Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
This age group is notable for maturity, leisure, and age-related health changes. Healthcare is still directed toward prevention; however, it becomes more and more occupied by the management of general medical and age-related illness. While reproductive health issues no longer are the focus of well-women visits, the women’s healthcare provider is often still the patient’s primary entry point for healthcare.
Cardiovascular disease
Coronary artery disease
Colorectal, lung, and breast cancer
Alzheimer disease
Cerebrovascular disease
Obstructive lung disease
Diabetes mellitus and its complications
Renal disease
Nose, throat, and upper respiratory conditions
Urinary and fecal incontinence
Heart disease
Musculoskeletal and soft tissue injuries
Hearing and vision impairment
Colon disease (diverticulitis, etc.)
Reason for visit
Health status: Medical, surgical, family
Dietary/nutritional assessment
Physical activity and activities of daily life
Tobacco, vaping, alcohol, and other drugs (concurrent medications including complementary and alternative medicines)
Abuse/neglect (Two-thirds of the victims of elderly abuse are women, with almost 90% of abuse cases occurring in the home.)
Sexual practices/activity
Urinary and fecal incontinence (These issues become more common with childbearing and age, but patients seldom volunteer these complaints.)
Weight (body mass index [BMI])
Blood pressure
Oral cavity
Neck: Adenopathy, thyroid
Pelvic and rectovaginal examination
Hearing and vision screening (including glaucoma)
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