Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome


  • X-linked recessive disorder due to deficiency on the enzyme HGPRT, resulting in the buildup of uric acid

  • Incidence ∼5.2 per million male births (where symptoms appear)

Perioperative Risks

  • Hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria (gout)

  • Airway problems secondary to scarification from self-mutilation (lip and finger biting)

  • Involuntary writhing

  • Repetitive movement of arms and legs

  • Impairment of renal function due to obstructive uropathy

Worry About

  • Aspiration pneumonia (poor muscle control).

  • May have associated megaloblastic anemia (poorly utilized vitamin B 12 ).

  • Drug metabolism and prolonged drug effects secondary to metabolic defect and impaired renal function.


  • Pts are usually mentally subnormal.

  • Pts exhibit characteristic pattern of compulsive self-mutilation, spasticity, and choreoathetosis.

  • Primary biochemical defect is almost complete absence of HGPRT.

  • Enzyme defect leads to excessive purine production and elevated uric acid concentrations.


  • Genetic disease inherited as X-linked recessive trait (female carriers generally asymptomatic)

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