Development of the head and neck

Head and neck development is distinct from that of the trunk, utilizing region-specific genes, signalling mechanisms and morphogenetic processes. The boundary between the head and trunk is not always clear. The neck is contiguous rostrally with the head but it also joins and shares developmental processes caudally with the back ( Ch. 18 ) and the upper limb ( Ch. 19 ). Studies of developmental gene expression in vertebrate and non-vertebrate embryos are elucidating the conserved mechanisms within the tissues interacting in this region ( ) ( Commentary 2.1 ). Studies on human embryos have necessarily been mainly descriptive but observations from lineage and genetic studies in mouse embryos together with clinical genetics studies, have provided major insights into the underlying mechanisms. The description of human development provided here is derived from the following sources, which incorporate primary data by the authors, as well as references to older primary source material: , , , , , . References to experimental studies in the mouse and human clinical studies are provided in the text.

It is important to note that the term mesenchyme simply describes a loose cellular tissue organization with a rich extracellular matrix, in contrast to the sheets of simple epithelia that form the outer ectodermal and inner endodermal layers of early embryos. Prior to the migration of neural crest cells from the edges of the cranial neural folds to their final destinations, the only mesenchyme in the embryonic head is ‘primary mesenchyme’, i.e. mesenchymal cells formed by epithelial–mesenchymal transformation in the primitive streak. This is the mesodermal germ layer. There is no lateral plate mesoderm in the head; all of the cranial mesoderm is paraxial. Thus cranial mesenchyme is derived from mesodermal, neural crest and placodal sources, each of which has specific distributions and specific derivatives.

Evolution of the vertebrate head is a consequence of the origin of a novel cell population, the neural crest. Neural crest cells form a wide variety of neural derivatives throughout the body and neural and non-neural derivatives in the head ( Ch. 14 ), where they also give rise to connective and skeletal tissues and make major contributions to the skull. In mammalian embryos, cranial neural crest cells undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transformation and emigrate from the edges of the still-open cranial neural folds. Fig. 17.1 shows stylized views of human embryos at an early stage of neural crest migration ( Fig. 17.1A ) and at the end of the crest migration ( Fig. 17.1B ). Fig. 17.2C–D shows the same developmental stages in mouse embryos with neural crest cells identified by staining techniques. In the head, cranial and vagal neural crest populations are generated from the dorsal neural folds according to positional information from brain segments (rhombomeres) and the lateral migration of the neural crest cells through adjacent somites.

Fig. 17.1
Human embryos during the early stages of head development. The occipital–cervical boundary is indicated by an arrow in A and B . A , A sagittal section of a stage 10 embryo, in which neural tube closure has begun in the future occipito-cervical region. B , A lateral view of a stage 12 embryo (see also Fig. 14.2 ). (Embryonic stages 10–23 correlated to postfertilization days of development and postmenstrual weeks of pregnancy are shown in Fig. 23.3 .)

Fig. 17.2
Mouse embryo heads during the period of cranial neural crest cell migration. A–B , Scanning electron micrographs ( A , dorsal view; B , median section) of embryos near the start (4 somite pairs) and end (18 somite pairs, interior view) of the period of neural crest cell migration. At the 4-somite stage, the neural folds are convex and the hindbrain is divided into prorhombomeres A, B and C by the preotic (arrow) and otic (arrowhead) sulci; at the 18-somite stage, the neural tube is closed and the hindbrain is divided into seven rhombomeres (numbered) and the unsegmented occipital region (oc). Rathke’s pouch is indicated by a small arrow on B . C–D , Lateral views of embryos at the 5- and 23-somite stage, respectively, carrying a permanent marker for neural crest cells and the neural epithelium from which the trigeminal crest cells originate (blue stain). C , Trigeminal neural crest cells (nc) migrate as a veil-like mass beneath the surface ectoderm, originating as a continuous group from prorhombomere A, the midbrain and the caudal diencephalic region (d) of the forebrain, into the frontonasal region (fn) and the first arch (white lines indicate the level of the migrating edge). D , After migration, frontonasal neural crest cells (fn) cover the telencephalon and rostral diencephalon, surrounding the eye (e); maxillary (mx) and mandibular (md) neural crest populates the first pharyngeal arch; the trigeminal ganglion primordium (V) is also present. Hyoid neural crest cells from prorhombomere B have populated the hyoid arch and the primordium of ganglion VII/VIII, rostral to the otocyst (ot); vagal crest cells from prorhombomere C are migrating into arches 3 and 4, and starting to form the primordia of the glossopharyngeal and vagal ganglia, caudal to the otocyst. Other abbreviations: fb, forebrain; hn, Hensen’s node; ht, heart; mb, midbrain; p, pharynx; r1, rhombomere 1 of the hindbrain; t, telencephalon.

A and B, With permission from Morriss-Kay GM, Wilkie AOMW 2005 Growth of the normal skull vault and its alteration in craniosynostosis. J Anat 207:637–53. C and D, With permission from Jiang X, Iseki S, Maxson RE et al 2002 Tissue origins and interactions in the mammalian skull vault. Dev Biol 241:106–16.

The first transverse division to form in the early embryonic brain is the preotic sulcus (see Fig. 17.1A ; Fig. 17.2A ), which defines the boundary between prorhombomeres A and B. This early division is of major functional and organizational significance because it separates the regions of origin of the skeletogenic neural crest populations that make a major contribution to the skull from those that form skeletal structures in the neck (hyoid bone and larynx). During cranial neurulation, the prorhombomeres undergo subdivision so that, by the time the brain region of the neural tube closes, seven rhombomeres can be clearly distinguished. The occipital region (adjacent to the four occipital somites) remains unsegmented ( Fig. 17.2B ) and by analogy with the segmented rhombencephalon, it is also referred to as prorhombomere D/rhombomere 8. The segmental organization of the embryonic head caudal to prorhombomere A is related to the expression of evolutionarily conserved HOX genes (written Hox in the mouse) that have their rostral boundaries at specific rhombomere divisions; they are also expressed in the corresponding neural crest cells ( , ). Genetic experiments in the mouse and other vertebrates have shown that skeletal patterning of the first pharyngeal arch depends on the absence of Hox gene expression in the neural crest cells migrating into it, whereas skeletal patterning of the second arch depends on the crest cell expression of Hoxa2 . In marked contrast investigation of Hox gene expression in arches 3–6 has suggested that skeletal patterning functions reside within the environment into which the neural crest cells migrate. (See for gene expression maps of neural crest, paraxial mesoderm and ectodermal populations in mouse embryos during the early stages of craniofacial development.)

In the mouse, the lineage marker Wnt1-Cre/R26R has enabled neural crest cells to be traced from the stage at which they leave the neural epithelium through to their final locations in mature tissues. These studies show three separate populations of neural crest cells migrating from the cranial neural folds; each gives rise to both neuronal and non-neuronal progeny ( ). The first (trigeminal) population originates from the diencephalic region of the forebrain, the midbrain and prorhombomere A of the hindbrain (which subsequently divides to form rhombomeres 1 and 2) (see Figs 17.2A–B ). The neural crest cells with a neuronal fate contribute to the trigeminal ganglion. The non-neuronal cells migrate extensively to surround the telencephalon and part of the diencephalon, forming the frontonasal mesenchymal populations and also migrate lateral to the rhombencephalon to form the mesenchyme of the maxillary and mandibular regions of the first arch (see Figs 17.2C–D ).

The second (hyoid) population emigrates from prorhombomere B (which forms rhombomeres 3 and 4); some cells condense to form the otic ganglion before the main population continues into the second pharyngeal arch. The third (vagal) population has a more extensive origin, from the neural folds caudal to the otocyst, i.e. prorhombomere C. These cells will contribute to the ganglia of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves. The non-neuronal vagal crest cells migrate into pharyngeal arches 3, 4 and 6 and some of them continue into the heart where they contribute to the division of the cardiac outflow tract ( ). The neural crest also gives rise to the parasympathetic ganglia and parasympathetic postganglionic nerves in the head and neck. For a full account of the neuronal derivatives of neural crest cells, see Chapter 14 . In human embryos, histological methods have revealed equivalent cranial neural crest cell origins and migration routes to those of the mouse ( ).

Caudal to the segmented region of the cranial neural tube, neural crest cells from the occipital region (prorhombomere D/rhombomere 8) migrate with occipital myoblasts to form the hypoglossal cord. They eventually differentiate to form the connective tissue of the tongue and the occipital myoblasts form the intrinsic tongue musculature. No sensory ganglia are formed from the occipital neural crest in human embryos.

Ectodermal placodes appear as patches of columnar or pseudostratified epithelium within the otherwise squamous epithelium of the surface ectoderm. Three pairs of placodes contribute to sense organs, forming the olfactory epithelium, the lens and the otocyst. They each undergo morphogenesis to form a pit and then (for the lens and otic pits) a closed cyst (vesicle). Epibranchial (epipharyngeal) placodes are situated near the proximal end of each pharyngeal arch. Some of their cells undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transformation, joining the underlying neural crest cell condensations to form sensory neuroblasts in the ganglia of cranial nerves V, VII, IX and X. Some cells from the otocyst and an adjacent placode similarly delaminate to contribute to the ganglia of cranial nerve VIII.

Embryonic Pharynx and Pharyngeal Arches

The most cranial portion of the foregut, the embryonic pharynx, is the scaffolding around which the face, palate and anterior neck structures are built. The development of this region from neural crest, paraxial mesoderm, surface ectoderm and foregut endoderm involves spatiotemporal coordination of cell movement, tissue growth and tissue interactions. As successive populations of neural crest cells migrate around the pharynx at progressively more caudal levels, five pairs of pharyngeal arches are formed (numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 for consistency with comparative anatomy terminology, although this numbering has been queried because it does not seem to reflect the situation across the vertebrates as a whole ( )). This process is complete by stages 14–15 ( Fig. 17.3 ). For details of the age in postfertilization days of the stages given see Fig. 23.3 . Pharyngeal clefts (grooves) separate the arches externally and are matched internally by internal depressions, the pharyngeal pouches (see Fig. 17.3 ). Pharyngeal arches are also known as branchial arches, reflecting their evolutionary origin supporting the gills in the earliest vertebrates.

Fig. 17.3, Pharyngeal arch development. A , A scanning electron micrograph of a human embryo (stage 14/15), showing the right lateral aspect of the pharyngeal arches; auricular hillocks are visible on arch two. B , The pharyngeal region (stage 15) viewed from the dorsal aspect. The whole left side and part of the right side of the endodermal roof of the pharynx has been removed to show the grooves in its lateral walls and floor, and the nerves, arteries and cartilages of the arches. The position of the right otocyst is shown as a clear oval.

Each pharyngeal arch consists of an epithelial covering of ectoderm externally and endoderm internally and is filled with mesenchyme that is mainly of neural crest origin (see Fig. 17.3 ). Understanding the origin and fates of the structures within the pharyngeal arches is aided by considering their conformity to, or deviation from, a basic plan: the cartilages, muscles, nerves and arteries associated with each arch are summarized in Table 17.1 . The neural crest cells of arches 1–4 form a skeletal element and associated connective tissue: in all arches they give rise to the outer walls of an aortic arch blood vessel with an endothelial lining that develops by angiogenesis from the heart outflow tract endocardium. Paraxial mesoderm also forms the muscle associated with each pharyngeal arch. Motor and sensory innervation is supplied by arch-specific cranial nerves. For an overview of the organization of these tissues in the pharynx, see Fig. 12.4 ; for their fate, see Figs 17.5 17.7 .

Table 17.1

The first pharyngeal arch, unlike the other arches, possesses a dorsal and ventral process, and appears C-shaped in lateral view. The main ‘mandibular’ component forms the lower jaw and the dorsal process contributes to maxillofacial and palatopharyngeal structures and to the middle ear. The second pharyngeal arch is termed the hyoid arch because of its contribution to the hyoid bone (and to other parts of the hyomandibular apparatus in fishes). The third, fourth and sixth arches are not named.

The left and right mandibular arches, first seen at stage 10, grow ventromedially in the floor of the pharynx to meet in the median plane, forming the ventral border of the early mouth immediately above the developing heart. The maxillary processes are not clearly visible as surface structures until stage 13; their enlargement coincides with the proliferation of the frontonasal mesenchyme to form the nasal swellings (see Fig. 17.10A–B ). The hyoid arches appear at stage 11, the third arches at stage 12 and the fourth arches by stage 13. The sixth arch can only be identified by the arrangement of the arch arteries and nerves, and by a slight projection on the pharyngeal aspect. The floor of the pharynx is formed mainly by ventral apposition of the arches of the two sides. The inferior border of the second arch grows over the lower arches and encloses an ectodermal depression termed the cervical sinus ( Fig. 17.4 ).

Fig. 17.4, Pharyngeal pouch development. A , The arrangement of the early pharyngeal pouches: on the left, the internal aspect of the pharyngeal floor viewed from above; on the right, the external aspect of the pharyngeal floor viewed from below. B , A coronal section of the left side of the pharynx at stage 18, showing changes to the pharyngeal pouches internally and pharyngeal clefts externally. C , A coronal section of the left side of the pharynx at stage 19. See also Fig. 17.19 for further development.

Skeletal elements of the pharyngeal arches

In human embryos, neural crest mesenchyme in the first three arches gives rise to ligaments, tendons, connective tissue and cartilage that forms skeletal elements that subsequently chondrify in part or in their entirety. Where chondrogenesis is complete, the element contacts the skull base lateral to the hindbrain ( Figs 17.5 17.6 ). No cartilages form in the fourth and sixth arches in human embryos ( ).

Fig. 17.5, The chondrocranium and arch cartilage derivatives at stage 20.

Fig. 17.6, Derivatives of the pharyngeal arch cartilages after about postmenstrual week 15.

The first arch cartilage, Meckel’s cartilage, is a structure around which the embryonic lower jaw skeleton arises. After the mandible forms by intramembranous ossification of the neural crest mesenchyme lateral to it, Meckel’s cartilage degenerates but its sheath persists as the anterior malleolar and sphenomandibular ligaments. At its proximal end, endochondral ossification forms two of the middle ear bones, the malleus and incus. These are homologous with the articular and quadrate bones that form the reptilian jaw articulation, where the quadrate forms from the caudal end of the palatopterygoquadrate cartilage. The mammalian evolutionary derivatives of this cartilage are thought to include part of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, the roots of its pterygoid plates and the incus.

The second arch cartilage, Reichert’s cartilage, forms from neural crest mesenchyme that extends from the proximity of the otic capsule dorsally toward the median plane ventrally. It gives rise to the stapes, which is the most ancient of the three auditory ossicles, homologous with the rod-shaped columella auris of reptiles and birds, and the styloid process proximally and the lesser cornua of the hyoid bone distally: the stylohyoid ligament develops between these two bones (see Fig. 17.6 ). Cartilage in the third arch, also derived from neural crest mesenchyme, gives rise to the greater cornua of the hyoid bone. The body of the hyoid bone develops from a ventral mesenchymal population without contributions from the distal second and third arch cartilages. The laryngeal cartilages associated with arches 4 and 6 (thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid) arise from mesenchymal condensations in the ventral neck: fourth and sixth arch cartilages are not seen in human embryos ( ).

Muscles of the pharyngeal arches

The striated muscle of each arch is derived from cranial paraxial mesoderm, which is unsegmented rostral to the occipital region, whereas more caudally segmentation gives rise to four pairs of epithelial somites that are similar to those of the trunk, except that the first pair is rather poorly defined. Myoblasts migrate from the paraxial mesoderm to sites of future muscle differentiation and form pre-muscle condensations prior to the development of any skeletal elements. The pattern of primary myotube alignment for any one muscle is specified by the surrounding neural crest-derived mesenchyme. The rate and pattern of muscle maturation are closely associated with the development of the skeletal elements. Fig. 17.7 illustrates the muscle masses of each arch, their innervation and their derivatives in the adult.

Fig. 17.7, The muscular derivatives of the prechordal mesenchyme, unsegmented paraxial mesoderm and rostral somites.

The muscle mass of the mandibular part of the first arch forms tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric and the masticatory muscles. Tensor tympani retains its connection with the skeletal element of the arch through its attachments to the malleus, and tensor veli palatini remains attached to the base of the medial pterygoid process, which may itself be derived from the dorsal cartilage of the first arch. All of these muscles are supplied by the mandibular nerve, the mixed nerve of the first arch. The maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve has no motor component, because no muscles are derived from maxillary mesenchyme.

The muscles of the second arch migrate widely but retain their original nerve supply from the facial nerve. Their migration is facilitated by the early obliteration of part of the first pharyngeal cleft and pouch. Stapedius, stylohyoid and posterior belly of digastric remain attached to the hyoid bone but the facial musculature, platysma, auricular muscles and occipitofrontalis all lose their connection with it.

The muscle masses from the third and fourth arches form the musculature of the pharynx, larynx and soft palate. Stylopharyngeus is a third arch muscle, and is innervated by a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve. All of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles are innervated by the vagus nerve: the cricothyroid by the superior laryngeal branch to the fourth arch and the others by the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which has been considered to be the sixth arch nerve. Precise arch origins are not clearly defined for the palatal muscles (except tensor veli palatini), or for the pharyngeal constrictors; these muscles all receive their nerve supply via the pharyngeal plexus (see Ch. 40 ). The extraocular muscles are not associated with the pharyngeal arches but are derived from mesenchyme arising from the prochordal plate that migrates to differentiate adjacent to the eyes ( Ch. 15 ).

Nerves of the pharyngeal arches

The cranial nerves associated with each arch arise from the adjacent hindbrain (see Fig. 17.7 ; see also Figs 12.4 , 14.19 ). They are the trigeminal (V), facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X) and cranial and spinal accessory (XI) nerves. The motor nerves extend from the basal plate of the hindbrain to innervate the striated muscle of the arches and are termed special visceral efferent nerves because they innervate pharyngeal musculature. Sensory nerves extend peripherally and centrally from cranial ganglia that are formed partly from neural crest and partly from cells that delaminate from epibranchial placodes; they convey general and special somatic afferent axons. Each arch is innervated by a mixed nerve, but the nerves of the first three arches also have a purely sensory branch that innervates the arch rostral to its ‘own’ arch; this sensory nerve is called the pretrematic branch because it extends rostral to the cleft (trema) between the two arches (see Figs 17.3 , 17.7 ). The nerves to the mandibular arch include the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, which is mixed, and the chorda tympani, the purely sensory pretrematic branch of the facial nerve. The maxillary branch of the trigeminal and the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal are also considered to be pretrematic nerves. The ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, which supplies the frontonasal area, is not an arch nerve; in fishes, its ganglion is separate from the first arch nerve ganglion.

The vagus nerve supplies the fourth and sixth arches (see Fig. 17.7 ). The recurrent laryngeal branch initially loops under the sixth arch artery on both sides, but the asymmetric changes to the vascular system affect the symmetry of this nerve. On the right, when the sixth aortic arch lateral to the right pulmonary artery degenerates, the recurrent laryngeal nerve usually loops under the fourth arch-derived subclavian artery; on the left, it loops round the ductus arteriosus (which is retained as the ligamentum arteriosum in the adult). Further details of cranial nerve development and composition are provided in Chapter 14 .

Blood vessels of the pharyngeal arches

Pharyngeal arch arteries

The heart outflow tract initially develops by vasculogenesis soon after neural crest cells have invaded the early pharyngeal arches. Angiogenic mesenchyme migrates into the neural crest-populated areas and forms the endothelial lining of the vessels, and neural crest contributes to the outer layers of the walls ( , ). The first aortic arch artery is part of the original vascular circuit that links the aortic sac of the heart to the paired dorsal aortae, blood returning to the heart via the allantoic, vitelline and common cardinal veins (see Fig. 13.1C ). As the heart descends relative to the forebrain and other rostral structures, the aortic sac (ventral aortic root) gives rise to paired aortic arches at successively more caudal levels, each of which passes laterally on each side of the pharynx to join the dorsal aortae. The dorsal aortae are not invested by neural crest cells, and nor are the more distal (cranial) parts of the carotid arteries, which form by angiogenesis ( Ch. 13 ). The whole complement of aortic arches never coexists, thus the first aortic arch degenerates through remodelling of the cranial arteries before the sixth is formed.

When the first and second aortic arch arteries begin to regress, the blood supply to the corresponding pharyngeal arches is derived from a transient ventral pharyngeal artery, which terminates by dividing into mandibular and maxillary branches. The second aortic arch artery at first anastomoses with the ventral pharyngeal artery and passes through the mesenchyme of the stapedial cartilage, which condenses around it, forming the foramen of the stapes.

Further development of the third, fourth and sixth aortic arches ( Figs 17.8 17.9 ) produces the main arteries to the head and the great vessels arising from the heart. The common carotid artery arises from an elongation of the aortic sac, and the third arch artery becomes the proximal part of the internal carotid artery. The external carotid artery arises as a sprout from the common carotid; it incorporates the stem of the ventral pharyngeal artery, and its maxillary branch communicates with the common trunk of origin of the maxillary and mandibular branches of the stapedial artery and annexes these vessels. The proximal part of the common trunk persists as the root of the middle meningeal artery (see Fig. 17.8 ). More distally, the meningeal artery is derived from the proximal part of the supraorbital artery. The maxillary branch becomes the infraorbital artery and the mandibular branch forms the inferior alveolar artery. When the definitive ophthalmic artery differentiates as a branch from the terminal part of the internal carotid artery, it communicates with the supraorbital branch of the stapedial artery, which becomes the lacrimal artery distally, and retains an anastomotic connection with the middle meningeal artery. The dorsal stem of the original second arch artery remains as one or more caroticotympanic branches of the internal carotid artery.

Fig. 17.8, The arterial system of the head at about stage 17.

Fig. 17.9, The aortic arch arteries and their derivatives.

The fourth aortic arch on the right forms the proximal part of the right subclavian artery, whereas the corresponding vessel on the left constitutes the arch of the definitive aorta between the origins of the left common carotid and left subclavian arteries. With elongation of the neck, longitudinal anastomoses in the cervical region link intersegmental arteries and their branches, and direct blood flow to the developing brain in the vertebral arteries in parallel with the internal carotid arteries (see Figs 17.8 17.9 ).

The sixth aortic arch is associated with the developing lung buds. Initially, each bud is supplied by a capillary plexus from the aortic sac. As the sixth aortic arch develops, it becomes the channel for blood from the aortic sac to the developing lung buds as well as to the corresponding dorsal aorta, the latter being the main channel. Soon after formation of the sixth aortic arch, the outflow tract of the heart is divided by an influx of neural crest cells, which form the spiral aorticopulmonary septum ( ) that separates the aortic sac into the pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta. The part of the sixth aortic arch between the pulmonary trunk and the dorsal aorta is lost on the right but on the left becomes the ductus arteriosus which remains the main channel for blood to pass from the right ventricle to the descending aorta until the lungs and their associated blood vessels expand at birth. After birth, the ductus arteriosus is functionally closed by contraction of the circular muscle of the tunica media leaving a ligamentous remnant, the ligamentum arteriosum ( Ch. 13 ) (see Fig. 17.9 ). The right dorsal aorta caudal to the right subclavian artery also degenerates, leaving the left dorsal aorta as the definitive descending aorta (see Fig. 17.9 ).

Venous drainage of the pharyngeal arches and head

Blood returning from the early head flows into a close-meshed capillary plexus continuous cranially with a transitory primordial hindbrain channel that lies on the neural tube medial to the cranial nerve roots and later becomes the primary head vein. This vessel runs caudally from the medial side of the trigeminal ganglion, lateral to the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves and the otocyst, then medial to the vagus nerve, to become continuous with the precardinal vein and a lateral anastomosis subsequently brings it lateral to the vagus nerve (see Figs 13.1 , 13.17 ).

The ventral pharyngeal vein drains the mandibular and hyoid arches into the common cardinal vein ( Fig. 17.10A ) and with neck elongation into the cranial part of the precardinal vein, which later becomes the internal jugular vein ( Fig. 17.10B ). The ventral pharyngeal vein receives tributaries from the face and tongue, and becomes the linguofacial vein. As the face develops, the primitive maxillary vein extends its drainage into the territories of supply of the ophthalmic and mandibular divisions of the trigeminal nerve, including the pterygoid and temporal muscles, and it anastomoses with the linguofacial vein over the lower jaw. This anastomosis becomes the facial vein: it receives blood from the retromandibular vein from the temporal region, and drains through the linguofacial vein into the internal jugular vein. The stem of the linguofacial vein is now the lower part of the facial vein, whilst the dwindling connection of the facial with the primitive maxillary vein becomes the deep facial vein.

Fig. 17.10, Successive stages in the development of the veins of the head and neck: A , about stage 16; B , about stage 22.

The external jugular vein develops from a tributary of the cephalic vein within the tissues of the neck and anastomoses secondarily with the anterior facial vein. At this stage, the cephalic vein forms a venous ring around the clavicle, by which it is connected with the caudal part of the precardinal vein. The deep segment of the venous ring forms the subclavian vein and receives the definitive external jugular vein. The superficial segment of the venous ring dwindles, but may persist minimally in adult life. The deep aspects of the maxillomandibular facial prominences, the retrogingival oral cavity, the pharyngeal walls and their lymphoid and endocrine derivatives, and the cervicothoracic oesophagus thus all have drainage channels that connect with the precardinal complex. Laryngeal and tracheobronchial veins also drain to the precardinal complex, whilst the capillary plexuses, developed in the (splanchnopleuric) walls of the fine terminal respiratory passages and alveoli, converge on pulmonary veins of increasing calibre, finally making secondary connections with the left atrium of the heart.

Pharyngeal ectoderm and clefts

Surface ectoderm lines the roof of the embryonic pharynx from the outer margin up to and including the invagination of the adenohypophysial (Rathke’s) pouch (see Figs 14.9 14.10 ). It also completely covers the first arch, including the lateral walls and floor of the stomodeum, unlike the more caudal arches, which are lined with endoderm. The external surface ectoderm of the first arch ultimately produces the keratinized stratified squamous epithelium of the epidermis, including hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands, and the specialized epithelium of the vermilion part of the lips. Within the oral cavity, first arch ectoderm forms the mucous membranes of the internal surface of the lips and cheeks, the palate, the presulcal part of the tongue, the epithelial components of the salivary and mucous glands, and the enamel organs of the developing teeth (see Figs 17.15 17.16 ). The first pharyngeal cleft is obliterated ventrally; its dorsal end deepens to form the external acoustic meatus, including its ceruminous glands and the outer surface of the tympanic membrane (see Fig. 17.4 ). Developmental studies of gene expression in the pharyngeal arches in chick and mouse embryos are calling into question the traditional view of pharyngeal cleft development based on external appearance. In mouse embryos the external acoustic meatus forms more rostrally from an invagination of the ectoderm of the first arch rather than at the first pharyngeal cleft ( ; ). Three auricular hillocks are observed on the first and second arches each side of the first pharyngeal cleft, during stages 15–16. It was thought that these contributed equally to the auricle (pinna) of the external ear, however, 3D reconstruction in human embryos up to stage 23 has shown that cells from the second arch form almost the entire auricle, whereas the first arch ectoderm and mesenchyme give rise to the tragus and anterior part of the external auditory meatus ( ) ( Ch. 16 ).

The external contours of the arches and clefts are modified as the skeletal and muscular elements develop. During stages 18–19 the second, third and fourth pharyngeal clefts form the rostral and caudal parts of a depression, the cervical sinus. As shown in Fig. 17.4 , the sinus is adjacent to extensions from the occipital myotomes that contribute to sternocleidomastoid, trapezius and platysma. Fusion of the hyoid arch with the cardiac elevation closes the cervical sinus, excluding the third, fourth and sixth arches from contributing to the skin of the neck and also results in platysma, which lies within the superficial fascia, extending along the neck to the ventral thoracic wall.

Pharyngeal endoderm and pouches

The four pharyngeal pouches appear in sequence craniocaudally during stages 10–13. The rostral pharynx is broad and dorsoventrally compressed (see Fig. 17.19 ). Laterally, the endoderm of the pouches approaches the ectoderm of the pharyngeal clefts to form thin closing membranes (see Fig. 17.4 ). The approximating ectoderm and endoderm between the first cleft and pouch form the outer and inner surfaces of the tympanic membrane. The ventral end of the first pouch is obliterated, but its dorsal end persists and expands as the head enlarges. This, together with the adjoining lateral part of the pharynx, and possibly with a contribution from the dorsal part of the second pharyngeal pouch, constitutes the tubotympanic recess. The recess forms the middle ear cavity, the pharyngotympanic tube and epitympanic recess. Expansion of the middle ear cavity around the ear ossicles occurs late during fetal life, by breakdown of the mesenchyme around the ossicles so that the cavity comes to surround them, except at their attachments to the tympanic membrane and fenestra ovalis (fenestra vestibuli, oval window).

The ectoderm of the pharyngeal clefts and the endoderm of the pouches become increasingly separated by mesenchyme. The blind recesses of the second, third and fourth pouches are prolonged dorsally and ventrally as angular, wing-like diverticula (see Fig. 17.19 ) and the pouch endoderm thickens and evaginates into localized neural crest-derived mesenchymal condensations. Further development of the second, third and fourth pouches is summarized in Fig. 17.19 and described in the associated text.

Face, Nasal Cavities, Palate and Mouth


By stage 12 migration of the most rostral neural crest cell population is complete and the sequence of morphogenetic changes that will form the face begins ( Fig. 17.11 ). Neural crest cells have populated the mandibular arch and its maxillary extension, and formed the frontonasal mesenchyme that covers the telencephalon and caudal diencephalon (see Fig. 17.2 ). They also contribute to the primordium of the trigeminal nerve, whose first fibres begin to extend at stage 13. The three divisions of the trigeminal nerve will provide sensory innervation to the frontonasal, maxillary and mandibular parts of the face, respectively.

Fig. 17.11, Development of the face: A , stage 12–13; B , stage 14; C , stage 16; D , stage 17; E , stage 20; F , stage 23.

Localized mesenchymal proliferation results in the formation of four paired processes, namely the medial and lateral nasal, maxillary and mandibular processes. The lateral and medial nasal processes surround the nasal placodes, causing them to sink deep to the surface, forming the nasal pits. The two medial nasal processes approach each other to form the nasal septum between them and extend downwards to form the premaxillary component of the upper lip and jaw and the primary palate. Concomitant with formation of the nasal processes, proliferation of the maxillary mesenchyme forms the maxillary processes that make contact with the medial and lateral nasal processes at stages 16–17 (see Fig. 17.11 ). Fusion of the maxillary processes with the medial nasal processes unites the premaxillary and maxillary parts of the upper jaw and lip; failure of this process on one or both sides causes unilateral or bilateral cleft lip (see Fig. 17.18 ). Superiorly, this fusion closes the cleft at the lower edge of the nasal pits, completing the future nostrils. Fusion of the maxillary with the lateral nasal processes is a much simpler process and rarely gives rise to anomalies. At stage 16 the epithelium of the groove between these fusing processes thickens to form the lacrimal lamina, the primordium of the nasolacrimal system. At stage 19 it separates from the surface ectoderm, forming the lacrimal cord beneath the surface. The cord becomes canalized to form the nasolacrimal duct in postfertilization week 10 ( ). The original site of the lacrimal lamina marks the lateral division between frontonasal and maxillary contributions to the face: the sensory nerve supply of these territories is from the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve, respectively ( Fig. 17.12 ).

Fig. 17.12, The parts of the adult face derived from the ophthalmic (frontonasal), maxillary and mandibular divisions of the skin of the face, showing the lines of fusion and definitive innervation.

At the start of facial development, the stomodeal opening extends across the whole width of the embryonic head. A wide mouth is maintained until differential growth brings the eyes and the lateral parts of the maxillary–mandibular structures from the sides to the front of the face in stages 20–23. Although differential growth makes the mouth opening proportionately smaller, progressive fusion of the lateral regions of the maxillary and mandibular processes also makes an important contribution to decreasing the width of the mouth and to forming the cheeks. Differences in mouth width within the human population are mainly due to variation in the extent of maxillomandibular fusion. The period from stages 18 to 22 is the final period of major morphogenetic change in facial development. In addition to formation of the mouth and cheeks, it is marked by further narrowing of the nasal region and philtrum, and the ascent of the ears. By stage 19 the face is recognizably human, although differential growth will continue to bring about changes in proportion and the relative position of the features. (For further reading about the genetics of normal-range variation in facial morphology see , .)

The contribution made by the frontonasal process to surface epithelial derivatives extends from the skin of the forehead, over the supraorbital and glabellar regions, including the upper eyelid and conjunctiva, to the external aspect of the nose and philtrum of the upper lip. During later development, the maxillary nerve invades the skin of the philtrum and nasal alae, so that the trigeminal nerve distribution does not completely coincide with the tissue origins (compare Figs 17.11 and 17.12 ). A detailed 3D reconstruction of a stage 23 human embryo reported heterochronous skeletal muscle development: genioglossus, hyoglossus and styloglossus and all the extraocular muscles except levator palpebrae superioris were identified ( ).

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