Endocrine Complications

Summary of Key Points

  • Endocrine dysfunction may occur as a direct result of cancer or may be an intended consequence of cancer therapy, such as occurs following castration, adrenal suppression, or thyroid ablation to control cancer growth. Endocrine dysfunction may be an unwanted but often unavoidable consequence of cancer therapy, such as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, use of biologic agents, or hormone therapy.

  • Hypopituitarism with clinically significant deficiencies of growth hormone, thyrotropin, gonadotropin, and corticotropin may result from radiation (cranial or total-body irradiation), surgery, or chemotherapy, as well as after the use of small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors or immune checkpoint inhibitors, particularly ipilimumab.

  • Thyroid dysfunction from neck irradiation, immune therapy (immune checkpoint inhibitors, interleukin-2), or use of small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as sunitinib may result in either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

  • Ipilimumab induces autoimmune pituitary and thyroid inflammation (“hypophysitis” and thyroiditis), the latter in as many as 50% of patients.

  • Gonadal dysfunction after surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy results in either precocious puberty or disruption of puberty, infertility, or premature menopause.

  • Adrenal dysfunction from agents such as ketoconazole or aminoglutethimide may result in glucocorticoid or mineralocorticoid deficiency.

  • Pancreatitis and, occasionally, pancreatic exocrine or endocrine deficiencies may result from chemotherapy ( l -asparaginase and streptozotocin).

  • Parathyroid dysfunction may follow use of small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors.

  • Diagnostic Considerations

  • A detailed history and a complete physical examination are critical for diagnosis. Locations of primary and metastatic tumors along with past and current therapies are necessary elements of evaluation.

  • Signs and symptoms such as delayed or precocious puberty, fatigue, weight loss or gain, amenorrhea, orthostatic hypotension, hyperpigmentation, or electrolyte abnormalities should prompt consideration of unrecognized endocrine dysfunction.

  • Endocrine dysfunction is not infrequently “multiglandular.” When one hormonal deficiency is identified, others should be sought.

  • Evaluation and Treatment

  • Basal serum hormone concentrations are usually sufficient; however, dynamic testing might be required for the diagnosis of partial deficiencies.

  • Patients often have multiple, concurrent hormone deficiencies.

  • Replacement therapy should be started as soon as possible.

  • Primary hypothyroidism is characterized by a low free levothyroxine (T 4 ) level and an elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level, whereas central hypothyroidism is associated with a low free T 4 level and inappropriately normal or low TSH levels. Replacement with T 4 is indicated and is highly effective.

  • Hyperthyroidism is characterized by increased T 4 and/or triiodothyronine (T 3 ) levels and low serum TSH level. Treatment options include surgery, radioiodine ablation, or antithyroid medications (e.g., propylthiouracil). Hyperthyroidism associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors or small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors may sometimes be followed by hypothyroidism as the inflammatory process in the thyroid disrupts normal thyroid morphology and function. Rarely, hyperthyroidism may be associated with production of TSH-like substances by gonadal or placental choriocarcinoma. Management in these instances involves thyroid suppression and treatment of the primary tumor.

  • Low- or high-dose corticotropin testing can distinguish between central and primary causes of adrenal insufficiency. Acute adrenal insufficiency is a medical emergency and should be treated with immediate parenteral glucocorticoid replacement and supportive care. Chronic insufficiency is treated with oral glucocorticoid supplement and mineralocorticoid replacement as needed.

  • Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion

  • Hyponatremia as a consequence of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion is classically associated with high-dose cyclophosphamide and vinca alkaloid administration, bulky intrathoracic malignancies, or secretion of ADH by neuroendocrine tumors, most commonly small cell cancers of the lung. Measurement of serum and urine osmolality, renal function tests, and assessment of volume status of a patient are the key to diagnosis. Treatment involves fluid restriction and increased salt intake. Patients with refractory cases might need loop diuretics, doxycycline, or vasopressin receptor blockers.

Endocrine dysfunction is an increasing cause of morbidity in patients with cancer. In the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, one or more endocrine conditions were reported in 43% of childhood brain tumor survivors. Timely recognition and management of endocrine dysfunction are essential to prevent further morbidity and impairment of quality of life in patients with cancer. Box 46.1 outlines the causes of endocrine dysfunction among patients with cancer. Appropriate evaluation and treatment of common endocrinopathies are discussed in the latter sections of this chapter. A special section is included on surveillance of childhood cancer survivors for detection of late endocrine complications of various cancer therapies. Tumors of endocrine origin and neuroendocrine tumors are discussed in relevant sections of this textbook.

Box 46.1
Causes of Endocrine Dysfunction in Patients With Cancer

  • Direct product of neoplastic endocrine tissue (e.g., TSH or ACTH production of TSH- or ACTH-like proteins by choriocarcinomas or lung cancers, respectively)

  • Iatrogenic dysfunction after surgery, irradiation, chemotherapy, or use of small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors or immunologic agents (IL-2, immune checkpoint inhibitors)

  • Intentional, therapeutic hormone ablation therapy (e.g., for breast and prostate cancer)

ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; IL, interleukin; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

Consequences of Surgical Therapy

Historically, surgery has been used as a means of disrupting normal endocrine function and was the first effective therapy for advanced breast or prostate cancers. Response rates of 15% to 30% were reported after hypophysectomy or adrenalectomy in patients with advanced breast cancer. However, these procedures resulted in significant operative and endocrine morbidity, including hypoadrenalism and hypopituitarism, requiring lifelong replacement therapy. For premenopausal women, ovarian ablation by surgical oophorectomy remains a therapeutic option in metastatic and adjuvant settings. These surgical procedures have been largely supplanted by pharmacologic agents such as luteinizing hormone–releasing hormone agonists or antagonists along with aromatase inhibitors (that inhibit adrenal steroidogenesis) to attain functional castration. Orchiectomy, whether surgical or medical, is a critical therapeutic option for men with advanced prostate cancer.

Normal pituitary function may be altered by surgical resection of a pituitary tumor or by injury to the pituitary stalk, disrupting the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. In the former case, anterior pituitary hormones are primarily affected; in the latter case, both the anterior and posterior pituitary hormones are affected.

Similarly, resection of a tumor involving endocrine glands may result in deficiencies of hormones secreted from those glands: thyroid (hypothyroidism), parathyroids (hypoparathyroidism), pancreas (diabetes mellitus), ovaries (hypogonadism), testes (hypogonadism), or adrenals (hypoadrenalism). Unilateral gland resection rarely results in noticeable hormone deficiencies. Extensive neck surgery and irradiation for advanced head and neck cancers may result in parathyroid hormone deficiency, which can be due to interference with the vascular supply of the parathyroids. Damage to or removal of parathyroid glands resulting in hypoparathyroidism can result from total thyroidectomy; the reported incidence is as high as 40%. Subtotal removal of parathyroid glands as a part of therapy for parathyroid hyperplasia can also cause hypoparathyroidism. It is often possible to preserve parathyroid function by careful surgical technique and/or by autotransplanting the parathyroid tissue to another part of the body. Similarly, repositioning or ectopic placement of the ovaries is used to preserve ovarian function in women undergoing extensive pelvic radiation or surgery.

Consequences of Radiation Therapy

Endocrine organs may be intentionally or unavoidably exposed to ionizing radiation during treatment for malignancy, and such radiation may result in endocrine dysfunction. Box 46.2 lists factors that are known to be associated with a higher risk of endocrine dysfunction after radiation. Measurement of the late effects of radiation, or any cancer therapy, can be difficult. There are several different approaches to development of scoring systems to standardize toxicity description and reporting. The most widely used scale for grading radiation-induced effects on normal tissues, including to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and thyroid, are the so-called LENT-SOMA (Late Effects on Normal Tissue—Subjective, Objective, Management and Analytic) scales. These scales grade radiation-induced adverse effects on organs exposed to irradiation by using criteria similar to the common toxicity criteria grading of adverse effects developed by the National Cancer Institute ( http://www.eortc.be/services/doc/ctc/CTCAE_4.03_2010-06-14_QuickReference_5x7.pdf ).

Box 46.2
Factors Associated With Increased Incidence of Radiation-Induced Endocrine Dysfunction

  • Radiation dose >30 Gy

  • Total body irradiation

  • Cranial irradiation

  • Age (children are more sensitive)

  • Prior pituitary compromise by tumor or surgery

  • Length of follow-up

Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis

Anterior pituitary damage can result from irradiation of extracranial or intracranial tumors, especially those involving the pituitary. Total body irradiation as part of a bone marrow transplant preparative regimen and prophylactic cranial radiation in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia can also cause hypopituitarism. After curative irradiation for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, approximately 19% of patients have a deficiency in one or more anterior pituitary hormones as early as 2 years after therapy.

Data indicate that the hypothalamus is more radiosensitive to ionizing radiation than the pituitary. Damage to the hypothalamus leads to secondary pituitary atrophy that develops as a result of impaired secretion of hypothalamic trophic and regulatory factors; of course, direct injury to the pituitary may also occur. This risk necessitates prolonged follow-up and yearly testing of pituitary function in patients who have received cranial irradiation. The frequency, rapidity of onset, and severity of endocrine abnormalities correlate with the total radiation dose delivered to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, the fraction size, younger age at irradiation, prior pituitary compromise by tumor and/or surgery, and the length of follow-up.

Somatotrophs (cells that secrete growth hormone [GH]) are the pituitary cells most vulnerable to radiation damage, and growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is the endocrine abnormality most commonly seen after cranial irradiation. GHD may occur in isolation after hypothalamic-pituitary axis irradiation, even with doses lower than 30 Gy. Reduction in growth velocity and short stature are the clinical manifestations of GHD most evident in the growing child. Although poor linear growth is very common in children with GHD, it is not universal or immediately apparent. Several studies have suggested that the slowing of growth might not occur for the first year or two after the onset of GHD. In postpubertal individuals, GHD is associated with a decrease in muscle mass along with an increase in adiposity.

Hypothalamic neurons secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in pulses, and such pulses are necessary for normal secretion of gonadotropins from the pituitary. The extent of disruption of GnRH pulses is related to the dose of irradiation administered. A dose greater than 30 Gy is associated with delayed sexual maturation because of gonadotropin deficiency from damage to GnRH secretory neurons. Doses as low as 12 Gy are reported to impair GH or gonadotrophin release. Merchant and colleagues have reported that GHD is likely to result within 36 months in patients receiving 20-Gy or higher doses of irradiation. Precocious puberty may result in both males and females after doses lower than 30 Gy, though is more commonly seen in females. At higher doses (between 30 and 50 Gy) delayed puberty and short stature is more likely in both genders. Radiation-induced precocious puberty is hypothesized to result from damage to inhibitory γ-aminobutyric acid–producing (GABAergic) neurons, leading to disinhibition and premature activation of GnRH neurons. Deficiency in other pituitary hormones is less common than disruption of GH or GnRH secretion. Littley and colleagues described 251 patients who had been treated for pituitary disease with external radiotherapy. Five years after completion of treatment, they noted a 9% dose-related incidence of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) deficiency at 20 Gy; this rate increased to 52% at 42 to 45 Gy. A similar trend in frequency of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) deficiency was seen. Hyperprolactinemia related to damage to inhibitory neurons that control prolactin secretion can be seen after high-dose radiotherapy (>40 Gy); it has been described in both sexes and all age groups but is most common in young women. Hyperprolactinemia occurs at a frequency ranging from 20% to 50% among patients receiving nasopharyngeal and brain irradiation. Hyperprolactinemia can cause delayed puberty in children, galactorrhea or amenorrhea in adult women, and decreased libido and impotence in men. Radiation-induced anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies are irreversible and progressive but are treatable with appropriate hormone replacement therapy. Careful surveillance and close follow-up of such patients is warranted.


Irradiation of the thyroid may produce hypothyroidism, Graves disease, or silent thyroiditis and can lead to benign thyroid nodules or thyroid cancer. Hancock and colleagues described a series of patients with thyroid dysfunction among patients treated with irradiation with or without chemotherapy for Hodgkin disease at Stanford University. Of 1787 patients, 1677 received irradiation to the thyroid. At 26 years of follow-up, the actuarial risk of thyroid disease was 67%. Hypothyroidism was the most common manifestation of thyroid dysfunction in these patients. The risk of Graves disease was 7 to 20 times higher than that for healthy subjects. The risk of thyroid cancer was 15.6 times the expected risk for healthy subjects. These data remind clinicians to monitor thyroid function closely in patients who have been treated with upper mantle or cervical irradiation. Similar results were noted in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, with an evaluable cohort of 1791 Hodgkin disease survivors (including 959 males). Among patients with Hodgkin disease, 50% had hypothyroidism 20 years after completion of therapy in persons treated with 45 Gy or more. The total dose of irradiation received has been shown to correlate with the incidence of hypothyroidism in many studies. However, controversy exists regarding the effect of age and gender at the time of irradiation.

Radiation-induced thyroid dysfunction is thought to be caused by damage to small thyroid vessels and to the glandular capsule. Histologic abnormalities that are described in such patients include focal and irregular follicular hyperplasia, hyalinization, and fibrosis beneath the vascular endothelium; lymphocytic infiltration; single and multiple adenomas; and thyroid carcinomas.

A rare complication of neck irradiation is acute radiation thyroiditis. This is more commonly associated with therapeutic doses of radioiodine for thyroid diseases. Patients typically have fever, pain in the anterior neck, and transient hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism with a clinical picture that resembles Graves disease may be seen after neck irradiation for Hodgkin disease. The incidence is uncertain because of the small number of cases reported. The clinical picture is characterized by diffuse thyroid enlargement, suppressed TSH, high levels of thyroid hormones, and development of thyroid autoantibodies. Ophthalmopathy, with or without overt hyperthyroidism, may be seen and is thought to be related to the formation of autoantibodies, as is the case in persons with classic Graves disease.

Parathyroid Glands

Several studies link prior head and neck irradiation and hyperparathyroidism. Cohen and colleagues followed a cohort of patients who were treated with radiation to the tonsils before the age of 16 years. Among the 2923 patients, 32 were found to have clinical hyperparathyroidism—a 2.5- to 2.9-fold increase compared with the general population in the same age group. A long latency period (up to 25 years) may occur between exposure and the onset of hyperparathyroidism. Parathyroid adenomas were found in most of the patients in whom this complication developed. Clinical presentations vary from asymptomatic increases in serum parathormone levels to the development of hypercalcemia, disabling metabolic bone disease, and/or nephrolithiasis. Persons with a history of head and neck radiation should be monitored with calcium levels every 1 to 2 years, indefinitely.

Role of Systemic Therapy

Effects of systemic chemotherapy on ovarian and testicular function are discussed in Chapter 43 .

Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis

In children, chemotherapeutic agents alone may disrupt GH secretion. Roman and colleagues studied growth and GH secretion in 60 children who were in complete remission after treatment with chemotherapy and surgery for solid tumors.

They found GH deficiency in 45% of those studied and found that the GHD group had received significantly higher doses of actinomycin D compared with the non-GHD group ( P < .05). These investigators found no correlation with duration of treatment, length of follow-up, tumor type, sex, or age. Depending on the intensity of chemotherapy, significant height loss occurred in 40% to 70% of patients at 6-year follow-up. Adjuvant chemotherapy can also aggravate growth failure in children with brain tumors who receive craniospinal radiation. Rose and colleagues reported hypothalamic dysfunction in patients with non–central nervous system tumors who received chemotherapy but did not receive cranial irradiation and had no history of traumatic brain injury. Of 31 identified patients, GHD was identified in 15 (48%), central hypothyroidism was identified in 16 (52%), and pubertal abnormalities were identified in 10 (32%). GHD and hypothyroidism were coexistent in eight patients (26%). Overall, 81% had GHD, hypothyroidism, precocious puberty, or gonadotropin deficiency.

The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion is associated with various malignant tumors including certain primary brain tumors, hematologic malignancies, intrathoracic lung or nonpulmonary cancers, skin tumors, gastrointestinal cancers, gynecologic cancers, breast and prostatic cancers, and sarcomas. SIADH may result from the effects of many chemotherapeutic agents, either by potentiation of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) effect or by increased ADH secretion. The most commonly implicated agents are vinca alkaloids and cyclophosphamide. The vinca alkaloids stimulate the central release of ADH from the neurohypophyseal system, whereas alkylating agents enhance renal tubular sensitivity to ADH. Regardless of the pathway to disrupted control of ADH function, the result is an increase in water reabsorption by the distal tubules of the kidney, leading to volume expansion and dilutional hyponatremia. Case reports also implicate platinum agents, vinorelbine, taxanes, and methotrexate. Management requires fluid restriction and, at times, salt replacement and diuretic-induced diuresis. Recent development of vasopressin antagonists provides an additional treatment option; tolvaptan is a nonpeptide, arginine vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist that has proven effective and safe in the treatment of patients with SIADH that is refractory to standard measures. Demeclocycline is a tetracycline antibiotic that interferes with renal tubular adenylyl cyclase activation and hence also counteracts the effect of ADH on the renal tubule. No comparative studies of tolvaptan and demeclocycline are available. In small series, both are safe and effective in refractory SIADH.


Historically, significant thyroid dysfunction has rarely been associated with the use of standard chemotherapy agents. However, a growing body of literature points to the increased prevalence of endocrine dysfunction after bone marrow transplantation, following use of preparation regimens that do not include radiation. Thyroid dysfunction has been reported in as many as 50% of allogeneic bone marrow transplant recipients treated with busulfan and cyclophosphamide. Even more striking is the increasing frequency with which thyroid dysfunction is seen after the use of immune potentiating agents, interleukin-2 (IL-2), programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitors such as pembrolizumab and nivolumab, and, especially, antagonists of cytotoxic T-cell antigen 4 (CTLA4 antagonists). These agents may induce a wide range of endocrine abnormalities, with most appearing to be associated with the induction of antibodies that induce inflammation, initial hyperfunction of the affected gland, or destruction and reduced function. These processes may affect the pituitary and thyroid glands, and more rarely the adrenals or endocrine pancreas. Although adrenal and pancreatic dysfunction are rare, thyroid and pituitary changes with anti-CTLA4 antibodies have been described in as many as 5% to 15% of patients receiving these agents.

Thyroid dysfunction may appear as low triiodothyronine (T 3 ) syndrome (i.e., normal levels of free levothyroxine [T 4 ] and TSH and a below-normal level of free T 3 ), chronic thyroiditis, and transient subclinical hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Chemotherapy may potentiate radiation-induced damage to normal tissue; Box 46.3 summarizes the well-described adverse effects of cancer therapies on thyroid function. Hypothyroidism is a recognized complication of treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as sunitinib maleate, an inhibitor approved for the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumors and renal cell carcinoma. Desai and colleagues reported hypothyroidism in patients undergoing sunitinib therapy. One potential mechanism may be sunitinib-induced destructive thyroiditis through follicular cell apoptosis. However, there is no explanation for the apparent sensitivity of thyroid tissue compared with other endocrine organs. Sunitinib inhibits the RET tyrosine kinase that is involved in pathogenesis of medullary thyroid cancer; however, the relationship between specific tyrosine kinase inhibition and the development of hypothyroidism is unclear. Imatinib, an inhibitor of the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase, increases the levels of T 4 -binding protein and in patients with hypothyroidism receiving T 4 replacement therapy may result in reduced levels of free thyroid hormone and increased TSH levels. However, it does not appear to have a direct effect on the thyroid. Aminoglutethimide, which now is infrequently used to disrupt adrenal and peripheral steroid hormone synthesis, inhibits cholesterol conversion to pregnenolone. It causes thyroid dysfunction after long-term use as a result of the blockade of iodination of tyrosine. Chemotherapeutic agents can also interfere with circulating thyroid hormone, thereby altering free blood levels. The drug 5-fluorouracil increases total T 3 and T 4 levels, but free T 4 index and TSH remain normal, indicating increased levels of T 4 -binding globulin or enhanced binding capacity. l -Asparaginase causes transient T 4 -binding globulin deficiency by diminishing hepatic synthesis and also inhibits TSH secretion from the pituitary, resulting in decreased total T 4 and free T 4 levels. Transient hyperthyroidism after l -asparaginase therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia has also been observed. These thyroid abnormalities are mild and short-lived and generally do not require specific therapy. In postmenopausal women, tamoxifen therapy is associated with changes in thyroid hormone concentrations, although patients may remain clinically euthyroid. Mamby and colleagues evaluated the effect of tamoxifen, 10 mg orally, twice daily on the thyroid in a placebo-controlled trial. Thyroid function was examined before and 3 months after initiation of therapy. Serum thyroid-binding globulin increased, as did T 4 uptake and T 4 levels in the tamoxifen-treated group compared with the group that received a placebo. TSH levels and the free T 4 index remained unchanged; patients were clinically euthyroid and did not require treatment.

Box 46.3
Mechanisms of Thyroid Dysfunction With Anticancer Therapy

Inhibition of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and/or Release

  • Aminoglutethimide, thalidomide, iodine, and iodine-containing drugs, including radiographic agents

Probable Direct Destructive Thyroiditis

  • Sunitinib

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