
General Overview and Incidence

Overview of Hemophilia

The hemophilias are bleeding disorders caused by the absence or decrease of factor VIII in hemophilia A or factor IX in hemophilia B.


Factors VIII and IX (FVIII and FIX) are part of the coagulation cascade of secondary hemostasis. Classically, the coagulation cascade has two initial pathways leading to fibrin formation ( Fig. 18.1 ). These are the contact activation or intrinsic pathway, and the tissue factor or extrinsic pathway. The pathways are a series of reactions in which a zymogen of a serine protease is activated, which then catalyzes the next reaction in the cascade, ultimately resulting in cross-linked fibrin.

Fig. 18.1, The classical coagulation cascade. Two parallel cascading pathways (intrinsic and extrinsic) converge on the common pathway to generate thrombin and ultimately fibrin.

Roles of Factors VIII and IX in Coagulation

In vivo the coagulation cascade takes place on the surface of endothelial cells and platelets ( Fig. 18.2 ). The primary driver of secondary hemostasis is the factor VII or tissue factor pathway, which activates factor X to provide an initial thrombin burst. This is followed by amplification of factor Xa production by the complex of activated FVIII and FIX ( Fig. 18.3 ). Factor Xa produced by the factor VIIIa and IXa “tenase” complex, which also consists of calcium and phospholipids, then generates large amounts of thrombin and drives fibrin deposition and hemostasis.

Fig. 18.2, The cell-based model of coagulation. Coagulation is primarily initiated through tissue factor and factor VII activation on endothelial cells that produces a small amount of thrombin. This thrombin initiates production of the tenase complex on the platelet surface to amplify thrombin generation. This ultimately leads to propagation of the clot on the activated platelet surface. TF, tissue factor.

Fig. 18.3, Molecular function of factors VIII and IX. Activated factor VIII acts as a catalyst for activated factor IX and nonactivated factor X, bringing them into proximity so that the activated factor IX may activate factor X.

Incidence and Inheritance


Hemophilia A occurs in approximately 1:5000 males, whereas hemophilia B occurs less frequently, in about 1:20,000 males. Inheritance patterns are not affected by race or geography. There are more than 17,000 affected people in the United States, and it is estimated that more than 400,000 people are affected worldwide. Many affected individuals are from resource-poor nations that do not report hemophilia cases.


Both FVIII and FIX are located on the X chromosome and so are passed on in an x-linked pattern ( Fig. 18.4 ). Up to 30% of cases do not have a positive family history. The inherited nature of hemophilia was recognized in the Talmud of the second century, which read, “If she circumcised her first son and he died, and her second son and he too died, she should not circumcise her third son.” More recently, one of the most famous hemophilia pedigrees is that of the “royal disease” of the house of Queen Victoria, whereby most of the royal houses of Europe carried hemophilia B ( Fig. 18.5 ).

Fig. 18.4, Inheritance of hemophilia is X-linked. An unaffected male and carrier female may produce unaffected children as well as sons with hemophilia and daughters who are carriers. If the father has hemophilia and the mother does not, the sons will be unaffected but the daughters will be obligate carriers.

Fig. 18.5, The royal disease. The pedigree of Queen Victoria’s descendants shows the X-linked inheritance of hemophilia (type B in this case) that led to several of the royal houses of Europe being affected by hemophilia.

Etiology and Histopathology

Factor Level Determines Bleeding Phenotype

The baseline factor level of factor VIII or IX determines the severity of the bleeding symptoms ( Table 18.1 ). Lower baseline factor level correlates with bleeding rate ( Fig. 18.6 ). Although bleeding can occur at any location, hemorrhage into muscles or joints with little or no obvious trauma is the hallmark of hemophilia.

Table 18.1
Factor Activity and Bleeding Severity
Factor Activity (VIII or IX) Phenotype
<1% activity “Severe” hemophilia with spontaneous bleeding
1% to 5% “Moderate” disease with occasional spontaneous bleeding, severe bleeding with any surgery or trauma
>5% but <40% “Mild” disease, rare spontaneous bleeding, severe bleeding if challenged with major surgery or trauma

Fig. 18.6, Factor level predicts bleeding risk. As the baseline factor VIII ( FVIII ) level declines, the risk of bleeding increases sharply. This graph demonstrates that an increase of only a few percent of factor can make a large clinical difference.

Molecular Basis of Hemophilia A and B

Common Mutations

Almost half of hemophilia A mutations involve inversion of exon 22. The remainder of mutations are primarily missense, frameshift, and nonsense mutations. Hemophilia B mutations are about half missense mutations, with the remainder mostly nonsense and frameshift mutations.

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