Medial Branch Block, Lumbar Spine



  • Selective anesthesia of lumbar nerve medial branch in diagnostic evaluation of lumbar facet joint pain


  • Facet joint pain

    • Useful in selecting patients for medial branch radiofrequency ablation procedure


  • Target: Junction of superior articular process and transverse process

    • Medial branch is numbered along with exiting lumbar nerve root

    • L5 medial branch innervates inferior L4/5 and superior L5/S1 facet joint

  • Patient positioning

    • Prone: Angulate C-arm such that “eye” of “Scotty dog” is well visualized

Post Procedure

  • Expectation

    • Significant reduction in facet joint pain

    • < 100% pain relief decreases likelihood of successful rhizotomy

      • Injection of superior and inferior rami essential to effectively block nervous supply to facet joint


  • Failure of pain relief

    • Incorrect level or poor needle placement

    • Facet joint may not be source of pain

  • Complications

    • Intravascular injection: Spinal cord ischemia

    • Dural puncture: Cauda equina injury, meningitis

Dorsal Ramus Medial Branch

Needle Placement: Lateral View

Needle Placement: AP View

Needle Position: AP View


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