Description of the Pathogens

Viruses of the families Filoviridae and Arenaviridae are composed of single-stranded RNA in lipid envelopes. The Filoviridae family of viruses is further divided into three genera: Ebolavirus , Marburgvirus , and Cuevavirus . Within the genus Ebolavirus , six viruses have been identified : Ebola virus (species Zaire ebolavirus ), Sudan virus (species Sudan ebolavirus ), Taï Forest virus (species Taï Forest ebolavirus ), Bundibugyo virus (species Bundibugyo ebolavirus ), Reston virus (species Reston ebolavirus ), and Bombali virus (species Bombali ebolavirus ). Of these, only four are known to be pathogenic in humans (Ebola virus, Sudan virus, Taï Forest virus, and Bundibugyo virus). Within the genus Marburgvirus , two viruses have been identified : Marburg virus ( species Marburg Marburgvirus ) and Ravn virus (species Marburg Marburgvirus ); both are pathogenic in humans. The genus Cuevavirus contains only Lloviu virus (species Lloviu cuevavirus ), with unknown pathogenicity in humans.

Arenaviruses are genetically divided into Old World and New World. Old World arenaviruses consist of Lassa fever virus endemic throughout West Africa, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) distributed worldwide, and Lujo virus. , New World arenaviruses include Machupo, Chapare, Junin, Guanarito, and Sabia viruses. Together, they are the respective causative agents of Bolivian, Argentine, Venezuelan, and Brazilian hemorrhagic fevers. ,


Maintenance in Nature and Transmission to Humans

Filoviruses and arenaviruses are zoonotic, with the endemic area for each virus restricted by the distribution of its animal reservoir. , , Zoonotic transmission of filoviruses and arenaviruses to humans usually occurs through inadvertent exposure to animal excreta or saliva or, in some cases, blood and other body fluids when infected animals are hunted and butchered. , Because the filoviruses and arenaviruses are rapidly inactivated by heating, infection likely occurs through exposure during preparation rather than by consumption of cooked meat.

Bats are thought to be the filovirus reservoir. Marburg virus was isolated from Rousettus aegyptiacus fruit bats. Ebola virus (species Zaire ebolavirus ) was detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in three species of bats ( Hypsignathus monstrosus , Epomops franqueti , and Myonycteris torquata ). Miners, spelunkers, forestry workers, and others with exposure to environments where bats typically roost are at risk of filovirus infection. Nonhuman primates, especially gorillas and chimpanzees, and other wild animals can serve as intermediate hosts for filoviruses. These animals are presumably infected by exposure to bats and develop severe and usually fatal disease similar to that in humans.

Pathogenic arenaviruses are maintained in rodents, with strict pairing between the specific virus and animal reservoir ( Table 230.1 ). , , The rodents that transmit Lassa virus, Machupo virus, and LCMV commonly invade domestic environments. LCMV has a worldwide distribution because of the pervasiveness of its rodent reservoirs. The virus has been found in both wild and pet rodents, including mice and pet hamsters. Transmission to humans occurs as a result of exposure to the rodent reservoir’s bodily fluids, as occurs during a rodent bite or aerosolization of urine. The reservoirs for Junín and Guanarito viruses typically inhabit agricultural fields, wood lots, or other rural habitats.

TABLE 230.1
Filoviruses and Arenaviruses Known to Cause Human Disease
Virus Disease Principal Reservoir or Vector Geographic Distribution of Disease Annual Cases Disease-to-Infection Ratio Human-to-Human Transmissibility Case-Fatality Rate
Ebola Ebola virus disease or Ebola hemorrhagic fever Fruit bat? Sub-Saharan Africa, Philippines b Variable a 1:1 High 25%–85%, depending on species b
Marburg Marburg virus disease or Marburg hemorrhagic fever Egyptian fruit bat ( Rosettus aegyptiacus ) Sub-Saharan Africa Variable a 1:1 High 25%–85%
Lloviu Unknown if it is pathogenic in humans, postulated to be pathogenic in bats
Arenaviridae c
Old World
Lassa Lassa fever Multimammate rat ( Mastomys species ) d West Africa 30,000–50,000 1:10 Moderate 5%–50%
Lujo e Lujo hemorrhagic fever Unknown; presumed rodent Zambia Unknown Unknown Moderate to high 80%
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis Lymphocytic choriomeningitis House mouse ( Mus musculus ); transmission from pet rodents also documented Worldwide Unknown; infection probably frequent but underrecognized 3:10 None <1%
Dandenong f Dandenong fever Unknown: presumed rodent Unknown: Balkan Peninsula? Three cases recognized to date Unknown All known cases infected through organ transplantation 100% of three known cases
New World
Junin Argentine hemorrhagic fever Corn mouse ( Calomys musculinus ) Argentine pampas <50 1:1.5 Low 15%–30%
Machupo Bolivian hemorrhagic fever Large vesper mouse ( Calomys callosus ) Beni Department, Bolivia <50 1:1.5 Moderate 15%–30%
Guanarito Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever Cane mouse ( Zygodontomys brevicauda ) Portuguesa State, Venezuela <50 1:1.5 Low 30%–40%
Sabiá g Brazilian hemorrhagic fever Unknown; presumed rodent Rural area near Sao Paulo, Brazil? Three cases recognized to date 1:1.5 Low? 33%
Chapare h Chapare hemorrhagic fever Unknown; presumed rodent Cochabamba and Caranavi, Bolivia Unknown Unknown Moderate 50%

a Although some endemic transmission of the filoviruses (i.e., Ebola > Marburg) occurs, these viruses have most often been associated with outbreaks. Until the 2013 to 2016 Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa, in which more than 28,000 cases occurred, filovirus outbreaks typically had less than 100 cases, with 425 cases being the largest previous outbreak.

b Six species of Ebola virus are known, with the following mean case-fatality ratios: Ebola Zaire, 76%,; Ebola Sudan, 55%; Ebola Bundibugyo, 37%; Ebola Tai Forest, 0% (only 1 recognized case), Ebola Reston, 0% (not pathogenic to humans), Bombali virus (found in fruit bats in Sierra Leone, it is not yet know it is pathogenic in humans). All are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa, with the exception of Ebola Reston virus, which is found in the Philippines.

c In addition to the arenaviruses listed in the table, Flexal, Pirital, and Tacaribe viruses have caused human disease as a result of laboratory accidents. Whitewater Arroyo virus has been detected in patients in California, but its role as a pathogen has not been clearly established.

d The rodent reservoir for Lassa species virus has been more recently described more broadly as Mastomys species, since species identification by physical characteristics alone is difficult.

e Discovered in 2008 in an outbreak of 5 cases (4 fatal) in South Africa. The index case came to South Africa from Zambia.

f Discovered in 2009 in a cluster of 3 fatal transplant-related cases that occurred in Australia. The donor died of cerebral hemorrhage 10 days after returning to Australia from a 3-month visit to the former Yugoslavia, where he had traveled in rural areas.

g Discovered in 1990. Only 3 cases (1 fatal) of Sabiá virus infection have been identified, 2 of them from laboratory accidents.

h Discovered in 2003 in a small outbreak in Cochabamba, Bolivia. A 2019 outbreak of 6 cases (4 fatal) of Chapare virus occurred in the Caranavi Province of Bolivia.

Most human Lassa fever virus infections are acquired directly from rodents as indicated by greater genetic diversity in case clusters than would be expected within chains of human transmission. , Peak incidence occurs during the dry season of November through April in endemic areas. Geographic distribution is necessarily limited to the range of the respective rodent reservoir and habitat. For Lassa fever virus, the reservoir species of Mastomys and Hylomyscus genera thrive in peridomestic areas, distributing risk of infection across sex, age, and occupation. , Studies have reported a prevalence of 5% to 20% in Mastomys natalensis , highlighting the pervasiveness of infection risk.

In contrast to Lassa fever virus, there are intermittent outbreaks and fewer reported cases of New World arenaviruses. In 2019, an outbreak of 5 cases including two nosocomial infections (3 fatalities) of Chapare hemorrhagic fever occurred in Bolivia, and a fatal Sabia-like case occurred in Sao Paulo, Brazil. , As with Lassa fever virus, periods of increased incidence correspond with seasonal agricultural activity, since fields are a preferred habitat for many New World arenavirus rodent reservoirs.

Human-to-Human Transmission

Although attack rates usually are low for filoviruses and arenaviruses (15%–20%, even for Ebola Zaire virus, which probably is the most transmissible), secondary human-to-human transmission does occur ( Table 230.1 ), as seen most dramatically in the 2013–2016 Ebola Zaire virus outbreak in West Africa. Large outbreaks typically are fueled by nosocomial transmission in resource-poor regions, where basic infection control practices cannot be maintained. Infectivity parallels the clinical state, and people are most infectious late in the course of severe disease. There is no evidence of transmission during the incubation period.

Transmission occurs through direct contact with blood or body fluids and probably occurs through oral or mucous membrane exposure, most often in the context of providing care to a sick family member (i.e., community exposure) or patient (i.e., nosocomial transmission), or by participation in burial rituals that involve washing and touching corpses. Infection through fomites cannot be excluded but is probably not common unless the object is obviously contaminated with blood or body fluids. , Human to human transmission of LCMV has been documented only in the context of organ transplantation.

Sexual transmission from virus persistence in the semen has been identified more than 3 years after recovery from Ebola virus infection (species Zaire ebolavirus). Although not specifically documented, virus persistence and the risk of sexual transmission is presumed for the other pathogenic species of Ebolavirus . Sexual transmission and virus persistence in semen was detected 7 weeks after recovery from Marburg virus infection. Viral persistence in semen has also been noted up to 103 days after recovery in Lassa survivors and up to 176 days after recovery in Chapare survivors. ,

Detection of virus by RT-PCR in breast milk has been documented for Ebola virus (species Zaire ebolavirus ) and Marburg virus and breastfeeding may be a factor in virus transmission. Although not specifically documented, virus persistence and the risk of disease transmission through infected breast milk is presumed for the other pathogenic species of Ebolavirus . Congenital transmission have been documented for Ebola virus (species Zaire ebolavirus ) and although not specifically documented, is presumed for the other pathogenic species of Ebolavirus and Marburgvirus . Congenital transmission appears uncommon with Lassa fever virus infection, but asymptomatic or mild maternal cases makes it difficult to assess. Given the presence of Lassa fever virus in breast tissue and bodily fluids, nursing may carry a risk to an infant.

Although infectious aerosols have been artificially produced in the laboratory, which is a concern because of the potential for their use in biowarfare, epidemiologic and limited laboratory-based data do not suggest aerosol transmission between humans in natural settings. , ,


After inoculation onto mucous membranes or deposition in the lungs and initial replication in local tissues, virus migrates to regional lymph nodes and ultimately through the blood to a broad range of tissues. , The liver, endothelium, and adrenal glands appear to be particularly important targets. The central nervous system (CNS) is especially affected in LCMV and New World arenavirus infections.

Microvascular instability and impaired hemostasis are the hallmarks of viral hemorrhagic fever. Impaired hemostasis can entail endothelial cell, platelet, or coagulation factor dysfunction. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) may occur. Because bleeding has been seen in a minority of hemorrhagic fever cases, renaming of some of the diseases has been suggested to deemphasize the hemorrhagic component. For example, Ebola hemorrhagic fever is now commonly referred to as Ebola virus disease (EVD). Rather than exsanguination, severe disease results from an inflammatory and vasoactive process consistent with the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and severe fluid loss from diarrhea, vomiting, and fever resulting in insufficient effective circulating intravascular volume, cellular dysfunction, and multiorgan system failure. , Cardiac inotropy can be inhibited, especially in cases of Lassa fever, and pericardial and pleural effusions have been seen when radiographic equipment is available. , In severe disease, viremia remains unchecked, and there is little or no antibody response. Inflammatory cell infiltrates at sites of infection also are mild.

Immune cell activation is the fundamental process in the pathogenesis of LCMV, although without the same effects on endothelial cell function and hemostasis as in hemorrhagic fever. CNS involvement in LCMV typically occurs 1 or 2 weeks after disease onset, after virus has cleared from the bloodstream, and it is thought to be immune mediated, although virus can still be recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at this time.

Clinical Manifestations


The clinical presentation and course of filovirus infections share significant overlap. Filovirus infections are seen in both sexes and all age groups, with a spectrum from mild infection to rapidly fatal disease. , Although serosurveys have suggested asymptomatic infection is possible, it is likely rare and not as common as seen in arenavirus infections. , It is usually not possible to distinguish the specific infecting virus by clinical manifestations.

After an incubation period of 2–21 days (usually 4–17 days), patients typically have nonspecific signs and symptoms, including fever, general malaise, anorexia, headache, chest or retrosternal pain, sore throat, myalgia, arthralgia, lumbosacral pain, and dizziness. Approximately 4 days after symptom onset, gastrointestinal signs and symptoms ensue rapidly, including nausea, vomiting, epigastric and abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, and diarrhea, which in EVD can be voluminous. , , , Misdiagnosis as acute appendicitis or other abdominal emergencies can occur. A dry cough with a few scattered rales is common, but prominent pulmonary symptoms are rare early in the course of the disease. Jaundice is not typical and suggests a different diagnosis. Morbilliform, maculopapular, petechial, and ecchymotic rashes can occur.

A subset of patients with filovirus infection will progress to vascular instability marked by conjunctival injection (not accompanied by itching, discharge, or rhinitis), hemorrhage, hypotension, and multi-system organ failure. Hemorrhage can manifest as hematemesis, melena, hematochezia, metrorrhagia, petechiae, purpura, or epistaxis. Bleeding from the gums and venipuncture sites may arise, but hemoptysis and hematuria are uncommon ( Fig. 230.1 ).

FIGURE 230.1, Subconjunctival hemorrhage, oral bleeding (A), and facial swelling (B) in patients with Lassa fever.

In fatal cases, death occurs about 8–10 days after onset of disease for the filoviruses and 10–14 days for arenaviruses. Shock, bleeding, neurologic manifestations, high levels of viremia, elevated levels of aspartate aminotransferase (>150 IU/L), and pregnancy, especially during the third trimester, are indicators of a poor prognosis. The mortality rate is especially high for children aged <5 years. , , ,

Common clinical laboratory findings are summarized in Table 230.2 . Radiographic and electrocardiographic findings usually are nonspecific and correlate with the physical examination findings. ,

TABLE 230.2
Clinical Laboratory Tests and Characteristic Findings for Filovirus and Arenavirus Infections
Test Characteristic Findings and Comments
Leukocyte count Early: moderate leukopenia, sometimes with atypical lymphocytes
Later: leukocytosis with left shift suggesting bacterial infection
Hemoglobin and hematocrit Hemoconcentration
Platelet count Mild to moderate thrombocytopenia
Electrolytes Sodium, potassium, and acid-base perturbations, depending on fluid balance, renal function, and stage of disease
BUN and creatinine Renal failure can occur late in disease.
Serum chemistries (AST, ALT, amylase, γ-glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, lactate acid) Usually increased, especially in severe disease; AST >ALT; lactate level >4 mmol/L (36 mg/dL) can indicate persistent hypoperfusion and sepsis
Sedimentation rate Normal or decreased
Blood gas Metabolic acidosis can indicate shock and hypoperfusion.
Coagulation studies (PT, PTT, fibrinogen, fibrin split products, platelets, D-dimer) DIC can be seen in Ebola, Marburg, Lujo virus, and New World arenavirus infections.
Urinalysis Proteinuria common; hematuria seen occasionally; sediment can show hyaline-granular casts and round cells with cytoplasmic inclusions
Blood culture Useful early to exclude viral hemorrhagic fever if positive and later to evaluate for secondary bacterial infection; blood should be drawn before antibiotic therapy is instituted
Stool culture Useful to exclude viral hemorrhagic fever if positive for hemorrhagic bacillary dysentery
Thick and thin blood smears Useful for the diagnosis of blood parasites (malaria and trypanosomes) and bacterial sepsis (meningococcus, Capnocytophaga , and anthrax); negative in viral hemorrhagic fever unless coinfection
Rapid test, PCR, or other assay for malaria Negative in viral hemorrhagic fever unless coinfection with malaria
Febrile agglutinins or other assay for Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi Negative in viral hemorrhagic fever unless coinfection
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis Usually normal in viral hemorrhagic fever
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis: protein moderately increased (50–150 mg dL); glucose normal or decreased; mononuclear pleocytosis up to 5000 cells/μL (although neutrophils can comprise up to 25% of cells)
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PT, prothrombin; PTT, partial thromboplastin time.

Pregnant women often come to medical attention because of spontaneous abortion and vaginal bleeding. However, a few Ebola virus–infected pregnant women have had mild or atypical clinical manifestations, posing a diagnostic dilemma. Despite slightly improved survival of pregnant women during the 2013–2016 outbreak in West Africa, pregnancies result in miscarriage, stillbirth, or early neonatal death. There is one report of a neonate born to an infected mother, who received various experimental therapies, surviving beyond the neonatal period. , Rarely, women who were infected during pregnancy have survived acute EVD without aborting, only to experience a stillbirth of a macerated fetus in the subsequent weeks. The stillborn fetuses were confirmed to be positive for the virus by RT-PCR testing, despite no evidence of persistent Ebola virus in the mothers’ blood. This may result from the relative immune privilege of the intrauterine compartment during pregnancy and the immaturity of the fetal immune system.

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