Nose, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses

Box 39.1 and Table 39.1 set out the different anatomical and clinical terms that are applied to some of the structures described in this chapter.

Box 39.1
A note on terminology

‘The advent of endoscopic sinus surgery led to a resurgence of interest in the detailed anatomy of the internal nose and paranasal sinuses. However, the official Terminologia Anatomica used by basic anatomists omits many of the structures of surgical importance. This led to numerous clinical anatomy papers and much discussion about the exact names and definitions for the structures of surgical relevance. The European position paper on the anatomical terminology of the internal nose and paranasal sinuses was conceived to re-evaluate the anatomical terms in common usage by endoscopic sinus surgeons and to compare this with the official Terminologia Anatomica ’ ( ).

Where appropriate, the terms used in this chapter are those commonly used in surgical practice as set out in the ‘European position paper on the anatomical terminology of the internal nose and paranasal sinuses’ (see Table 39.1 ). Conflicts inevitably arise but hopefully have been minimized. The terms ‘concha’ and ‘turbinate’ are often used interchangeably but anatomists rarely use the latter term, while clinicians rarely use the former; in this chapter, concha is used to describe the bony structure seen in dried skulls, while turbinate is used to describe the bony structures, together with their overlying soft tissue and mucosa, that are encountered during surgery. ‘Ethmoturbinal’ does not appear in Terminologia Anatomica but is the collective term for the superior and middle turbinates, occasionally supplemented by a supreme turbinate. With regard to the terms ‘skull base’ and ‘cranial base’, although they are frequently used as though synonymous (the term ‘skull base’ is favoured in the position paper), the anterior skull base includes the inferior surface of the facial skeleton and will therefore be distinguished from the anterior cranial base, which is delimited by the inner and outer surfaces of the anterior cranial fossa ( Ch. 34 ).

TABLE 39.1
Surgical and anatomical terminology
With permission from Lund VJ, Stammberger H, Fokkens WJ et al 2014 European position paper on the anatomical terminology of the internal nose and paranasal sinuses. Rhinology 50:Suppl 24:1–34.
Present ‘surgical’ terminology Rhinological and anatomical synonyms (textbooks, literature) Terminologia Anatomica 1 Suggested English terminology (position paper) Frequency of variant in literature
1 Nasal cavity Inner nose
Cavum nasi
Cavitas nasi Nasal cavity
1.1 Lateral nasal wall Lateral nasal wall n.e. Lateral nasal wall
1.2 Floor of nasal cavity Nasal floor n.e. Nasal floor
1.3 Nasal septum Septum nasi Septum nasi Nasal septum
1.3.1 Cartilaginous portion Cartilaginous part of the nasal septum
Cartilaginous segment
Septal cartilage
Lamina quadrangularis
Pars cartilaginea (septi nasi)
Cartilago septi nasi
Septal cartilage
1.3.2 Bony part Bony/osseous septum
Bony/osseous part of the nasal septum
Pars ossea septi nasi Bony septum Lamina perpendicularis Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Lamina perpendicularis ossis ethmoidalis Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Vomer Vomer Pars ossea septi nasi Vomer
1.3.3 Membranous portion Membranous portion Pars membranacea septi nasi Membranous portion (of nasal septum)
1.3.4 Jacobson’s organ Vomero-nasal organ Organum vomeronasale Vomero-nasal organ
1.3.5 Septal tubercle Tuberculum septi nasi tubercle of Zuckerkandl
Morgagni’s tubercle
Septal swell body
n.e. Septal tubercle
1.4 Inferior turbinate Inferior nasal turbinate
Concha inferior
Lower turbinate
Concha nasi inferior Inferior turbinate
1.4.1 Inferior meatus Inferior nasal meatus
Lower nasal meatus
Meatus nasi inferior Inferior meatus Nasolacrimal duct opening Hasner’s valve (Naso)lacrimal duct ostium
Ostium lacrimale
Apertura/ostium ductus nasolacrimalis Nasolacrimal duct opening
1.5 Middle turbinate Middle nasal turbinate
First (persisting) ethmoturbinal
First ethmoidal turbinate
Middle concha
Concha media
Concha nasi media Middle turbinate
1.5.1 Basal lamella of middle turbinate Ground lamella of middle turbinate
Third basal lamella
n.e. Basal lamella of middle turbinate
1.5.2 Paradoxically curved middle turbinate Concave middle turbinate
Inverse middle turbinate
n.e. Paradoxical middle turbinate 3–26%
1.5.3 Concha bullosa (of middle turbinate) Bullosa middle turbinate/concha n.e. Concha bullosa (of middle turbinate) 17–36%
∼50% in Turkish Interlamellar cell Interlamellar cell n.e. Interlamellar cell
1.6 Middle meatus Meatus medius
Middle nasal meatus
Meatus nasi medius Middle meatus
1.7 Ostiomeatal complex Ostiomeatal complex n.e. Ostiomeatal complex
1.8 Superior turbinate Superior nasal turbinate
Second (persisting) ethmoturbinal
Second ethmoidal turbinate
Superior concha
Concha superior
Concha nasi superior Superior turbinate
1.8.1 Concha bullosa (of superior turbinate) Concha bullosa (of superior turbinate) n.e. Concha bullosa (of superior turbinate) 1–2%
1.9 Superior meatus Superior nasal meatus
Upper nasal meatus
Meatus nasi superior Superior meatus
1.10 Supreme turbinate Supreme nasal turbinate
Third (persisting) ethmoturbinal
Third ethmoidal turbinate
Supreme concha
Highest nasal concha
Concha (nasalis) suprema
Concha nasi suprema Supreme turbinate
1.11 Supreme meatus Supreme nasal meatus n.e. Supreme meatus
2 Spheno-ethmoidal recess Recessus spheno-ethmoidalis Recessus sphenoethmoidalis Spheno-ethmoidal recess
3 Sphenopalatine foramen Foramen of sphenopalatine artery Foramen sphenopalatinum Sphenopalatine foramen
4 Olfactory cleft Olfactory ridge
Olfactory groove
Olfactory fissure
Olfactory area
Sulcus olfactorius Olfactory cleft
4.1 Olfactory fibre(s) Olfactory fibre(s)
Fila olfactoria
Fila olfactoria (sing: filum olfactorium) Olfactory fibre(s)
5 Choana (plur: choanae) Posterior nasal aperture(s)
Nares posteriores
Choana (plur: choanae)
Apertura nasalis posterior
6 Maxillary sinus Maxillary antrum Sinus maxillaris Maxillary sinus
6.1 Maxillary sinus ostium Maxillary opening n.e. Maxillary sinus ostium
6.1.1 Accessory maxillary ostium (plur: ostia) Additional maxillary sinus ostium n.e. Accessory ostium 5% normal
25% CRS patients
6.1.2 Maxillary hiatus Maxillary hiatus Hiatus maxillaris Maxillary hiatus
6.2 Infraorbital nerve canal Infraorbital canal Canalis infraorbitalis Infraorbital canal
6.3 Zygomatic recess Recessus zygomaticus n.e. Zygomatic recess
6.4 Alveolar recess Recessus alveolaris n.e. Alveolar recess
6.5 Prelacrimal recess Prelacrimal recess n.e. Prelacrimal recess
6.6 Lacrimal eminence Eminentia lacrimalis
Bulging of nasolacrimal duct
n.e. Lacrimal eminence
6.7 Canine fossa Canine fossa
Fossa canina
Fossa canina Canine fossa
6.8 Anterior (nasal) fontanelle Fontanella nasal anterior n.e. Anterior fontanelle
6.9 Posterior (nasal) fontanelle Fontanella nasal posterior n.e. Posterior fontanelle
6.10 Maxillary artery (Internal) maxillary artery Arteria maxillaris Maxillary artery
7 Ethmoidal complex Ethmoid
Ethmoidal sinus(es)
Ethmoidal labyrinth
Labyrinthus ethmoidalis
Cellulae ethmoidales Ethmoidal complex
7.1 Anterior ethmoidal cells Anterior ethmoid
Sinus ethmoidalis anterior
Cells of anterior ethmoid
Anterior ethmoid complex
Cellulae ethmoidales anteriores Anterior ethmoidal cells
7.2 Middle ethmoidal cells Cellulae ethmoidales mediae t.b.a.
7.3 Posterior ethmoidal cells Posterior ethmoid
Sinus ethmoidalis posterior
Dorsal ethmoidal cells
Cells of posterior ethmoid
Cellulae ethmoidales posteriores Posterior ethmoidal cells
7.4 Anterior ethmoidal artery Anterior ethmoidal artery Arteria ethmoidalis anterior Anterior ethmoidal artery
7.5 Middle ethmoidal artery Third ethmoidal artery
Accessory ethmoidal artery
Intermediate ethmoidal artery
Arteria ethmoidalis tertia (40%)
n.e. Accessory ethmoidal artery (Var) up to 45% if it equates to any situation where >2 arteries
7.6 Posterior ethmoidal artery Posterior ethmoidal artery Arteria ethmoidalis posterior Posterior ethmoidal artery
8 Anterior ethmoidal complex Anterior ethmoidal cells Cellulae ethmoidales anteriores Anterior ethmoidal complex
8.1 Agger nasi Operculum conchae mediae Agger nasi Agger nasi
8.1.1 Agger nasi cell Pneumatized agger nasi
Agger cell
n.e. (cellula ethmoidalis anterior) Agger nasi cell >90%
9 Uncinate process Uncinate process Processus uncinatus Uncinate process
9.1 Deflected uncinate process Doubled middle turbinate
Anteriorly curved uncinate process
Everted uncinate process
n.e. Everted uncinate process 5–22%
9.2 Aerated uncinate process Bullous uncinate process
Pneumatized uncinate process
n.e. Aerated uncinate process 1–2%
9.3 Basal lamella of uncinate process Ground lamella of uncinate process
Uncinate lamella
First basal lamella
n.e. Basal lamella of uncinate process
9.4 Hiatus semilunaris Semilunar hiatus
Hiatus semilunaris inferior
Semilunar gap
Hiatus semilunaris Inferior semilunar hiatus
9.4 Hiatus semilunaris (superior) Hiatus semilunaris superior
Hiatus semilunaris posterior
Superior semilunar hiatus
n.e. Superior semilunar hiatus (Var)
9.5 Ethmoidal bulla Bulla ethmoidalis Bulla ethmoidalis Ethmoidal bulla
9.5.1 Non-pneumatized ethmoidal bulla Torus bullaris n.e. t.b.a. 8%
9.5.2 Bulla lamella Second ground lamella
Basal lamella of ethmoidal bulla
Second basal lamella
n.e. Basal lamella of ethmoidal bulla
9.5.3 Suprabullar recess Sinus lateralis
Suprabullar cell
Recessus bullaris
n.e. Suprabullar recess 71%
9.5.4 Retrobullar recess Hiatus semilunaris superior n.e. Retrobullar recess 94%
9.5.5 Supraorbital recess Supraorbital cell
Supraorbital ethmoid cell
Cellula orbitalis
n.e. Supraorbital recess (Var) 17%
9.5.6 Infraorbital cell Haller cell
Orbito-ethmoidal cell
n.e. Infraorbital cell 4–15%
9.6 Ethmoidal infundibulum Ethmoidal infundibulum Infundibulum ethmoidale Ethmoidal infundibulum
9.6.1 Terminal recess Terminal recess of ethmoidal infundibulum
Recessus terminalis
n.e. Terminal recess (Var) 49–85%
9.7 Frontal recess Recessus frontalis
Frontal outflow tract
n.e. Frontal recess
9.7.1 Infundibular cells Infundibular cells n.e. Anterior ethmoidal cells (Var)
9.7.2 Lacrimal cells Lacrimal cells n.e. Anterior ethmoidal cells (Var) 33%
9.7.3 Nasofrontal duct Frontal outflow tract
Frontal recess
Ductus nasofrontalis t.b.a.
9.7.4 Maxillary crest Lacrimal crest
Maxillary line
n.e. Lacrimal bulge
9.7.5 Ethmoidal crest Crista ethmoidalis
Ethmoidal crest of the palatine bone
Crista ethmoidalis Ethmoidal crest
9.7.6 Frontal sinus drainage pathway Nasofrontal duct
Frontal outflow tract
Frontal recess
n.e. Frontal sinus drainage pathway
10 Frontal sinus Frontal sinus Sinus frontalis Frontal sinus
10.1 Interfrontal septum Frontal sinus septum Septum sinuum frontalium Frontal intersinus septum
10.2 Frontal sinus infundibulum Frontal sinus infundibulum n.e. Frontal sinus infundibulum
10.3 Intrafrontal cells Frontal sinus cells
Kuhn type 3/4 cells
Bullae frontales (sing: bulla frontalis) Frontoethmoidal cells (Var)
10.4 Intersinus septal cell Intersinus septal cell n.e. Intersinus septal cell
10.5 Frontal bulla Frontal bulla n.e. (cellula ethmoidalis anterior) t.b.a. (Var)
10.6 Frontal sinus ostium Frontal ostium
Opening of frontal sinus
Apertura sinus frontalis Frontal sinus opening
10.7 Frontal beak Nasal beak
Superior nasal spine
Spina frontalis (ossis frontalis)
Spina nasalis interna
Frontal beak
11 Posterior ethmoidal complex Posterior ethmoidal cells Cellulae ethmoidales posteriores Posterior ethmoidal complex
11.1 Onodi cell Spheno-ethmoidal cell
Gruenwald cell
n.e. (cellula ethmoidalis posterior) Sphenoethmoidal cell 4–65%
8–14% Caucasians, 26–29% Asians
11.2 Basal lamella of superior turbinate Fourth basal lamella n.e. Basal lamella of superior turbinate
11.3 Lamina papyracea Medial orbital wall
Papyraceous lamina
Lamina orbitalis ossis ethmoidalis Lamina papyracea
11.4 Orbital apex Orbital apex n.e. Orbital apex
11.5 Anulus of Zinn Common tendinous ring
Common anular tendon
Anulus tendineus communis Anulus of Zinn
11.6 Ophthalmic artery Ophthalmic artery Arteria ophthalmica Ophthalmic artery
12 Sphenoid sinus Sphenoid sinus Sinus sphenoidalis Sphenoid sinus
12.1 Intersphenoidal septum Intersphenoidal septum
Sphenoid sinus septum
Septum sinuum sphenoidalium Sphenoid intersinus septum
12.2 Accessory sphenoidal septum (plur: septa) Incomplete sphenoidal septations
Partial sphenoidal septations
Sphenoid sinus subseptations
n.e. Sphenoid septations (Var)
12.3 Sphenoid sinus ostium Sphenoid (sinus) ostium
Sphenoid (sinus) opening
Natural sphenoid ostium
Ostium (apertura) sinus sphenoidalis (plur: ostia sinuum sphenoidalium) Sphenoid sinus ostium
12.4 Planum sphenoidale Sphenoid sinus roof
Jugum sphenoidale
Sphenoidal yoke
Jugum sphenoidale Planum sphenoidale
12.5 Sellar floor Floor of sella
Sellar bulge
n.e. Sellar floor
12.6 Vidian canal Pterygoid canal
Canalis nervi pterygoidei
Canalis pterygoideus Pterygoid (Vidian) canal
12.7 Foramen rotundum Canalis rotundus
Round foramen
Foramen rotundum Foramen rotundum
12.8 Lateral recess of sphenoid sinus Lateral recess of sphenoid sinus n.e. Lateral recess of sphenoid sinus (Var)
12.9 Optic tubercle Optical nerve tubercle
Prominentia nervi optici
Tuberculum nervi optici Optic nerve tubercle
12.9.1 Optic nerve canal Eminentia nervi optici
Optic nerve bulging
Optic nerve canal contour
Canalis opticus Optic nerve canal (Var)
12.9.2 Carotid artery prominence Prominentia canalis carotici n.e. Carotid artery bulge (Var)
12.9.3 Optico-carotid recess Carotid-optical recess
Infraoptical recess
n.e. Optico-carotid recess (Var)
12.9.4 Sternberg’s canal Canalis craniopharyngicus lateralis n.e. Lateral craniopharyngeal (Sternberg’s) canal 4% adults
13 Sphenoidal rostrum Rostrum Rostrum sphenoidale Sphenoid rostrum
14 Vomerovaginal canal Vomerovaginal canal Canalis vomerovaginalis Vomerovaginal canal
15 Palatovaginal canal Palatovaginal canal Canalis palatovaginalis Palatovaginal canal
16 Skull base Cranial base
Basis cranii Skull base
16.1 Inner skull base Internal surface of cranial base Basis cranii interna Inner skull base
17 Anterior cranial fossa Anterior cranial fossa Fossa cranii anterior Anterior cranial fossa
17.1 Olfactory fossa Ethmoidal notch
Fovea ethmoidalis
n.e. Olfactory fossa
17.2 Cribriform plate Lamina cribrosa
Roof of inner nose
Lamina cribrosa (ossis ethmoidalis) Cribriform plate
17.2.1 Cribriform foramina Cribriform openings Foramina cribrosa Cribriform foramina
17.2.2 Lateral lamella of cribriform plate Lateral lamella of cribriform plate n.e. Lateral lamella of cribriform plate
17.3 Ethmoidal roof Foveae ethmoidales (ossis frontalis) n.e. Ethmoidal roof
17.4 Crista galli Crista galli Crista galli Crista galli
17.4.1 Pneumatized crista galli Pneumatized crista galli n.e. Pneumatized crista galli 13%
17.5 Foramen caecum Foramen caecum Foramen caecum Foramen caecum Open (Var: 1.4%)
18 Middle cranial fossa Middle cranial fossa Fossa cranii media Middle cranial fossa
18.1 Sella Hypophysial fossa
Pituitary fossa
Sella turcica Sella (turcica)
18.2 Sellar tubercle Suprasellar notch Tuberculum sellae Tuberculum sellae
18.3 Dorsum sellae Dorsum sellae Dorsum sellae Dorsum sellae
18.4 Anterior clinoid process Anterior clinoid process Processus clinoideus anterior (plur: processus clinoidei anteriores) Anterior clinoid process Pneumatized (Var: 16.5%)
18.5 Posterior clinoid process Posterior clinoid process Processus clinoideus posterior (plur: processus clinoidei posteriores) Posterior clinoid process
19 Posterior cranial fossa Posterior cranial fossa Fossa cranii posterior Posterior cranial fossa
19.1 Clivus Clivus Clivus Clivus
Abbreviations: n.e., non existent; sing., singular; plur., plural; t.b.a., to be abandoned.

The frequency of specific variations in the anatomy varies considerably in the literature, which relates to the definitions used, the methodology utilized, i.e. anatomical dissection or imaging, whether the study included normal controls and/or patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), and the ethnicity of the subjects.


The nose is the first part of the upper respiratory tract and is responsible for warming, humidifying and, to some extent, filtering inspired air. It also houses the olfactory epithelium, which contains olfactory receptor neurones responsible for detecting airborne odorant molecules.

The nose may be subdivided into an external nose, which opens anteriorly on to the face through the nostrils or nares, and an internal chamber, divided sagittally by a septum into right and left cavities, which open posteriorly into the nasopharynx through the posterior nasal apertures or choanae. The nasal cavities are housed in a supporting framework composed of bone and fibroelastic cartilages. The larger bones in this framework contain air-filled spaces lined with respiratory epithelium, described collectively as the paranasal sinuses. The sinuses and the nasolacrimal ducts drain into the nasal cavity via openings in its lateral walls ( Fig. 39.1 ).

Fig. 39.1, An overview of the spatial relationships between the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal ducts.

External Nose

The external nose is a pyramidal structure located in the midline of the midface and attached to the facial skeleton. Its upper angle or root is continuous with the forehead, and its free tip forms the apex, which projects anteriorly. The overall shape of the external nose is very variable. The lateral surfaces of the nose unite in the median plane to form the dorsum, which is narrowest at the medial canthus. The lobule is an area containing the tip of the nose. Its base contains two ellipsoidal apertures, the external nares or nostrils, which open on to its inferior surface, separated by the nasal septum and columella. The columella usually projects below the alar margin. The alar sulcus is a groove in the skin bounding the nasal alae above and joining the nasiolabial sulcus. Below, it curves towards the tip of the nose but does not reach it.

Facial and nasal proportions

The proportions of the nose and face, both from in front and from the side, are of enormous significance to the rhinoplastic surgeon. Aesthetic proportions of the nose vary depending on sex, age, ethnicity and facial characteristics; however, ranges of normality are described to assist in aesthetic assessment ( ). The female nose is slightly smaller and narrower than the male nose; it is often slightly concave in profile view, with a slightly obtuse nasolabial angle (increased tip rotation). In terms of overall proportion, the face may be divided into horizontal thirds and vertical fifths, with the nose occupying the middle section of each. The width of the nose is roughly 70% of the length; the width of the alar base is usually equal to the intercanthal distance. The height of the nose is defined by tip projection, where the proportion of the length of a line from the tip to the alar groove to the length of a line from nasion to alar groove is in the range of 0.55–0.60. The nasolabial angle, reflecting upward rotation of the nose from the upper lip, normally lies within a range of 105–120° in females and 90–105° in males. On basal view, the nose is roughly shaped as an equilateral triangle. The nares usually measure 1.5–2 cm anteroposteriorly and 0.5–1 cm transversely, and are narrower in front; they occupy approximately two-thirds of the height of the base. The midline columella, containing the caudal end of the nasal septum and the medial crura of the lower lateral cartilages, usually extends 3–5 mm below the nares on lateral views ( Fig. 39.2 ).

Fig. 39.2, The adult male nose. A , Basal view. B , Frontal view. The face can be divided into horizontal thirds and vertical fifths, with the nose filling the central segment in terms of both width and height. The basal view may also be divided into horizontal thirds, with the nostrils filling the lower two-thirds.

Skin and soft tissue

The skin and soft tissue covering the nose vary in thickness. They are usually thin over the dorsum in the mid third, especially at the osseocartilaginous junction, the rhinion, and loosely connected to the nasal aponeurosis and the muscle fibres that fan out within it. It is thicker over the nasofrontal angle, and at the tip, where it has numerous large sebaceous glands and is more adherent. These variations affect the final nasal contour and profile after rhinoplasty.

The skin of the nose is separated from the underlying osteocartilaginous framework by four layers. These are the superficial fatty panniculus; the fibromuscular layer, a continuation of the facial superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS) ( Ch. 36 ); the deep fatty layer; and the periosteum or perichondrium.

Soft tissue areas of the nose

Four soft tissue areas of the nose lack cartilaginous support. They have been given numerous eponymous names and descriptions, but were reclassified by .

Paraseptal soft tissue area

The supratip area contains the paired lateral cartilages, which gradually separate from the septum to a level just above the septal angle. The amount of flare varies, and encloses a small paraseptal soft tissue triangle on each side of the septum.

Lateral soft tissue area

The lateral margin of the lateral cartilage, the piriform aperture and the cranial margin of the lateral crus of the major alar cartilage enclose a triangle containing loose fibroareolar tissue, the transverse portion of nasalis, and one or more small sesamoid cartilages.

Caudal lobular notch

The domal segment of the intermediate crus of the major alar cartilage has a small indentation. The apex of the nostril is a soft tissue triangle with little soft tissue separating the internal and external skin. Incisions in this area may cause unsightly scarring and deformity.

Alar soft tissue area

The lateral crus fails to extend to the lateral limit of the lobule, forming the fourth soft tissue area.

Bones and cartilage

Bony skeleton of the external nose

The piriform aperture has sharp edges. It is bounded below and laterally by the maxilla and above by the nasal bones ( Fig. 39.3 ). The lateral part of the inferior edge of the piriform aperture merges into its lateral wall, which is formed by the frontal process of the maxilla. It is bounded above by the nasal part of the frontal bone and superomedially by the lateral edge of the nasal bone.

Fig. 39.3, The bony and cartilaginous skeletons of the nose. A , The external nose, frontal view. B , The external nose, lateral view. C , An inferior view of the cartilages. D , The nasal cavity, medial wall. E , The nasal cavity, lateral wall (left side).

The paired nasal bones vary in thickness and width, which is of significance in planning osteotomies. They are thickest and widest at the nasofrontal suture, narrow at the nasofrontal angle before they widen, and become thinner 9–12 mm below the nasofrontal angle. They average 25 mm in length but this can vary widely. The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (part of the bony nasal septum) articulates with the undersurface of the nasal bones and provides support to the dorsum of the nose. A midline bony spine deep to the fused nasal bone projects inwards to articulate with the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and fuses with the fibrous tissue connecting the lateral nasal cartilages and cartilaginous septum. This is known as the keystone area and provides essential support to the nasal dorsum ( ).

Fractures of the nasal bones

The most common injury to the facial skeleton is a fracture of the nasal bones. In simple fractures, the break often occurs between the proximal thicker bone and the thinner bone distally. Displaced fractures require reduction to avoid cosmetic deformity. The terminal branch of the anterior ethmoidal nerve and its accompanying vessels are at risk when injuries involve the dorsum of the nose.

Cartilaginous skeleton of the external nose

The cartilaginous framework consists of the paired lateral and major cartilages and several minor alar nasal cartilages (see Fig. 39.3 ).

Lateral (superior/upper lateral) nasal cartilage

The lateral nasal cartilage is triangular, and its anterior margin is thicker than the posterior margin. The upper part fuses with the septal cartilage, but anteroinferiorly, it may be separated from it by a narrow fissure. The superior margin of the lateral nasal cartilage is attached to the nasal bone and frontal process of the maxilla, and the inferior margin is connected by fibrous tissue to the lateral crus of the major alar cartilage. Laterally, the cartilage is attached indirectly to the margins of the piriform aperture by loose fibroareolar connective tissue, which may also contain one or more small sesamoid cartilages. The angle formed between the caudal end of the lower lateral and the septum, the internal nasal valve, is usually between 10 and 15° and represents the narrowest cross-sectional area and the area of greatest airflow resistance. Structural abnormalities in this area are likely to produce symptomatic nasal obstruction.

Major alar (lower lateral) cartilage

The major alar cartilage is a highly complex, thin, flexible plate, which is integral to the nasal lobule. It lies below the upper lateral cartilage and curves acutely around the anterior part of its naris. The medial part, the narrow medial crus (septal process), is loosely connected by fibrous tissue to its contralateral counterpart and to the anteroinferior part of the septal cartilage. The intermediate crus forms the margin of the apex of the nostril. The domes give rise to the tip-defining points of the nose. The lateral crus lies lateral to the naris and runs superolat-erally away from the margin of the nasal ala. The upper border of the lateral crus of the major alar cartilage is attached by fibrous tissue to the lower border of the lateral nasal cartilage. Its lateral border is connected to the frontal process of the maxilla by a tough fibrous membrane containing three or four minor alar cartilages. The junction between the lateral crura of the major alar and lateral cartilages is variable; the two edges may form a ‘scroll’, with an outcurving of the lateral cartilage meeting an incurving of the major alar cartilage, in which case the lateral crus is then the more lateral at the junction. The lateral crus is shorter than the lateral margin of the naris; the most lateral part of the margin of the ala nasi is fibroadipose tissue covered by skin. In front, the angulations or ‘domes’ between the medial and lateral crurae of the major alar cartilages are separated by a notch palpable at the tip of the nose.

Alar cartilage morphology

The medial crus has two components, a footplate segment and a columellar segment, which angulate with each other in two planes; they diverge in the basal plane, and rotate upwards in the lateral plane. There is usually asymmetry in the pairs of medial crura.

The medial crus joins the intermediate crus at what is usually the most convex point of the columella, known as the columellar breakpoint.

The intermediate crus is also described in two components. The lobular segment is usually flared and forms the transition between the medial crus and the domal segment of the intermediate crus. The domal segment may be convex, producing an aesthetically pleasing tip; flat, giving a ‘boxy’ appearance; or convex, producing a ‘double-dome’. The domal or tip-defining points are usually formed by the most anterior projection of the domal segment. The amount of divergence of the domes, and the thickness of the overlying soft tissue envelope, determine the relative position of the tip-defining points. The dome projects up to 8–10 mm caudal, and 3–6 mm anterior, to the anterior septal angle, the difference between the two creating the supratip break-point. Disruption of this relationship with rhinoplasty, with loss of projection of the tip, may produce a ‘polybeak’ deformity.

Classically, transverse connective tissue fibres have been described binding the medial and intermediate crura; interdomal, intercrural and septocrural ligaments have been described. Cadaveric studies by disputed the presence of transverse fibres, and found that all connective tissue fibres run parallel to the cartilages. These findings notwithstanding, the fibrous connections along the length of the medial and intermediate crura form a single functional unit in the tip.

The large lateral crus determines the shape of the alar lateral wall. Medially, it is a continuation of the intermediate crus, while laterally it connects with accessory cartilages. It runs at the caudal edge of the alar rim in the anterior half, then moves cephalically, leaving a soft tissue area in the rim laterally. Typically, the longitudinal axis of the lateral crus forms an angle of 45° with the septum. More vertical, or cephalic, positioning results in a ‘parenthesis’ tip deformity.

The lateral crus may take a highly variable position, being either convex or concave, or a combination of both, in medial and lateral portions; asymmetry from side to side has been reported in over half of anatomical specimens.

A chain of lateral accessory cartilages with dense fibrous attachments connect to the lateral crus and the piriform aperture, and to the anterior nasal spine through connection in the floor of the nose.

Tip support

The inherent strength and shape of the cartilaginous framework, and its attachments to surrounding structures, provide support to the tip of the nose. Typically, ‘major’ and ‘minor’ tip support mechanisms are described.

Major tip support mechanisms

The major mechanisms supporting the tip are: the size, shape and strength of the major alar cartilages; the medial crural footplate attachment to the caudal part of the septum; the attachment of the caudal border of the lateral cartilages to the cephalic border of the major alar cartilages; and the cartilaginous dorsal septum.

Minor tip support mechanisms

The minor mechanisms supporting the tip are: the ligamentous sling spanning the domes of the lower lateral cartilages (i.e. the interdomal ligament); the sesamoid complex of major alar cartilages; the attachment of the major alar cartilages to the overlying skin/soft tissue envelope; the nasal spine; and the membranous septum.

Rhinoplasty approaches, either through an intercartilaginous incision between the lateral and the major alar cartilages (closed rhinoplasty), or through an incision caudal to the major alar cartilages and degloving the entire cartilaginous framework (open rhinoplasty), disrupt the tip support mechanisms; the integrity of these mechanisms must be restored during the procedure to prevent loss of tip support and subsequent tip ptosis.


The nasal muscle group includes procerus, nasalis, dilator naris anterior, depressor septi and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi ( Fig. 39.4 ; see Figs 36.17 , 36.18 ). These muscles are involved in respiration and facial expression. Any or all of these muscles may be absent in cleft lip deformities with corresponding functional and aesthetic consequences.

Fig. 39.4, The nasal musculature.


Procerus is a small pyramidal muscle that lies close to, and is often partially blended with, the medial side of the frontal part of occipitofrontalis. It arises from a fascial aponeurosis attached to the periosteum covering the lower part of the nasal bone, the perichondrium covering the upper part of the lateral nasal cartilage, and the aponeurosis of the transverse part of nasalis. It is inserted into the glabellar skin over the lower part of the forehead between the eyebrows.

Vascular supply

Procerus is supplied mainly by branches from the facial artery.


Procerus is supplied by temporal and lower zygomatic branches from the facial nerve (a supply from the buccal branch has been described).


Procerus draws down the medial angle of the eyebrow and produces transverse wrinkles over the bridge of the nose. It is active in frowning and ‘concentration’, and helps to reduce the glare of bright sunlight. Not surprisingly, it is a common target in non-surgical facial rejuvenation techniques, using botulinum toxin.


Nasalis consists of transverse and alar components. The transverse part (compressor naris) is attached to the maxilla above and lateral to the incisive fossa, and lateral to the alar part. Its fibres pass upwards and medially, and expand into a thin aponeurosis that merges with its counterpart across the bridge of the nose, with the aponeuroses of procerus, and with fibres from levator labii superioris alaeque nasi. Fibres from the transverse part may also blend with the skin of the nasolabial and alar folds. The alar part (pars alaris or dilator naris posterior) is attached to the maxilla above the lateral incisor and canine, lateral to the bony attachment of depressor septi, and medial to the transverse part, with which it partly merges. Its fibres pass upwards and anteriorly, and are attached to the skin of the ala above the lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage, and to the posterior part of the mobile septum. The pars alaris helps to produce the upper ridge of the philtrum.

Dilator naris anterior (also known as apicis nasi or the small dilator muscle of the nose) is a very small muscle attached to the upper lateral cartilage, the alar part of nasalis, the caudal margin of the lateral crus and the lateral alar crus. It encircles the naris and acts as a primary dilator of the nostril.

Vascular supply

Nasalis is supplied by branches from the facial artery and from the infraorbital branch of the maxillary artery.


Nasalis is supplied by the buccal branch of the facial nerve. It may also be supplied by the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve.


The transverse part compresses the nasal aperture at the junction of the vestibule and the nasal cavity. The alar parts draw the alae and posterior part of the columella downwards and laterally, and so assist in widening the nares and in elongating the nose. They are active immediately before inspiration. Dilator naris anterior and the alar part of nasalis (dilator naris posterior) probably function to prevent collapse of the nasal valve during inspiration. Their electromyographic activity is directly proportional to ventilatory resistance and is modified by signals that travel from pulmonary mechano- and pressure receptors via afferent vagal pathways to the brainstem respiratory centre; the efferent limb of the reflex arc runs in the facial nerve.

Depressor septi

Depressor septi lies immediately deep to the mucous membrane of the upper lip. It is usually attached to the periosteum covering the maxilla above the central and lateral incisors and the anterior nasal spine, and to the fibres of orbicularis oris above the central incisor. Its fibres pass to the columella, the mobile part of the nasal septum and the base of the medial crus of the nasal cartilage. A few muscle slips may pass between the medial crura into the nasal tip. Depressor septi may be absent or rudimentary.

Vascular supply

Depressor septi is supplied by the superior labial branch of the facial artery.


Depressor septi is innervated by the buccal branch, and sometimes by the zygomatic branch, of the facial nerve.


Depressor septi pulls the columella, the tip of the nose and the nasal septum downwards. It tenses the nasal septum at the start of nasal inspiration and, with the alar part of nasalis, widens the nasal aperture, as well as causing the nose to ‘dip’ when some people smile.

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi arises from the upper part of the frontal process of the maxilla and, passing obliquely downwards and laterally, divides into medial and lateral slips. The medial slip blends into the perichondrium of the lateral crus of the major alar cartilage of the nose and the skin over it. The lateral slip is prolonged into the lateral part of the upper lip, where it blends with levator labii superioris and orbicularis oris. Superficial fibres of the lateral slip curve laterally across the front of levator labii superioris and attach along the floor of the dermis at the upper part of the nasolabial furrow and ridge.

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