Extubation and Reintubation of the Difficult Airway


  • Careful planning of tracheal extubation or tube exchange is as vital as the planning required for intubation. Airway complications are as common after tube removal as during insertion.

  • Anticipating a successful extubation is an inexact science. Any emergent reintubation is likely to be more complex because of physiologic instability and contextual challenges.

  • Reintubation may fail because of inadequate access to the airway (e.g., halo fixation, maxillomandibular fixation), anatomic features (e.g., retrognathism, prominent incisors, macroglossia), inadequate preparation, lack of expertise or insufficient information (e.g., emergencies), a rapidly deteriorating clinical state, or blood, secretions, or swelling obscuring the visual field.

  • The primary objective of airway management is the maintenance of oxygenation. If this can be achieved, the necessary resources can be summoned if reintubation initially fails. Repeated attempts to reintubate may worsen an already precarious situation.

  • Many life-threatening circumstances can be anticipated and managed preemptively with a preplanned extubation strategy.

  • Extubation strategies include deep extubation, bronchoscopic examination under anesthesia through a supgraglottic airway (SGA), substitution of an endotracheal tube (ETT) with an SGA, and extubation over an airway exchange catheter (AEC).

  • The safest extubation strategy may be a preemptive surgical airway.

  • An SGA or AEC should be left in place (off-label recommendation) until it is likely that reintubation will not be required. Premature removal is a common mistake.

  • A reintubation strategy may include the judicious administration of oxygen by insufflation or jet ventilation; advancement of an ETT over an AEC, preferably with tongue retraction; or indirect laryngoscopy.

  • Clear communication among those providing care is essential to mitigate adverse secondary outcomes.


Anesthesia and airway management are often compared with flying an airplane. No one would dispute that its landing is any less important that its takeoff. Similarly, tracheal intubation and extubation are of equal importance to patient safety. Although there is a growing appreciation of the frequency and severity of airway difficulties following tracheal extubation, it remains insufficiently studied. Indeed, it was recently reported that for every published article concerning extubation, there are 36 regarding intubation despite the frequency and severity of the problem. Clinical surveys, closed claims analysis, , and the Fourth National Audit Project (NAP4) in the United Kingdom highlight the importance of adverse events following extubation. This has led to several reviews, the inclusion of an extubation component within comprehensive airway management guidelines, and standalone documents on tracheal extubation. , Complications at extubation range from the relatively minor ones, such as coughing and transient breath-holding that have little impact on outcome, to those that are life-threatening. The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Closed Claims Project analyzed adverse respiratory events and found that 16% and 4% of brain injuries and deaths occurred after extubation in the operating room (OR) and postanesthesia care unit (PACU), respectively. Furthermore, the Closed Claims Project showed that while a significant reduction in airway claims relating to intubation occurred in the decade following the 1993 ASA Practice Guidelines on Management of the Difficult Airway, there was no such improvement in those relating to extubation. The Closed Claims Project also noted that brain injury and death were the more likely outcomes in extubation claims compared with intubation claims. The NAP4 audit found that major airway complications during emergence or following extubation that led to death, brain injury, unplanned emergency surgical airway, or airway-related intensive care unit (ICU) admission were only slightly less frequent than those resulting from failure to intubate or the aspiration of gastric contents. Because extubation should be regarded as an elective procedure, this offers the opportunity to anticipate, prepare, and provide safer management. This chapter discusses the complications associated with routine and more complex tracheal extubation or reintubation, emphasizing the importance of anticipating and preparing for higher-risk extubations (and reintubation).

Low-risk or routine extubations have been reviewed elsewhere and are not the focus of this chapter. , , The primary concerns with routine extubation include ensuring recovery from neuromuscular blockade, opioids, and volatile and intravenous (IV) sedatives; hemodynamic stability; the adequacy of ventilation and oxygenation; normothermia; freedom from noxious stimulation; and airway patency. This chapter deals almost exclusively with adults because there is limited literature relating to the pediatric population. The controversy surrounding deep versus awake extubation has been addressed elsewhere. ,

Extubation Failures and Challenges

Two dimensions contribute to the risk of extubation: (1) the patient’s tolerance of extubation and (2) the likelihood that reintubation, if required, succeeds free of complications.

Clearly, when extubating a patient with limited physiologic reserve, the risk of extubation failure is increased. If the patient also has an anatomically difficult airway (DA), the consequences of a failed extubation may also be greater. It is probably inaccurate to think of risk as binary: easy versus difficult. Rather, risk exists along a continuum that demands clinical judgment. Extubation should be planned, deliberate, and elective. When necessary, it can be postponed until conditions are optimal. When it is performed may mitigate the risk of reintubation being required; how it is performed may determine whether reintubation can be accomplished safely. In short, intubation is a skill; extubation is an art.

Extubation failure occurs when a patient is unable to maintain oxygenation, adequate ventilation, clearance of respiratory secretions, or airway patency. Reintubation failure occurs when extubation is followed by an immediate or delayed but unsuccessful attempt to reintubate the trachea. There is no agreement concerning the time frame for failure; thus, the reported incidences vary. Furthermore, effective rescue interventions such as noninvasive ventilation, high-flow nasal oxygen, or helium-oxygen delivery that obviate the need for reintubation may blur the definition of extubation failure. Reintubation may ultimately succeed, but multiple or prolonged attempts have been associated with serious complications, particularly in the ICU and emergency department (ED). Complications such as desaturation, esophageal intubation, aspiration, and hemodynamic instability may be overlooked by studies focusing on success or failure per se.

Compared with routine postoperative patients, ICU patients pose a greater risk of extubation failure due to neurologic obtundation, airway edema, debilitation, impaired clearance of secretions, altered pulmonary mechanics, increased dead space, and venous admixture. In the ICU, failed extubation is relatively common, occurring in 10% to 20% of patients despite the use of numerous criteria to identify independence from ventilatory support. , , Such criteria are imperfect and may not focus enough attention on aspects such as airway obstruction, cough strength, airway protection, and nonrespiratory factors. Also, the consequences of extubation failure are likely proportional to the patient’s clinical acuity. Even when reintubation is uneventful, extubation failure is associated with a significant prolongation of ICU stay and an increase in mortality. Given that extubation failure among ICU patients is both common and consequential, the prudent clinician should be prepared with the appropriate supportive interventions and the equipment and expertise to facilitate reintubation if required.

Minor complications associated with the extubation of postoperative patients are common and often transient, rarely requiring reintubation. Studies involving a wide case mix of postoperative patients show a high degree of concordance. In four large studies enrolling more than 150,000 patients, the incidence of required postoperative reintubation ranged from 0.06% to 0.19%. The reintubation rate appears to be significantly higher (1%–3%) after selected surgical procedures such as panendoscopy , and a variety of head and neck procedures.

Postoperative reintubation, although uncommon, may offer some unanticipated challenges, including anatomic distortion, physiologic instability, incomplete information, lack of essential equipment, severe time constraints, ergonomics, and inexperienced personnel. An airway that would be easily managed electively may become a life-threatening emergent event.

Extubation Risk Stratification

The overall risk of any extubation relates to the interaction between the risk of extubation not being tolerated and, if required, the success and safety of reintubation. Both aspects have some level of uncertainty. Most extubations are planned and turn out to be uneventful, but even routine extubations may be associated with complications ( Box 47.1 ).

Box 47.1
Complications of Routine Extubations

Unintended extubation

Fixation of endotracheal tube

Hypertension, tachycardia

Increased intracranial pressure

Increased intraocular pressure

Coughing, breath-holding

Laryngeal injury

Laryngospasm or vocal cord paralysis

Stridor, airway obstruction

Postobstructive pulmonary edema

Laryngeal incompetence


The causes of a failed extubation can be classified as a failure of oxygenation or ventilation, inadequate clearance of pulmonary secretions, or loss of airway patency. One cannot always predict which patients will require reintubation, but if reintubation is likely to be difficult, it is prudent to employ strategies expected to maximize the likelihood of success.

Rates, Causes, and Complications of Routine Extubation Failure

Unplanned Extubation

Unplanned extubation, either the deliberate removal of the ETT by the patient or the inadvertent displacement during maneuvers, results in significant harm and death. The incidence of this event in the ICU population has been reported as 0.1 to 3.6 per 100 intubation days. , In the OR, and more recently in the ICU and ED as a result of COVID-19, placement of the patient in the prone position increases the risk of accidental extubation. Often these are patients experiencing critical failure of oxygenation, demanding the return of the patient to a supine (head-up) position and replacement of the ETT. In the ICU, unplanned extubation can occur during repositioning for radiographs or during routine nursing care, more commonly in delirious or insufficiently sedated patients. , The majority of these patients require reintubation, and when this occurs in the ICU, ICU and hospital length of stay are significantly prolonged and associated with an increase in mortality. Fastidious attention to securing the ETT and supporting the breathing circuit is essential. Unplanned extubation is a quality indicator; the risks, consequences, and strategies for its prevention have been reviewed elsewhere.

Planned Postoperative Extubations

A retrospective database review from the University of Michigan analyzed 107,317 general anesthetics administered between 1994 and 1999. Of the 191 (0.1%) that required reintubation in the OR or PACU, 59% were for respiratory causes, mostly hypercapnia or hypoxemia. Upper airway obstruction including laryngospasm accounted for most of the balance. Incomplete neuromuscular reversal was responsible for approximately 6% of the reintubations. Reintubation more commonly occurred in the OR versus the PACU. This study was retrospective and should be interpreted with caution.

A prospective study from Thailand found a higher reintubation rate of 27 per 10,000 patients occurring within 24 hours. The precipitating factor in this study was thought to be residual neuromuscular blockade in almost three-quarters of cases requiring reintubation. A Taiwanese database surveyed 138,000 patients undergoing general anesthesia between 2005 and 2007, finding that 83 reintubations (0.06%) were performed after planned extubation. Comparing these patients with a matched cohort not requiring reintubation, the investigators identified the following factors as most predictive of a need for reintubation: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; odds ratio = 7.17; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.98–26.00), pneumonia (odds ratio = 7.94; 95% CI, 1.03–32.78), ascites (odds ratio = 13.86; 95% CI, 1.08–174.74), and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (odds ratio = 11.90; 95% CI, 2.63–53.86).


The ASA Closed Claims Project found that 4% of 1175 closed claims resulted from critical respiratory events in the PACU. The highest proportion was attributed to inadequate ventilation, and many of these patients died or suffered brain damage. Pulmonary complications may be the most common postoperative complication with respiratory failure being the most frequent within this group. A multicenter, prospective survey in France examining almost 200,000 general anesthetics administered between 1978 and 1982 found that postoperative respiratory depression accounted for 27 of 85 life-threatening or fatal respiratory complications. A respiratory rate of <8 breaths per minute was observed by PACU nurses among 0.2% of 24,000 adult patients after general anesthesia. These studies were conducted at a time when longer-acting neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) were widely used, monitoring blockade reversal was subjective or not done at all, and oximetry was rarely available. A more recent prospective, multicenter study assessed residual neuromuscular blockade among adult patients following abdominal surgery; almost all of these patients had received rocuronium, and most had been reversed with neostigmine. The incidence of incomplete reversal observed at the time of extubation and on arrival to PACU, defined as a train-of-four (TOF) ratio less than 0.9, was 63.5% (95% CI, 57.4%–69.6%) and 56.5% (95% CI, 49.8%–63.3%), respectively. Although the literature is somewhat conflicting, it appears that even a TOF ratio of 0.9, compared to 0.95, is associated with increased postoperative pulmonary complications. These include aspiration, airway obstruction, hypoxia, and pharyngeal/esophageal complications. Sugammadex appears to reduce the incidence of residual neuromuscular blockade compared to neostigmine and, among some patient groups, is associated with fewer postoperative pulmonary complications. Miskovic and Lumb summarized the major factors contributing to postoperative ventilatory failure as continued sedation from residual anesthetic drugs and opioids, residual neuromuscular blockade, and impaired ventilatory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia.

The residual effects of trace levels of volatile anesthetic drugs may also contribute to inadequate postoperative ventilation; however, it appears that the ventilatory response to hypercapnia is less affected than the response to hypoxia. It may be aggravated by incomplete reversal of neuromuscular blockers, , hypocalcemia or hypermagnesemia, or the administration of other drugs that potentiate neuromuscular blockade.

Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

A comprehensive review of the many causes of postoperative hypoxemia is beyond the scope of this chapter but include hypoventilation, a low inspired-oxygen concentration, ventilation/perfusion mismatch, right-to-left shunting, increased oxygen consumption, diminished oxygen transport, and impairment of oxygen diffusion. The effect of residual volatile anesthetic agents on the ventilatory response to hypoxia is variable and dependent on the agent as well as a number of prevailing circumstances, such as patient stimulation. Hypoxemia is more common in some clinical situations due to preexisting medical conditions, surgical interventions, persistent anesthetic influences, atelectasis, or splinting. If sufficiently severe, there may be a requirement for noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV) or reintubation. Hypoxemia (Sp o 2 <90%) was the most common cause of a critical postoperative respiratory event in a study of over 24,000 adult patients.

Inability to Protect the Airway

The inability of patients to protect their airway may be a consequence of soft tissue collapse resulting in obstruction or the loss of the reflexes that would guard against aspiration of gastric contents. This may be the result of persistent anesthetic influence including residual neuromuscular blockade, opioids and other analgesics, or sedatives, or it may be due to a preexisting medical condition such as obtundation or neurologic injury. It may be possible to temporize by repositioning patients to reduce regurgitation risk (head up), aspiration risk (head down), obstruction (on their side), or placement of an airway obturator (e.g., an oral, nasopharyngeal, or supraglottic airway [SGA]). The use of reversal agents (e.g., naloxone, flumazenil, or sugammadex) may also be helpful, if indicated. When such measures are inappropriate or ineffective, NIPPV or reintubation may be required.

Failure to Clear Pulmonary Secretions

Inadequate clearance of pulmonary secretions may result from a depressed level of consciousness with impaired airway reflexes, overproduction of secretions, alteration of sputum consistency leading to inspissation and plugging, impaired mucociliary clearance, or inadequate neuromuscular reserve. These problems may lead to aspiration, atelectasis, or pneumonia with resultant hypoxemic respiratory failure. Alterations in pulmonary mechanics may also lead to hypercapnia, necessitating reintubation.

Airway Obstruction

Postextubation stridor

Several of the complications of tracheal intubation may not be apparent while the patient remains intubated. Although anatomic or functional laryngeal problems are more likely to develop as a consequence of multiple, prolonged, or blind intubation attempts, glottic or tracheal injury may also occur despite a good laryngoscopic view or during awake bronchoscopic intubation. Airway injuries may range from those that are subtle and reversible to the more extreme that necessitate reintubation. They include laryngeal edema, ulceration, laceration, hematoma, granuloma formation, vocal fold immobility, tracheal and esophageal perforation, and subluxation or dislocation of the arytenoid cartilages. Reports often omit details regarding the ETT size, cuff type, methods of cuff inflation, laryngoscopist, or clinical context. A recent systematic review detailed the findings of 21 publications involving over 6000 patients restricted to prospective studies involving adults undergoing elective surgical procedures with postoperative laryngeal examination. The incidence of edema ranged from 9% to 84% and was identified in the following locations in decreasing prevalence: arytenoid, interarytenoid, vocal folds, Reinke’s space, postcricoid, and unspecified locations. The study did not specify whether any patients required reintubation despite identifying some with arytenoid subluxation and vocal cord paralysis. Most of the injuries were short lived, resolving without intervention; however, 4% to 5% of the injuries were classified as moderate to severe. Presumably, patients requiring emergent or prolonged intubation are more susceptible to laryngeal injury.

Upper airway edema is a pathologic diagnosis, suggested by postextubation stridor resulting in turbulent flow due to decreased caliber of the airway lumen. The resultant increased work of breathing (WOB) may culminate in respiratory failure. The reported incidence of postextubation respiratory failure associated with stridor in ICU populations ranges from 1.8% to 31%. Recognition of patients at risk of failing extubation due to airway edema is challenging and has involved inspection, the cuff leak test, and ultrasonography (USG). Management of airway edema depends on its severity. This may involve the use of a lower-density helium/oxygen blend (heliox), aerosolized epinephrine, or reintubation.

The cuff leak test has been advocated as a tool to predict postextubation stridor. The test can be performed in a variety of ways with results of variable predictive value. Essentially, the test determines the adequacy of airflow around an occluded ETT after the cuff is deflated. It can be performed qualitatively by simply listening during exhalation, or quantitatively by comparing the difference between inspiratory tidal volume and the average expiratory volume. The sensitivity and specificity of this test will depend upon the cutoff value chosen, but other factors undoubtedly come into play, such as compliance of the respiratory system and the mechanical forces the patient is able to generate. The presence of a leak reduces the likelihood of postextubation stridor and subsequent need for reintubation. , Patients with postextubation stridor required reintubation in 18% of cases compared with 7.9% of patients without stridor. Reintubation was usually required within a median of 2 hours (range 1–6) in those with stridor, compared with 20 hours in those without (3–43 hours). Although the cuff leak test is recommended in higher-risk patients, it has “limited diagnostic power” with moderate sensitivity and excellent specificity. A quantitative test is more discriminating, but performance depends upon the selected cutoff value (leak volume) and the population being studied. If no cuff leak is identified, deferral of extubation might be prudent until conditions improve, especially if the airway is anatomically challenging or the patient is physiologically marginal.

USG can be used to better define the amount of space between the vocal cords and the ETT. This space was found to be significantly less in patients who subsequently develop postextubation stridor, though the sensitivity and specificity of this diagnostic application vary widely across studies. Several studies have compared USG with the cuff leak test ; however, the findings must be interpreted cautiously since so few patients with stridor were included. A large study involving 400 ventilated children, 44 of whom exhibited postextubation stridor, observed significant decreases in the quantitative cuff leak and the ultrasound-measured air column around the ETT in those who subsequently exhibited stridor. The ultrasonographic assessment demonstrated higher sensitivity and specificity. , Video-assisted laryngoscopy (VAL) can be used as a tool to record the laryngeal anatomy and clinical progress, but one must be very cautious in using this as a predictive tool of postextubation stridor, as the ability to accurately assess the anatomy is limited while the ETT remains in situ.

It is unlikely that laryngeal edema can be eliminated, but it may be possible to minimize it by attempting to achieve a visually controlled, atraumatic intubation with an appropriately sized ETT, a compliant cuff inflated just sufficiently to achieve a seal (with cuff-pressure manometry), minimizing the duration of intubation, optimizing patient positioning, and timely administration of IV corticosteroids. The benefits of corticosteroids with respect to postextubation stridor and the reintubation rate have been variable and likely depend upon patient selection, the steroid used, the dose, its timing, and when and if the dose is repeated. A meta-analysis of three randomized controlled trials involving patients with no cuff leak found that corticosteroids were associated with a reduced rate of reintubation and postextubation stridor. To be effective, these must be given in adequate doses, sufficiently before and, often enough, following extubation.

As mentioned, in the face of airway swelling or postextubation stridor, temporizing measures, such as head-up positioning, nebulized epinephrine, and heliox may be of some value. The efficacy of NIPPV in the symptomatic patient following extubation will depend upon the severity of the respiratory difficulty and the preexisting factors. Large-scale studies have not looked specifically at patients who fail as a consequence of laryngeal edema. One meta-analysis found that NIPPV had a greater effect on reducing reintubation rates in postoperative patients compared with ICU patients (odds ratio 0.24 [95% CI, 0.12–0.50] vs 0.72 [0.51–1.02]). Another meta-analysis concluded that, compared with standard medical therapy, the risk of reintubation was not significantly reduced by the use of NIPPV. A prospective study comparing NIPPV with standard medical therapy, involving 37 centers in 8 countries, failed to demonstrate benefit with respect to reducing reintubation; in fact, the study was stopped prematurely because of an increased mortality rate in the NIPPV group.


Laryngospasm involves bilateral adduction of the true vocal cords, vestibular folds, and/or aryepiglottic folds. This is protective to the extent that it prevents aspiration of solids and liquids; it becomes maladaptive when sustained or restrictive of ventilation and oxygenation. The intrinsic laryngeal muscles are the main mediators of laryngospasm, and they include the cricothyroid, lateral cricoarytenoid, and thyroarytenoid muscles. The cricothyroid muscles are the vocal cord tensors, an action mediated by the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN).

The diagnosis of laryngospasm is based upon visualization of laryngeal and supraglottic closure with inspiratory stridor, paradoxical breathing, and suprasternal retraction. Laryngospasm is believed to be a common cause of postextubation airway obstruction, particularly in children. Even in adults, Rose and colleagues stated that it accounted for 23.3% of critical postoperative respiratory events, although the diagnosis was presumptive. Emergency surgery, nasogastric tubes, and surgery for tonsillectomy, cervical dilation, hypospadias correction, oral endoscopy, or excision of skin lesions appear to be risk factors. The triggers are generally noxious but nonspecific, including vagal, trigeminal, auditory, phrenic, sciatic, and splanchnic nerve stimulation; cervical flexion or extension with an in situ ETT; or vocal cord irritation from blood, vomitus, or oral secretions. A risk assessment questionnaire was used to prospectively study over 9000 children undergoing general anesthesia. A positive history of nocturnal dry cough, exertional wheezing, or more than three wheezing episodes in the prior 12 months was associated with a 4-fold increase in the risk of laryngospasm in the PACU and a 2.7-fold increased risk of airway obstruction during surgery or in the PACU. In this study, twice as many children were managed with a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) than with an ETT, and an equal number had their devices removed awake and asleep. The depth of anesthesia at the time of device removal did not influence the incidence of laryngospasm, although this contradicts conventional teaching.

Nevertheless, it is widely believed that prevention of laryngospasm is best achieved by extubating at a sufficiently deep plane of anesthesia or awaiting recovery of consciousness. Potential airway irritants should be removed, and painful stimulation should be discontinued. If laryngospasm occurs, oxygen by sustained positive pressure may be helpful, although this may push the aryepiglottic folds together more tightly. Larson described a technique of applying firm digital pressure to the “laryngospasm notch” between the ascending mandibular ramus and the mastoid process, stating that this technique is rapid and highly effective. Very small doses of a short-acting neuromuscular blocking drug (NMBD) with or without reintubation may be necessary. , Recently, a case report described the successful use of transnasal humidified rapid-insufflation ventilatory exchange (THRIVE) in a patient with refractory laryngospasm, circumventing the need for reintubation.


Macroglossia, or severe enlargement of the tongue, can result in airway obstruction and increase the risk of extubation failure. One cause is angioedema, which may be caused by a hereditary or acquired deficiency of C1-esterase inhibitor. These cases are usually recurrent with varying severity; oropharyngeal involvement is less common but can be life-threatening when encountered. Most other cases of angioedema are mediated by mast cells, which release histamine, heparin, leukotriene, and prostaglandin, enhancing capillary permeability and producing tissue edema. It may be triggered by exercise or an allergic reaction to food, latex, or drugs, most commonly to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers, aspirin, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). , Although involvement of the tongue is the most obvious manifestation, the uvula, soft tissues, and larynx may also be affected.

Massive tongue swelling also can complicate prolonged posterior fossa surgery performed with the patient in the sitting, prone, or park bench position and steep or prolonged Trendelenburg positioning. Robotic surgery, coupling extreme Trendelenburg positioning with peritoneal insufflation, can also give rise to facial and airway swelling. Likewise, transoral placement of robotic instrumentation into a confined space may result in compressive injuries to the tongue and other oral structures. Other causes of macroglossia include hypothyroidism, acromegaly, lymphangioma, idiopathic hyperplasia, metabolic disorders, amyloidosis, cystic hygroma, neurofibromatosis, rhabdomyosarcoma, sublingual or submandibular infections, and chromosomal abnormalities such as Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.

In the ICU setting, macroglossia may be seen as a complication of extreme volume overloading or tongue trauma, particularly when it is further complicated by a coagulopathic state. If this occurs or progresses after extubation, it can lead to partial or complete airway obstruction, making reintubation necessary but difficult or impossible. Macroglossia may result from venous or lymphatic compression leading to immediate swelling or arterial insufficiency and subsequent reperfusion injury.

Laryngeal or Tracheal Injury

Airway injuries from the lips to the distal trachea can include lacerations, edema, arytenoid dislocation, and vocal fold damage. The lip or tongue may be compressed between the laryngoscope blade and the maxillary teeth, resulting in swelling or bleeding, although this is unlikely to be severe enough to delay or complicate extubation. The glottis may be injured as a result of the blind advancement of the ETT. This probably results in universal swelling or mucosal erosion of varying degrees to the posteromedial larynx that is largely unrecognized. The trachea can be lacerated or penetrated by the ETT or its introducer or by ischemic compression of the tracheal mucosa by the cuff. Arytenoids may become dislocated during difficult intubation efforts. Palatopharyngeal injuries have been described as a consequence of blind insertion of an ETT during VAL. , The epiglottis can be downfolded during placement of an ETT, the consequences of which are unknown. , Although these injuries are not often apparent at the time of intubation or SGA placement, they are typically managed conservatively and should not complicate extubation.

Laryngeal injuries accounted for 33% of all airway injury claims and 6% of all claims in the ASA Closed Claims Project database. These range from transient hoarseness to vocal fold paralysis. Even when direct laryngoscopy (DL) provides a satisfactory glottic view or intubation is facilitated by flexible bronchosopy, , airway injury can occur and go unsuspected until after the ETT is removed or only when symptoms prompt further investigation. Airway injuries are presumed to be less likely if intubation is easy, but analysis of the ASA Closed Claims Project revealed that 58% of airway trauma and 80% of laryngeal injuries were associated with intubations that were not described as difficult. , The Closed Claims Project observed that difficult intubations were more likely to result in injuries to the pharynx and esophagus than to the trachea.

Vocal fold immobility can result from injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve or the arytenoid cartilages. , , Arytenoid immobility has resulted from seemingly uneventful DL, double-lumen tube (DLT) insertion, and lighted stylet intubation. In a prospective study involving over 3000 intubations, postoperative hoarseness was observed in approximately half of intubated patients on the day of surgery, persisting to days 3 and 7 in 11% and 0.8% of patients, respectively. , Three patients (<0.1%) had arytenoid dislocation, and four had vocal cord paralysis. , Arytenoid dislocation is confirmed by endoscopic visualization of an immobile vocal cord associated with a rotated arytenoid cartilage. , If the diagnosis is made prior to the onset of ankylosis, it may be possible to manipulate the arytenoid back into position.

Vocal fold paralysis results from injury to the vagus nerve or one of its branches (i.e., the recurrent laryngeal nerve [RLN] or external division of the SLN [ex-SLN]) and may resemble arytenoid dislocation or ankylosis. Differentiation may require palpation of the cricoarytenoid joints under anesthesia or laryngeal electromyography. When vocal fold paralysis occurs as a surgical complication, it is usually associated with neck, thyroid, or thoracic surgery. The left RLN can also be compressed by thoracic tumors, aortic aneurysmal dilatation, left atrial enlargement, or during closure of a patent ductus arteriosus. Occasionally, a surgical cause cannot be implicated. Cavo postulated that an overinflated ETT cuff might result in injury to the anterior divisions of the RLN. ,

The RLN supplies all the intrinsic laryngeal muscles except the cricothyroid, the true vocal cord tensor, which is innervated by the ex-SLNs. Unilateral ex-SLN injury results in a shortened, adducted vocal fold with a shift of the epiglottis and the anterior larynx toward the affected side. This produces a weak, breathy voice but no obstruction and usually resolves within days to months. Bilateral ex-SLN injury causes the epiglottis to overhang, and the vocal cords may appear bowed and lacking in tension. This does not produce obstruction. The vocal quality is hoarse with a reduction in volume and range. Unilateral RLN injury causes the affected vocal fold to assume a fixed paramedian position and may produce a hoarse voice or weak cough, though many patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis are asymptomatic. Bilateral RLN injury results in both vocal folds being fixed in the paramedian position and inspiratory stridor, often necessitating a surgical airway. ,

Prolonged or stressful contact between the ETT and the posteromedial aspects of the vocal cords, arytenoids, or posterior commissure may result in ulceration of the perichondrium, which can heal with fibrous adhesions leading to vocal cord fixation. An otolaryngologist should assess a patient with persistent postextubation hoarseness, a breathy voice, or an ineffective cough.

Pharyngeal, nasopharyngeal, and esophageal injuries include perforation, lacerations, contusions, and infections. These injuries may be associated with difficult laryngoscopy or intubation, but they may also result from passage of a gum elastic bougie, nasogastric tube, nasotracheal tube, orotracheal tube, suction catheter, esophageal stethoscope, esophageal temperature probe, or transesophageal echocardiogram probe. Penetrating injuries can communicate with the esophagus, resulting in a tracheoesophageal fistula, or with the mediastinum, resulting in mediastinitis, retropharyngeal abscess, or death.

After a brief intubation, soft tissue injuries resulting in airway obstruction are more likely to result from edema or hematoma than infection. Most of the described injuries do not significantly complicate extubation. Laryngeal and tracheal stenoses are serious complications, but they are rarely evident at the time of extubation.

Postobstructive Pulmonary Edema

Severe airway obstruction from any cause and at any anatomic level may complicate extubation by leading to postobstructive pulmonary edema (POPE), also called negative-pressure pulmonary edema. , This occurs when a forceful inspiratory effort is made against an obstructed airway (also known as the Mueller maneuver). The most common causes include a closed glottis, occlusive biting on an SGA or ETT, laryngospasm, bilateral vocal cord paralysis, croup, or epiglottitis. A strong inspiratory effort results in large negative intrapleural pressures, promoting venous return. , Type I POPE can occur with the onset of obstruction (e.g., laryngospasm, croup, epiglottitis, foreign body aspiration, hanging, biting, or neck hematoma). Type II POPE (reexpansion pulmonary edema) is seen following relief of the obstruction (e.g., chronic partial obstruction from enlarged tonsils, adenoids, or a laryngeal mass). The consequences of the Mueller maneuver include increased venous return, leftward shift of the interatrial and interventricular septa, decreased left ventricular compliance, and elevated pulmonary pressures and flow. The increased negative intrapleural pressure coupled with the increased hydrostatic pressure promotes transudation of fluid, resulting in pulmonary interstitial and alveolar edema.

Perioperatively, Type I POPE most commonly occurs in healthy patients capable of generating large negative intrathoracic pressures when inhaling against airway obstruction caused by occlusive biting on an ETT or SGA. Fortunately, this can be prevented by the routine placement of a bite block prior to awakening. Care must be taken not to place this as the patient is emerging from anesthesia as it may provoke more biting, dental damage, a gag reflex, or regurgitation. An effective bite block might be fashioned from a roll of gauze wrapped by tape with a “tail” to prevent its aspiration.

Type II POPE follows relief of the obstruction and occurs as follows: An expiratory effort opposed by an obstructed airway (i.e., a Valsalva maneuver) reduces venous return and raises intrapleural and alveolar pressures. With relief of the obstruction, the sudden increase in preload elevates the hydrostatic pressures leading to pulmonary edema. This state is exacerbated by circumstances promoting pulmonary vasoconstriction, such as hypothermia, hypercapnia, hypoxia, and adrenergic stimulation.

POPE typically has a rapid onset. The diagnosis should be suspected when tachypnea, crackles, rhonchi, frothy sputum, hypoxemia, and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates are observed following the relief of upper airway obstruction. The diagnosis is supported by the clinical context, exclusion of other more common causes, and more rapid resolution than that typically seen with other causes of pulmonary edema. Other than ensuring airway patency, treatment primarily consists of positive pressure ventilation (including NIPPV); diuresis is only appropriate when there is associated volume overload. ,

Hypertension and Tachycardia

Transient hemodynamic disturbances accompany the extubation of most adults. These responses may be prevented by deep extubation, exchange of an ETT for an SGA before emergence, , , or attenuated with the administration of medication. Healthy patients not on antihypertensive agents exhibit increases in heart rate and systolic blood pressure at extubation of 20% or more. The consequences of such alterations, though generally transient, may be of clinical importance in susceptible patients. The attenuation of these responses may be part of an extubation strategy aimed at minimizing the hemodynamic changes without unduly extending awakening. Strategies may include ETT cuff inflation with alkalinized lidocaine, topical lidocaine, IV lidocaine, , β-blockers, , calcium channel blockers, , dexmedetomidine, opioids, and nitrates. The efficacy undoubtedly depends upon patient selection, dosage, and timing, making comparisons difficult.

Intracranial Hypertension

Tracheal intubation and suctioning are associated with a rise in intracranial pressure (ICP). Extubation is probably associated with comparable or even greater increases in ICP. There is evidence, albeit contradictory, that IV and endotracheal lidocaine attenuate ICP responses to various noxious stimuli in different clinical settings.

Intraocular Pressure

Madan and colleagues compared the intraocular pressure (IOP) changes of tracheal intubation and extubation in children with and without glaucoma. In both groups, they observed significantly greater increases 30 seconds and 2 minutes after deep extubation compared with the corresponding times after uncomplicated intubations. It is likely that significant increases in IOP observed after deep extubation would have been even higher had extubation occurred after recovery of consciousness, but this was not studied. Lamb and colleagues observed similar effects of extubation on IOP in adults, finding that the increase in IOP was greater at 2 minutes after extubation than following intubation. The authors compared the changes observed in patients managed with an ETT or LMA. The IOP measured at 1 minute after removal of the ETT was higher than at any other point; values did not increase in the LMA group. Although the IOP findings achieved statistical significance, the study had only 10 patients in each limb, measurements were not taken beyond 1 minute postextubation, actual values were not presented, and the level of consciousness at extubation was not described. The authors commented that IOP levels measured after ETT removal were high enough “to cause concern” in those patients with critical glaucoma and concluded that steps should be taken to control IOP at extubation.


Coughing on emergence from general anesthesia is common, particularly when an ETT is used. Although it is a protective reflex, it can be particularly troublesome in the setting of ophthalmologic, neurologic, oronasopharyngeal, or neck surgery.

Several strategies have been proposed to minimize coughing, including deep endotracheal extubation, primary use or conversion to an LMA (the Bailey maneuver), , , dexmedetomidine, opioids, IV local anesthetic, topical application of local anesthetic to the vocal folds, and the use of intracuff lidocaine. , However, coughing on emergence is relatively benign and generally a helpful protective reflex for most patients.

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