Online Resources

Online resources have exploded in the last decade, providing a sometimes bewildering array of information, which varies greatly in quality and annotation. Although this provides free access to an unparalleled depth and breadth of content, search engines yield indiscriminate lists unfiltered for accuracy, and some of the best sites cannot be appreciated without exploration. Many online resources have added value beyond what was ever possible in static printed format, such as real-time updates and customized assembly of mixed content in response to a custom query. When developed or curated by a recognized authority or specialized nonprofit organization, these achieve a level of accuracy, timeliness, and stability well suited to the demanding standards of clinical practice.

This appendix lists specific Web-based resources that the author has found to be useful and meet the following criteria:

  • The content is unique or unusually comprehensive.

  • Authorship by a recognized authority in the field or curation by an established nonprofit organization or group.

  • Available as open access. Commercial and paid access sites are excluded.

  • The site must be stable over time (no temporary postings).

Pathology Practice and General Educational Resources

  • Atlas of Human Embryology


  • Nice graphics of human embryology with tables of developmental benchmarks. Interactive timeline slider shows date-specific events. Placenta included.

  • College of American Pathologists


  • Look in their Reference Resources Tab for protocols for processing and reporting of cancer specimens. They also have a Lower Anogenital Squamous Terminology Project page that is excellent but buried deep. Do a search for ‘LAST Project’ in the site search box.



  • Endometrial precancer educational Web site for pathologists by G. Mutter.

  • Global Library of Women's Medicine


  • An excellent online-only textbook with expert contributors and a good search engine that retrieves well-organized articles.

  • The Virtual Human Embryo


  • Electronic version of a Carnegie-staged atlas with many enhancements. Photographic and artwork representations of actual embryos. Excellent tables and lookup of various stages by organ search.

  • U.S. and Canadian Academy of Pathology


  • Online educational materials, including a virtual slide box of digital slides with histories and discussion.

Medical Literature

  • Coremine


  • Self-organized graphic display of Pubmed literature retrieved in response to your search term(s). Each search term is first associated with most frequent nearby terms, and results displayed as a web with strands between original search and associated terms. Clicking on a strand or node retrieves literature, organized by topic and discipline.

  • Pubmed


  • The standard for retrieval of medical literature. National Library of Medicine (U.S.).

  • Pubmed Central


  • Free public access to full text versions of all papers resulting from work supported by the U.S. government.

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