Medial Branch Block, Cervical Spine



  • Selective anesthesia of cervical nerve medial branch in diagnosis of cervical facet joint pain


  • Facet joint pain

    • Useful in selecting patients for medial branch radiofrequency ablation procedure

    • Need to block level above and below facet joint for effective anesthesia


  • Preferred patient position: Supine

  • Preferred imaging plane: True lateral view

  • C2/3: 3rd occipital nerve block

    • Target: Immediately above and below C2/3 facet joint

  • C3/4-C6/7 MBB

    • Target: Midportion of articular pillar above and below facet joint

  • C8 MBB

    • Target: Junction of superior articular process and T1 transverse process

Post Procedure

  • Document pain before, during, and after injection

    • < 100% pain relief decreases likelihood of successful rhizotomy

  • If corticosteroid injected, maximal benefit will be in 48-72 hours


  • Possible problem: Failure of pain relief

  • Complications

    • Stroke

    • Dural puncture: Spinal cord injury, CSF leak

    • Ataxia (upper cervical injections, particularly C2/3)

    • Phrenic nerve blockade (C3/4, C4/5, C5/6)

Radiographic Target

Needle Position

Needle Placement: PA View

Shoulder Summation Artifact


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