Natural and Acquired Resistance to Cancer Therapies

Chemotherapy of cancers has resulted in some notable successes, such as the cure of the majority of patients with childhood leukemias, testicular carcinomas, and Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin lymphomas. In other cancer types, such as breast, colorectal, and lung, chemotherapy also cures some patients when used in the adjuvant setting, that is, after debulking of the cancers with surgery and/or radiotherapy. However, for these common epithelial cancers, cure is rarely attained when the cancers have reached the stage of known metastatic disease. In such cases of advanced-stage cancers, chemotherapies may provide clinical benefit in the form of temporary remission of tumors and abatement of symptoms. In most patients, resistance to therapies is manifested as growth of cancers despite administration of drugs or in relapse or regrowth after a remission. In this chapter, we review reasons for failure of systemic cancer therapies ( Table 47-1 ).

Table 47-1
Causes for Failure of Systemic Cancer Therapies
A. Pharmacologic and physiologic mechanisms
1. Inadequate drug dosing
2. Suboptimal schedule of drug administration
3. Sanctuary sites (blood-brain and blood-testicular barriers)
4. Poor diffusion and distribution into tumor tissues
B. Cellular mechanisms of drug resistance
1. Drug efflux transporters
2. Impaired drug uptake
3. Mutation or altered expression of molecular targets
4. Intracellular redistribution of drug
5. Detoxification of drug or intermediate drug product
6. Enhanced DNA repair
7. Decreased drug activation
8. Altered pathways for programmed cell death (apoptosis)

Pharmacologic and Physiologic Causes of Treatment Failure

Inadequate Drug Dose

In addition to cellular mechanisms of drug resistance, pharmacologic and physiologic factors may play a role in outcomes of cancer therapy. Pharmacologic factors include inadequate drug dosing or suboptimal scheduling of agents. Traditionally, cytotoxic drugs have been administered at the maximum tolerated doses based on toxicities to normal tissues. Increased therapeutic efficacies with increasing doses, up to maximum levels of acceptable toxicity, have been demonstrated for virtually all cytotoxins in preclinical models and are supported by clinical data relating dose to efficacy in many cancers.

For recently developed targeted drugs, such as kinase inhibitors, the optimal dose may not be the maximum tolerated dose in patients. The relationships among antitumor efficacy, side effects, pharmacodynamic endpoints, and dose of these agents are complex and require novel methodologies and study designs.

Suboptimal Schedule of Drug Administration

With regard to schedule, drugs with short half-lives and cell cycle phase–specific mechanisms of action are typically more active with continuous drug exposure schedules, such as repeated dosing and continuous infusions. Examples include the antimetabolites cytarabine and 5-fluorouracil, the antibiotic bleomycin, and topoisomerase I inhibitors.

Drug Sanctuary Sites (Central Nervous System and Testis)

A physiologic cause for drug resistance is inadequate distribution of drugs to the central nervous system (CNS) and testis, because of the blood-brain and blood-testicular barriers. A major component of these barriers is endothelial cell expression of the multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein. Thus, relapse in the CNS and testis became evident as major sites of treatment failure after most children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia achieved a clinical complete remission. New treatment strategies such as high-dose methotrexate and intrathecal administration of chemotherapy were devised to circumvent the problem of relapse in these so-called sanctuary sites.

Poor Drug Diffusion into Cancer Tissues

The physiology of abnormal new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) and areas of poor blood supply may also limit the ability of anticancer drugs to distribute into cancer tissues and thus result in treatment failure. Inhibitors of tumor angiogenesis such as sunitinib and bevacizumab have been shown to normalize tumor vasculature, thus increasing perfusion and distribution of chemotherapeutic drugs and potentially enhancing therapeutic efficacy.

Cellular Mechanisms of Drug Resistance

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