Immunologic, Reactive, and Purpuric Disorders


In this chapter, a number of non-related entities will be discussed. They appear grouped by convenience, and represent a heterogeneous group of genetic and acquired diseases with a common ground of an immunologic pathophysiology. Several disorders appear to represent hypersensitivity reactions. Purpuric eruptions will also be covered in this chapter. The differential diagnosis of purpura is extensive in neonates and young infants, and includes hematological disorders, infections, trauma, metabolic diseases, and iatrogenic disorders.

Annular erythemas

Annular erythema is a descriptive term that encompasses several entities of unknown etiology characterized by circinate polycyclic lesions that extend peripherally from a central focus. Because of subtle differences in clinical features, age of onset, duration of individual lesions, and total duration of the eruptions, a variety of descriptive terms have been coined for these disorders ( Table 20.1 ). For prognostic reasons, it is useful to subdivide annular erythemas into transient and persistent forms. Transient forms include annular erythema of infancy and the less well-established entities erythema gyratum atrophicans transiens neonatale, neutrophilic figurate erythema of infancy and eosinophilic annular erythema. Persistent annular erythemas include erythema annulare centrifugum and familial annular erythema. The most important issue, however, is to exclude entities which require specific evaluation and treatment, such as neonatal lupus, tinea corporis, erythema chronicum migrans, erythema marginatum rheumaticum, erythema gyratum repens, and erythema multiforme. These ‘annular’ erythemas have distinctive clinical or histologic features and are considered below and elsewhere in this book.

TABLE 20.1
Annular erythemas
Age of onset Clinical features Duration of individual lesions Duration of eruption Healing Histopathology
Transient forms
Annular erythema of infancy Early infancy Annular plaques
No scaling or vesiculation
Raised borders
Days Transient (5–6 weeks; cyclic course) No residual lesions Perivascular infiltrate of eosinophils
Erythema gyratum atrophicans transiens neonatale Early infancy Annular plaques
No scaling or vesiculation
Raised borders
Atrophic center
Days to months Resolves before first year No residual lesions Perivascular monocytic infiltrate
Epidermal atrophy
DIF granular IgG; C3 and C4 at the BMZ
Eosinophilic annular erythema Infants and adults Annular plaques
No scaling or vesiculation
Raised borders
Weeks to months New lesions develop for months or years No residual lesions Perivascular infiltrate, very prominent eosinophils, no flame figures
Neutrophilic figurate erythema of infancy Infants Annular plaques
No scaling or vesiculation
Raised borders
Weeks Cyclic for a few years No residual lesions Neutrophils and leukocytoclasia without vasculitis
Persistent forms
Erythema annulare centrifugum Adulthood, newborn period possible Mild scaling may be seen at borders Weeks Persistent (months or years, with new lesions developing continuously) Residual hyper-pigmentation Superficial and deep perivascular cuff of lymphocytes
Familial annular erythema Early infancy to puberty
Autosomal dominant
Possible vesiculation or scaling
Geographic tongue may be associated
Days Persistent (lifelong, short remissions) Transient hyper-pigmentation Superficial perivascular cuff of lymphocytes
Spongiosis and parakeratosis

Annular erythema of infancy

Annular erythema of infancy is a benign disease of early infancy characterized by the cyclic appearance of urticarial papules that enlarge peripherally, forming 2–3 cm rings or arcs with firm, raised, cord-like or urticarial borders. Adjacent lesions become confluent, forming arcuate and polycyclic lesions ( Fig. 20.1 ). Neither vesiculation nor scaling is present at the border. The eruption is asymptomatic. Individual lesions resolve spontaneously without a trace within several days, but new lesions continue to appear in a cyclical fashion until complete resolution within the first year of life. Resolution of the lesions only during febrile episodes has been reported. A few cases lasting for years have been described.

Figure 20.1, Annular erythema of infancy.

The cause of annular erythema is unknown, and there are no associated systemic findings. Histologic studies reveal a superficial and deep, dense, perivascular infiltrate of mononuclear cells and eosinophils. No flame figures are observed. The epidermis is normal or mildly spongiotic. Two variants with a predominantly eosinophilic and neutrophilic infiltrate have been described and renamed as eosinophilic annular erythema and neutrophilic figurate erythema of infancy , respectively.

Laboratory studies are normal. Peripheral eosinophilia does not accompany tissue eosinophilia. Immunoglobulin levels, including IgE levels, are normal. The differential diagnosis should include other annular lesions of infancy (see below). No treatment is warranted because of the self-limited nature of the eruption.

Erythema gyratum atrophicans transiens neonatale is a less well-defined entity, characterized clinically by annular plaques with an erythematous border and an atrophic center. The lesions appear in the newborn period and resolve within the first year of life. Histologic findings include epidermal atrophy and a mild perivascular mononuclear infiltrate. Immunofluorescence studies reveal granular deposits of IgG, C3, and C4 at the dermoepidermal junction and around capillaries. Erythema gyratum atrophicans transiens neonatale possibly represents a variant of neonatal lupus erythematosus.

Erythema annulare centrifugum

Erythema annulare centrifugum (EAC) is a more persistent type of annular erythema that usually affects adults, but may also occur in children and rarely in newborns. Two clinico­pathologic variants have been identified: a superficial and a deep variety. The lesions consist of annular and polycyclic plaques with an indurated border in the deep variety and a scaly border in the superficial variety. The scales characteristically lag behind the advancing border. Individual lesions resolve spontaneously after a few weeks, but new plaques continue to develop for years, or may be a lifelong condition. There is no associated pruritus. Erythema annulare centrifugum is thought to represent a hypersensitivity reaction to several trigger factors, including infectious agents ( Candida , Epstein–Barr virus, Ascaris , Pseudomonas ), drugs or foods, and neoplasia, especially in adults. Intradermal injection of candidin or trichophytin may reproduce the clinical lesions.

Histologic features for superficial EAC consist of a dense, superficial, perivascular mononuclear infiltrate. There is also parakeratosis or epidermal spongiosis. The deep variant shows a sleeve-like arrangement of the superficial and deep lymphocytic infiltrate, and in some cases of melanophages, subtle vacuolar changes at the dermal–epidermal junction, and individual necrotic keratinocytes, which makes differential diagnosis from tumid lupus erythematosus very difficult.

No therapy has been successful in all cases. Depending on the trigger factor, treatment agents that have been used include oral nystatin, oral amphotericin B, topical antifungals, antihistamines, disodium cromoglycate, and interferon-α.

Familial annular erythema

Familial cases of annular erythema with autosomal dominant inheritance have rarely been described. The onset is in early infancy. Dermographism and pruritus was marked in the original cases. Lesions resolve with residual hyperpigmentation. Chronicity is the rule and geographic tongue may be associated.

Differential diagnosis of annular erythemas

Differential diagnosis includes other eruptions with ring-like lesions, such as neonatal lupus, erythema multiforme, urticaria, urticarial lesions of pemphigoid, fungal infections, erythema chronicum migrans, and congenital Lyme disease.

Serum antibody determinations (antinuclear, SS-A, and SS-B) are recommended to exclude neonatal lupus. Scraping any scaly lesion for KOH preparation is also advisable.

Neonatal lupus erythematosus

Neonatal lupus erythematosus (NLE) is a disease of newborns caused by maternally transmitted autoantibodies. The major manifestations are dermatologic and cardiac. Skin findings are transient. Cardiac disease, which is responsible for the morbidity and mortality of NLE, begins in utero and affects the cardiac conduction system permanently. Other findings include hepatic and hematologic abnormalities. Mothers of infants with neonatal lupus have anti-Ro/SS-A autoantibodies in 95% of cases. Anti-La/SS-B and anti-U1RNP autoantibodies have also been implicated in the pathogenesis of NLE in a minority of patients.

Cutaneous findings

Of infants with NLE, 50% have skin lesions, and congenital heart block is present in about 10%. Lesions commonly develop at a few weeks of age but may be apparent at birth, which suggests that ultraviolet (UV) radiation is not essential for the development of skin lesions. Ulcerations, bullae, and extensive atrophy may be present, particularly in cases that are present at birth and transient bullous lesions from severe vacuolar damage of the basal cell layer have been reported as unusual manifestations of NLE. These cases might more accurately be called ‘congenital LE’ rather than NLE ( Fig. 20.2 ).

Figure 20.2, Neonatal lupus with atrophic skin lesions present at birth.

The more common skin manifestations of NLE fall into two main morphologies, papulosquamous and annular. Papulosquamous lesions are more common and are characterized by erythematous, nonindurated scaly plaques ( Fig. 20.3 ), sometimes with an atrophic appearance ( Fig. 20.4 ). In contrast to discoid lupus, scarring and follicular plugging are usually absent. The annular variant consists of well-circumscribed round plaques. Lupus profundus and generalized poikiloderma with erosions and patchy alopecia are rare manifestations.

Figure 20.3, Neonatal lupus erythematosus.

Figure 20.4, Neonatal lupus erythematosus.

NLE lesions are most common on the face and scalp, predominantly affecting the periorbital and malar areas, often causing the ‘raccoon eyes’ appearance ( Figs 20.4 , 20.5 ), but can occur on virtually any body site. The eruption is frequently precipitated or aggravated by sun exposure, but lesions can develop in sun-protected areas (e.g., the diaper region, palms, and soles). Skin lesions are transient and cease to appear around the age of 6 months, after the disappearance of maternal antibodies. Transient or persistent hypopigmentation and epidermal atrophy may result ( Fig. 20.6 ). Telangiectases, vascular ectasias resembling petechiae, persistent livedo or cutis marmorata, features of cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita, and widespread erythema mimicking an extensive capillary malformation have been observed but are much less common manifestations. In some cases, these findings can be an initial sign of NLE, occurring without preceding identifiable inflammatory lesions. A rare report of a case of NLE with a serological profile consistent with drug-induced lupus has been described in a newborn whose mother was treated with α-interferon during pregnancy.

Figure 20.5, Neonatal lupus erythematosus.

Figure 20.6, Neonatal lupus erythematosus

Extracutaneous findings

The most significant manifestation is isolated complete congenital heart block. More than 90% of such cases are due to NLE. Most patients have third-degree block, but progression from a second-degree block has been reported. Heart block can often be detected as early as 20 weeks' gestation. Cardio­myopathy and other types of arrhythmias are associated with NLE.

Transient liver disease, manifesting as hepatomegaly (with a picture of cholestasis) or elevation of liver enzymes, and thrombocytopenia or other isolated cytopenias, may occur. Petechiae and purpura have been described as presenting signs of NLE. Less common findings include thrombosis associated with anticardiolipin antibodies, hypocalcemia, spastic paraparesis, pneumonitis, and transient myasthenia gravis. Central nervous system (CNS) involvement has been emphasized in some reports, and can be asymptomatic, with only ultrasound and CT scan abnormalities, suggesting a transient phenomenon. However, hydrocephalus has been reported in 8% of children with NLE. NLE is a cause of chondrodysplasia punctata, seen in X-rays as stippling of the epiphyses and the spine. Between 30% and 50% of mothers of infants with NLE have a connective tissue disease, most commonly SLE or Sjögren syndrome. Most, however, are asymptomatic. The risk for developing overt connective tissue disease in these mothers is highly debated, with estimates ranging from 2% to more than 70%.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Placentally transmitted maternal IgG autoantibodies are associated with the pathogenesis of NLE. The most commonly implicated autoantibodies have been anti-Ro/SS-A and anti-La/SS-B, present in 95% and 60–80%, respectively. A small subset of affected infants have neither Ro or La antibodies, but instead have anti-U1RNP. Antibodies against the 52/60-kD Ro and 48-kD La ribonucleoproteins are associated with heart block, whereas antibodies against the 50-kD La ribonucleoprotein are associated with cutaneous disease. Significantly more symptomatic mothers of children with congenital heart block have anti-La antibodies than do disease-matched mothers with unaffected children. Moreover, the mean level of anti-La seems to be higher in mothers of infants with congenital heart block than in mothers of children with cutaneous NLE. It is likely that the amount of maternal antibodies, rather than their presence, is associated with fetal injury.

Why less than 5% of mothers with anti-Ro and anti-La antibodies give birth to affected children is not understood, nor is the fact that mothers of affected infants are often asymptomatic despite having these antibodies. Fraternal twins are often discordant for NLE, and NLE does not occur in every subsequent pregnancy. Genetic factors may be important for the development of NLE in children with maternal lupus antibodies. A link has been suggested between NLE rash and the allele HLA-DRB1*03, as well as a -308A polymorphism in the TNF-α gene. Alternatively, maternal and/or sibling microchimerism may play an additional role, as levels of microchimerism have been reported to correlate with NLE disease activity.

Laboratory tests and histopathology

Serologic studies for autoantibodies in the mother and infant demonstrate anti-Ro, anti-La, and/or anti-U1RNP antibodies. Anti-NDNA, anticardiolipin antibodies, antinuclear antibody, and rheumatoid factor may also be present. Anti-Sm antibody, highly specific for systemic lupus erythematosus, is not found in NLE. The maternal antibody titer is usually higher than the infant titer. In apparently seronegative infants, more sensitive studies such as ELISA, immunoblotting, or line immunoassay, should be used instead of immunodiffusion techniques. Skin biopsy, which is usually not necessary for diagnosis, shows changes characteristic of lupus erythematosus, i.e., epidermal atrophy, vacuolization of the basal layer with a sparse lymphohistiocytic infiltrate at the dermoepidermal junction with a periappendageal distribution. In many instances, histopathological features in children with NLE rash are subtle. Direct immunofluorescence is positive in 50% of cases, demonstrating granular deposits of IgG, C3, and IgM at the dermoepidermal junction.

Differential diagnosis

The differential diagnosis encompasses congenital infections including rubella, cytomegalovirus and syphilis, congenital graft-versus-host disease, annular erythema of infancy, tinea corporis, and seborrheic dermatitis. False-positive VDRL tests for syphilis may occur in NLE. Telangiectasia and photosensitivity may suggest Bloom syndrome or Rothmund–Thomson syndrome. Serologic studies for autoantibodies in both infant and mother help to confirm the diagnosis. Skin biopsy for histologic and direct immunofluorescence studies is seldom necessary.

Course, management, treatment, and prognosis

Neonates with suspected NLE should receive a complete physical examination, electrocardiogram, complete blood count with platelet count, and liver function tests ( Box 20.1 ).

Box 20.1
Recommended evaluation of children with neonatal lupus erythematosus

  • Clinical skin examination

  • Complete clinical examination

  • Skin biopsy (if clinical diagnosis not achieved)

  • Full blood count (including platelets)

  • Coagulation screen (including lupus anticoagulant and antiphospholipid antibodies)

  • Serum chemistry (including liver function test)

  • Autoantibody screening: antinuclear antibodies, anti-Ro, anti-La, anti-RNP

  • Electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. Referral to pediatric cardiologist

  • CNS ultrasound. Consider brain CT scan or MRI if clinical examination abnormal

Skin lesions are transient. Treatment of skin disease consists of sun protection and the application of topical steroids. Pulsed dye laser therapy may be considered for residual telangiectasia. Congenital heart block is permanent. Half of newborns with complete congenital heart block require implantation of a pacemaker in the neonatal period. The average mortality rate from complete congenital heart block in the neonatal period is 15%; another 10–20% die of pacemaker complications. Late-onset cardiomyopathy may develop in a few infants.

Mothers with anti-Ro or anti-La antibodies have a risk of delivering an infant with NLE in the range of 1–20%, depending on whether they have asymptomatic or symptomatic SLE. The risk of recurrence of congenital heart block in subsequent pregnancies may be as high as 25%. Such pregnancies should be closely monitored, ideally by obstetricians familiar with managing high-risk pregnancies. Although NLE is usually self-limited, SLE or other rheumatologic/autoimmune diseases may develop later in life in a small subset of patients. The exact risk is unknown.

Other collagen vascular disorders of the newborn and young infant

Collagen vascular disorders seldom appear in newborns and young infants. Both discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus (LE) has been reported in infants below 12 months of age, but skin lesions are very unusual. A systemic LE-like rash was seen at 12 months of age in an infant with C1q deficiency. Patients with familial chilblain lupus have been reported to develop skin lesions in infancy. Familial chilblain lupus is usually due to mutations in the TREX1 gene, and thus is allelic with the Aicardi–Goutières syndrome (AGS). In AGS, chilblains are a common symptom, and there is some overlap between AGS and familial chilblain lupus. In one family, a dominant heterozygous mutation in SAMHD1 caused familial chilblain lupus with infantile onset.

Localized (linear) morphea can be present at birth, but this is very rare. It may be initially confused with vascular malformations such as port-wine stains.

Drug eruptions

Cutaneous drug reactions are very rare in neonates. This is likely due to the relative inability to generate a drug-induced immune response and the lack of medication exposures together with time lag for sensitization required in many drug hypersensitivities. However, drug eruptions become far more common in older infants. These eruptions may be true hypersensitivity reactions, but many are idiosyncratic reactions, triggered in the setting of concomitant viral illnesses. If a drug eruption is suspected, a detailed history of medications should be obtained. In breast-feeding infants, this should include medications taken by the mother. A history of recent vaccinations can also be relevant.

Maculopapular and morbilliform eruptions are the most frequent type of drug reactions in infants and usually have a benign course ( Fig. 20.7 ). These eruptions are characterized by the abrupt onset of multiple small pink-red macules and papules that begin on the head and upper trunk and symmetrically progress downwards ( Figs 20.8 , 20.9 ). The lesions appear within the first 2 weeks of starting the offending medication and are often pruriginous. Most benign drug reactions are delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to antibiotics. Distinguishing a drug eruption from a viral exanthem is often difficult. Skin biopsy is not helpful in most cases. It has been proposed that FAS ligand serum concentration might be useful in discriminating between drug rashes and viral exanthems, as it is raised in drug reactions and consistently low in viral rashes, but it is not available in most clinical settings. Drug eruptions are usually self-limiting after prompt recognition and discontinuation of the causative drug. Antihistamines in infants older than 6 months of age may help to alleviate the pruritus, but systemic steroids are not indicated unless the reaction is severe, and their efficacy remains controversial. Drug rechallenge to confirm the diagnosis is not recommended, and family education about generic and trade drug names is important to avoid recurrences.

Figure 20.7, Extensive erythematous eruption caused by a systemic antibiotic.

Figure 20.8, Drug eruption resulting from procainamide.

Figure 20.9, Maculopapular eruption caused by diazoxide.

The primary infection by Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), usually asymptomatic in young children, may display the so-called ‘ampicillin rash’ when patients are given ampicillin, amoxicillin or, much less frequently, other antibiotics such cephalosporins or macrolides. The incidence of ampicillin rash in EBV infection was estimated to appear in 90% of patients, but recent studies have shown that the amoxicillin-induced rash appears only in about 30% of cases. The antibiotic-related rash can be macular, petechial, scarlatiniform or urticarial, and it can be differentiated from the spontaneous eruption in EBV infection in that it begins 1–2 days after starting the antibiotic treatment and that it is more severe and generalized, involving the head, neck, trunk, extremities, and even palms and soles. No consistent relationship has been shown for antibiotic dose, duration of treatment, atopic history, or previous exposure to penicillin. The pathogenesis behind the aminopenicillin-associated rash is uncertain. Ampicillin and amoxicillin can be re-administered after viral resolution without any adverse effect, suggesting a toxic etiology and not a true allergy.

Vancomycin, an antibiotic frequently administered to premature newborn infants for Staphylococcus epidermidis nosocomial infections, may produce shock and rash (red-baby syndrome). This reaction is characterized by the appearance of an intense, macular, erythematous eruption on the neck, face, and upper trunk shortly after the infusion is completed. It may be accompanied by hypotension and shock. The reaction resolves rapidly in a matter of hours. It is frequently associated with rapid infusion; however, lengthening the infusion to more than 1 hour does not completely eliminate the risk.

Newborns with AIDS have an increased susceptibility to drug reactions. Reactions to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole in patients with HIV infections can be severe and life-threatening.

Fixed drug eruptions (FDE) are rare in infants and newborns. The classic cutaneous reaction of FDE consists of one or more round, well-circumscribed, erythematous to violaceous patches of variable size that appear anywhere on the body. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxasole and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are well-known causes of fixed drug eruptions. Reactions of the scrotum and penis, with erythema and edema resulting from hydroxyzine hydrochloride, have also been described in early infancy, as well as bullous forms. Recurrences in the exact same location are common prior to diagnosis.

Vegetant bromoderma is a reaction to bromides characterized by coalescing papules and pustules which form vegetant inflammatory or pseudotumoral lesions. It usually affects the scalp, face, and legs. Most cases of vegetant bromoderma have been described in infants after the ingestion of syrups and solutions containing bromide, which has sedative, anticonvulsant and expectorant properties, or the spasmolytic agent scopolamine bromide. The eruption ceases after withdrawal of bromide. The risk of systemic intoxication, known as bromism, makes it advisable to avoid bromide use in newborns and infants.

Other anecdotal reports of toxicoderma in very young infants or newborns have been described, such as a papular eruption from G-CASF for collection of stem cells, a lichenoid reaction to ursodeoxycholic acid for neonatal hepatitis, and a maculopapular rash from diazoxide used for neonatal hyperglycemia ( Fig. 20.9 ).

Serum sickness-like reaction is rare in neonates but has been reported in infants as young as 5 months of age. It is characterized by fever, an urticarial eruption, and arthralgias. Lymphadenopathy may be present. In contrast to true serum sickness, there are no immune complexes, vasculitis, or renal impairment. The most commonly implicated drug has been cefaclor, but this eruption can be seen in infants with an unknown or presumably viral etiology ( Fig. 20.10 ).

Figure 20.10, Infant with serum sickness-like eruption.

Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis

Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is characterized by acute onset of fever and a widespread eruption of less than 5 mm sterile pustules on an erythematous background ( Fig. 20.11 ). It is more common in older children and adults, but a few cases have been reported in infancy. Known etiologies of AGEP include exposure to systemic medications, mainly antibiotics, recent viral infection, vaccinations, and exposure to mercury. Histological study shows subcorneal pustules associated with dermal edema, and occasionally vasculitis, eosinophils in the superficial dermis, and focal keratinocyte necrosis. AGEP may be both clinically and histologically difficult to distinguish from pustular psoriasis. In AGEP, however, additional skin lesions such as purpura, vesicles, bullae, and target lesions, may be seen, there is an antecedent drug exposure in most cases, and the fever and pustules have a shorter duration than in pustular psoriasis. The condition fades away in a few days to weeks after abandoning the offending medication.

Figure 20.11, Acute generalized exanthemic pustulosis.

Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome

Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DISH), also known as ‘drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms’ (DRESS) is a serious drug reaction characterized by fever, skin rash, lymphadenopathy, hematological abnormalities and internal organ involvement, especially involving the liver. It is rare in this age group, although a fatal case in a 3-month-old infant has been reported, as well as a case in a premature infant, and another in a 22-month-old patient. The most commonly implicated drugs are anticonvulsants, particularly phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine, and antibiotics, e.g., trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, isoniazid, vancomycin, and amoxicillin. It usually occurs within 2 months of the introduction of the offending drug, most often in 2–6 weeks, but cases developing after 3 months of exposure have also been reported. However, symptoms can appear earlier and be more severe after re-exposure. The condition may be progressive even after discontinuation of the causative agent. Affected patients are frequently initially misdiagnosed as having less severe conditions such as streptococcal pharyngitis, mononucleosis, or other viral illness, both because the association with medication is not recognized and because early cutaneous manifestations are nonspecific maculopapular rashes. Facial and periorbital swelling are very characteristic and suggestive of DRESS. Diffuse erythroderma, desquamation and occasionally vesicles and bullae evolving into Stevens–Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis may occur ( Table 20.2 ). Erythema multiforme-like targetoid lesions and features mimicking Kawasaki disease (KD) have been reported. In addition to the nearly universal fever, rash and lymphadenopathy, laboratory abnormalities are common, namely eosinophilia, atypical lymphocytosis and elevated transaminases. Lungs, kidneys, muscle, and the gastrointestinal system may also be affected. Thyroid disease has been reported in 6–10% of pediatric patients. Systemic steroids are the most commonly used therapy, and successful treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins in refractory-to-steroid cases has also been reported. Although the prognosis is generally good, the condition is potentially life-threatening and early diagnosis and discontinuation of the offending drug are very important. In cases of severe cutaneous or systemic involvement, admission to an ICU or a burn unit for careful monitoring is mandatory ( Box 20.2 ).

TABLE 20.2
Characteristic findings of severe cutaneous drug reactions
Modified from Husain Z, Reddy BY, Schwartz RA. DRESS syndrome: Part II. Management and therapeutics. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013; 68(5):709.e1–e9.
Onset of eruption 2–6 weeks 1–3 weeks 48 h
Duration of eruption (weeks) Several 1–3 <1
Fever +++ +++ +++
Mucocutaneous features Facial edema, morbilliform eruption, pustules, exfoliative dermatitis, tense bullae, and possible target lesions Bullae, atypical target lesions, and mucocutaneous erosions Facial edema, pustules, tense bullae, possible target lesions, and possible mucosal involvement
Histological pattern of skin Perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate Epidermal necrosis Subcorneal pustules
Lymph node enlargement +++ +
Hepatitis +++ ++ ++
Other organ involvement Interstitial nephritis, pneumonitis, myocarditis, and thyroiditis Tubular nephritis and tracheobronchial necrosis Possible
Neutrophils ↑↑↑
Eosinophils ↑↑↑
Neutrophils ↑↑↑
Mortality rate 10% 5–35% 5%
AGEP, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis; DRESS, drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms; SJS, Stevens–Johnson syndrome; TEN, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Box 20.2
Management of severe drug reactions

  • 1.

    Immediate discontinuation of any possible offending drugs and directed search for evidence of triggering infections

  • 2.

    Analytical assessment at admission: CBC, LFT, BMP, creatinine, BUN, urinalysis, CPK, LDH, ferritin, triglycerides, calcium, sodium, potassium, coagulation tests, TSH, PTH, lipase, CRP, ANA, quantitative PCR for HHV6, HHV7, EBV, and CMV

  • 3.

    Supportive care in a skilled unit (e.g., ICU/burn unit) if extensive cutaneous involvement or laboratory abnormalities

    • Appropriate room temperature (30–32°C)

    • Analgesia (avoid NSAIDs)

    • Fluid and electrolyte imbalance

    • Caloric replacement (enteral/parenteral nutrition)

    • Conservative management of wounds, without debridement

    • Appropriate wound dressing to avoid superinfections (use non-adhesive dressings, avoid topical sulfonamide-containing medications; if extensive involvement, consider biosynthetic skin equivalents)

    • Ophthalmologist consultation for eye care

    • Oral antacids and mouth care

    • Surveillance of sepsis and secondary infections with periodic cultures of skin exudates, sputum and eye/mouth secretions

    • Treatment of superinfections and bacteremias

    • Physical therapy to prevent pulmonary involvement and joint contractures

  • 4.

    Consult the appropriate specialists to manage complicated ocular and visceral involvement

  • 5.

    Use of systemic therapy and immunosuppressive therapy is still controversial in STS/TEN but systemic steroid therapy is widely accepted in DRESS syndrome with significant systemic involvement

ANA, antinuclear factor; BMP, basic metabolic panel; BUN, blood nitrogen urea; CBC, complete blood count; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CPK, creatine phosphokinase; CRP, C-reactive protein; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; HHV, human herpes virus; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; LFT, liver function tests; PTH, parathyroid hormone; TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone.

Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis

Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are characterized by detachment of epidermis, acute skin blisters, and mucous membrane erosions, and are generally considered to be on a spectrum of the same disease. SJS is defined as epidermal detachment of <10% body surface area (BSA), TEN as >30% BSA involvement, and cases with 10–30% BSA classified as SJS/TEN overlap. All forms are extremely rare in newborns and very infrequent in infants.

Cutaneous findings

Cutaneous involvement is widespread but usually involves the trunk and consists of flat targetoid lesions with two zones of erythema or ill-defined confluent flat erythematous to purpuric macules. Underlying erythema and blisters may be seen in both presentations (see Fig. 10.34 ). Mucosal erosions are reported to be present in more than 90% of patients, and a majority have two or more affected membranes with oral and conjunctival mucosa most commonly affected, and less frequently genital, anal, pharyngeal, and upper respiratory tract involvement developing ( Fig. 20.12 ; Box 20.1 ). Numerous reports have described patients with ‘atypical SJS’ who were infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae and presented with severe mucositis without skin lesions.

Figure 20.12, Oral mucosal involvement in Stevens–Johnson syndrome

Extracutaneous findings

SJS and TEN patients are febrile with malaise and constitutional symptoms. In cases of extensive involvement, an elevated sedimentation rate, leukocytosis, and mild elevation of transaminases may be seen, as well as eosinophilia in drug-related cases. Electrolyte imbalance and hypoproteinemia may be encountered in SJS.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Both SJS and TEN are considered to be immune-mediated mucocutaneous reactions, usually secondary to medications or infections. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection is a well-documented cause. In children, the majority of cases are triggered by anticonvulsants, sulfonamides, and oxicam nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Cases of TEN in newborns due to E. coli sepsis have been reported; other cases have been related to antibiotics and phenobarbital. The greatest risk of development of SJS occurs during 7–21 days after a medication has been started. Other reported triggers of SJS include immunizations and viral infections, and as an acute manifestation of graft-versus-host disease in infants with severe combined immunodeficiency or after bone-marrow transplantation.


Skin biopsy reveals a superficial perivascular mixed infiltrate with vacuolar interface change and apoptotic keratinocytes progressing to full-thickness epidermal necrosis in TEN.

Differential diagnosis

The main differential diagnosis in cases with severe mucosal involvement is erythema multiforme (EM), which is most often triggered by herpes simplex virus infection (see below). Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) can also resemble SJS, particularly early SJS, but the lack of intraoral involvement and level of blistering are helpful clues to differentiate the two conditions.


SJS and TEN are potentially life-threatening conditions and their clinical course is typically prolonged, even after drug discontinuation. There is no evidence-based standardized treatment other than supportive care ( Box 20.2 ). Therapies such as systemic corticosteroids and intravenous immunoglobulin, alone or in combination, are often used but are controversial. Recurrences have been reported in up to 20% of patients, a high rate that strongly suggests a potential genetic predisposition. Such mechanisms have been shown in Asian patients with the HLA-B*1502 genotype, who have a strong tendency to develop carbamazepine-induced SJS. Mycoplasma pneumoniae -induced SJS has a better prognosis than its drug-induced counterpart. Long-term sequelae due to genital and ocular scarring may impact the long-term prognosis.

Erythema multiforme

Erythema multiforme (EM) is an acute, self-limited disorder of skin and mucous membranes. It was previously classified as EM minor and EM major, depending on whether there was one or more mucous membranes involved respectively, and the term EM major was often used synonymously with SJS. However, there is now evidence that EM and the spectrum of SJS/TEN have distinct clinical features and different precipitating factors, so the terms ‘EM major’ and ‘EM minor’ are best avoided. EM is a common disease in children but extremely unusual in the neonatal period and rarely occurs during infancy.

Cutaneous findings

The prototypic lesion of EM is a 1–3 cm targetoid lesion with a dusky vesicular, purpuric, or necrotic center surrounded by a raised edematous ring of pallor and an erythematous outer ring. In some cases, only two zones are seen, with a single ring around the central papule (atypical target lesions). The lesions are distributed symmetrically on the extensor surface of the extremities and acral parts of the body ( Fig. 20.13 ). They may extend to the trunk, flexural surfaces, palms, and soles. In children, lesions on the face and ears are common, but are rare on the scalp. Areas of epidermal detachment may occur, but usually affect less than 10% of the body surface area. Mucosal lesions may occur in EM but are usually milder that in SJS.

Figure 20.13, Target lesions of erythema multiforme in a newborn.

Extracutaneous findings

Mild, nonspecific, prodromal symptoms of cough, rhinitis, and low-grade fever are occasionally present in EM.

Etiology and pathogenesis

EM has been considered a hypersensitivity reaction to multiple precipitating factors such as infectious agents, medications, or even severe contact dermatitis. In children, herpes simplex infections are thought to be responsible for more than 80% of EM, although clinical infection may be minor or inapparent. HSV-associated EM follows the lesions of herpes by 1–3 weeks. It can recur but not necessarily with every episode of HSV infection. HSV-specific DNA has been detected by polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization in lesional skin from children with EM, whether ‘idiopathic’ or clearly HSV-related. Cow's milk intolerance has been described as a cause of erythema multiforme in a neonate. Vaccinations were the only known possible causative agents in a newborn and two infants with erythema multiforme.

Laboratory tests and histopathology

The diagnosis is generally made clinically. Histopathologic examination of early lesions reveals a lymphocytic band-like infiltrate at the dermoepidermal junction, with exocytosis and individual necrotic keratinocytes in close proximity to lymphocytes (‘satellite cell necrosis’). There is vacuolization of the basal layer with focal cleft formation at the dermoepidermal junction. The upper dermis is edematous. Over time, more extensive confluent necrosis of the epidermis supervenes, resulting in subepidermal blister formation.

Differential diagnosis

The most common mimic of EM is urticarial multiforme or serum sickness-like reactions (see below). Others include urticarial vasculitis, acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy, Kawasaki disease, EM-like drug eruptions, and Stevens–Johnson syndrome ( Table 20.3 ).

TABLE 20.3
Differential diagnosis of erythema multiforme and STS/TEN
Erythema multiforme SJS/TEN
Lesion morphology Raised three-zone targets Flat atypical two-zone targets and macules
Mucosal involvement Milder More severe
Percent epidermal detachment <10% 10–30%
Distribution Acral and extremities Widespread and truncal
Underlying erythema Localized Diffuse
Underlying disease Uncommon Common
Recurrences Common Uncommon
Etiology HSV or other infections, rarely drugs Drugs (less commonly secondary to infection)

Course, management, treatment, and prognosis

Erythema multiforme is usually self-limited. Individual lesions heal in 1–2 weeks, with residual hyperpigmentation. Conservative supportive care is the preferred form of treatment. Possible underlying causes should be sought and treated. Corticosteroids are usually unnecessary and may even worsen a concurrent infection. In HSV-associated EM, early intervention or even prophylactic treatment with oral acyclovir may be beneficial.

Urticaria and urticarial eruptions

Urticaria (hives) and urticarial lesions (other conditions with hive-like morphology) occur frequently in childhood but are uncommon in children younger than 6 months and even rarer in the neonatal period.

Urticaria is defined by the development of transient edematous pruritic wheals ( Fig. 20.14 ). By definition, individual lesions last less than 24 hours. Hives may occur on the skin and mucous membranes. Urticaria is usually sporadic; however, familial forms with autosomal dominant inheritance have been described for certain forms of urticaria including many of the physical urticarias, such as dermographism, heat urticaria, cold urticaria, vibratory urticaria, and familial hereditary angioedema.

Figure 20.14, Generalized urticaria following DPT and polio immunizations.

Urticaria and urticarial eruption may be seen in different clinical situations and can be classified in acute and chronic urticaria, physical urticarias and urticarial eruptions with systemic symptoms or in the context of a systemic or autoinflammatory disease depending on disease duration, triggers, associated diseases, and prognosis.

Acute and chronic urticaria

Urticaria can be divided into acute (lasting <6 weeks) and chronic (lasting >6 weeks) types. This division, while somewhat arbitrary, has prognostic and etiopathogenic significance. Chronic urticaria is very rare in infancy and suggests the possibility of an underlying systemic disease.

Physical urticarias represent a special subgroup of urticaria in which wheals are elicited by different types of physical stimuli. These include dermographic, cold, pressure, cholinergic, aquagenic, vibratory, and solar urticaria.

Cutaneous findings

Urticaria is characterized by transient pruritic wheals that in younger children, may have certain characteristic features. Itching may be absent and may be replaced by pain in this age group. The hives tend to coalesce, forming bizarre polycyclic, serpiginous, or annular shapes (figurative urticaria, Fig. 20.15 ; or annular urticaria, Fig. 20.16 ), and may become hemorrhagic. The term ‘urticaria multiforme’ has been coined to describe this form of annular urticaria, as it is often confused with erythema multiforme, especially in cases where there is an ecchymotic dusky center. Sometimes there may be purpura or ecchymosis in urticaria multiforme and the term ‘hemorrhagic urticaria’ has been coined for this. In these cases, the purpura persists longer than 24 hours but the erythematous edematous plaques change from area to area. These features confer a very dramatic appearance to the eruption.

Figure 20.15, Polycyclic lesions of urticaria associated with prostaglandin E 2 infusion.

Figure 20.16, Annular urticaria of unknown etiology.

Urticaria multiforme may be also confused with serum sickness-like reaction because there is often associated facial, hand, and feet edema (angioedema). However, in serum sickness-like reaction, often triggered by antibiotics, there may be accompanying fever and arthralgias.

Extracutaneous findings

Acute urticaria may be accompanied by signs of anaphylactic shock. Urticaria may have associated angioedema with a deep swelling of the face, extremities and genitalia, as well as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, respiratory compromise, and joint pain. Chronic urticaria in children may be the first presenting sign or be seen in autoimmune disorders such as thyroid autoimmunity, systemic lupus, or juvenile arthritis.

Etiology and pathogenesis

In conventional urticaria, hives develop as a result of an increased permeability of capillaries and small venules, which leads to leakage of fluid into the extravascular space. Mast cell activation leads to release of mediators, such as histamine, that are responsible for these changes. Many triggers (secretagogues) initiate mast cell degranulation through receptors on mast cell membranes, either via an IgE-dependent mechanism or through complement activation (immunologic secretagogues), or by acting directly without the need for receptors (nonimmunologic secretagogues).

The most common provocative agents of acute urticaria in children are infections, drugs, and foods, which account for 40% of the cases of acute urticaria. In the majority of cases of urticaria in children, there is a history of upper respiratory tract infection, otitis media or viral symptoms preceding the onset and many infectious agents have been reported, including mycoplasma, group A Streptococcus , adenovirus, herpes virus type 6, parvovirus, Helicobacter pylori, and others. However, exhaustive diagnostic evaluations for an infectious etiology are generally not helpful unless directed by other signs or symptoms. Antibiotics (penicillins, macrolides, and oral cephalosporins), anticonvulsants and NSAIDs are the most frequently incriminated drugs. In IgE, mediated food allergy hives usually appear within minutes to 2 hours after ingestion, and respiratory, gastrointestinal and/or cardiovascular signs and symptoms may also be present. In infants, cow's milk is the most common food for food-induced urticaria and anaphylaxis. Urticaria may be more common and recurrent in atopic patients.

Identifying the cause of chronic urticaria is even more difficult as it is often idiopathic. Occult infections should be considered (such as a low-grade urinary tract infection or otitis), as well as autoimmune disorders. Thyroid autoimmunity, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, and coeliac disease have been associated with chronic urticaria in children, but not in infants.


The diagnosis of urticaria is usually made clinically. In atypical or chronic cases, skin biopsy may be helpful, particularly if persistent or if prominent systemic symptoms are present. Histopathologic examination demonstrates vascular dilation, edema, and a perivascular inflammatory infiltrate most typically composed of lymphohistiocytic cells, polymorphonuclear cells, and eosinophils. The presence of neutrophils, particularly if predominant, can be an important clue to an autoinflammatory disease, which requires different evaluation and management (see below).

In most cases, laboratory tests are not usually necessary to evaluate acute urticaria, unless signs point to a specific infection. An exhaustive search for an underlying cause not elicited by history alone is unwarranted. In drug-induced urticaria, the eosinophil count may be elevated. In cases with recurring episodes, it may be useful to keep a diary of triggering factors. In many patients, no cause is identified. For chronic urticaria the same principles apply and investigation of thyroid autoimmunity, celiac disease and other autoimmune conditions may be considered if suggested by the patient's history or signs.

Differential diagnosis

Urticaria in infants is often misdiagnosed as erythema multiforme, acute hemorrhagic edema and other forms of vasculitis, annular erythema of infancy, Kawasaki disease, or serum sickness. In neonates, generalized hive-like eruptions and dermatographism can also be seen in diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis (see Chapter 28 ). Hemorrhagic urticaria and annular urticaria especially may be mistaken for erythema multiforme because the dusky center gives a targetoid configuration ( Table 20.4 ). However in urticaria, there are no epidermal changes, blistering, or necrotic centers. Autoinflammatory conditions should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of neonates with urticaria, especially in febrile infants (see below).

TABLE 20.4
Differential diagnosis of urticaria multiforme and erythema multiforme
Adapted from Shah KN, Honig PJ, Yan AC. ‘Urticaria multiforme’: a case series and review of acute annular urticarial hypersensitivity syndromes in children. Pediatrics 2007 May; 119(5):e1177–83.
Skin lesions Duration of individual lesions Mucous membranes Angioedema (face and extremities) Dermographism Pruritus Triggers Treatment
Urticaria multiforme Annular and polycyclic wheals with central clearing 24–36 h, no fixed lesions.
No residual pigmentation
Swollen lips and mucosal edema may be present without erosions May be present May be present Present Viral infections, drugs, idiopathic Discontinue any new or unnecessary medications; antihistamines; systemic steroids can be helpful in more recalcitrant cases
Erythema multiforme Annular and polycyclic papules and plaques with necrotic, vesicular or dark center, middle ring of pallor and edema, outer ring of erythema or blisters 7–10 days, fixed lesions.
Residual pigmentation
Blisters and erosions may be present Not present Not present Usually mild Herpes virus, mycoplasma Supportive care; early institution of systemic steroids can sometimes be helpful

Course, management, treatment, and prognosis

Acute urticaria in infants is usually benign and self-limiting. If medication is required, oral antihistamines are the mainstay of therapy. First generation antihistamines are safe in older infants, however, in newborns who have an increased susceptibility to antimuscarinic side-effects, they may cause central nervous system (CNS) excitation, which in rare cases can lead to seizures. Second generation antihistamines such as cetirizine and levocetirizine have been proved to be safe in infants older than 6 months. Systemic corticosteroids are rarely necessary.

Physical urticarias

Physical urticarias represent a subset of urticaria triggered by physical agents. These include cold, cholinergic (heat), solar, dermographic, delayed-pressure, and vibratory urticaria. Physical urticarias are often chronic. Dermographism is the most common type.

Dermographism is manifested by the appearance of linear wheals at the sites of rubbing or scratching of the skin. Wheals usually fade in a few minutes. It is the most common form of physical urticaria in young children and in many cases of ordinary acute and chronic urticaria, there is some degree of dermographism. In neonates, dermographism can also be a manifestation of ‘silent’ diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis.

In pressure urticaria, deep painful wheals develop at sites of the pressure. The onset of the urticarial lesions may be delayed for a few hours after the pressure.

Cholinergic urticaria is characterized by discrete, small, papular wheals elicited by heat, stress, or physical activity. Aquagenic urticaria is considered a variant of cholinergic urticaria triggered by contact with water or perspiration independent of temperature. Both are usually seen in adolescents and adults.

Acquired cold urticaria is triggered by contact with cold objects, water or air. It is the most severe form of all the physical urticarias, as it may be associated with angioedema, hypotension and syncope. Acquired cold urticaria may be primary or secondary to cryoglobulinemia or a viral infection.

Familial forms with autosomal dominant inheritance have been described for dermographic, vibratory, cholinergic, and cold urticaria. Although rare, these familial cases begin early in life, even immediately after birth, and have a lifelong course, usually with increased severity. Familial cold urticaria is discussed below within the autoinflammatory syndromes.

Urticarial eruptions associated with autoimmune disorders or autoinflammatory diseases

Autoimmune diseases such as thyroid autoimmunity, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, type 1 diabetes, and coeliac disease have been associated with chronic urticaria but this is extremely unusual in infants. In many cases, there are other symptoms and signs that point to the correct diagnosis.

In neonates and infants, urticarial eruptions, especially if persistent, can be the first manifestation of cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) such as NOMID and familial cold urticaria. In NOMID, the urticarial eruption is usually not pruritic, is very persistent, and often there is associated fever. The other symptoms of NOMID such as arthropathy and neurologic symptoms develop soon after. Familial cold urticaria may present in infancy or early childhood with urticaria induced by cold exposure but characteristically there is delayed onset after exposure. Fever and arthralgia are often present.

Isolated angioedema

Angioedema is characterized by subcutaneous edema, with diffuse swelling of the eyelids, genitalia, lips, and tongue. Angioedema is most commonly seen accompanying acute and chronic urticaria. Isolated angioedema without urticarial skin lesions is infrequent and very rare in infants. Angioedema is often idiopathic, but may represent a hypersensitivity reaction to different agents or a manifestation of hereditary angioedema. This autosomal dominant disorder is due to lack (type I) or disfunction (type II) of C1-inhibitor. There is a third hereditary form with normal C1 inhibitor levels. In hereditary angioedema, there are recurrent episodes of painful and persistent (24–72 h) swellings on the face and extremities. Gastrointestinal and respiratory tract involvement may occur with severe abdominal pain and life-threatening upper airway obstruction. Onset is usually during late childhood or adolescence. There are rare reports of initial episodes of angioedema in the perinatal period.

Diagnosis of isolated angioedema should prompt obtaining C4 levels (the natural substrate for C1 esterase) and C1 inhibitors (antigenic and functional levels).

Autoinflammatory syndromes

Autoinflammatory syndromes refer to a group of diseases in which recurrent systemic inflammation is triggered, often by minor infections, cold temperature, or other innocuous stimuli. Unlike autoimmune diseases, affected patients do not make antigen-specific autoantibodies. Many of these are genetic disorders due to mutations in genes that alter the innate immune system ( Box 20.3 ). Several present in the neonatal period or infancy with prominent skin findings.

Box 20.3
Selected autoinflammatory syndromes with skin manifestations

Hereditary recurrent fevers

  • Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS)

  • Hyper IgD syndrome (HIDS or MK deficiency)

  • Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF)

  • TNF-α receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS)

  • NLRP12-associated periodic fever (NAPS)

Pyogenic disorders

  • Pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma, acne (PAPA)

  • Majeed syndrome

  • Deficiency of IL-1 antagonist receptor (DIRA) and IL-36 receptor antagonist (DITRA)

Granulomatous diseases

  • Blau syndrome

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