receiving assisted reproduction based on a systematic review from 1965–2006 that included 31 pregnancies in 27 women. The authors hypothesized that these findings were due to lack of oxytocin or perhaps uterine preparedness.

Pituitary hormone replacement requirements must be adjusted to reflect normal pregnancy physiological levels. The preferred glucocorticoid replacement is hydrocortisone, as it is degraded by placental 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 and does not cross into fetal circulation. Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency and overreplacement should be sought and dose adjusted if symptoms are present. Some patients will require an increase in dose in the third trimester. At delivery stress-dose corticosteroids should be given. Thyroid hormone replacement is based on free T4 levels, with the goal of keeping in the upper half of normal, and not TSH as TSH will always be low or low normal. Unlike primary thyroid disease, where there should be an automatic dose escalation, this is not recommended in central hypothyroidism because women have an intact thyroid gland and may increase thyroid hormone production in response to hCG. ll Exogenous GH is given to some women with hypopituitarism, especially those seeking fertility, although protocols vary across the globe. The current Endocrine Society guidelines recommend stopping GH at conception based on lack of data of efficacy and safety data; however, others recommend continuation into the third trimester to mimic the pituitary production of growth hormone.

Hypopituitarism Occurring in Pregnancy or the Postpartum Period

Women may develop hypopituitarism in pregnancy due to expansion of a pituitary space-occupying lesion previously unrecognized through growth or a vascular event (bleeding or infarction) or through conditions unique to pregnancy including Sheehan syndrome and lymphocytic hypophysitis. Table 62.3 highlights the key differentiating features.

TABLE 62.3
Key Differentiating Features of Causes of Hypopituitarism Occurring in Pregnancy From Lymphocytic Hypophysitis (LH), Sheehan Syndrome, and Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenoma in the Acute Phase in Pregnancy or Postpartum
From Chanson P. Other pituitary conditions and pregnancy. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2019;48(3):583−603.
LH Pituitary Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenoma Sheehan Syndrome
Frequency among pituitary lesions occurring during pregnancy Most frequent Very rare Extremely rare
Headache + + + + No
Visual problems + + No
Agalactia Sometimes No Always
Galactorrhea Sometimes Sometimes Never
Signs of adrenal crisis (hyponatremia, shock) Sometimes Never Always
DI 20% Never Never
Previous history
Autoimmune diseases Yes No No
Infertility No Yes No
Context of massive obstetric hemorrhage No No Yes
Pituitary function
Gonadotropic deficiency + + + + + +
Thyrotropic deficiency + + + + +
Corticotropic deficiency + + + + + +
Panhypopituitarism + + + Yes
Hyperprolactinemia + + + Never
PRL deficiency Sometimes Never Always
Posterior pituitary function DI (20%) Never Minor disturbances
Unilateral depression of sella floor No Yes No
Enlarged pituitary fossa No Yes No
Contrast enhancement + + + + + + +
Lateralized lesion No Yes No
Diffuse enlargement of the gland + + + No (pituitary gland visible + + besides the lesion)
Posterior pituitary bright spot Not visible in case of DI Always visible Always visible
Pituitary stalk thickening + + No No
Dural enhancement + No No
Signs of hemorrhage/necrosis Sometimes Rare (unless pituitary apoplexy) Always
DI, Diabetes insipidus; PRL , prolactin.

Pituitary apoplexy de novo presenting during pregnancy with headaches, visual changes, or altered consciousness, while rare, may occur. In a case report and review it was found that although the majority of cases are associated with pituitary tumors, the condition may also occur spontaneously. Initial management includes immediate glucocorticoid replacement and fluid management. Urgent transsphenoidal surgery is indicated with deteriorating levels of consciousness or progressive neuro-ophthalmic deficit. Management of the conscious patient with mild neuro-ophthalmic signs is more controversial. While urgent surgery has been advocated and may correct visual deficits and preserve pituitary function, a more conservative approach has led to similar outcomes and may be considered with careful monitoring, daily visual field tests, and reconsideration of surgery if there is no clear improvement. Medical management is as outlined above for preexisting hypopituitarism.

Sheehan Syndrome

First described in 1937, Sheehan syndrome is the infarction of the pituitary gland caused by peripartum hemorrhage and/or hypotension during or after delivery. With improved obstetrical care, the syndrome is uncommon in high-resource settings, but remains a concern in less-developed health care systems. There appears to be no direct correlation between the severity of the peripartum hemorrhage and the occurrence of Sheehan syndrome, but a large part of the pituitary must be destroyed before symptoms become evident. ,

Sheehan syndrome can present with acute symptoms postpartum but is more commonly diagnosed several years later. Hormone deficiencies may be partial and symptoms of hypopituitarism develop progressively. The typical postpartum agalactia and amenorrhea may not be fully investigated at the time. In the largest series reported to date, Diri and colleagues retrospectively assessed 114 patients with a diagnosis of Sheehan syndrome in Turkey. The mean period of diagnostic delay was 19.7 years, consistent with other reported series. Complaints were nonspecific in 52.6%, adrenal related in 30.7%, and gonadal in 9.6%. Just over 50% were panhypopituitary, while the rest were partially hypopituitary. In a literature review of acute Sheehan syndrome, presenting within 6 weeks postpartum, 16 of the 21 patients developed signs within 10 days, most often presenting with hyponatremia due to adrenal insufficiency, and 6 of 21 had a severe headache on the day of delivery. MRI studies varied, but early findings include abnormal lack of pituitary enhancement, enlarged pituitary gland, intrasellar mass, followed by empty sella months postpartum.

A subsequent pregnancy does not prove that the patient does not have Sheehan syndrome, and the condition should be considered for all patients with a history of postpartum hemorrhage, especially if the patient is currently symptomatic. The finding of low serum thyroxine and low TSH levels is in keeping with secondary hypothyroidism; low cortisol concentrations (compared with those of normal pregnant women) and hyponatremia or hypotension, especially during times of stress, are consistent with diminished ACTH reserves. Imaging studies are likely to reveal an empty sella turcica.

Lymphocytic Adenohypophysitis

Lymphocytic adenohypophysitis (LAH) is an inflammatory infiltration of the anterior and/or posterior pituitary gland that may be self-limiting or result in permanent hypopituitarism. Although rare (approximately 1 in 9 million per year) there is a striking temporal association with pregnancy. The association of this disease with pregnancy was highlighted in an immunohistochemical study performed on pituitary material obtained at autopsy from 69 women who were pregnant or who had undergone delivery; among these were five cases of mild LAH. In four of the five cases, the patients died at 38 to 41 weeks’ gestation. Of 245 cases of LAH reported, 210 occurred in women; 120 (57%) of these women presented during pregnancy or after delivery, most in the last month of pregnancy or within 2 months after delivery.

LAH is thought to be secondary to an autoimmune reaction to specific pituitary cell subtypes with initial destruction of corticotrophs, gonadotrophs, and thyrotrophs followed by nonspecific destruction of the remaining gland. Release of pituitary antigens during pregnancy-related changes, immunomodulation associated with pregnancy, and alterations in pituitary blood supply have been suggested as links to altered immunity. LAH is more common in those with other autoimmune disorders. Antipituitary antibodies have been demonstrated in many cases, and human leukocyte antigen markers DQ8 and DR53 are associated with LAH and may aid in differential diagnosis. Exacerbation of the disease after delivery, even when it initially manifests in pregnancy, has been described.

The clinical presentation may be acute or more protracted and may be due to mass effect (headache, diplopia, temporal visual loss) or hormone deficiencies. This disease is potentially life-threatening but is treatable. The diagnosis should be considered in women of reproductive age who present with signs and symptoms of anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies (isolated or combined) or mass effect before or after delivery, especially in the absence of significant bleeding during labor. In the absence of a threat to vision, such patients should be treated medically with hormone replacement and their progress observed. Hypocortisolism is the most important hormone deficiency, followed by TSH, gonadotropin, and prolactin. Hyperprolactinemia may also occur, manifesting as amenorrhea or galactorrhea. Stalk compression, an inflammatory process in the lactotroph that induces release of prolactin, and antibodies stimulating prolactin synthesis are potential mechanisms leading to hyperprolactinemia. MRI should be used to delineate and follow anatomic defects. It typically shows a symmetrically enlarged gland and a thickened stalk, which was observed in 86% of cases in a German study. In contrast to what is seen with macroadenomas, MRI shows strong and homogeneous enhancement after gadolinium contrast (see Table 62.3 ).

The use of steroids can lead to amelioration of visual symptoms. In one reported case, partial hypopituitarism resolved after delivery in a biopsy-diagnosed case of LAH. Glucocorticoids should be the first line of treatment for a pituitary mass with compressive symptoms. In a German series, the pituitary “mass” regressed in 46% of cases over time, remained unchanged in 27%, and progressed in 27%. Pituitary function improved in 27% of patients during observation, with deterioration only in those with progressive lesions. While the initial response to glucocorticoid pulse therapy was favorable, the overall failure and recurrence rate was 41%.

Other immunosuppressive drugs, such as azathioprine and methotrexate, have also been used. Decompressive surgery is indicated only for progressive visual deficit. LAH has recurred in a subsequent pregnancy in a case of histologically documented hypophysitis.

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