Fluids, Electrolytes, Gatorade, and Sweat

What is hypertonic saline?

Normal saline is 0.9% sodium chloride. Hypertonic saline is 7.5% sodium chloride (eight times as concentrated as normal saline).

Key Points: Ion Concentrations in Crystalloid Solutions

  • 1.

    One-half normal saline or 0.45% NaCl: 77 mEq of Na+, 77 mEq of Cl-

  • 2.

    Normal saline or 0.9% NaCl: 154 mEq of Na+, 154 mEq of Cl-

  • 3.

    Hypertonic normal saline or 7.5% NaCl: 1283 mEq of Na+, 1283 mEq of Cl-

  • 4.

    Lactated Ringer’s: 130 mEq of Na+, 110 mEq of Cl-, 38 mEq of lactate, 4 mEq of K+, and 3 mEq of Ca+

What is hypertonic saline good for?

Resuscitation. The initial hypothesis was that a little hypertonic saline would pull extravascular water into the intravascular compartment, rapidly restoring volume. It now appears that an osmotic jolt (even a transient jump from 140 to 180 mOsm) would pacify circulating neutrophils so that they do not stick to the endovasculature and provoke posttraumatic inflammation.

Is hypertonic saline good for anything else?

Pacification of “primed” neutrophils should decrease the risk of posttraumatic multiple organ failure.

How do you convert 1 g of sodium into milliequivalents (mEq)?

Divide by the atomic weight of sodium:

  • One gram (1 g/1000 mg) of sodium = 43.5 mEq

How many mEq of sodium are in 1 teaspoon of salt?

104 mEq (2400 mg).

How many mEq of sodium are in an 8-oz bottle of Gatorade?

5 mEq.

How much does a 40-lb block of salt cost?

$3.40 at the feed store.

What is the electrolyte content of intravenous fluids?

See Table 8.1 .

Table 8.1
Electrolyte Content of Intravenous Fluids
Solution (mEq/L) Sodium Potassium Chloride Bicarbonate/Lactate
Normal saline (0.9% NaCl) 154 154
Ringer’s lactate solution 130 4 109 28 a
5% dextrose and 1/2 normal saline 77 77

a Lactate is converted immediately to bicarbonate.

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