Heart Disease, Congenital


  • CHD is the most common birth defect.

  • Incidence: 1:25 live births.

  • 85–90% of pts with CHD survive to adulthood in USA due to advances in medical care.

Perioperative Risks

  • The highest risk factors of this complex disease include HLHS; poorly compensated physiology; presence of long-term complications (arrhythmia, pulm Htn, CHF); and emergency surgery.

  • Intermediate risk factors include major surgery, age less than 2 y, preop hospital stay >10 d, ASA physical status IV or V.

  • Cardiac failure.

  • Pulm Htn defined as PAP >25 mm Hg at rest and >30 mm Hg during exercise.

  • Arrhythmias.

  • Cyanosis.

  • Mortality: there is a twofold increase in mortality in children with congenital cardiac lesions compared to those without CHD who present for noncardiac surgery.

  • POCA registry.

  • Majority of cardiac arrests occurred in general OR (54%) in children undergoing noncardiac surgery.

  • Out of all the children with heart disease that arrested, 75% of them were <2 y, often with unrepaired lesions.

Worry About

  • Resource availability: Is this child’s cardiac history too complex for this institution/periop team?

    • Send the following children to a specialist center: Cyanosis, neonate with CHD, Eisenmenger syndrome, pulm Htn, aortic stenosis, HLHS, single ventricle physiology (BT shunt/Sano, Glenn, Fontan).

    • If true emergency and cannot be transferred, then understanding anatomy, physiology, and shunting is key to management.

    • Use PICU for postop management, especially complex lesions.

  • Maintain forward flow/cardiac output.

  • Balance pulmonary and systemic blood flow.

  • Maintain adequate tissue oxygen delivery.

  • Prevent arrhythmia.

  • Optimize fluid balance.


  • How to group these children: There are multiple ways, but the most useful is by physiology.

  • Normal “series” circulation: Most repaired pts; there can be a small amount of mixing.

    • ASD/VSD

      • L-to-R shunting: This increases pulmonary blood flow and potentially decreases systemic blood flow.

      • R-to-L shunting: Deoxygenated blood flows into systemic circulation and causes reduced pulmonary blood flow and increased cyanosis.

      • Changes in SVR and PVR during anesthesia have the greatest effect in pts with large, unrestrictive defects.

  • Parallel “balanced” circulation:

    • Pts with large AV septal defect or VSD, BT or Sano shunt, Truncus arteriosus.

    • Mixing of systemic venous and pulmonary venous blood; potential for cyanosis.

    • Balance between SVR and PVR.

  • Single-ventricle circulation:

    • Blood flows passively to the lungs down a pressure gradient from the pulmonary artery to left atrium in pts who have a Glenn shunt or Fontan circulation.

    • Changes in intrathoracic pressure or in PVR affect pulmonary blood flow, which then affects systemic blood flow.

    • BT or Sano shunts are usually the first stage of creating Fontan circulation (palliative, to supply blood flow to the lungs).

      • Graft is connected between the subclavian artery (BT) or right ventricle (Sano) and the pulmonary artery.

      • Complete mixing of systemic venous and pulmonary venous blood (normal SpO 2 75–85%).

      • Flow is determined by SVR and PVR ratio: These pts are sensitive to changes in PVR or SVR, which can be caused by increased FIO 2 , changes in PaCO 2 , and volatile anesthetics or other vasodilators.

    • Glenn shunt is second stage of Fontan repair:

      • Bidirectional superior cavopulmonary shunt.

      • Connects SVC to the right pulmonary artery.

      • IVC drains to right atrium.

      • Pulmonary venous and systemic venous blood mix, yielding SpO 2 75–85%; pt will have cyanosis after procedure.

      • Can tolerate FIO 2 100% usually without issues.

    • Fontan circulation:

      • Inferior vena cava connected to the right pulmonary artery.

      • Separates the pulmonary and systemic circulation.

      • Passive flow to pulmonary circulation.

      • Normalizes oxygenation (children are sensitive to increases in PVR; decreases blood return to the heart, leading to a reduction in cardiac output).

      • Pressure gradient from the pulmonary artery to LA is the force driving pulmonary blood flow.


  • Genetics/syndromes:

    • Chromosomal abnormalities: Down syndrome (up to 30% can have heart defect), trisomy 18 and 13, Turner syndrome, Cri-du-chat syndrome, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome

    • Associations: VACTERL

    • Syndromes: William syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome, Marfan syndrome, Noonan syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome

  • Family history of congenital cardiac disease

  • Maternal factors/medications:

    • Untreated maternal PKU has a sixfold increased risk.

    • Preexisting maternal diabetes has a fivefold increased risk.

    • Medications: Lithium, thalidomide, isotretinoin, and bactrim.

    • Rubella.

    • Febrile infection, especially in the first trimester.

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