Infections in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients

Solid-organ transplantation (SOT) is an accepted therapy for end-stage disease of many organs. As transplants are increasingly common, an expanding number of immunosuppressed children are at risk for developing infection after transplantation. This chapter will help establish a framework regarding the approach to this patient population.

Predisposition To Infection

Factors predisposing to infection after SOT can be divided into those that exist before transplant and those secondary to intraoperative and post-transplant events ( Box 95.1 ).

BOX 95.1
Predisposing Factors for Infections After Organ Transplantation in Children

Pre-Transplantation Factors

  • Underlying disease(s), malnutrition

  • Specific organ to be transplanted

  • Age of patient

  • Previous exposures to infectious agents

  • Previous immunizations

Intraoperative Factors

  • Duration of transplant surgery

  • Exposure to blood products

  • Technical problems

  • Organisms transmitted in donor tissue

Post-Transplantation Factors

  • Immunosuppression

  • Immediate posttransplant immunosuppression

  • Maintenance immunosuppression

  • Augmented therapy for rejection episodes

  • Indwelling cannulas

  • Nosocomial exposures

Community exposures

Pre-transplantation Factors

The specific organ that is transplanted is the most important determinant of the location of infection, especially during the first 3 postoperative months. The chest, abdomen, and urinary tract are the most common sites of infection after thoracic, liver, and kidney transplantation, respectively. Explanations for these site-specific infections include local ischemic injury and bleeding, as well as potential intraoperative contamination. The underlying condition causing organ failure also can lead to an increased risk for developing infection after SOT. For example, cystic fibrosis (CF) predisposes to pseudomonal and fungal infections after lung transplantation. Palliative surgery, such as for cardiac, biliary, and urologic conditions, before transplantation increases the technical difficulty of the transplant procedure, enhancing the risk of subsequent infection. In addition, the severity of disease at the time of transplantation correlates with the risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality. Long-standing malnutrition predisposes children to infection; attempts to correct nutritional deficits with parenteral alimentation carry attendant risks for catheter-associated infection. Finally, mechanical ventilation while awaiting transplantation increases the risk of colonization and infection with nosocomial pathogens, many of which have multidrug resistance.

Age is an important determinant of both susceptibility to and severity of infection after transplantation. Young children undergoing transplantation can experience greater disease severity with certain viruses, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or parainfluenza virus (PIV) compared with older recipients. Likewise, primary infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) or Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), more common in young children, is associated with worse outcomes compared with reactivation of disease. , By contrast, other pathogens, such as Cryptococcus species, rarely are found before young adulthood. Younger age at the time of transplantation also is associated with an increased rate of infection during the first few years after transplantation. Finally, young children who are not fully immunized remain susceptible to vaccine-preventable infections or receive vaccination after transplantation, when their ability to mount an immune response may be hampered by immunosuppression.

Donated Organ Considerations

Transplant recipients can acquire pathogens from their donors who have active or latent infections at the time of organ procurement. Examples include CMV, EBV, Toxoplasma gondii , Histoplasma spp., West Nile virus (WNV), hepatitis B (HBV) and C viruses (HCV), and HIV. , , Screening to preclude donors with HIV or active HBV infection is standard practice, whereas HCV-positive donors are often used for HCV-positive recipients and in more recent years even for HCV-negative recipients. Similarly, HBV core antibody positive donors sometimes are used in individual cases. Bacteria or fungi colonizing the donor’s respiratory tract can cause disease after lung transplantation. Similarly, unrecognized infection with bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites in the blood or organ being transplanted in the donor creates a risk to any recipient. In the US, unanticipated infections that may be of donor origin are reported to the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network (OPTN) safety portal for evaluation by the ad hoc disease transmission advisory committee (DTAC) to help improve overall transplant safety.

Intraoperative Factors

Operative factors unique to each SOT procedure can predispose to infection. For example, the type of biliary reconstruction used in liver transplantation influences the likelihood of developing an infectious complication. Surgical events during the operation also alter the risk of infection. Injury to the phrenic, vagal, or recurrent laryngeal nerves affect pulmonary toilet, predisposing a lung transplant recipient to pneumonia. Additional factors, including prolonged operative time, contamination of the operative field, and bleeding at or near surgical sites, also increase the risk of postoperative infections.

Post-transplantation Factors

Immunosuppression is the greatest risk factor for infection following transplantation. Although immunosuppressive regimens evolve to achieve more specific control of rejection with less impairment of immune function, all current regimens interfere with host defenses. Treatment of rejection exacerbates this risk, as does use of antilymphocyte preparations or other biologic agents. , As newer immunosuppressive agents are introduced, clinicians must be alert for known and unknown infectious risks, as well as the manifestations of those infections.

Immunosuppression generally is divided into induction therapy and maintenance therapy. Induction therapy commonly results in depletion of T-cells and possibly other immune functions for weeks to months. Maintenance therapies are intended to prevent long-term rejection of the transplanted organ and impair T-cell function, though not to the degree observed in induction. If rejection occurs, immunosuppression similar to induction therapies are often needed ( Table 95.1 ).

TABLE 95.1
Common Agents Used as Transplant Immunosuppressive Therapy and Associated Infections
Classification Medication Indication Associated Heightened Risk for Infection
Anti-T cell therapy Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) Induction Viral infections, fungal infections, Pneumocystis
Alemtuzumab Induction Viral infections, fungal infections, Pneumocystis
Corticosteroid Methylprednisolone Induction/ maintenance Viral infections, fungal infections, Pneumocystis
Calcineurin inhibitor Cyclosporine
Maintenance Less immunosuppressive than ATG, although still at risk for viral infections, fungal infections, Pneumocystis
mTor inhibitor Sirolimus, Everolimus Maintenance Little studied in isolation but may have relatively less immunosuppressive effect and possibly decreased risk for EBV and CMV
Antimetabolite Azathioprine, Mycophenolate Maintenance Less immunosuppressive than ATG, although still at risk for viral infections
Co-stimulation blockade Belatacept Maintenance Less immunosuppressive than ATG, although still at risk for viral infections, fungal infections, Pneumocystis

Technical problems after transplantation are major risk factors for infectious complications. Common post-transplant complications include thrombosis of the hepatic artery, which predisposes to hepatic abscesses and bloodstream infection (BSI) after liver transplantation; vesicoureteral reflux, which predisposes to graft pyelonephritis in renal transplant recipients; , and mediastinal bleeding requiring re-exploration, which predisposes to mediastinitis and BSI in thoracic organ transplant recipients.

Indwelling cannulas pose a significant risk for infection after transplantation. Central venous catheters are a risk for BSI; urethral catheters predispose to urinary tract infection (UTI); and prolonged endotracheal intubation is associated with pneumonia.

Nosocomial exposures constitute the final group of posttransplant risk factors. All transplant recipients are at risk for transfusion-associated pathogens. Children undergoing transplantation during the winter often are exposed nosocomially to common viruses (e.g., RSV, influenza virus), as well as novel viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS CoV-2). Areas of the hospital undergoing construction may have contamination with pathogenic fungi, such as Aspergillus species, which increase the risk of invasive fungal disease after SOT. Finally, nosocomial transmission of multiple drug-resistant bacteria predisposes to infection with these pathogens.

Timing of Infections

The timing of specific infections generally is predictable, regardless of the type of organ transplanted. Most clinically important infections occur within the first 180 days and tend to present at stereotypical times after transplantation. However, the timing of certain pathogens (e.g., CMV) can be affected by the use of prophylactic strategies, augmentation in immune suppression, or need for additional surgery. In evaluating for the presence of infection, it is useful to divide risk periods post-transplantation into three major intervals: (1) early (0–30 days after transplantation); (2) intermediate (30–180 days); and (3) late (>180 days). In addition, some infections can occur throughout the post-transplant course. Although exceptions occur, these divisions provide a useful framework for the approach to and differential diagnosis of a patient with fever after transplantation ( Table 95.2 ).

TABLE 95.2
Timing of Infectious Complications Following Transplantation a
Early Period (0–1 mo) Middle Period (1–6 mo) Late Period (≥6 mo)
Gram-negative enteric bacilli
Small bowel, liver, neonatal heart
Pseudomonas / Burkholderia spp.
Cystic fibrosis: lung
Gram-positive organisms
All transplant types
All transplant types
Herpes simplex virus
All transplant types
Nosocomial respiratory viruses
All transplant types
All transplant types
Seronegative recipient of seropositive donor
Epstein–Barr virus
All transplant types
Seronegative recipient
Small bowel highest risk group
Varicella-zoster virus
All transplant types
Pneumocystis jirovecii
All transplant types
Toxoplasma gondii
Seronegative recipient of a heart from a seropositive donor
Pseudomonas / Burkholderia spp. pneumonia
Cystic fibrosis: lung
Gram-negative enteric bacilli
Small bowel highest risk group
Epstein–Barr virus
All transplant types, but less than middle period
Varicella-zoster virus
All transplant types
Community-acquired viral infections
All transplant types
Pseudomonas/Burkholderia spp.
Cystic fibrosis: lung
Lung recipients with chronic rejection
Gram-negative enteric bacilli
Small bowel highest risk group
Aspergillus spp.
Lung transplants with chronic rejection

a Listed in decreasing order of relative importance.

Early Infections

Early infections (0–30 days after transplant) usually are associated with the presence of pre-existing conditions or surgical complications. Bacteria or yeast are the most frequent pathogens recovered. , Fifty percent or more of all bacterial infections after transplantation occur during the early posttransplant period. Superficial or deep surgical wound infections predominate during this period. Technical difficulties, particularly those resulting in anastomotic leaks or stenoses, are important risk factors after most types of SOT. In addition, donor derived infections may also present during the early time period. In general, these could include bacterial infections affecting the donor (e.g., donor bacteremia for all SOT recipients, subclinical bacterial infection of the airway in lung transplant recipients, or urinary tract infection in a renal transplant recipient). Acute donor derived viral infections such as West Nile Virus or adenovirus can also present during the early time period.

Intermediate Period Infections

The intermediate period (31–180 days after transplant) is the typical time for manifestation of infection due to latent organisms transmitted with donor organs or blood products or reactivation of those already within the recipient. This also is the time of presentation of classic opportunistic infections. In the absence of antiviral prophylaxis, CMV infection peaks during this time period. , , , , Similarly, EBV-associated posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD), , , Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP), , , and toxoplasmosis typically manifest in this period.

Late Infections

Despite performing SOT in children since the 1980s, published data on late infectious complications (>180 days after transplant) remain limited. In general, rates and severity of infection in children ≥6 months after transplantation are similar to those observed in otherwise healthy children. This is likely explained by the fact that the majority of pediatric transplant recipients are maintained on low levels of immunosuppression after this time period. However, chronic or recurrent infections do occur in a subset of transplant recipients who have uncorrected anatomic or functional abnormalities (e.g., vesicoureteral reflux, biliary stricture). Another exception occurs in children experiencing chronic lung rejection manifested as bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). These children frequently become infected with Pseudomonas , Stenotrophomonas , and Aspergillus species. Infections due to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) also occur during this later time period. Finally, CMV can manifest late, particularly in children who receive prolonged prophylaxis, and EBV-associated PTLD continues to manifest in the late period.

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