Familial Breast Cancer

Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome Testing Criteria

  • 1.

    A known mutation in a cancer susceptibility gene in the family, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2

  • 2.

    An individual with breast cancer meeting one of the following criteria:

    • a.

      Diagnosed ≤ 45 years of age

    • b.

      Diagnosed ≤ 50 years of age with one of the following additional criteria: (i) an additional breast cancer primary, (ii) ≥1 close blood relative with breast cancer at any age, (iii) ≥1 close blood relative with pancreatic cancer, (iv) ≥1 close blood relative with prostate cancer (Gleason score ≥ 7), (v) unknown or limited family history

    • c.

      Diagnosed with triple-negative (i.e., estrogen receptor– and progesterone receptor–negative and HER2 unamplified) breast cancer diagnosed ≤ 60 years of age

    • d.

      Diagnosed at any age with breast cancer with the following additional criteria, (i) ≥2 close blood relatives with breast, pancreatic or prostate cancer, (ii) ≥1 blood relative with breast cancer diagnosed ≤ 50 years of age, (iii) ≥1 blood relative with ovarian cancer, (iv) a close male relative with breast cancer, (v) of Ashkenazi Jewish descent

  • 3.

    Personal history of ovarian cancer

  • 4.

    Male breast cancer

  • 5.

    Family history of a first- or second-degree blood relative who meets the previous criteria

  • 6.

    Family history of a third-degree blood relative who has breast or ovarian cancer and has ≥2 close blood relatives with breast or ovarian cancer

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