Key Points

  • Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is practically defined as a sonographic estimated fetal weight of less than the 10th percentile for gestational age. In actuality, a growth-restricted fetus is one that is unable to meet its inherent growth potential secondary to an underlying pathologic process. Distinguishing between a pathologically growth-restricted fetus and a constitutionally small one is imprecise, and using an estimated fetal weight cutoff of less than the 10th percentile as the definition is more inclusive and less likely to miss abnormally small fetuses.

  • The causes underlying FGR are heterogeneous, including maternal, placental and fetal factors.

  • In pregnancies with an increased a priori risk for FGR, ultrasonographic biometry remains the mainstay of screening.

  • Confirmation of gestational age and dating are key factors in the diagnosis of FGR.

  • Workup of FGR includes consideration of aneuploidy, infectious causes such as cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis and structural anomalies. If severe, leading to delivery before 34 weeks’ gestation, evaluation for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome should also be considered.

  • Use of umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry in the setting of FGR has been rigorously shown to decrease perinatal mortality.

  • Management of a growth-restricted fetus should include serial assessment of biometry, amniotic fluid volume and fetal Doppler studies with the goal of maximising fetal maturity and minimising injury secondary to exposure to an abnormal in utero environment.


Fetuses that are unable to meet their inherent growth potential are at substantial risk for perinatal and long-term morbidity and mortality. Delivery, oftentimes preterm with its attendant consequences of prematurity, is the only known treatment for averting in utero injury or stillbirth for these fetuses. Furthermore, the combination of fetal growth restriction (FGR) and preterm delivery has been associated with even worse neonatal and long-term outcomes compared with appropriately grown infants who were born prematurely. This chapter reviews key definitions, a etiologies, screening, diagnosis and clinical management of FGR while highlighting emerging areas of investigation in the field of normal fetal growth and FGR.


Fetal growth restriction, also known as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), occurs when a fetus is unable to achieve its inherent growth potential secondary to an underlying pathologic process. Antenatally distinguishing between a pathologically growth-restricted fetus and a constitutionally small one, however, is imprecise. In fact, only approximately 30% of fetuses with an estimated fetal weight (EFW) less than the 10th percentile are pathologically growth restricted. On the other hand, there remains an increased risk for adverse outcome in a fetus that measures greater than the 10th percentile but is still not meeting its innate growth trajectory.

For practical purposes, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) defines FGR when the sonographic EFW is less than the 10th percentile for gestational age on a standardised population growth curve. Controversy surrounding this term remains, however, as to whether this is the optimal definition when many of these fetuses will be constitutionally small and not pathologically growth restricted. The phrase ‘small for gestational age (SGA)’ has been utilised in a variety of contexts, ranging from interchangeable use with FGR to denoting only neonates whose birth weight is less than the 10th percentile for gestational age. This latter definition of SGA is used by ACOG and is what the term SGA will represent in this chapter. Low birth weight (LBW) is defined by the World Health Organization as a birth weight of less than 2500 g. This definition does not take into account gestational age and thus has less relevance to fetal growth and growth restriction.

Normal Fetal Growth

Most classic growth curves, including the Lubchenco, Brenner and Williams curves, show similar growth trajectories with advancing gestational age. More recent data derived from a large, racially diverse US cohort, however, demonstrate that birth weights of this modern population differ from those that generated the classic Lubchenco curve. For example, the percentage of SGA infants would tend to be underestimated by Lubchenco curves between 32 and 40 weeks’ gestation ( Tables 39.1 and 39.2 ). In contrast, the percentage of large for gestational age (LGA) infants would be overestimated by the Lubchenco population at term (see Tables 39.1 and 39.2 ). These findings have been supported by a meta-analysis including nearly 4 million births from six countries.

TABLE 39.1
Female Birth Weight Percentiles by Gestational Age
Adapted from Lubchenco LO, Hansman C, Dressler M, Boyd E. Intrauterine growth as estimated from liveborn birth-weight data at 24 to 42 weeks of gestation. Pediatrics 32 :793–800, 1963 and Olsen IE, Groveman SA, Lawson ML, et al. New intrauterine growth curves based on United States data. Pediatrics 125 :e214–e224, 2010.
Patients ( n ) 10th percentile (g) 50th percentile (g) 90th percentile (g)
GA Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al. Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al. Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al. Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al.
24 11 438 490 524 760 651 1295 772
26 25 773 700 645 935 827 1350 1004
28 54 1187 870 807 1140 1061 1530 1310
30 48 1606 1025 1052 1380 1373 1880 1693
32 58 3007 1250 1352 1675 1731 2330 2116
34 71 5936 1550 1730 2155 2187 2920 2661
36 84 4690 1960 2028 2630 2664 3335 3339
38 282 5755 2405 2526 2940 3173 3545 3847
40 588 5529 2630 2855 3160 3454 3720 4070
GA, Gestational age.

TABLE 39.2
Male Birth Weight Percentiles by Gestational Age
Adapted from Lubchenco LO, Hansman C, Dressler M, Boyd E. Intrauterine growth as estimated from liveborn birth-weight data at 24 to 42 weeks of gestation. Pediatrics 32 :793–800, 1963 and Olsen IE, Groveman SA, Lawson ML, et al. New intrauterine growth curves based on United States data. Pediatrics 125 :e214–e224, 2010.
Patients ( n ) 10th percentile (g) 50th percentile (g) 90th percentile (g)
GA Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al. Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al. Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al. Lubchenco et al. Olsen et al.
24 13 451 610 561 830 690 1230 813
26 43 881 760 704 965 890 1330 1065
28 64 1281 915 884 1205 1141 1570 1385
30 61 1992 1085 1114 1465 1443 1875 1761
32 66 3677 1320 1433 1760 1829 2280 2218
34 74 7291 1645 1810 2220 2285 2920 2763
36 118 7011 2105 2170 2745 2792 3385 3432
38 354 8786 2505 2652 3080 3306 3665 3986
40 576 7235 2700 2950 3290 3579 3880 4232
GA, Gestational age.


Overall, the incidence of FGR depends upon the definition and population being used. Using the ACOG definition of FGR based upon population growth charts, 10% of fetuses will be diagnosed as growth restricted. There is no specific definition at this time, however, that is able to take into account a fetus’s inherent growth potential. Although there are investigations into individualised (vs population-based) growth standard, none have been shown to improve outcomes to date.

Classification of Fetal Growth Restriction

Fetal growth restriction has often been segregated into two separate classifications: Symmetric versus asymmetric FGR. Symmetric FGR, in which there is a proportional reduction in all of the biometric parameters, traditionally has been attributed to insults that occur early in pregnancy when the main component of fetal growth is cellular hyperplasia. In contrast, asymmetric FGR, in which estimated fetal weight is below normal primarily because of a decrease in abdominal circumference (with normal skeletal and cranial dimensions), has conventionally been ascribed to placental disorders, which is thought to impair the normal process of cellular hypertrophy in fetal growth and deposition of glycogen in the fetal liver.

The clinical utility of this stratification is unclear for several reasons. For instance, early-onset placental disease may lead to symmetric FGR. More important, though, both symmetric and asymmetric FGR have been associated with increased risk for poor perinatal outcome, and antenatal surveillance and Doppler velocimetry appear to be better predictors of pregnancy outcome regardless of the classification of FGR.

Causes of Fetal Growth Restriction

There are several potential causes of FGR, and they can be divided into three basic categories: maternal, placental and fetal factors ( Table 39.3 ).

TABLE 39.3
Causes of Fetal Growth Restriction
Maternal factors
Maternal disease (e.g. hypertension, cyanotic cardiac disease, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome)
Severe, inadequate nutrition
Certain prescribed medications
Placental factors
Abnormal placental disk diameter and thickness
Placental abruption
Placental infarction
Umbilical cord abnormalities (e.g. velamentous cord insertion)
Fetal factors
Genetic factors
Structural anomalies
Multiple gestation

Maternal Factors

Maternal disease

Several maternal medical conditions, especially ones that lead to alterations in uteroplacental perfusion, may contribute to the phenotype of FGR. For instance, one frequent cause of FGR is maternal hypertensive disease in pregnancy, including preeclampsia, chronic hypertension and preeclampsia superimposed upon chronic hypertension. Similarly, preexisting diabetes, renal disease and autoimmune disease have all also been associated with an increased risk for development of FGR. The currently presumed mechanistic aetiology underlying the association between these medical conditions and FGR is thought to be impaired trophoblastic invasion of the maternal spiral arterioles in conjunction with maternal vascular and endothelial derangements. This is supported clinically by uterine artery Doppler studies demonstrating that in pregnancies complicated by hypertension, there is a higher incidence of FGR in pregnancies where abnormal waveforms were recorded.

Inadequate nutrition

In general, minor alterations in maternal nutrition are unlikely to result in growth restriction. Extreme undernourishment, however, affects fetal development. The majority of our understanding regarding malnutrition and fetal growth comes from data during the 1940s. The Dutch famine, which lasted for approximately 6 months, showed that significant malnutrition only in the third trimester resulted in decreased fetal growth. Specifically, pregnant women who took in an average of less than 1500 kcal/day during the third trimester delivered infants with birth weights that declined about 10%. In contrast, the Siege of Leningrad during World War II, which lasted more than 2 years, demonstrated that when both pre- and intragestational weight gain were poor, birth weights were reduced by approximately 400 to 600 g.


Maternal cigarette smoking is a well-established risk factor for FGR, with studies demonstrating that smoking during pregnancy confers a 3- to 10-fold increased risk for delivering an SGA neonate. In fact, tobacco use in pregnancy is the leading preventable cause of FGR. In a Cochrane review, smoking cessation was found to reduce LBW by 17%, but the large Danish National Birth Cohort database demonstrated that nicotine replacement did not affect birth weight or the rate of stillbirth. Use of illicit substances such as cocaine, amphetamines and heroin also increases the risk for development of FGR. Various therapeutic agents have also been implicated in the a etiology of FGR. These include antiepileptic medications, β-blockers, chemotherapy and chronic steroid use.

Placental Factors

The placenta, as the maternal–fetal interface that mediates nutrient and oxygen exchange, plays a key role in fetal growth. From a gross perspective, decreased placental weight and disk diameter have been associated with impaired fetal growth. There also appears to be an optimal placental disk thickness, in which excessively thin or thick placentas have been correlated with FGR. Similarly, abnormal placental lobation, abruption, chorioangiomas and velamentous cord insertions also increase risk for development of FGR.

Histopathologic findings, such as chronic villitis, massive chronic intervillositis, maternal floor infarction with fibrin or fibrinoid deposition and fetal thrombotic vasculopathy reflect the potential mechanisms underlying placental-mediated FGR. These include deficient endovascular trophoblast invasion of the implantation site, inadequate extravillous trophoblast invasion of maternal spiral arterioles and maldevelopment of the villous and fetoplacental vascular tree.

Fetal Factors

Genetic factors

Fetal aneuploidy is one cause of FGR, with 19% of growth-restricted fetuses demonstrating an abnormal karyotype at a tertiary referral centre. FGR is often present in fetuses with trisomy 18, although the risk is still elevated with other chromosomal abnormalities, including triploidy, sex chromosome abnormalities, other trisomies, deletions and duplications. Less frequently, other abnormalities such as confined placental mosaicism or uniparental disomy also can result in FGR.

Structural anomalies

More than 22% of infants with congenital anomalies manifest concurrent FGR. Furthermore, the more defects that are present, the higher the frequency of FGR.


Most cases of FGR that are attributable to congenital infection arise from either viral or parasitic infections. Cytomegalovirus (CMV), rubella, toxoplasmosis and malaria are most often implicated, with malaria being the most common cause of FGR worldwide. Other data suggest that a primary outbreak of herpes simplex virus (HSV) may also increase risk for FGR. Traditionally, these infections, especially when they occur early in pregnancy, have been thought to result in FGR secondary to insults to cellular proliferation. More recent data suggest that the mechanisms are more complex than simple cytopathic effects and can include arrest in placental vascularisation, impairment of placental transport and an altered immunologic milieu. As an example of the potential role of immunologic derangements in FGR, HIV infection itself is not necessarily associated with FGR. Instead, there is evidence suggesting that CD4 counts less than 200 cells/mm 3 in the first trimester are strongly linked to risk for FGR rather than viral load itself.

Multiple gestation

Beyond the aetiologic factors that can lead to FGR in singletons, the risk for FGR is further increased in multiple gestation. It is related in part to chorionicity and number of fetuses, with greater incidences of FGR in higher order multiples and monochorionic fetuses. There is controversy as to whether these findings are a result of pathologic compromised growth versus fetal adaptation to shared resources.

Consequences of Fetal Growth Restriction

The consequences of FGR are extensive, traversing the antenatal period to adulthood. In general, FGR increases risks of perinatal morbidity and mortality, with a substantial increase in both as birth weight falls below the 6th percentile for gestational age. Although pregnancies complicated by FGR often undergo indicated preterm delivery, the attendant consequences of prematurity such as respiratory distress (RDS), intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) and necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) are significantly worse in FGR neonates than gestational age-matched, appropriately grown control participants. Furthermore, neonates who were growth restricted with absent or reversed end-diastolic velocity of the umbilical artery are at even higher risk for adverse outcome. Other potential neonatal complications of FGR include low Apgar scores, hypothermia, hypoglycaemia, hypocalcaemia, polycythaemia and impaired immune function.

Beyond the neonatal consequences, children who were growth restricted at birth also demonstrate higher incidences of chronic medical issues such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), pulmonary hypertension, neurodevelopmental delay and cerebral palsy. As adults, these individuals are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and obesity.


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