Evidence-based medicine and clinical epidemiology

Key points

  • Evidence-based medicine (EBM) seeks to improve the care of patients and the delivery of care to patients.

  • Descriptive-observational studies, including cross-sectional studies and case series, help generate hypotheses and characterize the context of disease.

  • Case-control studies allow us to study rare diseases and evaluate for a wide range of exposures.

  • Cohort studies allow us to study many outcomes over time.

  • Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered to be the gold standard of experimental clinical study design.

  • Pragmatic clinical trials (PCTs) are designed to study the effectiveness of an intervention in the real world.

  • Comparative effectiveness research (CER) encompasses patient-centered research, PCTs, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, evidence-based guidelines, and health services research (HSR) to study the benefits and harms of an intervention to improve patient care on the individual and population levels.

  • Estimating the value of health care involves assessment of the quality and integration of care and the overall cost to provide all services included in that care.

Hippocrates, often hailed as the “father” of Western medicine, introduced the notion that an individual’s disease originates from natural causes that can be observed and described within that person’s environment. Although medicine has evolved in innumerable ways since the era of Hippocrates, the concept of disease as an observable entity related to an individual’s environment is the foundation of evidence-based medicine. Basic and clinical sciences have built significantly on this foundation in the last 50 to 60 years, undergoing an exponential accumulation of research and advancement of knowledge. The main goal of this research is to gain knowledge of disease processes, identify causes and effects of disease states, and develop and assess the efficacy of treatments and interventions. The construction of a translational bridge from the laboratory to clinical practice presents a unique challenge to researchers and clinicians. Published results do not necessarily imply meaningful clinical utility and must often be evaluated in the context of the inherent constraints imposed by research study designs. This chapter discusses traditional clinical study designs and explores modern research constructs, comparative effectiveness research (CER), and health services research (HSR).

Introduction to evidence-based medicine

The goal of evidence-based medicine is to guide clinical decision making using the full body of knowledge built from well-designed and well-conducted research. However, research evidence rarely applies directly to a particular individual or clinical problem. Clinical decisions must be formulated within the specific context of patient care by integrating it with clinical expertise that coincides with the values and goals of the individual patient. Clinical decision making must incorporate the most recent and valid information regarding disease prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.

Epidemiologic studies form the foundation on which clinical evidence-based studies and the practice of evidence-based medicine are built. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines epidemiology as “the study of distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the control of disease and other health problems” ( www.who.int ). In simpler terms, epidemiology studies the cause and effect of a particular disease within a defined population in an attempt to assess association and/or causality between exposure and outcome.

One of the most influential studies in gynecology, the Women’s Health Initiative, was designed after epidemiologic data indicated an association between the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the prevention of coronary heart disease and osteoporosis. The collection of this observational data led to the development of one of the largest randomized controlled trials and U.S. prevention studies ever published, with more than 160,000 postmenopausal women enrolled. Interestingly, this trial, rather than validating the observational finding of a cardioprotective effect of HRT, instead showed an increased risk of coronary heart disease. It also demonstrated an increased risk of venous thromboembolism, stroke, and breast cancer, which were unexpected results ( ). This study is a good example both of the limitations of observational epidemiologic study design and of the importance of developing well-designed experimental clinical trials to test the validity, when plausible, of prior observations and associations.

Epidemiologic studies can be classified as either observational or experimental. The three most common types of observational epidemiologic studies are cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies. Case series can also be included among these, although their data is of lower quality. The gold standard of experimental study is the randomized controlled trial (RCT), in part because of its ability to control for confounding variables through the process of eligibility criteria and randomization. However, although the RCT is the traditionally heralded as the gold standard, it often does not directly represent the real-world therapeutic population.

In acknowledgment of these limitations, new fields of study design have been introduced and implemented, including CER and HSR. The primary objective of CER is to compare both clinical and public health interventions to determine which are most efficacious. CER is geared toward assisting “consumers, clinicians, purchasers, and policy makers to make informed decisions that will improve health care at both the individual and population levels” ( ). The importance of this decision-making assistance has been increasingly recognized; 1.1 billion dollars of the American Recovery and Reinvestment stimulus package in 2009 was allocated specifically to CER. HSR, another emerging field, examines how patients get access to care, the cost and quality of that care, and ultimately the result of delivery of care. Health economic analysis is an emerging subgroup of HSR. There are several forms of economic analysis; the most common is cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), which is used to compare the relative cost and effectiveness of alternative strategies, usually using a standard willingness-to-pay threshold.

In the following sections we review both traditional clinical study design and emerging clinical research methods.

Traditional clinical study design

Traditional clinical study designs are not created equal regarding the quality of evidence they produce . Table 5.1 demonstrates a grading system that assesses clinical study design and evidence quality. Blinded RCTs offer the highest quality of evidence. Some authorities advocate that systematic reviews and meta-analyses of these types of trials produce an equal quality of evidence, although the validity of such studies relies on the quality and validity of the chosen articles ( ). The next level of evidence comes from cohort studies and case-control studies. The lowest-quality ranking is assigned to case series, case reports, and expert opinion. Table 5.2 compares advantages, limitations, and statistical considerations of each study design. Whether experimental or observational, these clinical studies are invaluable to modern medicine and affect patient care. In this section we discuss each clinical study design individually.

Levels of Evidence in Clinical Study Design
Modified from Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. Levels of evidence; 2009. Available at www.cebm.net .
Level Evidence
1a Systematic review (with homogeneity) of randomized controlled trials
1b Individual randomized controlled trials
2a Systematic review (with homogeneity) of cohort studies
2b Individual cohort study
2c “Outcomes research” and ecological studies
3a Systematic review of case-control studies
3b Individual case-control study
4 Case series
5 Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on physiology, bench research, or “first principles”

Comparison of Traditional Clinical Study Designs
Study Design Advantages Limitations Statistical Analysis
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) Gold standard; prospective; multiple study groups; randomization; can determine causality or a treatment advantage; time consuming; expensive; internal validity Selection bias; confounding factors; performance bias; detection bias (RCT can control for confounding factors and biases with double-blinding and randomization); limited external validity Relative risk (RR); absolute or attributable risk (AR); confidence interval (CI); number needed to treat (NNT)
Cohort studies Prospective; can assess many outcomes over time Take many years to complete; expensive; selection bias; confounding factors; patients can be lost to follow-up; changing exposure profile Incidence; RR; AR
Case-control studies Efficient; inexpensive; can study multiple exposures; can study rare disease Retrospective; recall bias; sampling bias; confounding factors; good external validity Odds ratio (OR)
Cross-sectional studies Can determine the frequency of disease or outcomes; highlights possible associations; efficient Capture one moment in time; cannot determine incidence or causality; sampling bias; participation bias; recall bias Prevalence
Case series Descriptive of rare or new entities; hypothesis generating Lack of comparison group; no clinical conclusions No statistical analysis

Observational studies

The term observational study describes a wide range of study designs. Observational studies can be classified as either analytical or descriptive. Analytical studies contain a control group for comparison, which includes nonrandomized prospective and retrospective cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional studies. Descriptive studies lack a control or comparison group and consist of case reports and case series. Observational studies play an important role in evidence-based medicine and are an important source of information when RCTs cannot be performed. The descriptive aspect of all observational studies is an invaluable attribute to clinical research, offering statistics about incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates of diseases in particular populations that provide clinicians with the context of a disease within a population. However, observational studies cannot determine causality, even if such associations appear highly plausible, and they are unfit to test hypotheses or answer etiologic questions. Despite these clear limitations, they still play an important role in generating new hypotheses to be tested by more formal, experimental study design.

Case reports and case series

The basic element or unit of observational studies, as described by Grimes and Schulz, is the case report ( ). Case reports and case series are the least methodologically sound of all observational study designs, but this does not mean that they are not valuable contributors to the literature. Case reports often describe rare or new entities in medicine and offer an opportunity to describe characteristics about a disease and allow for postulation of hypotheses of pathophysiology. It was through case reports of unusual infections and disturbed immunity that acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was first described ( ). Case reports can describe infrequent adverse events associated with medications and other treatments. The association of phocomelia with thalidomide, a drug used to treat pregnancy-associated nausea in the 1960s, was first published in the form of two case reports in 1962, resulting in the swift removal of the drug from the market ( ; ). Case reports can also describe the plausibility and early use of novel treatment methods or surgery. However, the scientific audience may use weaker objective landmarks, such as historical controls, when interpreting the meaning of noted observations. Case reports and case series should be considered no more than “the first step toward more sophisticated research” ( ).

Cross-sectional studies

Cross-sectional studies are prevalence studies that examine the relationship between exposure and the outcomes of interest in a defined population at a single point in time. Prevalence is defined as the number of cases in a population at a given time. It is a ratio, or proportion, of affected individuals in relation to a pooled population. Cross-sectional studies cannot determine incidence, or the number of new cases in a population over time. Rather, they are snapshots of a disease in a specific population. With reference to only a designated moment in time, these studies are not able to provide causal evidence. Case reports and cross-sectional studies can highlight possible associations that deserve additional evaluation, but they cannot determine causality.

One advantage of cross-sectional studies is efficiency . Because the study population is examined at one moment in time, conclusions can be generated at the same time as data collection. However, cross-sectional studies are plagued by uncertain causality. Population selection, participation bias, and recall bias are also possible limitations . If a tertiary care center or major referral center is conducting a research study and the study population is taken from patients that present to these facilities, they are unlikely to accurately represent the general population or even a more specific population of patients with a particular disease undergoing therapy within the community. In 1990, Gayle et al. published data regarding the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among university students, examining more than 17,000 specimens from 19 universities ( ). Thirty students, or 0.2%, had detectable HIV antibodies, which was higher than prior studies within the public. The media sensationalized these data, reporting that more than 25,000 college students across the nation might be infected with HIV. However, patient selection in this study was poor because specimens collected for examination were not random, but rather represented those students who presented to student health whose condition warranted a blood sample. Researchers must be careful that patients selected for cross-sectional studies are representative of the study population desired.

Participation bias arises when selected subjects do not participate, such as in survey studies. If 100,000 surveys are sent out but only 10,000 are completed, the study is likely affected by participation bias. The minority of patients who respond may not be representative of the desired study population. Recall bias becomes an issue when self-reporting, as in survey studies, is a part of study design. Patients often report inaccurate information regarding certain exposures or events. Despite these limitations, well-conducted cross-sectional studies have their place in evidence-based medicine. They are simply prevalence studies, which allow us to determine frequencies of disease or outcomes within particular populations or groups.

Case-control studies

The purpose of a case-control study is to determine whether an exposure is associated with an outcome (e.g., a disease of interest). Study participants are selected on the basis of having or not having the outcome of interest (the case group versus the control group, respectively). Case-control studies are always retrospective because they start with an outcome and then evaluate previous exposures or habits. Fig. 5.1 illustrates the differences in methodologies between case-control studies compared with cohort studies. Participants in the case group need to be carefully defined and should include all cases of new-onset disease drawn from an identifiable population. Controls should be sampled from that same population. The purpose of the control group is to allow for comparison in frequencies of exposures of a case group with the outcome of interest versus the control group without that outcome. In 1971, Herbst et al. published a case-control study of 8 cases and 32 matched controls identifying a strong association between vaginal adenocarcinoma and in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) ( ). Although further cohort studies were required to confirm causality, this case-control study allowed for identification of a suspected culprit (exposure) for the development of vaginal adenocarcinoma in young women (outcome of interest).

Fig. 5.1, Schematic diagram of clinical study design comparing cohort studies and case-control studies.

Case-control studies offer the advantages of being relatively inexpensive, simple to conduct, and efficient . They are retrospective and thus do not require a prolonged period of data collection. They can be used to study multiple exposures as they relate to a particular outcome of interest, and they offer the ability to study rare diseases. The quality of the results from these studies is dependent on meticulous selection of cases, control groups, and data collection among the groups. There are also disadvantages to case-control studies, including the risk of recall and sampling biases. Recall bias is particularly problematic because cases and controls are likely to recount historical exposures differently . Patients or families coping with an illness may recall in great detail all events they believe might be associated with the illness, whereas healthy controls may not remember similar exposures. The potential problematic power of recall bias was highlighted in the case-control studies that suggested a correlation between talcum powder use and epithelial ovarian cancer. Although significant legal claims were made concerning this correlation, no significant relationship was ever documented in a prospective study. In the case-control studies, talcum powder use was a solely subjective measure that could not be tracked by any method other than patient report; thus the potential for recall bias was great ( ). Recall bias may also occur when information on the case group is obtained by chart review but information on the control group is obtained either by interview or mail survey. It may ultimately be impossible to eliminate recall bias.

Sample selection, or sampling bias, arises if the cases selected do not appropriately represent a particular disease or outcome . This is similar to sample selection issues in cross-sectional studies. Sampling bias can also occur within the control group if a representation of the desired general population either underestimates or overestimates exposures. Matching, or selecting control group participants similar in characteristics to the case group, helps to decrease bias in the selection of controls. Matching also helps to decrease possible confounding, which occurs when factors relate both to the measured outcome and measured exposures. As Stephen Gehlbach, a renowned epidemiologist, once wrote, “Confounding is the epidemiologist’s eternal triangle...Are we seeing cause and effect, or is a confounding factor exerting its unappreciated influence?” ( ). Controlling sample selection and confounding factors allows for external validity, or the generalizability of the study to the desired population. Researchers can use statistical techniques such as multivariate analysis and logistic regression to help eliminate confounders.

Because case-control studies are retrospective by design, they are also limited in their statistical analysis. They cannot provide data on incidence, relative risks, or attributable risks between an exposure and a measured outcome. Case-control study results are reported as odds ratios, which represent the odds that an individual affected by the specific disease being studied has been exposed to a particular risk factor (case group) divided by the odds that the control group has been exposed . It is loosely considered a reasonable estimate of relative risk, but it is not a true calculation of relative risk.

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