Endoscopic Ultrasonography–Guided Biliary Drainage

Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) has gradually replaced many percutaneous image-guided interventions, such as tissue sampling of pancreatic tumors. Similarly, EUS-guided biliary therapeutics mirror percutaneous intervention on the biliary tract. Three anatomic structures can be targeted for biliary drainage under EUS guidance: the bile duct, the gallbladder, and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, giving rise to three distinct procedures, EUS-guided biliary drainage (EUS-BD), EUS-guided gallbladder drainage (EUS-GBD), and EUS-guided enteroanastomosis (EUS-EA). Endosonography-guided cholangiopancreatography (ESCP) involves EUS-guided needle access and contrast injection under fluoroscopy into the target duct, much like endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with cannulation of the papilla. ESCP was introduced in 1996 and is the parent procedure of the three variant techniques of EUS-BD: rendezvous, antegrade, and transmural interventions. Some authors consider EUS-guided rendezvous (EUS-RV) to be separate from EUS-BD, as drainage is accomplished by ERCP rather than by ESCP. The use of the term “ESCP” to define procedural boundaries between EUS-guided “ductal” access and other forms of EUS-BD has been proposed. This is in keeping with the ERCP paradigm, where one name designates a range of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. This proposal has not been widely accepted. Nonetheless, in this chapter “EUS-BD” will be used to encompass all three variant EUS-guided bile duct access and drainage techniques described above, namely, rendezvous, antegrade, and transmural drainage. The other two EUS-guided interventions for biliary drainage not primarily involving the bile duct, EUS-GBD and EUS-EA, are discussed in Chapters 33 and 42 .

As indicated above, EUS-BD, EUS-GBD, and EUS-EA are alternative endoscopic approaches to percutaneous access, reserved for cases in which the initially preferred/attempted endoscopic therapeutic approach fails or is not feasible. For EUS-BD and EUS-EA the failed preferred therapeutic approach is ERCP, although the specific percutaneous approach that is replaced differs for each procedure. EUS-BD is commonly used after failed ERCP as an alternative to percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD), especially for palliation of malignant biliary obstruction. In expert hands, EUS-BD has been shown to be equally efficacious but with fewer adverse events. EUS-EA has only been preliminarily evaluated for malignant or benign biliary obstruction in patients who have one of three types of surgically altered anatomy: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy, or afferent loop syndrome. Because of patient heterogeneity and limited evidence, there is no single best option for EUS-EA, as different approaches are possible after failed retrograde endoscopic therapy. These range from percutaneous transgastric or transjejunal biliary interventions to revisional surgery, including combined endoscopic-surgical approaches, such as intraoperative transgastric ERCP in RYGB patients.

Cholecystectomy is the standard treatment for symptomatic gallbladder disease, but percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) is often used in poor surgical patients. EUS-GBD can replace PTGBD as a temporizing measure before cholecystectomy with equal efficacy and fewer adverse events but only when small-caliber plastic drains are used. In short, EUS-GBD can be viewed as an internal PTGBD, much as EUS-BD can be considered an internal form of PTBD from within the GI tract and EUS-EA a transluminal adaptation of previously reported percutaneous transenteric biliary interventions.

Endoscopists performing these complex EUS-BD interventions require proficiency in both ERCP and linear EUS. Until recently, diverging training and practice pathways for ERCP and EUS resulted in EUS-BD putting expert therapeutic endoscopists and master endosonographers outside of their respective comfort zones. A steep learning curve partially explains the slow dissemination of EUS-BD and the lingering skepticism about EUS-guided interventions, a pattern seen with laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the early 1990s, and with ERCP itself during the early 1980s. Critics of EUS-BD often cite lack of evidence, lack of procedural standardization, lack of dedicated devices, lack of trained operators, and lack of “true” indications—assuming that state-of-the-art ERCP, current percutaneous approaches, and surgery adequately address all possible clinical scenarios in which EUS-BD is being considered. The degree to which some of these five criticisms rightly apply varies greatly across EUS-BD proper, EUS-GBD, and EUS-EA ( Box 32.1 ). Even if progress in EUS-BD has been slow, it has been steady, consistent, and exponential. Milestones along two decades of EUS-BD can be summarized in 5-year intervals. In 1996, diagnostic ESCP was introduced. In 2001, EUS-BD (i.e., therapeutic ESCP) was first described as choledochoduodenostomy (CDS). By 2006, hepaticogastrostomy (HGS), rendezvous, and antegrade stenting had all been reported within a couple of dozen EUS-BD cases originating from just five centers in Europe and the United States. In 2011, the cumulative number of reported cases reached more than 200, after the active development of EUS-BD in Asia since 2006. In 2016, with over 2000 cases reported worldwide, including several level I evidence studies, EUS-BD had definitely become an established salvage procedure after failed ERCP. On the other hand, a decade after the original description, with only 200 cases reported and several unanswered questions, EUS-GBD is still an evolving procedure requiring further evaluation. Finally, EUS-EA remains truly experimental, with approximately two dozen published cases.

Box 32.1
Indications for Endoscopic Ultrasonography–Guided Biliary Drainage Interventions

  • Established indications:

    • EUS-RV for failed cannulation after precut

    • EUS-BD for palliation of MBO not amenable to ERCP

    • tEUS-GBD in severe cholecystitis (small plastic stents only)

  • Possible indications:

    • Antegrade EUS-BD for BBO in altered anatomy

    • pEUS-GBD in nonsurgical relapsing cholecystitis

    • pEUS-GBD for palliation of MBO not amenable to EUS-BD

    • EUS-EA for afferent loop syndrome

  • Controversial indications:

    • EUS-RV for failed cannulation as alternative to precut

    • EUS-BD in potentially resectable MBO after failed ERCP

    • EUS-BD for palliation of MBO instead of ERCP

    • Transmural EUS-BD for BBO

    • EUS-GBD with LAMS or SEMS in potentially operable patients

    • EUS-EA for biliary access in Roux-en-Y anatomy

BBO, Benign biliary obstruction; EUS-BD, endoscopic ultrasonography–guided biliary drainage; EUS-EA, EUS-guided enteroanastomosis; EUS-RV, EUS-guided rendezvous; LAMS, lumen-apposing metal stent; MBO, malignant biliary obstruction; pEUS-GBD, permanent EUS-GBD; SEMS, self-expandable metal stent; tEUS-GBD, temporizing EUS-guided gallbladder drainage.

Description of Technique

The three EUS-guided procedures mentioned above are performed in the ERCP room by experienced therapeutic endoscopists assisted by fully trained personnel under fluoroscopy and optimal sedation (often general anesthesia or endoscopist-directed propofol sedation). Standard therapeutic oblique-viewing linear echoendoscopes are typically used. Forward-viewing linear echoendoscopes can also be used, but they lack an elevator and the limited available literature does not show distinct advantages over oblique-viewing linear echoendoscopes. Carbon dioxide insufflation prevents air leakage during transmural puncture and should routinely be used over standard air insufflation. EUS-BD, EUS-GBD, and EUS-EA largely involve standard steps and devices common to all EUS-guided drainage interventions, of which pseudocyst drainage is the paradigm procedure. As opposed to the characteristically large, adherent pseudocysts, EUS-BD interventions target smaller, usually mobile anatomic structures. We will first discuss the steps common to EUS-BD, EUS-GBD, and EUS-EA and then focus on specific techniques for performing EUS-BD proper.

Steps and Devices Common to Different EUS-BD Procedures

All EUS-guided drainage procedures replicate the Seldinger technique through an echoendoscope using very similar devices, regardless of the target organ. The original percutaneous Seldinger technique allows safe access into a hollow organ by advancing a blunt dilating catheter over a guidewire introduced into the target organ through a sharp needle. The following sequential five steps common to EUS-BD, EUS-GBD, and EUS-EA are taken.

Target Identification Under EUS

This relatively simple step should not be overlooked. Before the initial puncture, the endoscopist must carefully explore different access sites within the GI tract so as to choose the optimal approach based on shorter distance to the target, absence of interposed vessels, endoscope stability and least degree of angulation of the echoendoscope, and overall ergonomics. Changes in endoscope position throughout the subsequent steps may compromise procedure success, so time used to assess for the best possible access site is time well spent. As will be discussed below, fluoroscopic landmarks during EUS imaging of the target are also critical for EUS-BD ( Fig. 32.1 ).

FIG 32.1, Fluoroscopic landmarks and guidewire management during intrahepatic endoscopic ultrasonography–guided biliary drainage (EUS-BD). EUS-guided antegrade biliary balloon dilation in a patient with benign hepaticojejunostomy (HJ) stricture. A, Segment II intrahepatic duct (B2) offers a straighter trajectory ( solid line arrow ) for antegrade EUS-BD than segment III (B3, dotted line arrow ). However, longer distance to dilated B2 branches ( D ) precluded sonographic visualization in this case. Distance to dilated B3 was shorter ( d ), allowing needle ( short arrow ) access. B, Despite adequate needle orientation on fluoroscopy toward the hilum, the guidewire initially passed toward the periphery. C, Careful elevator and scope reorientation ( α ) allowed alteration of the angle of needle entry into the duct ( β ). D, The needle was then withdrawn into the liver parenchyma ( arrow ) to prevent shearing of the guidewire during withdrawal before redirecting it toward the hilum and common bile duct (CBD). E, A flexible over-the-wire catheter was required for antegrade passage of the guidewire from the CBD across the HJ anastomosis into the jejunum. F, Insufficient guidewire coiling into the afferent jejunal limb was overcome by using a flexible catheter, resulting in larger coils to improve support for antegrade interventions.

Needle Access Into the Target Organ

Standard EUS needles of 19G caliber are most often used, because they reliably allow passage of 0.025-inch and 0.035-inch guidewires. The stiffness of different commercially available 19G needles varies. When the endoscope is in the long position (i.e., within the duodenum), the more flexible 19G needles offer an advantage over stiffer ones. Blunt-tipped 19G needles have also been specifically designed for EUS-BD to prevent wire shearing but have not come into general use. For nondilated targets such as the bile duct or a collapsed small bowel, particularly if there is hard, fibrotic tissue interposed or if the target is very mobile, 22G needles may be used. Some 22G needles allow 0.021-inch guidewires, which is the minimum size required for adequate stiffness to pass accessories. Some 22G needles allow only 0.018-inch guidewires, which are usually too floppy for transmural intervention. For targets requiring 22G needle access, another alternative is the graded injection technique. Two punctures are sequentially made, the initial one with a 22G needle, through which saline and/or contrast is injected to distend the target. Next, the 22G needle is rapidly removed and replaced with a 19G needle, which is then thrust into the distended target. Even when needle access is not a limiting step for EUS-BD, difficulties may be encountered occasionally when trying to puncture ducts across fibrotic tissue. Tenting may occur, with the needle pushing the target away instead of entering it. A quick needle thrust beyond the intended target is often required, and then access is gained by slowly pulling the needle back toward the echoendoscope. Reverse tenting may also occur during needle withdrawal, with the opposite wall of the target catching on the needle. Confirmation of needle access is readily obtained by EUS alone for larger targets. For nondistended small bowel or intrahepatic ducts, aspiration of fluid through the needle and visual confirmation that the aspirated fluid is not blood is useful before proceeding to injection of contrast ( Fig. 32.2 ). If the aspirate is bloody, the needle must be removed into the GI lumen and flushed with saline to prevent clogging. Some authors remove the stylet from the needle before the puncture to allow either priming with contrast or preloading with a guidewire in order to decrease procedure time. However, leaving the stylet in place during puncture may optimize needle performance. Furthermore, a preloaded guidewire prevents fluid aspiration and contrast injection through the needle to confirm entry and fluoroscopic mapping.

FIG 32.2, Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)–guided intrahepatic bile duct needle access. Transducer ( T ) below the cardia readily images the left liver lobe. A, Perpendicular distance of 14.0 mm ( D1 ) measured between the transducer and a 4.6-mm diameter ( d ) left intrahepatic duct branch next to a vessel (*). B, The bile duct collapses when pressed by the relatively thick 19G needle before the actual puncture. Note that ultrasonographic identification of the needle tip is subtle and that the actual distance of the oblique needle path ( D2 ) is longer than D1. C, Despite the seemingly intraductal location of the needle ( arrowhead ), bile aspiration is required to confirm access before contrast injection for cholangiography. If inadvertent parenchymal injection occurs, the ultrasonographic window is instantly lost. D, The needle is withdrawn from the duct ( arrowhead ). After fluoroscopic confirmation of intraductal placement, the guidewire must be kept under ultrasonographic view ( arrows ) throughout the steps of dilation and stent insertion. Note the relative difficulty of ultrasonographic identification of the bile duct in B , C , and D compared with A (despite larger zoom size in B , C , and D ), in contrast to the unchanged appearance of the vessel (*). This is caused by needle pressure ( A ), puncture ( B ), and postpuncture decompression ( C ) and is the reason why more than one attempt at needle access is often not possible during intrahepatic EUS-guided biliary drainage.

Historically, “free-hand” EUS-guided access to the bile duct using needle knives or other cautery-tipped devices was used, but this has been abandoned. More recently, lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMS) with a cautery-enabled delivery system have been successfully used for EUS-guided drainage of pancreatic fluid collections (PFCs; see Chapter 56 ). The free-hand access technique of cautery-tipped LAMS may simplify drainage of PFCs; however, over-the-wire insertion appears to be safer than free-hand insertion of LAMS into the gallbladder or the bile duct. The guidewire protects the contralateral wall from cautery injury during LAMS insertion and helps maintain access in the unlikely (but possible) event of delivery catheter malfunction. These potential difficulties during free-hand access are not an issue when drainage of large, adherent PFC is undertaken but may have serious consequences during biliary or small bowel access. Therefore needles remain the time-honored, standard devices for access under EUS guidance. Low-risk, low-difficulty targets may allow this standard to be changed. But for other types of targets, the challenges for needle access described above may escalate when trying free-hand access with larger-diameter devices, especially when used by less-experienced operators.

Before puncture is attempted, it must be borne in mind that, compared with EUS-guided PFC drainage or cannulation of the papilla during ERCP, the chances for repeat needle access into the bile duct and—to a lesser extent—into the gallbladder are limited. Once an obstructed biliary system is punctured, it rapidly decompresses, making subsequent attempts at puncture more challenging (see Fig. 32.2 ). Contrast and (unintended) air injection further compromise the success of repeated puncture attempts by blurring the ultrasonographic view. Therefore the intended goal is to obtain a successful puncture at the first attempt, both to minimize trauma and the attendant risk of leakage and to maximize the chances of success. This is the reason why the seemingly mundane step number one above is of critical importance.

Contrast Injection and Guidewire Insertion

Contrast delineation under fluoroscopy of the target structure is critical for bile duct drainage and small-bowel anastomosis procedures and very useful but not mandatory for EUS-GBD. Successful cholangiography or enterography eventually serves to confirm access and provide additional guidance throughout the procedure. Even if the gallbladder can be readily imaged and EUS-GBD performed under EUS alone, fluoroscopy is helpful to monitor guidewire looping inside the gallbladder ( Fig. 32.3 ) and to check for contrast leakage, whether iatrogenic from instrumentation or spontaneous from underlying cholecystitis.

FIG 32.3, Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS)–guided gallbladder drainage. A, Fluoroscopic view of EUS-guided gallbladder puncture after 19G needle access and contrast injection. B, Puncture tract dilation with a 6-Fr cystotome passed over a guidewire coiled inside the gallbladder. C, Lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) deployed across the puncture tract being balloon dilated up to 15-mm nominal diameter.

Guidewire insertion into the gallbladder or into the GI tract after needle access is straightforward. Standard 0.025-inch or 0.035-inch guidewires are typically used. A more detailed consideration of the type of guidewire is required for EUS-BD, where guidewire manipulation is more demanding (see Fig. 32.1 ). For the gallbladder and the GI tract, guidewire looping is aimed for providing stability throughout the next step of tract dilation, and it is usually easily achieved. Stiff guidewires may push away mobile targets such as the gallbladder or the small bowel. To prevent this, EUS monitoring of the target is maintained during guidewire insertion. The specifics of guidewire insertion and manipulation during EUS-BD will be discussed below.

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