Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Programming and Troubleshooting

Since its introduction into clinical practice in the early 1980s, the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) has evolved from a treatment of last resort for aborted cardiac arrest to the treatment of choice for the management of resuscitated cardiac arrest and, more recently, for the primary prevention of sudden cardiac death. The latter is now the most common indication for ICD implantation. The original device (AID, Intec Systems, Pittsburgh) lacked programmability except for turning the device on or off. Its detection rate was fixed, and it had no diagnostic capabilities except to indicate that a charging cycle had been initiated.

With the emergence of additional therapeutic capabilities, including bradycardia and antitachycardia pacing, the need for diagnostic capabilities and features has grown in keeping with the exponential growth in the rate of ICD implantation. The need to recognize and define the initiating events and resulting rhythms at the time of ICD intervention is but one of the reasons that sophisticated telemetry features were developed; other reasons include the need to diagnose ICD malfunction noninvasively and evaluate the performance of the ICD components, including battery and lead integrity.

The purpose of this chapter is to review the general concepts that should be used to program an ICD appropriately and the available methods for the diagnosis of ICD malfunction using both the ICD programmer and noninvasive techniques. Details regarding the available algorithms used for programming, in addition to the concepts behind them, are discussed in a separate chapter (see Chapter 4 ). In addition, because there is another chapter on biventricular devices (see Chapter 39 ), only conventional ICDs are discussed here. The recent development of the entirely subcutaneous ICD (S-ICD) is incorporated in the appropriate section (see Chapter 17 ).

General Principles

Each patient implanted with an ICD is unique, with unique risks for ICD therapy (appropriate and inappropriate) and ICD malfunction. Fortunately, programming considerations should follow more general principles. These principles will be woven into the subsequent chapter sections and involve the following: appropriate detection and treatment of sustained ventricular arrhythmias and the avoidance of therapy for supraventricular arrhythmias, nonsustained arrhythmias, and electrical artifact, either from oversensing of irrelevant (for the purposes of the ICD) electrical signals or lead malfunction.

ICD malfunction is uncommon. The most common reasons for inappropriate therapy or the absence of expected therapy relate to inappropriate programming, lead-related complications, imperfect diagnostic specificity, insufficient understanding of the technical specifications of device function, and drug-device interactions; now only rarely do device-device interactions and true device component malfunctions occur.

Troubleshooting of suspected ICD malfunction follows logically from analysis of the index clinical event, whether it is from a patient report or from device diagnostics. By evaluation of the clinical history, physical examination, radiographic techniques, device memory, and online telemetry, the cause of malfunction can usually be determined. The analysis must take into account the specifics of the ICD in addition to the sensing and treatment algorithms used to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Therapy may be delivered or withheld, either because of true malfunction of a component, or because the device is responding appropriately according to its programming and interaction with the environment (e.g., responses to electromagnetic interference).

Analysis of ICD problems begins with identification of the problem, followed by analysis of its possible cause. Presentation falls into four general areas: multiple shocks, failure to convert ventricular tachycardia (VT) or fibrillation (VF), failure to detect VT or VF, and problems with pacing. Each area is discussed individually.

Initial Evaluation and Tools

Clinical History

As in all other areas of medicine, the keystone to diagnosis is the clinical history. Historical clues suggesting ICD malfunction, although by themselves nondiagnostic, provide the basis for a presumptive diagnosis and suggest further avenues of inquiry. For example, repeated shocks in an asymptomatic patient suggest false signal detection or an atrial arrhythmia. Certain body positions associated with ICD shocks suggest the possibility of lead fracture or lead instability. ICD model, manufacturer, date of implantation, lead type and location, antiarrhythmic drug history, presence or absence of symptoms of heart failure or angina preceding therapy, and other clues are important, because any or all of these factors may have relevance and can be related to ICD therapy. The presence of an implanted pacemaker with an ICD raises the specter of device-device interaction, a scenario that was only of historical interest in the last two decades but may now be seen again as pacemakers are implanted in patients with subcutaneous S-ICDs, and vice versa. Therapy during exercise raises the possibility of sinus tachycardia or of atrial fibrillation (AF) with a rapid ventricular response. Palpitations may signal either supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) or VT.

Physical Examination

The physical examination may be helpful in pinpointing the exact cause of ICD malfunction. For example, for a patient who reports that certain body positions or movements elicit ICD shocks, reproducing the precise maneuver or the exact circumstances known to elicit the shocks, while simultaneously telemetering the device, may prove the diagnosis of lead failure. Occasionally, patients are reluctant to allow the examiner to do this because the prospect of an ICD shock is psychologically threatening. In such circumstances, the ICD may be placed in a monitor mode, either by programming or with the use of a magnet to suspend tachyarrhythmia detection, at the same time assuring the patient that shock delivery will not occur. The assessment of recordings from the ICD in these situations is discussed later.

Because a common point of lead fracture occurs where transvenous ICD leads pass between the clavicle and first rib, manipulation of the device pocket or the lead entry point in the pectoral area may elicit electrical noise artifact, indicating lead conductor fracture. Similar artifacts may occur with a loose connection of the set-screw to the lead terminal pin in the ICD pulse generator header. Again, make-break potentials can be demonstrated by noninvasive telemetry, as discussed later.

Other diagnostic clues may be provided by the physical examination, such as detection of an irregular pulse suggestive of AF, which may be readily confirmed by an electrocardiogram. Congestive heart failure is often associated with exacerbation of ventricular arrhythmias. Therefore eliciting symptoms and signs of left ventricular decompensation suggests a possible cause for worsening arrhythmias.

Electrocardiographic Recordings

Objective evidence of the event precipitating ICD therapy, or of an arrhythmia with absence of the expected ICD response, can be extremely helpful and is usually diagnostic ( Fig. 38-1 ). In the days before the availability of stored electrograms (EGMs), such evidence was rarely available unless the patient was hospitalized and monitored at the time of the event. Fortunately, this is now a problem of the past. Nevertheless, even when EGMs are available, they can sometimes be inconclusive or confusing. In addition, if multiple ICD detections have occurred for any reason, including lead failure, SVT, or a VT or VF storm, EGM documentation of the initial event leading to detection may be overwritten because of limited device memory.

Figure 38-1, The electrogram (EGM) shows sinus rhythm with premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) in a pattern of bigeminy, followed by a rapid, irregular ventricular arrhythmia, and then a high voltage (HV) shock delivered by a Model V193 defibrillator (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN). The three recordings are from the atrial channel, marker channel, and the ventricular pace/sense channel. Note that the EGM of the ventricular arrhythmia has a different morphology from that of the preceding sinus rhythm. The first and third beats are PVCs. The second and fourth beats are sinus in origin. The fifth beat is a PVC that initiates ventricular fibrillation, typified by a rapid, polymorphic EGM.

Device Telemetry

The advent of device telemetry has revolutionized and greatly simplified analysis of arrhythmias and events suspected of representing ICD malfunction. Early devices (e.g., Ventak, Cardiac Pacemakers [CPI/Guidant], St. Paul, MN) were able to emit sounds or beeps synchronous with ventricular EGM detection, enabling identification of oversensing or undersensing. When recorded with a phonocardiogram, a so-called “beep-o-gram” was produced. Although helpful, these crude attempts at telemetry were quickly supplanted by advances that enabled detailed information, such as R-R intervals and ventricular EGMs, to be telemetered ( Fig. 38-2 ). The complexity and sophistication of these diagnostic tools are increasing with the new generation of ICDs. The addition of the atrial channel has greatly simplified analysis of arrhythmic events ( Fig. 38-3 ).

Figure 38-2, The first line of this tracing is an electrogram (EGM) recorded from a St. Jude Medical (St. Paul, MN) single-chamber Model V193 implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). This device monitors the heart rate and has the capability of analyzing the EGM morphology. The bottom lines annotate the ICD sensing function. The checks and 100 numbers indicate the degree of matching of the EGM morphology to a sinus rhythm template that can be used to distinguish atrial from ventricular arrhythmias. The 1047 and 1063 numbers indicate cycle length. S indicates sinus rhythm, R indicates sensed R waves, and the numbers at the bottom count the seconds of the recording.

Figure 38-3, As in Figure 38-2 , this tracing electrogram (EGM) recorded at a routine clinic follow-up visit shows the ventricular EGM (fourth tracing) and an atrial EGM (third tracing) from a dual chamber Model V242 implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) (St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN). The first and second tracings are respectively, a surface electrocardiogram and a marker channel. In the marker channel, the checks indicate a template match with sinus rhythm (100% registered below the horizontal marker line). The fourth beat, marked X, is a premature ventricular depolarization with a different morphology than sinus; it is logged as a 0% match. The next two rows of numbers are the P-P and R-R intervals. S indicates sinus rhythm as defined by the ICD, as opposed to T or F if ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation were present, respectively. R indicates sensed ventricular activity. The data on atrial and ventricular EGM timing and ventricular EGM morphology allow this device to use discrimination algorithms to differentiate supraventricular from ventricular arrhythmias. In addition, it can of course function as an atrial, ventricular, or dual-chamber pacemaker.

Other diagnostic information is now routinely available from all ICDs, including battery voltage, pacing and sensing lead impedances, charge times, high-voltage lead impedance, and frequency and timing of ventricular events. The finding of a depleted battery, lead impedance out of range (either too high or too low), and R-R intervals can lead to correct diagnoses. The latter is extremely important, because nonphysiologic intervals (short) raise the suspicion of make-brake electrical noise artifact. One device (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) records information regarding both impedance changes ( Fig. 38-4 ) and nonphysiologic R-R intervals (“sensing integrity counter” [SIC], Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN).

Figure 38-4, Decreasing Ring-Coil Impedances Logged in a GEM Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN).

Newer ICDs from all major manufacturers are capable of remote device telemetry from the patient's home. This capability offers two advantages over exclusively office-based interrogation. The first advantage is the ability to interrogate the ICD following a shock more quickly and easily. The second advantage is the ability to discover arrhythmias that may be asymptomatic ( Fig. 38-5 ). The third advantage is that most remote monitoring frequently assesses lead impedance changes and other parameters that may herald lead failure. The TRUST: Lumos-T Reduces Routine Office Device Follow-Up study showed that remote monitoring with automatic daily surveillance provides early detection of device events. Once a potential lead failure is identified by the device, the physician can be notified quickly, often quickly enough to intervene before lead failure produces a clinical event (i.e., shock for lead fracture). The CONNECT Trial demonstrated that remote follow-up of ICD significantly reduced the time from onset of clinical events (new onset atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, lead or device integrity problems) to clinical decisions compared with usual outpatient clinic follow-up. The role of remote monitoring in helping troubleshooting management is more extensively discussed in a separate chapter ( Chapter 40 ). Unfortunately, some device failures occur with adverse events happening so rapidly such as inappropriate shocks that early notification is impossible. Notably, even if mechanisms such as audible tones are available for patient notification, with increasing age more patients are unable to hear the alerts.

Figure 38-5, Two Examples of Information Obtained Via Remote Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Monitoring.

Radiographic Evidence

Radiographic evidence is helpful if lead malposition, dislodgment, or fracture is suspected ( Figs. 38-6 through 38-9 ). It is recommended, whenever possible, that chest radiographs taken immediately after ICD implantation be compared with radiographs obtained at the time of a problem. Such comparisons may reveal lead malposition and displacement when none is suspected. Radiographs can also be helpful in demonstrating conductor fracture or pin connectors improperly positioned in the header. Examining the radiographic “signature” of the device can help identify the device type when the patient is unaware of the ICD model or type. Knowledge of unique failure modes, such as “migration” of set screws (travel of the right ventricular fixation screw into the channel lumen during shipment) in particular families of ICDs, is of course desirable. Figures 38-6 and 38-7 show examples of lead dislodgment. Because the distal end of the lead is close to the tricuspid annulus (see Fig. 38-6A ), both atrial and ventricular signals are recorded (see Fig. 38-6B ). This leads to “double-counting,” which for a given heart rate, the ventricular channel registers twice the actual heart rate, satisfying the high rate detection requirement and leading to administration of a shock (see Fig. 38-6B ). Figure 38-7 shows a similar example, but the electrical artifacts are more disorganized and irregular, presumably because the lead is more free-floating. Figure 38-8 shows an example of disruption of a transvenous ICD lead as it passes between the clavicle and first rib. Figure 38-9 is an example of fracture of a subcutaneous ICD lead that was placed due to an elevated defibrillation threshold (DFT). The chest x-rays were obtained following an elevated impedance check on routine interrogation. Device revision was required.

Figure 38-6, A, A biventricular pacing-implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) system (Model V340, St. Jude Medical, St. Paul, MN) with the right ventricular pacing-sensing-defibrillation lead displaced to the tricuspid annulus. B, Recordings from the ICD. From top to bottom are the atrial electrogram (EGM), the marker channels, and the ventricular EGM. In the marker channel area, F indicates fibrillation detection, trigger denotes episode detection and asterisks (*) indicate device charging. During the charging and reconfirmation period R indicates an interval fast enough to reconfirm and S indicates an interval below the ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation (VT/VF) rate. The numbers are atrial and ventricular cycle lengths. Below the numbers, P stands for P wave and R for R wave. Because the distal end of the lead is close to the tricuspid annulus, both atrial and ventricular signals are recorded in the ventricular channel, such that the ventricular rate counter registers twice the actual heart rate. The R-R labels reflect double-counting from the EGM in the bottom tracing recorded from the right ventricular distal tip. This double-counting satisfied high rate detection, and a shock was delivered (HV).

Figure 38-7, Interval plot (A) and stored electrogram (B) from a patient whose right ventricular defibrillation lead was dislodged to the tricuspid valve. Random electrical signals generated by lead movement in the ventricle provided very rapid and irregular artifacts that were interpreted by the Model 7230 implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) as ventricular fibrillation, and a shock was delivered ( CD, Charge delivered) on B.

Figure 38-8, A, Posteroanterior chest radiograph of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator system from a patient who presented with multiple shocks. The lower lead has a discontinuity where it travels between the clavicle and the first rib. B, Close-up view of a different patient with an identical presentation. The fracture again is at the junction between the clavicle and first rib and is easily identified where the superior, high-voltage lead is bent with a discontinuity at the inferior margin.

Figure 38-9, Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (B) chest x-rays demonstrating fracture of a subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator coil placed due to elevated defibrillation thresholds. This was detected upon routine device interrogation showing an elevated impedance. The patient subsequently had a new subcutaneous coil implanted.

Chest radiography may sometimes clearly show lead perforation, whether it be subacute or chronic. However, because accurate diagnosis in these situations can be critical given the competing risks of unnecessary device revision and unexpected device failure, 3D echocardiography and computed tomography scanning can be used to further evaluate lead perforation when questions arise.

Care must be taken to learn the appearance of the welds of the springs, because they can be mistaken for fracture if their usual appearance of being offset from the central axis of the lead is not appreciated ( Fig. 38-10 ). An unusual cause of lead failure, and sometimes failure of telemetry, occurs in “twiddlers”; in these cases, a lead is twisted and fractured ( Fig. 38-11 ) or the ICD is inverted. Lead perforation can occur subacutely or rarely chronically, leading to several problems including undersensing of ventricular arrhythmias, failure to convert ventricular arrhythmias, and failure of pacing as the lead tip exits the myocardium ( Fig 38-12 ).

Figure 38-10, A, Posteroanterior chest radiograph that was interpreted to show a lead fracture (Endotak, Cardiac Pacemakers, St. Paul, MN). The area is the distal portion of the defibrillation coil with apparent lateral displacement of the electrode (arrowhead). B, Coned-down view of the lead, documenting a continuous metallic connection at the level of the transition from a central electrode to the outer coil. This is the typical appearance of a Guidant Endotak lead, and no fracture is present.

Figure 38-11, Two Examples of Twiddling.

Figure 38-12, Chest X-Ray Obtained 6 Weeks Following Dual-Chamber Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Implantation Showing Subacute Lead Perforation.

Figure 38-13 shows chest x-rays obtained on a patient with an S-ICD. Proper positioning of the S-ICD can and the S-ICD lead is important to ensure an optimal shock vector.

Figure 38-13, Posteroanterior (A) and lateral (B) chest x-rays obtained on a patient implanted with a subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD). At first glance, the S-ICD lead and S-ICD in Figure 38-13 can appear out of optimal position. However, close examination reveals that the heart is entirely within the shock vector in this tall patient with a vertical heart.


Multiple Shocks

Multiple shocks ( Table 38-1 ) may be the result of incessant VT/VF, repetitive VT/VF, oversensing of T waves, electromagnetic interference, electrical noise artifacts from a fractured conductor or myopotentials in the case of insulation failure, or SVT including sinus tachycardia, AF, atrial flutter, or another mechanism. Sometimes the ICD itself can be proarrhythmic ( Box 38-1 ).

TABLE 38-1
Multiple Shocks
Cause Management
Usually due to VT or VF Judicious use of magnet and/or programming ICD off
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) Reprogram, treat arrhythmia, slow ventricular response to AF
Change in substrate Treat precipitating factor
Ischemia Revascularize, drug therapy
Drug change Reprogram or change drug
Sensing Malfunction
Lead failure (conductor or insulation) Replace lead
Loose connection (e.g., set-screw) Reoperate and reseat screw
T-wave sensing Reprogram as feasible
P-wave sensing Reprogram as feasible, but often requires reoperation
External Signals
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) Avoid cause
Device-device interaction Reprogram or reoperate
AF, Atrial fibrillation; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

Box 38-1
Adapted from Pinski SL, Fahy GJ: The proarrhythmic potential of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators. Circulation 92(6):1651-1664, 1995.
Classification of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator-Induced Proarrhythmia

ICD-Induced Tachyarrhythmias

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