Major Orthopedic Surgery

The United States is experiencing considerable growth in its elderly population. In 2050, the population of elderly people aged 65 years and over is projected to be 83.7 million, almost double the estimated population in 2012. As a result, an increasing portion of health-care resources will be used by the “baby boomer” generation. In the United States, approximately 505,000 hip replacements and 723,000 knee replacements were performed in 2014. It is expected that an increasing number of both elective and urgent orthopedic procedures, such as joint replacements and complex fracture repairs, will be required in older patients with multiple comorbid conditions. Therefore the number of orthopedic patients who may require postoperative critical care management is expected to increase. The critical care provider must be familiar with issues unique to these patients.

Several factors have been shown to impact morbidity and mortality in orthopedic patients. For hip replacement surgery, age has been established to be an independent predictor of mortality where patients older than 80 years of age have a mortality rate 38% higher than those less than 59 years of age. Patients with an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) ≥ 3, preexisting pulmonary or cardiac conditions, renal insufficiency, or diabetes mellitus also have higher morbidity. Finally, patients undergoing spine operations have the potential for unique postoperative complications, which will be discussed separately.

Although many studies have documented the utility and benefits of joint replacement and spine surgery, there continues to be a paucity of large randomized clinical trial data on interventions to minimize postoperative complications after these procedures. The recommendations in this chapter are based mostly on small case series, meta-analyses, and retrospective reviews. This chapter will focus on the care of patients undergoing total joint or spine surgery and will not discuss care of the multiply injured trauma patient.

Care After Total Joint Arthroplasty

Several issues are unique to patients after total joint arthroplasty. These include venous thromboembolic disease, fat embolism, and complications related to the intraoperative use of cement.

Venous Thromboembolic Disease

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are generally considered to be a single clinical entity referred to as venous thromboembolic disease (VTED). It is estimated that 80% to 90% of pulmonary emboli originate as lower extremity, pelvic, or caval DVTs. Certain orthopedic procedures such as total joint arthroplasty are associated with a very high rate of DVT. The reasons for this are most likely related to the extensive soft tissue dissection, inflammatory reaction in proximity to major blood vessels, and prolonged extremity immobility required after such procedures. The incidence of asymptomatic, venographically evident DVT in postoperative total joint arthroplasty patients is approximately 50% to 80% without chemoprophylaxis, but the majority of these thrombi resolve spontaneously with no clinical sequelae. Although there is minimal data with sufficient follow-up to know precisely the incidence, prevalence, or timeline for the development of these symptoms, studies have shown that patients who undergo total knee replacement have a much higher risk of symptomatic DVT (10%–15%) than those undergoing total hip replacement (3%–4%). Symptoms of DVT include edema, pain, erythema, or, less commonly, ulceration of the lower extremity. Asymptomatic DVT refers to thrombi that are evident only by screening imaging, such as conventional CT venography or duplex ultrasound. The risk of fatal PE is the same whether patients have symptomatic or asymptomatic DVTs (< 1%).

Although medical society guidelines have been established, recommendations regarding venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis can be applied uniformly to most orthopedic patients. The evidence available is low quality mainly because of the lack of adequate power, or randomized, blind, and controlled studies comparing one modality with another for the prevention of VTED. Most studies evaluating the efficacy of one VTE prophylaxis agent against another for the prevention of DVT have been nonblinded or nonrandomized. Studies evaluating various agents for the prevention of PE would be difficult to execute because of the low incidence of fatal PE. For example, a randomized prospective trial with an 80% power to demonstrate a 5% difference in efficacy of mechanical versus pharmacologic prophylaxis for prevention of PE would require 45,000 patients.

Total Hip Arthroplasty

Studies evaluating the efficacy of pharmacologic versus mechanical (e.g., foot pumps or sequential compression devices) prophylaxis against DVT after elective hip surgery have yielded conflicting findings. Small studies have shown that mechanical devices alone are efficacious in preventing asymptomatic DVT, but compliance with the use of these devices is highly variable. Other studies have shown that pharmacologic prophylaxis is superior to mechanical prophylaxis for the prevention of VTE, but these studies are low quality due to imprecision and high risk for bias. Regarding the different pharmacologic agents, low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) has been compared with other anticoagulants. When compared with unfractionated heparin (UFH), patients who received LMWH had fewer incidence of pulmonary embolism, DVT, and major bleeding events. Compared with patients who received a vitamin K antagonist (VKA), those who received LMWH had fewer deep vein thromboses but reported increased bleeding events. The data on factor Xa inhibitors (FXaI) such as fondaparinux, rivaroxaban, and apixaban are mixed, but overall seem to suggest a similar efficacy as LMWH for prevention of VTE and also a similar risk profile for bleeding. Evidence on dabigatran, a direct thrombin inhibitor, is also conflicting. When compared with LMWH, some randomized controlled trials showed inferior efficacy while others revealed comparable efficacy with similar bleeding rates. To date, the data on aspirin for VTE prophylaxis are mixed. Two large nonrandomized control trials compared antiplatelet agents with LMWH, whereas one study found no significant difference in PE and symptomatic DVT between the two treatments, the smaller study found a higher rate of PE in the antiplatelet group. When comparing antiplatelet agents with VKA, one randomized control trial compared the use of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) alone, IPC with aspirin, and IPC with VKA, and found no differences in incidence of VTED between the three groups.

Although the rates of asymptomatic DVT are similar for patients with hip fractures and those undergoing elective joint surgery, patients with hip fractures have a significantly higher rate of fatal PE (4%–10%). The reason for this difference is unknown and the exact site of the fracture (subcapital vs intertrochanteric) does not appear to affect the rate of VTED. One small randomized control trial comparing aspirin with IPC alone, found no difference in VTE events. However, pharmacologic intervention has been shown to be far superior to placebo alone. Low-dose unfractionated heparin has been shown to be efficacious in preventing VTED in small uncontrolled studies. Similarly, LMWH and warfarin have also been shown to be effective in larger studies. For hip fracture patients, fondaparinux has been shown to have higher efficacy than enoxaparin for the prevention of VTE, with conflicting results regarding the risk of bleeding complications. The Agency for Health-care Research and Quality (AHRQ) published the largest meta-analysis so far regarding prevention of VTE in major orthopedic surgeries, including hip fracture surgery. They compared different classes of chemotherapy agents.

This review concluded that the data are insufficient to assess the risks and benefits of these different interventions.

Total Knee Arthroplasty

As is the case for total hip arthroplasty, there are conflicting data regarding the various prophylactic regimens for VTED after total knee replacement. It is generally accepted that mechanical devices are less efficacious than pharmacologic agents in preventing asymptomatic DVT after knee arthroplasty. Several randomized controlled trials comparing LMWH with warfarin for the prevention of VTE after total knee replacement have failed to show a difference in PE rate, but LMWH was associated with less DVTs but slightly higher increase in bleeding events. In recent years there has been growing evidence supporting the use of FXaI after total knee arthroplasty. In a meta-analysis, Balk et al. found that FXaI were the most efficacious intervention in preventing DVT following total knee replacement, followed by the combination of LMWH and mechanical prophylaxis. As with previous studies, there were no differences between the rates of symptomatic DVT and fatal PE, most probably a result of inadequate study power to detect such a difference. Aspirin has also been compared with other chemoprophylaxis agents. When compared with FXaI, one randomized control trial showed fewer total DVTs with FXaI and no difference in symptomatic DVT when compared with aspirin. Other studies comparing aspirin with VKA and LMWH found similar results with no significant difference in total or symptomatic DVT with either group.

Recommendations for Prophylaxis Against VTED

Prophylaxis against VTED is currently based more on the danger of PE than on prevention of DVT. Previous studies from the 1970s cited the incidence of fatal PE after joint replacement surgery to be higher than 2% to 3% despite some form of prophylactic anticoagulation. Based on these papers, such operations were considered to be “high risk” for VTED and either mechanical or pharmacologic prophylaxis was encouraged. However, more recent studies have documented an incidence of fatal PE to be only 0.05% to 0.2%, regardless of whether prophylaxis of any modality is used. Possible reasons for the significant decrease in the rate of fatal PE include improved surgical and anesthetic techniques with shorter operative times, faster discharge of patients from the hospital (resulting in earlier mobility), and improved rehabilitation techniques.

Because the incidence of fatal PE is extremely low, some have suggested that pharmacologic prophylaxis is not warranted. They argue that the incidence of fatal PE is nearly equal to the incidence of complications from therapy (e.g., bleeding) and that pharmacologic intervention has not been shown to be more efficacious than mechanical measures alone in preventing symptomatic DVT or PE. Furthermore, the vast majority of deep venous thromboses resolve spontaneously, and thus the risk of bleeding associated with pharmacologic intervention may not be justified. Others, however, note that nonfatal PE and DVT carry substantial morbidity, such as heart strain, respiratory embarrassment, and thrombophlebitis, and thus the risk associated with pharmacologic prophylaxis is justified.

Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) have limited opportunity for movement because of either the nature of their critical illness or the need for continuous monitoring. Thus it is possible that these patients will have a higher rate of fatal PE and stronger consideration should be given to providing both mechanical and pharmacologic prophylaxis against VTED.

After these guidelines were published, the use of aspirin for VTE prophylaxis in elective knee and hip arthroplasty has been looked at by many studies. One meta-analysis comparing aspirin with other chemoprophylaxis agents, either alone or in combination with mechanical prophylaxis, found a low rate of VTE with a low risk of bleeding. These results were limited by the low quality of the studies, therefore they concluded future randomized controlled trials should investigate the efficacy of aspirin. A more recent meta-analysis by Balk et al. showed that the combination of antiplatelet drug plus mechanical devices had a lower odds of DVT compared with antiplatelet drug alone, UFH heparin, and VKA.

The current guidelines, published in 2012, from the College of Chest Physicians Consensus Conference on Prevention of VTE in orthopedic surgery patients recommend pharmacologic prophylaxis to guard against VTED after total joint replacement surgery. LMWH is the agent of choice for the prophylaxis against VTED and agents such as fondaparinux, apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, UFH, adjusted-dose warfarin, or aspirin are considered second line agents ( Table 34.1 ). Similarly, The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) also recommends pharmacologic prophylaxis against VTE after hip/knee joint arthroplasty. Mechanical and chemical prophylaxis combined is recommended in patients with a past history of VTED.

Table 34.1
Recommendations of the Ninth American College of Chest Physicians Consensus Conference on Antithrombotic Therapy.
Elective total hip or knee arthroplasty
(use at least one of the following)
Grade 1B Grade 1C
Adjusted-dose VKA
Hip fracture surgery
Grade 1B
Adjusted-dose VKA

a LMWH is the preferred option in both elective joint arthroplasty and hip fracture surgery. IPCD , Intermittent pneumatic compression device; LDUH , low-dose unfractionated heparin; LMWH , low-molecular-weight heparin; VKA , vitamin K antagonist.

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