Infection Associated With Medical Devices

Use of implanted synthetic and prosthetic devices has revolutionized pediatric practice by providing long-term venous access, limb-salvage surgery, and successful treatment of hydrocephalus, urinary retention, and renal failure. However, infectious complications of these devices remain a major concern. These infections are related to the development of biofilms , organized communities of microorganisms on the device surface protected from the immune system and from antimicrobial therapy. A number of factors are important to the development of infection, including host susceptibility, device composition, duration of implantation, and exposure to colonizing organisms.

Intravascular Access Devices

Intravascular access devices range from short, stainless steel needles or plastic cannulae inserted for brief periods to multilumen implantable synthetic plastic catheters that are expected to remain in use for years. Infectious complications include local skin and soft tissue infections such as exit-site, tunnel-tract, and device-pocket infections, and catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) . The use of central venous devices has improved the quality of life of high-risk patients but has also increased the risk of infection.

Catheter Types

Short-term peripheral cannulae are most often used in pediatric patients, and infectious complications occur infrequently. The rate of peripheral CRBSIs in children is <0.15%. Patient age <1 yr, duration of use >144 hr, and some infusates are associated with increased risk for catheter-related infection. Catheter-associated phlebitis is more common (1–6%) but is rarely infective and can be treated conservatively by cannula removal.

Central venous catheters (CVCs), which terminate in a central vein such as the superior or inferior vena cava, are widely used in both adult and pediatric patients and are responsible for the majority of catheter-related infections. These catheters are frequently used in critically ill patients, including neonates, who have many other risk factors for nosocomial infection. Patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) with a CVC in place have a 5-fold greater risk for developing a nosocomial bloodstream infection than those without.

The use of peripherally inserted central catheters, which are inserted into a peripheral vein and terminate in a central vein, has increased in pediatric patients. Infection rates seem to be similar to long-term tunneled CVCs (approximately 2 per 1,000 catheter-days), but other complications such as fracture, dislodgment, and occlusion are more common.

When prolonged intravenous (IV) access is required, a cuffed silicone rubber (Silastic) or polyurethane catheter may be inserted into the superior vena cava through the subclavian, cephalic, or jugular vein. The extravascular segment of the catheter passes through a subcutaneous (SC) tunnel before exiting the skin, usually on the superior aspect of the chest (e.g., Broviac or Hickman catheter). A cuff around the catheter near the exit site induces a fibrotic reaction to seal the tunnel. Totally implanted devices comprise a tunneled central catheter attached to an SC reservoir or port with a self-sealing silicone septum immediately under the skin that permits repeated percutaneous needle access.

The incidence of local (exit site, tunnel, and pocket) infection with long-term catheters is 0.2-2.8/1,000 catheter-days. The incidence of Broviac or Hickman CRBSI is 0.5-11.0/1,000 catheter-days. The incidence of CRBSI in implantable devices is much lower at 0.3-1.8/1,000 catheter-days; however, treatment with total parenteral nutrition (TPN) eliminates this risk reduction because of a much greater relative increase in infection rate in ports. The risk for CRBSI is increased among premature infants, young children, and TPN patients.

Catheter-Associated Skin and Soft Tissue Infection

A number of local infections can occur in the presence of a CVC. The clinical manifestations of local infection include erythema, tenderness, and purulent discharge at the exit site or along the SC tunnel tract of the catheter. Exit - site infection denotes infection localized to the exit site, without significant tracking along the tunnel, often with purulent discharge. Tunnel-tract infection indicates infection in the SC tissues tracking along a tunneled catheter, which may also include serous or serosanguineous discharge from a draining sinus along the path. Pocket infection indicates suppurative infection of an SC pocket containing a totally implanted device. Bloodstream infection may coexist with local infection.

The diagnosis of local infection is established clinically, but a gram-stained smear and culture of any exit-site drainage should be performed to identify the microbiologic cause. The source is usually contamination by skin or gastrointestinal flora, and the most common organisms are Staphylococcus aureus , coagulase-negative staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida spp., and mycobacteria. Green discharge is strongly suggestive of mycobacterial infection, and appropriate stains and culture should be performed.

Treatment of local infection related to a short-term CVC should include device removal. Exit-site infection may resolve with device removal alone, but systemic symptoms should be managed with antimicrobial therapy as recommended next for treatment of CRBSI. In the case of long-term CVCs, exit-site infections usually respond to local care with topical or systemic antibiotics alone. However, tunnel or pocket infections require removal of the catheter and systemic antibiotic therapy in almost all cases. When a CVC is removed as a result of tunnel infection, the cuff should also be removed and sent for culture if possible. In cases of mycobacterial infection, wide surgical debridement of the tissues is usually required for cure.

Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection

CRBSI occurs when microorganisms attached to the CVC are shed into the bloodstream, leading to bacteremia. The term catheter-related bloodstream infection is reserved for a bloodstream infection that is demonstrated by CVC tip culture or other techniques to have been caused by colonization of the device. In contrast, the more general term central line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) is typically used for surveillance and can refer to any bloodstream infection that occurs in a patient with a CVC, unless there is an identified alternative source. On the device, the organisms are embedded in biofilms as organized communities. Colonization may be present even in the absence of symptoms or positive cultures.

Organisms may contaminate the external surface of the CVC during insertion or the intraluminal surface through handling of the catheter hub or contaminated infusate. Most cases of CRBSI appear to be caused by intraluminal colonization, but external colonization may play a greater role in infections related to recently inserted (<30 days) catheters. Gram-positive cocci predominate, with about half of infections caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci. Gram-negative enteric bacteria are isolated in approximately 20–30% of episodes, and fungi account for 5–10% of episodes.

Fever without an identifiable focus is the most common clinical presentation of CRBSI; local soft tissue symptoms and signs are usually absent. Onset of fever or rigors during or soon after flushing of a catheter is highly suggestive of CRBSI. Symptoms and signs of complicated infection, such as septic thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, or ecthyma gangrenosum, may also be present.

Blood cultures collected before beginning antibiotic therapy are generally positive from both the CVC and the peripheral blood. It is important not to collect cultures unless infection is suspected, as blood culture contamination may occur and can lead to inappropriate therapy. To help interpret positive cultures with common skin contaminants, blood cultures should be collected from at least 2 sites, preferably including all lumens of a CVC and the peripheral blood, before initiation of antibiotic therapy.

Tests to differentiate CRBSI from other sources of bacteremia in the presence of a CVC include culture of the catheter tip, quantitative blood cultures, or differential time to positivity of blood cultures drawn from different sites. Definitive diagnosis of CRBSI can be important to identify those patients who might benefit from catheter removal or adjunctive therapy. Although CVC tip culture can identify CRBSI, it precludes salvage of the catheter. The most readily available technique to confirm CRBSI without catheter removal is calculation of differential time to positivity between blood cultures drawn through a catheter and from a peripheral vein or separate lumen. During CRBSI, blood obtained through the responsible lumen will usually indicate growth at least 2-3 hr before peripheral blood or uncolonized lumens because of a higher intraluminal microorganism burden. Identical volumes of blood must be collected simultaneously from each site, and a continuously monitored blood culture system is required. Specificity of this test is good (94–100%), and sensitivity is good when a peripheral blood culture is available (approximately 90%) but poorer when comparing 2 lumens of a CVC (64%). Where available, quantitative blood culture showing at least a 3-fold higher number of organisms from central compared with peripheral blood is similarly diagnostic.

Treatment of CRBSI related to long-term vascular access devices (Hickman, Broviac, totally implantable devices) with systemic antibiotics is successful for many bacterial infections without removal of the device. Antibiotic therapy should be directed to the isolated pathogen and given for a total of 10-14 days from the date of blood culture clearance. Until identification and susceptibility testing are available, empirical therapy, based on local antimicrobial susceptibility data and usually including vancomycin plus an antipseudomonal aminoglycoside (e.g., gentamicin), penicillin (e.g., piperacillin-tazobactam), or cephalosporin (e.g., ceftazidime or cefepime) is generally indicated. An echinocandin or azole antifungal should be initiated if fungemia is suspected. Patients who have a past history of CRBSI with a resistant organism treated without CVC removal should generally receive initial empirical therapy directed against that organism, since relapse is common.

Antibiotic lock or dwell therapy , with administration of solutions of high concentrations of antibiotics or ethanol that remain in the catheter for up to 24 hr, have been proposed to improve outcomes when used as an adjuvant to systemic therapy. Antibiotic locks are recommended in patients receiving dialysis who may not have antibiotics frequently delivered through the CVC, but evidence does not suggest that routine use of lock therapy is beneficial in other patient populations, and it may cause harm. Ethanol lock therapy increases the risk of CVC occlusion, and both can result in delays to necessary CVC removal.

If blood cultures remain positive after 72 hr of appropriate therapy, or if a patient deteriorates clinically, the device should be removed. Failure of CRBSI salvage therapy is common and can be serious in infections caused by S. aureus (approximately 50%), Candida spp. (>70%), and Mycobacterium spp. (>70%), although some case reports of cure with antimicrobial lock therapy are promising. Other indications for removing a long-term catheter include severe sepsis, suppurative thrombophlebitis, and endocarditis. Prolonged therapy (4-6 wk) is indicated for persistent bacteremia or fungemia despite catheter removal, since this may represent unrecognized infective endocarditis or thrombophlebitis. The decision to attempt catheter salvage should weigh the risk and clinical impact of persistent or relapsed infection against the risk of surgical intervention.

CRBSI may be complicated by other intravascular infections such as septic thrombophlebitis or endocarditis. Presence of these conditions may be suggested by preexisting risk factors (e.g., congenital heart disease), signs and symptoms, or persistent bacteremia or fungemia 72 hr after device removal and appropriate therapy. Screening for these complications in otherwise low-risk children, even those with S. aureus infection, is not recommended, because the overall frequency is low and the tests can be difficult to interpret and may lead to inappropriate therapy.

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