
Forceps-aided birth is a method of assisting or expediting vaginal vertex birth through the application of obstetric forceps. Operative vaginal birth can be faster and safer than cesarean birth in many cases. There is a greater chance of success in delivering the fetus vaginally with forceps-assisted techniques that with vacuum methods. Discussion here is limited to low or outlet forceps with the fetus presenting within 45 degrees of directly occiput anterior ( Box 280.1 ).

BOX 280.1
Classification of Forceps-Aided Birth

Outlet Forceps

  • Fetal scalp is visible at the introitus without separating the labia.

  • Fetal skull has reached the pelvic floor.

  • Fetal head is at or on perineum.

  • Sagittal suture is in an anteroposterior diameter or within 45 degrees of this axis.

  • Rotation does not exceed 45 degrees.

Low Forceps

  • Leading point of the fetal skull is at station +2 cm or more but not on the pelvic floor.

  • Without rotation: Rotation is 45 degrees or less to achieve occiput anterior or occiput posterior birth position.

  • With rotation: Rotation is greater than 45 degrees.


  • Fetal head is engaged but above +2 station.

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