Obstetric Complications: Preterm Labor and Delivery, PROM, IUGR, Postterm Pregnancy, and IUFD

Clinical Keys for This Chapter

  • Prematurity is the leading cause of infant morbidity and mortality. Preterm birth (PTB) is defined as deliveries occurring from 20 weeks up to 37 weeks of gestational age. When preterm birth occurs either spontaneously or in the presence of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), it must be appropriately managed to prevent early delivery. Premature labor and delivery is best prevented and managed by assessing and treating for infections, assuring fetal lung maturity, and planning a safe delivery as near to term as possible.

  • For the past 30 years, infection has been considered the primary cause of premature labor and delivery. Treating infections, however, has not prevented preterm birth, but has decreased the morbidity associated with it. Today, the focus for prevention of preterm labor and delivery is on placental-uterine vascular dysregulation, smoking, and psychosocial and workplace stress. These conditions are associated with the risk of early delivery and poor fetal growth. Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) implemented to treat infertility have led to a greater incidence of twinning and higher-order multiples, which has increased the risk of preterm delivery.

  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is defined as poor fetal growth during pregnancy and reduced size at birth. With IUGR, the infant birth weight is less than the 10th percentile and about 25% of preterm infants are in this category. The causes of IUGR are maternal, placental, and fetal. The main maternal risk factors are poor nutrition, smoking, and metabolic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. Placental factors are mostly related to failure of proper implantation during early pregnancy. More recently, metabolic dysregulation in women with diabetes has been shown to adversely affect placental function and lead to poor fetal growth. Fetal factors are mostly limited to chronic fetal infections and abnormal development.

  • Postterm delivery occurs when there is a failure of the timely onset of labor and the fetus is not delivered at or before 42 weeks' gestation. For the last 30 years, practitioners have recognized that beginning at 41 weeks' gestational age, the risk of fetal distress increases and the fetus fails to continue to grow, increasing the risk of morbidity and mortality. Consequently, fetal assessment techniques have been developed to assess fetal well-being when labor and delivery are delayed. When signs of fetal distress are identified, labor should be induced to rescue the fetus from a potentially hostile environment.

  • Intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD) is fetal death between 20 weeks' gestation and the onset of labor. With improved management of IUGR and postterm pregnancies, the incidence of IUFD has decreased dramatically. The remaining causes are often difficult to determine without careful autopsy and genetic studies of the fetus. Management should address the risks to the mother of waiting for spontaneous onset of labor versus the risks of induction of labor. Psychosocial support for the family after delivery is important. It should address concerns about the cause of the fetal death, and how the risk of a similar event can be reduced in the next pregnancy.

About 30% of pregnant women are considered high risk for obstetric complications. A family history of preterm birth, prior obstetric problems such as recurrent early pregnancy loss, preterm birth or fetal demise, and medical problems such as hypertension, diabetes, and obesity are considered to increase the risk for obstetric complications.

This chapter details the causes and treatments for preterm labor and delivery, premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), postterm pregnancy, and intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD). Despite years of study and research into these problems, their causes are not yet fully understood.

Preterm Labor

Worldwide, preterm labor and delivery are major causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Although fewer than 12% of all infants born in the United States are preterm, their contribution to neonatal morbidity and mortality ranges from 50-70%. The medical and economic impact of preterm delivery is significant. Major goals of obstetric care should be to reduce the incidence of the condition and to increase the gestational age of infants whose preterm births are unavoidable.

Definition and Incidence

Preterm birth (PTB) is usually defined as one occurring after 20 weeks and before 37 completed weeks of gestation. Labor that occurs between these gestational ages is defined as preterm labor. Internationally, the lower boundary defining preterm birth varies between 20 and 24 weeks.

Preterm births in the United States increased from 9.8% in 1981 to 12.7% in 2005; however, in the past 6 years, the rate has declined for the seventh straight year to 11.4%. Between 1988 and 2004, the mortality rate for white infants declined by 55% to 5.7 infant deaths per 1000 live births and the mortality rate for black infants declined by 45% to 13.6. In the past 10 years the decline in infant mortality for both races has been less than anticipated. Because prematurity is the leading cause of infant mortality, the prevention of prematurity has become a high priority.

Etiology and Risk Factors

The causes of preterm birth and their estimated frequencies are listed in Table 12-1 . Private patients have a much higher proportion of spontaneous preterm labor, whereas black patients in public institutions have a higher proportion of deliveries due to preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM).

TABLE 12-1
Primary Causes of Preterm Birth and Their Estimated Frequency
Cause Frequency (%)
Spontaneous preterm labor 35-37
Multiple gestations * 12-15
Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) 12-15
Late preterm births 50-70
Pregnancy-associated hypertension 12-14
Cervical incompetence/uterine anomalies 12-14
Antepartum hemorrhage 5-6
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) 4-6

* Increased proportion because of advancing maternal age and assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). ART has increased the incidence of twinning by 50% with a very recent decline due to more elective single embryo transfers.

Attempts have been made to define further the spontaneous preterm labor subgroups. Some experts now believe this may be caused by undiagnosed con­ditions of poor placental implantation, ascending infections via the vagina, or immunologic rejection of uterine and cervical origin. Recently, genetic thrombophilias have been shown to account for a significant proportion of the uteroplacental problems leading to IUGR and preeclampsia, the two major reasons for the early induction of labor to avoid fetal death. In the past 10 years, closer surveillance of high risk pregnancies has led to earlier delivery and an increase in the rate of late preterm deliveries (between 34 and 37 weeks), a major contribution to the con­tinued high rate of preterm birth. The decline in preterm birth rate over the past 7 years is thought to be related to the reduced incidence of late preterm birth deliveries.

More women are postponing childbirth as a lifestyle choice, but this is associated with a greater risk of infertility. These women then require assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) to become pregnant. These technologies are associated with the risk of multiple gestations and the associated increased risks of poor fetal growth and preterm birth. A variety of socioeconomic, psychosocial, and medical conditions have been found to carry an increased risk of preterm delivery in women who postpone childbearing.

Socioeconomic Factors

In the United States, the incidence of preterm deliveries in the black population is twice as high as that in the white population. This factor cannot be viewed as a single entity but probably encompasses other characteristics of the population, such as poor access to, and procurement of, antenatal care, high stress levels, poor nutritional status, and the possibility of genetic differences. In the past 6 years there has been an increase in the incidence of poverty and obesity, which may contribute to the persistence of high levels of preterm birth.

Obstetric, Medical, and Environmental Factors

  • 1

    Recurrent preterm birth: When one preterm birth has occurred, the relative risk of preterm delivery in the next pregnancy is 3.9, which increases to 6.5 with two previous preterm deliveries.

  • 2

    Second-trimester abortions: The cause of second-trimester abortions when the fetus is normal is likely to have the same cause as preterm labor (PTL) after 20 weeks. Therefore, these early pregnancy losses are associated with an increased risk for subsequent preterm delivery, especially if a previous preterm birth has also occurred. The risk associated with induced first-trimester abortions is controversial, because they are more likely associated with malformed fetuses that may not have aborted spontaneously. However, if there are repeated first-trimester spontaneous abortions, there is an increased risk of spontaneous loss of a normal fetus because of immunological causes that are poorly understood. Other obstetric factors include multiple gestation and polyhydramnios.

  • 3

    Medical factors: The major medical factors are hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and genital tract infection. Other factors include bleeding in the first trimester, urinary tract infections, uterine anomalies, and incompetent cervix.

  • 4

    Environmental and behavior factors: Smoking during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth. Smoking cessation should be considered in any preventative program for preterm birth. Recently, attention has been directed toward maternal employment, physical activity, nutritional status stress, and anxiety as major risk factors for preterm birth. In addition, several papers have associated vitamin D deficiency with a greater risk of preterm birth, preeclampsia, and IUGR.

Pathways Thought to Cause Preterm Birth:

  • 1

    Infection (cervical-vaginal-urinary)

  • 2


  • 3

    Psychosocial stress and work strain (fatigue)

  • 4

    Uterine stretch (multiple gestations)

Infection-Cervical Pathway

Bacterial vaginosis has been shown to be associated with preterm delivery, independent of other recognized risk factors. Treatment of bacterial vaginosis has reduced the incidence of preterm delivery. For many years, it has been known that treatment of asymptomatic and clinical cystitis is associated with a reduced incidence of PTB. In addition, treating women in preterm labor with antibiotics significantly prolongs the time from the onset of treatment to delivery, compared with that in patients who do not receive antibiotics. Thus, addressing the issue of these relatively asymptomatic infections is an important strategy for preventing preterm birth.

There is a link between vaginal-cervical infections and progressive changes in the cervical length, as measured by vaginal ultrasonography. The relative risk of preterm birth increases significantly from 2.4 for a cervical length of 3.5 cm (50th percentile) to 6.2 for a length of 2.5 cm (10th percentile). Short cervices appear to be more common in women who have had prior preterm births and pregnancy terminations.

The most recent test to be developed is cervical and vaginal fetal fibronectin. This substance is a basement membrane protein produced by the fetal membranes. When the fetal membranes are disrupted, as with repetitive uterine activity, and/or in the presence of infection, shortening of the cervix can occur. In the presence of these changes, fibronectin (a protein substance) is secreted into the vagina and can be tested. A positive fetal fibronectin test at 22 to 24 weeks predicts more than half of the spontaneous preterm births that occur before 28 weeks. A positive test for fetal fibronectin is significantly associated with a short cervix, vaginal infections, and uterine activity. A negative test is the best predictor of a low risk of preterm delivery.

Placental-Vascular Pathway

The placental-vascular pathway begins early in pregnancy at the time of implantation, when there are important changes taking place at the placental/decidual/myometrial interface. Initially, there are important immunologic changes, with a switch from a Th-1 (helper cell) type of immunity, which may be embryotoxic, to a Th-2 antibody profile, in which blocking antibody production is thought to prevent rejection. At the same time, the trophoblasts are invading the spiral arteries of the decidua and myometrium, assuring that a low resistance vascular connection is established. All three conditions associated with preterm delivery (spontaneous, PROM, and IUGR) are associated with failure of the trophoblast to properly invade the spinal arteries. Poor trophoblastic invasion may be caused by placental factors or maternal abnormalities secondary to atherosclerosis. Alterations in both of these early changes are thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of poor fetal growth, an important component of preterm birth (indicated and spontaneous), fetal growth restriction, and preeclampsia.

The placenta is also an important source of progesterone production that plays an important role in the immune system and in the maintenance of uterine relaxation. The altered placental progesterone production in women at risk of preterm birth is thought to be secondary to placental hormonal dysregulation. Both 17-OH progesterone and vaginal progesterone play an important role in the prevention of preterm birth.

Stress-Strain Pathway

Both mental (cognitive) and work-related stress and strain are postulated to initiate a stress response that increases release of cortisol and catecholamines. The biochemical response to stress is important for the maintenance of metabolic regulation. However, cortisol from the adrenal gland initiates early placental corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) gene expression, and elevated levels of CRH are known to initiate labor at term. Catecholamines released during the stress response not only affect blood flow to the uteroplacental unit, but also cause uterine contractions (norepinephrine). Poor nutrition in the form of reduced calories and/or abnormal patterns of intake (fasting) are known stressors and have been associated with a significantly increased risk of preterm birth. In support of the stress pathway are the studies that have shown that the rate of change of CRH, a mediator of the stress response, increases significantly in the weeks before the onset of preterm labor. Thus, too much stress (chronic stress) is thought to be toxic and may cause preterm labor. Stress reduction and psychosocial support are the only current interventions that can be applied to this pathway. Meta-analyses have suggested that psychosocial support via networking between women's social groups can decrease the risk of preterm birth.

Uterine Stretch Pathway

Uterine stretch as a result of increasing volume during normal and abnormal gestations is an important physiological mechanism that facilitates the process of emptying the uterus. In normal pregnancy, the hormone parathyroid-related protein (PTrP) plays an important role in relaxing the myometrial tissues, but when stretch exceeds certain limits (e.g., multiple gestations, fetal macrosomia, and polyhydramnios), PTrP fails to keep the uterus relaxed and labor begins. This pathway is common in patients with polyhydramnios and those with multiple gestations, both of which have an increased risk of preterm birth.

Prevention of Preterm Birth

The ideal time to assess risk factors for premature labor and PTB is before conception. This allows time to identify problems and take measures to mitigate any risk. Unfortunately, very few women are seen before pregnancy for the type of counseling and intervention that would be necessary (see Chapter 7 ) and it is usually at the first prenatal visit that these measures are initiated. The important risk factors for PTB are a history of previous PTB, a family history of PTB and child abuse, smoking (including second hand), a history of recurrent early pregnancy losses, previous cervical surgery, obesity, substance abuse, and medical conditions such as hypertension and diabetes.

For all women, but particularly those who are at high risk for PTB, medical conditions should be managed and appropriate supplementation of folic acid (4 mg/day) and vitamin D (2000 to 3000 IU/day) should be initiated in early pregnancy, in addition to prenatal vitamins. A probiotic supplement should be considered to improve the gut biome. The length of the cervix should be a component of the ultrasonic study at 18 to 20 weeks. Women with a short cervix (between 10 and 20 mm) should receive vaginal progesterone 200 mg daily from 19 to 20 weeks until 36 weeks. For women with a history of PTB, 250 mg intramuscular 17OH progesterone caproate weekly, until 36 weeks, or vaginal progesterone, 200 mg daily from 16 to 36 weeks should be initiated.

Diagnosis and Management of Preterm Labor

The diagnosis of preterm labor between 20 and 37 weeks is based on the following criteria in patients with ruptured or intact membranes: (1) documented uterine contractions (4 per 20 minutes or 8 per 60 minutes) and (2) documented cervical change (cervical effacement of 80% or cervical dilation of 2 cm or more). Uterine contractions are not a good predictor of preterm labor, but cervical changes are.

Provided that membranes are not ruptured and there is no contraindication to a vaginal examination (e.g., placenta previa), an initial assessment must be done to ascertain cervical length and dilation and the station and nature of the presenting part. The patient should also be evaluated for the presence of any underlying correctable problem, such as a urinary tract or vaginal infection. She should be placed in the lateral decubitus position to take the uterine weight off the great vessels, monitored for the presence and frequency of uterine activity, and reexamined for evidence of cervical change after an appropriate interval, unless the preceding criteria for preterm labor have already been met. During the period of observation, either oral or parenteral hydration (5% dextrose) should be initiated. Clear liquids of caloric value should be considered. Fasting is not healthy during this phase of management.

With adequate hydration and bed rest, uterine contractions cease in approximately 20% of patients. These patients, however, remain at high risk for recurrent preterm labor.

Because of the role of cervical colonization and vaginal infection in the etiology of preterm labor and PROM, cultures should be taken for group B Streptococcus. Other organisms that may be important are Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, and Gardnerella vaginalis. The latter is associated with bacterial vaginosis, a diagnosis that can be made by the presence of three of four clinical signs (vaginal pH > 4.5, amine odor after addition of a few drops of 10% potassium hydroxide [KOH] on a glass slide, the presence of clue cells, and the presence of a milky discharge).

Antibiotics should be administered to patients who are in preterm labor. For patients who are not allergic to penicillin, a 7-day course of ampicillin and erythromycin may be given. Those allergic to penicillin may be given clindamycin.

Once the diagnosis of preterm labor has been made, the following laboratory tests should be obtained: complete blood cell count, random blood glucose level, serum electrolyte levels, urinalysis, and urine culture and sensitivity. An ultrasonic examination of the fetus should be performed to assess fetal weight, document presentation, assess cervical length, and rule out the presence of any accompanying congenital malformation. The test may also detect an underlying etiologic factor, such as twin pregnancy or uterine anomaly.

If the patient does not respond to bed rest and hydration, tocolytic therapy should be instituted, provided that there are no contraindications. Measures implemented at 28 weeks should be more aggressive than those initiated at 35 weeks. Similarly, a patient with advanced cervical dilation on admission requires more aggressive management than one whose cervix is closed and minimally effaced.

Uterine Tocolytic Therapy

It is assumed that physiologic events leading to the initiation of labor also occur in preterm labor. The pharmacologic agents presently being used all seem to inhibit the availability of calcium ions, but they may also exert a number of other effects. The agents currently used and their dosages are presented in Box 12-1 .

Box 12-1
Uterine Tocolytic Agents

Magnesium Sulfate

  • Solution: Initial solution contains 6 g (12 mL of 50% MgSO 4 ) in 100 mL of 5% dextrose; maintenance solution contains 10 g (20 mL of 50% MgSO 4 ) in 500 mL of 5% dextrose

  • Initial dose: 6 g over 15 to 20 min, parenterally

  • Titrating dose: 2 g/hr until contractions cease; follow serum levels (5-7 mg/dL); maximal dose, 4 g/hr

  • Maintenance dose: Maintain dose for 12 hr, then 1 g/hr for 24 to 48 hr; consider switching to nifedipine (see below)


  • Preparation: Oral gelatin capsules of 10 or 20 mg

  • Loading dose: 30 mg; if contractions persist after 90 min, give an additional 20 mg (second dose); if labor is suppressed, a maintenance dose of 20 mg is given orally every 6 hr for 24 hr and then every 8 hr for another 24 hr

  • Failure: If contractions persist 60 min after the second dose, treatment should be considered a failure

Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitors

  • Short-term use only

Magnesium Sulfate

In the United States, magnesium sulfate is frequently the drug of choice for initiating tocolytic therapy. Magnesium acts at the cellular level by competing with calcium for entry into the cell at the time of depolarization. Successful competition results in an effective decrease of intracellular calcium ions, resulting in myometrial relaxation.

Although magnesium levels required for tocolysis have not been critically evaluated, it appears that the levels needed may be higher than those required for prevention of eclampsia. Levels from 5.5 to 7.0 mg/dL appear to be appropriate. These can be achieved using the dosage regimen outlined in Box 12-1 . After the loading dose is given, a continuous infusion is maintained, and plasma levels should be determined until therapeutic levels have been reached. The drug should be continued at therapeutic levels until contractions cease unless the labor progresses. Because magnesium is excreted via the kidneys, adjustments must be made in patients with an abnormal creatinine clearance. Once successful tocolysis has been achieved, the infusion should be continued for at least 12 hours. The infusion rate may then be weaned over 2 to 4 hours and then discontinued. In very high risk patients (advanced cervical dilation or continued labor in very low birth weight cases), the infusion may be continued until the fetus has been exposed to glucocorticoids to enhance lung maturity.

A common minor side effect is a feeling of warmth and flushing on first administration. Respiratory depression is seen at magnesium levels of 12 to 15 mg/dL, and cardiac conduction defects and arrest are seen at higher levels.

In the fetus, plasma magnesium levels approach those of the mother, and a low plasma calcium level may also be demonstrated. The neonate may show some loss of muscle tone and drowsiness, resulting in a lower Apgar score. These effects are prolonged in the preterm neonate because of the decrease in renal clearance.

Long-term parenteral magnesium therapy has been used for control of preterm labor in selected patients. An important side effect seems to be loss of calcium, and it may be important in such patients to institute calcium therapy on a prophylactic basis. Because vitamin D deficiency has been associated with the risk of premature labor, vitamin D supplementation should be considered because vitamin D is required for adequate mobilization of calcium from the skeleton.


Nifedipine as an oral agent is very effective in suppressing preterm labor with minimal maternal and fetal side effects. It works by inhibiting the slow, inward current of calcium ions during the second phase of the action potential of uterine smooth muscle cells and may gradually replace intravenous magnesium sulfate. The only side effects are headache, cutaneous flushing, hypotension, and tachycardia. The latter two side effects can be partially avoided by making certain the patient is well hydrated and by the use of support stockings, such as thromboembolism-deterrent (TED) hose, to prevent pooling of blood in the lower extremities.

Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitors

Prostaglandins induce myometrial contractions at all stages of gestation, both in vivo and in vitro. Because prostaglandins are locally synthesized and possess a relatively short half-life, prevention of their synthesis within the uterus could inhibit labor. These agents are used on a short-term basis in circumstances where prostaglandin production may be the inciting factor, as may occur in the presence of uterine fibroids. In the United States indomethacin is the most commonly used prostaglandin inhibitor; it can be administered both orally and rectally, with some slight delay in absorption from rectal administration as compared with the oral route. Peak serum levels of indomethacin occur 1.5 to 2 hours after oral administration. Excretion of the intact drug occurs in maternal urine. It can result in oligohydramnios and premature closure of the fetal ductus arteriosus, which in turn may lead to neonatal pulmonary hypertension and cardiac failure. In addition, indomethacin decreases fetal renal function, and indomethacin-exposed infants have a greater risk of necrotizing enterocolitis, intracranial hemorrhage, and patent ductus arteriosus. Short-term use may be acceptable, but if patients are given indomethacin, the fetus should be evaluated with ultrasonography for ductus arteriosus flow.

Combined therapy with nifedipine and prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors is currently being used in Australia, Canada, and Europe.

Oxytocin Receptor Antagonists

Atosiban was the first oxytocin receptor antagonist developed. It binds to receptors in the myometrium and other gestational tissues, preventing the oxytocin-induced increase in inositol triphosphate. The latter is the messenger that increases intracellular calcium, and causes myometrial contractions and up-regulation of prostaglandin production. These agents are not approved for use in the United States.

Efficacy of Tocolytic Therapy

Although the advent of tocolytic agents has failed to decrease preterm births in large population studies, their use has improved neonatal survival, decreased respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and increased the birth weight of infants. The benefit of measures to postpone delivery beyond 34 weeks is under investigation, with the thought that the longer the fetus remains in utero the better the outcome.

Antibiotic Therapy

A number of studies have advocated the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with preterm labor. Such patients may have a higher incidence of subclinical chorioamnionitis than previously thought.

Diagnostic amniocentesis in patients with idiopathic preterm labor has identified about 15% whose amniotic cavity is colonized with pathogens. It is reasonable to assume that a proportion of the remainder will have occult bacteria in the decidual cell space between the chorion and the myometrium. The use of prophylactic antibiotics in women with preterm labor may prevent progression from a subclinical infection to clinical amnionitis.

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