Lysosomal Storage Disorders


  • Individually rare, but as a group the incidence is approximately 1:8000.

Perioperative Risks

  • Difficult airway management

  • Cardiac or respiratory failure

  • Hemorrhage

Worry About

  • Difficult or failed intubation

  • Coexisting cardiac or respiratory disease

  • Difficult vascular access

  • Neurologic involvement and pt cooperation


  • Lysosomal storage disorders are rare, inherited, metabolic connective tissue disorders (often autosomal recessive) with variable anesthetic risk.

  • Caused by a variety of mutations in lysosomal enzymes in macrophages, impairing normal cellular debris scavenging.

  • Retained debris thus accumulates in various tissues throughout the body.

  • Includes MPS types I to VII and lipid storage disorders (including Tay-Sachs and Gaucher disease).

  • Depending on disease type and severity, many die in early childhood; others can expect to survive well into adulthood.

  • MPS most feared from anesthetic point of view primarily due to airway issues (thus the primary focus of this chapter is on these conditions).

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