Facet Joint Injection, Cervical Spine



  • Anesthetic ± corticosteroid injection into cervical facet joint

    • Diagnostic study for pain referable to cervical facet joint


  • Indications

    • Chronic or acute on chronic cervical facet osteoarthritis

    • Posttraumatic osteoarthritis

  • Preprocedure imaging

    • Correlate imaging abnormality with patient symptoms

    • Assess degree of bone overgrowth and best place to access joint


  • Supine, decubitus, or prone depending on level to be injected/anatomic relationships

  • Craniocervical junction

    • Occiput/C1: Lateral approach with patient supine or decubitus

    • C1/C2: Posterior approach with patient prone

    • CT imaging is preferred by some interventionalists in upper cervical region

  • Subaxial cervical spine (C3-C7): Generally lateral approach with patient supine or decubitus

Post Procedure

  • Reproduction of pain with injection

    • Concordant or discordant pain

    • Pain intensity before, during, and after injection

Normal Anatomy

Intraarticular Injection: AP View

Intraarticular Injection: AP View

Needle Placement: C3/4 Facet Injection


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