Interatrial Communications

How common are interatrial communications —mostly the theostium secundum type of atrial septal defect and ostium primum type of atrial septal defect ( Figs. 9.1 and 9.2 )? Is atrial septal defect (ASD) a common and therefore statistically important problem, or is it a comparative rarity? As documented in Chapter 5 , interatrial communications are the second most frequent anatomic type of congenital heart disease found in the present study (second only to ventricular septal defect [VSD]). The ostium secundum type of ASD occurred in 793 of 3216 autopsied cases of congenital heart disease (24.66%, 95% confidence interval 23.17% to 26.15%, Chapter 5 , Table 5.1 ).

Fig. 9.1
The three main septa that make up the normal definitive interatrial septum: septum primum (Septum I), the flap valve of the foramen ovale (left upper); the superior limbic band of septum secundum (Septum II), that forms the anterosuperior rim of the foramen ovale (left lower); and the septum of the atrioventricular (AV) canal (Septum of AV canal), that forms the anteroinferior portion of the interatrial septum and the posterior or inlet portion of the interventricular septum (top right). IVC, Inferior vena cava; RA, morphologically right atrium; RV, morphologically right ventricle; SA, sinoatrial; SVC, superior vena cava; VS, ventricular septum.

From Van Praagh S, Van Praagh R. Atrial septal defects: Pathologic anatomy. In: Van Praagh R, Van Praagh S, eds. Diagnostic and Surgical Pathology of Congenital Heart Disease. Vol. 1 . 1991;299-304. Syllabus of video series published by Health Video Dynamics. Washington, DC: Children’s Hospital Boston, and Harvard Medical School, reproduced with permission.

Fig. 9.2
Anatomic Types of Interatrial Communication.
The upper diagram shows three fenestrations within an otherwise well-developed septum primum, resulting in one anatomic type of ostium secundum atrial septal defect (ASD). The lower diagram shows secundum ASDs (ASD II), an ostium primum type of atrial septum defect (ASD I), and a sinus venosus defect. The ASD II is formed by the combination of multiple defects within septum primum, plus underdevelopment of septum primum. Because septum primum is underdeveloped, there is a wide-open space above septum primum, that is, ostium secundum (the space above septum primum) is much larger than normal. Ostium secundum is the space that gives secundum ASDs their name. This underdeveloped and fenestrated septum primum results in multiple secundum ASDs: multiple fenestrations, plus an enlarged ostium secundum. This septum primum cannot occlude the central interatrial communication, thereby permitting a left-to-right atrial shunt. The superior limbic band (the upper rim) is not underdeveloped and does not contribute to the secundum ASD in this case. Only the upper sinus venosus defect (colored black ) is a genuine sinus venosus defect, so-called. It is really the ostium of the right upper and middle pulmonary veins entering the left atrium. This right upper and middle pulmonary venous ostium entering the left atrium is visible from the right atrial side because the partition that normally separates the right superior vena cava (SVC) anteriorly from the right upper and middle pulmonary veins posteriorly is absent; that is, the right upper and middle pulmonary veins are “unroofed.” The sinus venous defect is really a sinopulmonary venous defect or window. Sinus venosus defect is not in fact an atrial septal defect; instead, this is a normal opening (not a defect) behind and above the atrial septum, which one can see from the right atrial side because the partition that normally hides the right upper and middle pulmonary veins is absent. The lower defect (in black ) is another large, low, posterior secundum ASD, not a low or inferior vena caval (IVC) type of sinus venosus defect, as used to be thought. No unroofing of normally connected right pulmonary veins is involved. The ostium primum type of atrial septal defect (ASD I) is an incomplete defect in the septum of the atrioventricular canal; briefly, an incomplete atrioventricular (AV) septal defect. Why incomplete? Because there is no septal defect or hole below the leaflets of the tricuspid valve and mitral valve. Do these diagrams show all of the anatomic types of interatrial communication? No. Omissions include coronary sinus septal defect, that is, “unroofing” of the coronary sinus; and displacement of septum primum into the left atrium, or into the right atrium (RA). RV, Right ventricle; SA, sinoatrial.

From Van Praagh S, Van Praagh R. Atrial septal defects: Pathologic anatomy. In: Van Praagh R, Van Praagh S, eds. Diagnostic and Surgical Pathology of Congenital Heart Disease. Vol. 1 . 1991;299-304. Syllabus of video series published by Health Video Dynamics. Washington, DC: Children’s Hospital Boston, and Harvard Medical School, reproduced with permission.

If one includes the incomplete form of common atrioventricular (AV) canal—the so-called ostium primum type of atrial defect, which is not really an ASD but rather an AV septal defect, but nonetheless is hemodynamically an interatrial communication—what does this do to our statistics? Several years ago, we tried to answer this question by analyzing all of our data up to that time (n = 2133, Table 9.1 ).

Top 20 Types of Congenital Heart Disease (n = 2133)
Rank Anomaly No %
1 Ventricular septal defect 765 36
2 Interatrial communications 597 28
3 Patent ductus arteriosus (>2 weeks) 409 19
4 Transposition of the great arteries 328 15
5 Tetralogy of Fallot 300 14
6 Aortic stenosis 246 12
7 Coarctation of the aorta 241 11
8 Persistent left superior vena cava 234 11
9 Pulmonary stenosis (excluding tetralogy of Fallot) 216 10
10 Completely common atrioventricular canal 179 8
11 Bicuspid aortic valve 170 8
12 Bicuspid pulmonary valve 162 8
13 Aortic atresia, valvar 153 7
14 Double-outlet right ventricle 149 7
15 Coronary arterial anomalies 146 7
16 Congenital mitral stenosis 136 6
17 Right aortic arch 133 6
17 Totally anomalous pulmonary venous connection 133 6
18 Aberrant right or left subclavian artery 117 5
18 Mitral atresia 117 5

ASD II and ASD I (see Fig. 9.2 ).

This more inclusive study (see Table 9.1 ) showed that interatrial communications (ASD II and ASD I) constituted 28% of our cardiac pathology database, again second only to VSD (36%), which was by far the most common form of congenital heart disease in our autopsy-proven experience.

It has been speculated by many that bicuspid aortic valve is really the most common form of congenital heart disease, a conclusion that our data do not support (11th in frequency, 8%; see Table 9.1 ). We suspect that this conclusion, which we think is erroneous, depends on the population that one studies and on the accuracy of one’s diagnoses. Bicuspid aortic valve may well be the most common form of congenital heart disease in adults, whereas our data include some fetuses, many newborns, and many young children.

How Many Anatomic Types of Interatrial Communications Are There?

Our answer to this question is summarized in Table 9.2 . Table 9.2 contains most, if not all, of the interatrial communications that are of clinical significance.

Anatomic Types of Interatrial Communications
1 Ostium secundum type of atrial septal defect
2 Ostium primum type of atrial septal defect, that is, incomplete form of common atrioventricular canal
3 Complete form of common atrioventricular canal
4 Sinus venosus defect, superior vena caval type and right atrial type
5 Coronary sinus septal defect, that is, partial or complete unroofing of the coronary sinus
6 Atrial septum primum malposition defect
7 Bilateral connection of the superior vena cava

This chapter is concerned primarily with secundum ASDs because the other forms of interatrial communication have been considered in detail elsewhere: incomplete and complete forms of the common AV canal, Chapter 11 ; sinus venosus defects, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 ; coronary sinus septal defects, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 ; atrial septum primum malposition defect, Chapter 7 ; and biatrial connection of the superior vena cava, Chapter 6, Chapter 7 .

Ostium Secundum Type of Atrial Septal Defect

What is an ostium secundum type of ASD? The short answer is an ASD that is strongly reminiscent of the embryonic ostium secundum.

Ostium secundum is the space above septum primum (see Fig. 9.1 ). Septum primum is the flap valve of the foramen ovale (see Fig. 9.1 ). In visceroatrial situs solitus, the ostium secundum lies above the septum primum and to the left of the superior limbic band of the septum secundum (see Figs. 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 ).

Fig. 9.3, Interior of Normal Morphologically Left Atrium.

The superior limbic band of septum secundum is the superior muscular interatrial plica or fold between the neighboring evaginations or outpouchings of the superior walls of the right and left atria (see Figs. 9.1 to 9.3 ).

An ostium secundum type of ASD (ASD II) typically is a defect that is centrally located in the atrial septum. Consequently, an ASD II is not confluent with the tricuspid and mitral valves, as is an ostium primum type of ASD (ASD I) (see Fig. 9.2 , lower). (An ASD I is an incomplete form of common AV valve with an incomplete AV septal defect.) An ASD II is not confluent with the superior vena cava (SVC), as is the superior type of sinus venosus defect (see Fig. 9.2 , lower ).

We used to think that an ASD II was not confluent with the inferior vena cava (IVC), as can be the lower type of sinus venosus defect. We have since learned that the foregoing statement is entirely wrong:

  • 1.

    An ASD II can be confluent with the IVC if there is a low defect in the septum primum, or if the septum primum is absent, often then called the common atrium ( Fig. 9.4 ).

    Fig. 9.4, Huge Secundum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD 2 o ) Caused by Absence of Septum Primum, Also Known as Common Atrium (Case 395).

  • 2.

    There is no such thing as the low or IVC type of sinus venosus defect; this concept is erroneous. There is no unroofing of the right pulmonary veins (RPVs) in the so-called low type of sinus venosus defect. There is no absence of a partition or wall between the right atrium (RA) and any other structure—except for the left atrium (LA)—and absence of the partition between the RA and LA is the definition of an ASD. So there is nothing special or distinctive about such an ASD, as there is in sinus venosus defects, because in the latter the RPVs are involved (unroofed).

To put this point another way, what in the past has been called the low type of sinus venosus defect—because it is confluent with the IVC—is in fact a low defect in the septum primum or absence of the septum primum (see Fig. 9.4 ), which is significantly different from a sinus venosus defect in which the RPVs are directly involved that is unroofed.

The foregoing distinctions are well seen echocardiographically ( Fig. 9.5 ), as was pointed out to us by Dr. Stephen Sanders. Fig. 9.5 showed a subxiphoid long-axis view of the atria of a 4½-year-old boy. There is a large and low secundum ASD due to the absence of the septum primum. Note that this huge ASD II extends down to the Eustachian valve of the IVC, where the IVC enters the RA. Note that the RPVs are intact and connect only with the LA; that is, the RPVs are not unroofed. The partition between the RPVs and the RA is intact, as in all secundum ASDs.

Fig. 9.5, Two-Dimensional Echocardiogram, Subxiphoid Long-Axis View, of a Huge Low Secundum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) in a 4½-Year-Old Boy.

The RPVs typically drain into the RA, even though the RPVs are not confluent with the RA. Such a large low ASD II that extends down to the Eustachian valve of the IVC is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 9.6 .

Fig. 9.6, Diagram of Huge Secundum Atrial Septal Defect Due to Absence of Septum Primum, Right Atrial View.

To summarize, an ASD II can be confluent with the IVC, particularly if the ASD II is huge, resulting in a common atrium, and such an ASD that is confluent with the IVC is not a kind of sinus venosus defect. (For more information about sinus venosus defects, please see Chapter 6, Chapter 7 ).

What, then, is an ASD II? It may result from the following:

  • 1.

    The septum primum may be deficient, including one or more fenestrations within the septum primum (see Fig. 9.2 , lower, and Figs. 9.7 to 9.9 ). Deficiency of the septum primum, with or without fenestrations, is the most common cause of an ostium secundum type of ASD.

    • In the normal heart ( Fig. 9.10 ), the septum primum often is difficult to see well from the right atrial aspect (see Fig. 9.10A ) but is often easier to see from the left atrial aspect (see Fig. 9.10B ). However, when an ASD II is present, the deficient septum primum usually is more easily seen both from the right and left atrial perspectives (see Figs. 9.7 to 9.9 ), unless the septum primum is absent (see Figs. 9.4 to 9.6 ).

      Fig. 9.10, (A) Normal morphologically right atrium (RA). (B) Normal morphologically left atrium (LA). (A) Note that septum primum (SI)— the flap valve of the foramen ovale—appears relatively small and inconspicuous. The morphology of the right atrial septal surface is dominated by septum secundum. The superior limbic band of septum secundum (SII) is well developed and prominent. The inferior limbic band (unlabeled) lies between septum primum posteriorly and the ostium of the coronary sinus and its Thebesian valve (ThV) and the Eustachian valve (EV) of the inferior vena cava (IVC) anteriorly. This is why it is often said that the RA displays septum secundum (superior and inferior limbic bands) on its septal surface, whereas the morphologically LA displays septum primum on its septal surface (in B). One can see septum primum from the RA side, and one can see septum secundum from the LA side. But the foregoing is nonetheless a useful generalization in terms of which septum—primum or secundum—is seen prominently on which septal surface. (B) Even when septum primum is fused with septum secundum, converting a foramen ovale (oval foramen) into a fossa ovals (oval fossa or depression—the right atrial appearance), nonetheless one can usually still discern septum primum and its concave, superiorly oriented upper margin. CT, Crista terminalis (terminal crest); LAA, left atrial appendage; MS, membranous septum; MV, mitral valve; PM, pectinate muscles; PV, pulmonary vein; SVC, superior vena cava; TV, tricuspid valve.

    • It should be understood that ASDs are named in terms of ostia, not in terms of septa. Holes are named in terms of holes. Once this is appreciated, it is no longer confusing or apparently contradictory to say that the most common type of ASD II is due to deficiency of the septum primum.

    Fig. 9.7, The Heart, Lungs, and Atrial Septum of a 58-Year-Old Woman With Tetra-X Who Died of Multiple Secundum Atrial Septal Defects (ASD II). 2

    Fig. 9.8, The Heart of a 65-Year-Old Woman Who Died Because of a Large Unoperated Secundum Atrial Septal Defect (ASD 2 o ) (Case 621).

    Fig. 9.9, This 1 3/12-year-old white boy with Down syndrome and a large secundum atrial septal defect (ASD) (Case 137) died in 1965 because of septicemia with meningitis ( Escherichia coli and Pneumococcus ) and bilateral adrenal hemorrhage (Waterhouse-Friderichsen–like syndrome, but not caused by meningococcus). (A) Right atrial view and (B) left atrial view of large secundum type of atrial septal defect (ASD 2 o ). Septum primum (Septum 1 o ) is absent, except for a small strand of tissue seen posteriorly (in B). This trisomy 21 was a nondisjunctional mosaic. The patient also had agenesis of the gallbladder; hence this patient had mosaic trisomy 21 with multiple congenital anomalies (cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems both involved, i.e., multisystem involvement). Lessons: Children with secundum ASD often have additional malformations, and they usually do not die from secundum ASD, even when it is large. CoS, Coronary sinus; IVC, inferior vena cava; LPV, left pulmonary vein; MV, mitral valve; RPVs, right pulmonary veins; SVC, superior vena cava; TV, tricuspid valve.

  • 2.

    The superior limbic band of the septum secundum can be deficient (with a well–developed septum primum), resulting in a secundum type of ASD. This is particularly common in association with the left-sided type of juxtaposition of the atrial appendages and with malposition of the septum primum ( Fig. 9.11 ).

    Fig. 9.11, The Heart and Lungs of a 9-Month-Old Boy With a Large Ostium Secundum Type of Atrial Septal Defect (ASD II).

  • 3.

    Both the septum primum and septum secundum (superior limbic band) can be deficient, resulting in ASD II (see Figs. 9.2 and 9.11 ).

  • 4.

    Rarely, neither the septum primum nor the septum secundum may be deficient, that is, the atrial septum may be normally formed. However, if there is a vein of Galen shunt in the head, resulting in a torrential left-to-right shunt, there can be a markedly increased systemic venous return down the SVC and into the heart. There can be a huge increase in the flow work of all cardiac chambers. The atria can be so dilated and stretched that a normally formed atrial septum can have a valve-incompetent patent foramen ovale (PFO; SVC), resulting in left-to-right shunting through the central portion of the atrial septum, thus resulting in an ASD II. But when it is possible to occlude the vein of Galen arteriovenous malformation, the systemic venous return becomes normal and the heart shrinks back toward its normal size. Spontaneous closure of the ASD II may occur, because the atrial septum is intrinsically normally formed.

To summarize, an ASD II can result from deficiency of septum I, of septum II (superior limbic band), of both septum I and septum II, or rarely of neither septum I nor septum II (with marked atrial distention).

Why is deficiency of the superior limbic band of the septum secundum associated with juxtaposition of the atrial appendages? When both atrial appendages lie to the left or to the right of the great arteries, the atrial appendages do not evaginate outward on either side of the vascular pedicle, as occurs normally. The great arteries normally act as a fixed point, on either side of which the atrial appendages expand. In the normal heart, immediately behind the aorta is the superior limbic band of septum secundum. Constrained or held in by the normally located aorta, the superior limbic band of septum secundum forms quite a tight arch with a short radius. The result is a relatively small interatrial communication that the septum primum (the flap valve of the foramen ovale) can occlude.

Not so with the left-sided juxtaposition of the atrial appendages (JAA) (see Fig. 9.11 ). Because both appendages typically lie to the left of the great arteries, the vascular pedicle does not constrain the superior limbic band of the septum secundum, which then forms a larger arc with a larger radius than normal. As a result, the interatrial communication is larger than normal. A normal-sized septum primum then cannot occlude the interatrial foramen. An ASD II results, which may be due predominantly or entirely to a poorly formed superior limbic band of septum secundum. However, the septum primum also can be deficient in association with JAA, that is, both factors—deficiency of the septum secundum and septum primum—can coexist (see Fig. 9.11 ).

ASD II is significantly more frequent with JAA than without JAA. In 42 autopsied patients with JAA, a secundum type of ASD was present in 30 (71%), whereas in 100 autopsied cases of transposition of the great arteries (TGA) (JAA) without JAA, a secundum type of ASD was found in “only” 23 (23%), this being a statistically highly significant difference ( p < .001) (χ = 29.46).

Are there other anomalies, in addition to JAA, in which abnormality of septum secundum (Sept II, i.e., the superior limbic band) may predispose to an ostium secundum type of ASD? Yes. In visceral heterotaxy with polysplenia (the polysplenia syndrome), the septum primum may be seen with unusual ease and clarity from the right atrial view—because the superior limbic band of septum secundum often is poorly formed or absent. Thus, in the polysplenia syndrome, the septum primum may be easily seen both from the RA and from the LA, which is not normal (see Fig. 9.10 ). Deficiency of the superior limbic band of septum secundum may be associated with displacement of the septum primum into the LA, resulting in partially or totally anomalous pulmonary venous drainage into the RA and an obstructive supramitral membrane (the displaced septum primum). The restrictively small space between the displaced septum primum and the posterior wall of the LA we called a septum primum malposition defect (see Chapter 7 ).

Pentalogy of Fallot

Pentalogy of Fallot means tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with a secundum type of ASD. Pentalogy means that five anomalies are present ( pente , five, Greek), the four anomalies of the tetralogy of Fallot (pulmonary outflow tract obstruction [stenosis or atresia], subaortic VSD, overriding aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy) plus an ASD II. Although found in the older literature, this diagnosis is not routinely used today.

How common is an ostium secundum type of ASD found in association with TOF? In an effort to answer this question, we did a study of 100 randomly selected postmortem cases from the 1980s and 1990s. An ostium secundum type of ASD was found in 35 of these 100 cases (35%). The ASD was so large as to be regarded as resulting in common atrium in 5 of these 35 patients. Thus, a very large defect (common atrium) occurred in 14% of ASD II and in 5% of the series of tetralogy patients as a whole.

To summarize, pentalogy of Fallot occurred in approximately one-third of our autopsied cases of TOF (35%).

Common Atrium

Common atrium means, as the name indicates, that a very large ASD is present—so large that the atria are in common, that is, essentially undivided. Thus, the atrial septum is largely or totally absent.

There are two main anatomic types of common atrium:

  • 1.

    with a divided AV canal (see Figs. 9.4 to 9.6 ), that is, with a separate mitral and tricuspid valve, the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve often being cleft, as in the Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (chrondoectodermal dysplasia, i.e., achondroplasia with defective development of skin, hair, and teeth; polydactyly; and defect cardiac septation in about 50%, autosomal recessive inheritance); and

  • 2.

    with a common AV canal, that is, with a common AV valve and an AV septal defect (see Chapter 11 ). Dr. Jesse Edwards calls this type of common atrium “the forgotten type of common AV canal,” in which there is an AV septal defect that typically is confluent with a large secundum type of ASD due to marked deficiency or absence of the components of the atrial septum. Thus, there are confluent secundum atrial and AV septal defects, resulting in a huge deficiency of cardiac septation.

Are there any other syndromes in which interatrial communications are characteristic? Yes. The heterotaxy syndrome with congenital asplenia, polysplenia, and right-sided but otherwise normally formed spleen spring to mind. Analysis of 95 postmortem cases of asplenia and 68 postmortem cases of polysplenia revealed the following findings ( Table 9.3 ):

  • A PFO or an intact atrial septum was much more common in the polysplenia syndrome (22%) than in the asplenia syndrome (2%) ( p < .001) (see Table 9.3 ).

  • An ASD II was somewhat more frequent with polysplenia (31%) than with asplenia (20%), but this difference was not statistically significant (see Table 9.3 ).

  • An ASD I (incompletely common AV canal) was commoner with asplenia (23%) than with polysplenia (10%) ( p < .05) (see Table 9.3 ).

  • Common atrium was much more frequent with asplenia (72%) than with polysplenia (32%) ( p < .001) (see Table 9.3 ).

  • Overall, visceral heterotaxy with asplenia had an interatrial communication more often (97.89%) than did visceral heterotaxy with polysplenia (77.94%) ( p < .001) (see Table 9.3 ).

Atrial Septum in the Heterotaxy Syndromes
Atrial Septum Asplenia (n = 95) Polysplenia (n = 68) p Value
1. PFO/intact 2 (2%) 15 (22%) <.001
2. ASD II 19 (20%) 21 (31%) NS
3. ASD I 22 (23%) 7 (10%) <.05
4. Common atrium 68 (72%) 22 (32%) <.001
NS, Not significant statistically; PFO, patent foramen ovale.

What about visceral heterotaxy with a normally formed but right-sided spleen? As discussed in Chapter 29 , we know too little about this least frequent heterotaxy syndrome to make any statistically supported conclusions (n = 5). The data are as follows: PFO, 1 case (20%); ASD II, 1 case (20%); and common atrium, 3 cases (60%).

Aneurysm of Septum Primum

When tricuspid atresia is associated with a PFO or a restrictive ostium secundum type of ASD, the septum primum can form a prominent aneurysm that bulges into the LA ( Fig. 9.12 ). The aneurysm of the septum primum can form a supramitral stenosing membrane, or the aneurysm can prolapse downward into the mitral canal and into the left ventricular inlet (see Fig. 9.12 ), resulting in a rare form of congenital supramitral or intramitral stenosis. The septum primum appears to bulge progressively more markedly into the LA, below the ostium secundum, that is, below the superior concave rim of septum primum that delimits the so-called ostium secundum inferiorly. In advanced cases (see Fig. 9.12 ), the septum primum resembles a suspended bird’s nest—like the nest of an oriole—that is, dangling from the anterior and posterior attachments of the septum primum to the left side of the superior limbic band of the septum. These attachments are called the anterior and posterior horns of the septum primum (see Fig. 9.12 ). The concavity of the septum primum aneurysm faces the RA and receives the thrust of right atrial systole into the concavity of the obstructive septum primum. The right atrial blood then appears to swirl upward, over the superior narrowed rim of the septum primum into the LA and then downward around the bulging convexity of the septum primum, through the obstructed mitral canal, and into the left ventricle (LV).

Fig. 9.12, This patient with transposition {S,D,D} and tricuspid atresia had a huge aneurysm of septum primum (Sept I) that bulged into the left atrium (LA) and then herniated downward and through the mitral valve into the left ventricular inflow tract, resulting in severe supramitral and intramitral stenosis. Why did this enormous aneurysm of septum primum occur? Our hypothesis is that septum primum was obstructive. Notice how relatively small and superior the ostium secundum is, that is, the space above the concave and superiorly oriented upper margin of the septum primum, between the anterior cornu (horn) and the posterior cornu, by which septum primum is attached to the left atrial aspect of the superior limbic band of septum secundum. Before this LA was opened, the small ostium secundum “opened” into the left atrial free wall, increasing the obstruction of the interatrial communication. Given the coexistence of tricuspid atresia, the prenatal right-to-left interatrial shunt was greater than normal. Note also that there were no fenestrations within this restrictive septum primum—which, had they been present, would have made septum primum less obstructive. This type of aneurysm of septum primum is often referred to in the literature as an atrial septal aneurysm (which it is). PFO, Patent foramen ovale.

When there is congenital mitral atresia or severe stenosis, the septum primum can bulge in the opposite direction, into the RA. I cannot recall having seen an aneurysm of the septum primum that produced supratricuspid or intratricuspid obstruction. For reasons unknown, very impressive aneurysms of the septum primum have been associated with tricuspid atresia, as in Fig. 9.12 , rather than with mitral atresia or the hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). Time may be the critical variable. Systemic venous obstruction may be better tolerated than pulmonary venous obstruction, allowing more time for the development of a leftward bulging aneurysm with tricuspid atresia than for a rightward bulging aneurysm with mitral atresia (speculation).

However, the ostium secundum type of ASD typically is associated with underdevelopment of the septum primum, with or without fenestrations of or within the septum primum. The septum primum typically is regurgitant, not obstructive. Prenatally, the flap valve function of the septum primum may permit significant regurgitation of blood from the left heart into the right heart, resulting in underdevelopment of the left heart, that is, HLHS without mitral or aortic obstruction, with overdevelopment of the right heart. We have seen patients treated surgically for the hypoplastic left heart syndrome, when the basic diagnosis was really ASD II with significant LA-to-RA regurgitation in utero and postnatally.

This is an important clinical lesson: An ASD II can manifest as HLHS. And the left heart is relatively hypoplastic compared with the right heart. How does one diagnostically recognize this type of HLHS? There is no stenosis or atresia at any left heart level, only hypoplasia (without dysplasia). In this type of HLHS, the basic diagnosis is ASD II with significant left-to-right regurgitation (shunting).

It is the blood of the via sinistra coming from the placenta up the IVC, past the right venous valve (Eustachian and Thebesian valves) to the right, past the left venous valve and septum primum to the left, and then about 60% of the IVC’s blood stream goes over the concave top of the septum primum into the LA ( Fig. 9.13 ).

Fig. 9.13, View Through the Opened Right Atrium of a Newborn’s Septum Primum (Septum I) Which Is Furthest to the Left.

This is the via sinistra— the left road (Latin)—of the oxygenated placental venous return that normally goes from the IVC into the left heart, and normally stays in the left heart, if the septum primum (the flap valve of the foramen ovale) is normal in form and function (essentially nonregurgitant). If the blood of the via sinistra then regurgitates out of the left heart, the result can be HLHS without mitral or aortic or other dysplasia (“pure” hypoplasia).

Hence, an important question for consideration is: Why can the septum primum be underdeveloped, and/or fenestrated, or absent? What is known about the development of the septum primum?

Embryology of Septum Primum

Where do all those fenestrations, holes, and deficiency in the growth of the septum primum come from that result in the great majority of ostium secundum ASDs (see Figs. 9.2 , 9.4 to 9.9 , and 9.11 )? Is there anything known about the development of the septum primum that may make fenestrations and deficiency of the septum primum more readily understandable?

Yes indeed, there is. We were very well impressed by the Ph.D. thesis of Mary Jessica Charles Hendrix in 1977 that appears highly relevant to this question. In an electron and light microscopic study of the development of the atrial septum in the chick and in the human embryo, Hendrix found the following:

  • In the chick embryo (“full term” or hatching in 21 days), at 3 days of age a common atrium is present. The beginnings of the septum primum (called the atrial septum) are present dorsally and cephalically, but without fenestrations in the septum primum ( Fig. 9.14 ).

    Fig. 9.14, Right Lateral View of a 3-Day-Old Embryonic Chick Heart (Hamilton-Hamburger Stage 18).

  • By the 4th day of incubation, fenestrations start to appear in the septum primum of the chick embryo ( Fig. 9.15 ).

    Fig. 9.15, Atrial Septum (AS), That Is, Septum Primum, of a 4-Day-Old Chick Embryo (Stage 23), Left Atrial View.

  • By the 5th day of gestation (incubation), multiple fenestrations have appeared in the septum primum of the chick embryo ( Fig. 9.16 ). If this were the heart of a postnatal human, we would certainly make the diagnosis of an ASD II due to multiple large fenestrations in septum primum.

    Fig. 9.16, Septum Primum of a 5-Day-Old Embryonic Chick Heart (Stage 28), Left Atrial View.

  • By 7 days of incubation, multiple large fenestrations are still present in the septum primum ( Fig. 9.17 ). The right venous valve is also fenestrated, forming a rete Chiari (to the right of the septum primum, unlabeled, see Fig. 9.17 ).

    Fig. 9.17, The Atrial Septum of a 7-Day-Old Chick Embryo Heart (Stage 31), Right Posterolateral View (×125).

  • By 9 days of incubation, the septum primum is still so fenestrated in its mid-dorsal and dorsal portions that it resembles a coarse mesh of cords that are covered with endothelium ( Fig. 9.18 ). At this stage, the chick is 43% through its gestation.

    Fig. 9.18, Left Atrial View of Septum Primum During the Ninth Day of Cardiac Morphogenesis (×390).

  • By 11 days of age, 52% of the way through gestation, the cords separating the fenestrations (foramina secunda of Hendrix) are becoming noticeably thicker, and the fenestrations are getting somewhat smaller ( Fig. 9.19 ).

    Fig. 9.19, Left Atrial View of an 11-Day-Old (Stage 37) Chick Embryo’s Septum Primum (×410).

  • The septum primum at 14½ days in the chick embryo is seen in Fig. 9.20 . By 18½ days of gestation (88% of the way to “full term”) the cords have become much thicker and the fenestrations are fewer and smaller ( Fig. 9.21 ).

    Fig. 9.20, Left Atrial View of a Portion Of Septum Primum of a 14½-Day-Old Chick in Ovo (Stage 40+).

    Fig. 9.21, By 18½ days of age in ovo (stage 44+), as this left atrial view of septum primum shows, the now very thick endothelium-covered cords surrounding the perforations (FS) are greatly reducing the size of these fenestrations (×290). This figure has been rotated through 180 degrees so that the superior free margin of septum primum will face cephalad. This is why the labels FS and P are upside-down.

  • By the time of hatching at 21 days gestation, the septum primum is normally essentially intact, with few or no remaining fenestrations ( Fig. 9.22 ).

    Fig. 9.22, The Chick Atrial Septum at Hatching, 21 Days Gestational Age (Stage 46), Left Atrial View of Septum Primum (×1200).


We thought that this careful study of the development of the septum primum (mostly in the chick embryo) was of considerable interest for several reasons. (Parenthetically, it should be understood that most chick embryologists think that there is no septum secundum in the chick; that is, the septum secundum does not grow down to help divide the atria. I agree with this viewpoint. One could also say the same of humans. The superior limbic band of the septum secundum does not grow down to help septate the atria in humans. Instead, the atria evaginate outward and upward on either side of the superior limbic band of septum secundum. So, when Hendrix talks about the “atrial septum,” she definitely is talking about the septum primum, not the septum secundum.)

  • 1.

    The findings of Hendrix strongly suggest that the presence of multiple fenestrations in the septum primum in humans may well represent the persistence of a normal earlier embryonic stage during which multiple fenestrations of the septum primum are normal.

  • 2.

    Why this arrested development of the septum primum at the multiple fenestrations stage may occur in humans remains unknown, to the best of my knowledge.

  • 3.

    Note that these multiple fenestrations do not normally persist and coalesce, thereby forming the ostium secundum, as in the conventional embryologic account. Instead, normally the cords that surround and separate the fenestrations become increasingly thicker until the fenestrations are obliterated. The ostium secundum is merely the space above the upper concave margin of the septum primum.

  • 4.

    The septum primum grows not only in a superior direction from the IVC, but also in a ventral or anterior direction in its mid-dorsal portion, and also in an inferior direction in its cephalic portion (see Fig. 9.14 ). As viewed from the RA, the septum primum is shaped like a waning moon, convex dorsally and concave ventrally (see Fig. 9.14 ).

  • 5.

    If, under pathologic circumstances, the multiple fenestrations within the septum primum do in fact coalescence and become confluent, the result would be large holes within the septum primum, resulting in a secundum type of ASD (see Figs. 9.2 , 9.7 - 9.9 , and 9.11 ).

  • 6.

    If under pathologic circumstances, the septum primum becomes “hyperfenestrated” and if there is also very widespread coalescence of these fenestrations with dissolution of their delimiting cords, this could be the morphogenetic basis of absence of the septum primum, resulting in one anatomic type of common atrium (see Figs. 9.4 to 9.6 ). Another possibility is that, for reasons still unknown, the septum primum may never form in the first place. We cannot judge which of these logical possibilities is the more probable.

  • 7.

    For the usual type of ASD II with multiple fenestrations or large holes in the septum primum, we think that the findings of Hendrix support the hypothesis of arrested development of the septum primum at the fenestration stage as the probably morphogenetic basis of the most common form of secundum ASD in humans.

The Pathologic Anatomic Findings in 640 Human Cases of Secundum Atrial Septal Defect

In an effort to amplify our understanding of ASD II, a large study was undertaken of the records of 640 autopsied human patients from the Cardiac Registry of Children’s Hospital Boston. All of these cardiac pathology examinations, description, and diagnoses were done by the author or by Stella Van Praagh, M.D., ably assisted over the years (1966 to 1996) by numerous excellent fellows. The heart specimens date from 1950 to 1996, inclusive. This study has not been published or presented previously.

  • Sex: Of these 640 patients, the sex was known in 631 (98.59%). In consultations, the patient’s sex was sometimes not stated (in 9 of 640 cases, 1.4%). In these 631 patients with ASD II, there were 335 males (53%) and 296 females (47%), and the male-to-female ratio was 1.13:1.0. Thus, in this series of secundum ASD patients as a whole, there was a mild male preponderance.

  • Age at Death: In this series of 640 patients with ASD II, 1 case was excluded because happily this patient did not die. Case number 637 (S94-2327) was a 10-year-old girl who had a Clamshell Septal Occluder Device that was explanted because of disarticulation and fracture of one right atrial arm of the device and a large right atrial thrombus associated with the right atrial umbrella. A 4-mm piece of metal was found to be sticking out of the right atrial umbrella. Also the left atrial umbrella had one unextended arm opposite the broken right atrial arm. The Clamshell device and the right atrial thrombus were removed uneventfully surgically and the secundum ASD was closed with a pericardial patch.

Of the 639 patients with secundum ASD who died, the age at death was known in 619 (97%). The mean age at death was 3.17 years. The standard deviation was ± 8.04 years. The age at death ranged from 65 years to 0 (stillbirths or fetal demises). The median age at death was 4 weeks and 5½ days, that is, 4.78 weeks, which may be rounded off to 5 weeks of age.

The median age at death (5 weeks of age) reflects much more accurately than does the mean age at death (3 years and 2.4 months of age) what really happened to these 619 patients with ASD II. The very young median age at death accurately indicates that these patients almost always had additional, more severe forms of congenital heart disease, as will be seen.

How Important Clinically Was Secundum Atrial Septal Defect II?

Before this study, we were aware that from a statistical point of view, ASD II was the second most frequent form of congenital heart disease in our cardiac pathology database (see Table 9.1 and Chapter 5 ). In this sense, one might think that secundum ASD was the second most important form of congenital heart disease.

However, when one asks, How often was secundum ASD the patient’s most important clinical problem? —the answer was very different. In our predominantly pediatric age group, we were surprised to find that ASD II was clinically the patient’s most important form of disease in only 13 of these 640 patients (2.03%). A secundum ASD was an important part of the patient’s clinical problem in an additional 8 patients (1.25%). Thus, a secundum ASD was the patient’s main clinical problem or an important part of it in only 21 of these 640 patients with ASD II (3.28%). This means that some other form of disease was clinically more important than the secundum ASD in almost 97% of these patients. This finding emphasizes the importance of the distinction between statistical importance (frequency) on the one hand and clinical importance (main cause of morbidity and mortality) on the other.

Let us examine those patients in whom ASD II was the most important clinical problem.

When Secundum Atrial Septal Defect II Was the Most Important Clinical Problem

  • Sex: Male, 3 of 13 (23%); female, 10 (77%). The sex ratio was male-to-female = 3:10 (.3), or female-to-male = 10:3 (3.3/1.0). Hence, when ASD II was the main clinical problem, the expected female preponderance was found.

  • Age at Death: Of the 12 deceased patients (the Clamshell case, patient 637, did not die), the mean age at death was 25.39 years. The standard deviation was ± 18.14 years. The range was from 0.625 years (7½ months) to 65 years. The median age at death was 24.75 years.

These statistics concerning the age at death are very much older than those found for the series as a whole (see earlier), indicating that when a secundum ASD is the patient’s main clinical problem, fatalities almost always occur in the young adult age group, not in the pediatric age range. This observation appears to explain why there are so few patients in our postmortem series in whom ASD II was the patient’s primary clinical problem. Thus, secundum ASD is a “sleeper.” It must be diagnosed accurately and treated effectively early in life, in order to avoid death in young adulthood.

  • Salient Features: All 13 of these patients had isolated ASD II; that is, no other form of clinically significant congenital heart disease was present.

The ASD was large in 12 of 13 patients (92%) ( Fig. 9.23 ). In one case, this assessment could not be made because the ASD had been surgically closed with direct sutures. Typically, the ASD was described as large, very large, or huge, with marked deficiency of the septum primum, resulting in a common atrium or almost a common atrium.

Fig. 9.23, Absence of Septum Primum Resulting in a Huge Ostium Secundum Type of Atrial Septal Defect.

Death occurred postoperatively in 7 of these 13 patients (54%), early in our experience. We have not seen at autopsy a patient from our institution in whom ASD II was the primary clinical problem for the past 22 years, not since 1983.

However, we had one consultation in 1992 concerning a patient from another hospital (Case 579, C92-165). This patient was a 15 3/12-year-old young woman who had a very large ASD II. At 2 3/12 years, she underwent pericardial patch closure of her atrial defect. Postoperatively, she had sick sinus syndrome. At 10 9/12 years of age she received a pacemaker. Subsequently, she developed atrial fibrillation that spontaneously converted to normal sinus rhythm. Sudden unexpected death occurred 13 years postoperatively, in what appeared to be an arrhythmic demise. This case emphasizes the great importance of avoiding injury to the sinoatrial (SA) node and the SA nodal artery during atriotomy and atrial repair. Knowing exactly where these structures are located and taking care to avoid them (see Chapter 2 ) should make it possible to avoid sick sinus syndrome and its sequelae.

Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease (PVO) was very prominent in 4 of these patients. Right-to-left atrial shunting, polycythemia, cyanosis, clubbing, systemic embolization, stroke, and brain abscess all occurred.

Right-to-left shunting at any cardiac level (atrial, ventricular, or great arterial) is the Eisenmenger reaction of Dr. Paul Wood, who developed the Wood units in which pulmonary resistance is measured. The Eisenmenger reaction (right-to-left shunting because of elevated pulmonary vascular resistance) is not to be confused with the Eisenmenger complex (large subaortic VSD, aortic overriding, and right ventricular hypertrophy, but without pulmonary outflow tract obstruction and hence distinct from TOF). Thus, late-stage ASD II typically displays the Eisenmenger reaction (but not the Eisenmenger complex).

When Atrial Septal Defect II Was an Important Part of the Patient’s Main Clinical Problem

  • In 8 patients, the secundum ASD was an important part of the patient’s main clinical problem (8/640 = 1.25%), but not the whole clinical problem.

  • Sex: Male, 1; females, 7; male-to-female ratio 1:7 (.14) or female-to-male ratio, 7:1 (7).

  • Age at Death: Mean, 15.99 years; standard deviation, ± 17.07 years; range, 5 weeks to 53 years; and median, 13 years.

  • Salient Features: All had large secundum ASD. Rheumatic heart disease had occurred in 2 of these 8 patients. One had chronic mitral regurgitation that distended the LA and enlarged the ASD II. The other had severe rheumatic mitral stenosis that had been treated (in the 1950s and 1960s) with old and recent mitral valvuloplasties. This 53-year-old woman had a large ASD II (20 mm in diameter) with a very deficient septum primum. This combination of findings—secundum ASD and mitral stenosis—is known as the Lutembacher syndrome ( pronounced lootem-baker, i.e., in the German way), despite the fact that Rene Lutembacher (1884–1968) was a French physician from Paris who described this association in 1916, which was a very busy time in Paris.

    • A second patient had mitral regurgitation , but its cause (congenital or acquired) was not definitely established.

    • Down syndrome was present in 2 of these 8 patients with large secundum ASDs.

    • Multiple congenital anomalies (intellectual disability, hypospadias, hypoplastic penis, and cryptorchidism), sepsis (perirectal pelvic abscess related to Escherichia coli and Aerobacter, esophagitis, gastroenteritis, duodenal ulcers from which Monilia were cultured, tracheobronchitis, pulmonary edema, and bronchopneumonia), and pulmonary hemorrhage occurred in 1 patient each. Congestive heart failure and PVO were prominent in 3 patients each.

So, let us assume that most experienced observers know that ASD II can be the patient’s primary clinical problem or that ASD II can be associated with other disease processes that together may constitute the patient’s main clinical problem (as earlier).

But now we must consider a great unknown: What about the more than 95% of pediatric patients that have a secundum ASD, but in whom the ASD II is clinically overshadowed by other “more serious” forms of congenital heart disease? What do these patients have? What is ASD II associated with and masked by? This is what most books and papers on secundum ASD do not mention. We shall now attempt to answer these questions.

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