Computed Tomography Scan in Mitral Valve Disease and Its Treatments


  • 1.

    Understand the methodology of mitral annular segmentation by computed tomography (CT) prior to transcatheter mitral valve replacement.

  • 2.

    Learn about CT reformats and reconstruction planes in the assessment of mitral valve pathology.

  • 3.

    Conceptualize mitral annular dynamism and factors affecting annular measurement on cardiac CT angiography with whole cardiac cycle coverage.

  • 4.

    Utilize CT data for pre-procedural planning: identification of fluoroscopic angles, localization of left ventricle apex, navigation prior to transseptal puncture.

  • 5.

    Familiarize with the concept of neo-left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and risks regarding LVOT obstruction.


Anatomic and functional evaluation prior to transcatheter mitral valve (TMV) repair and TMV replacement (TMVR) by multidetector computed tomography angiography (CTA) has emerged as an essential part of pre-procedural planning, complimenting the significant amount of information obtained from transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE). The role of CTA has evolved, mimicking its use in TAVR with a focus on reproducible annular measurement, evaluation of landing zone, neo-left ventricular outflow tract assessment, and pattern of mitral annular calcification. , Computer tomography (CT) provides three-dimensional (3D) sets of data of cardiac morphology with a larger field of view compared to echocardiography, excellent image quality owing to millimetric spatial resolution, isotropic image quality throughout the data set, and good temporal resolution. Multiplanar reconstruction capabilities and functional data sets are additional benefits of the modality that can help provide information on the morphology and function of the mitral valve. ,


The mitral valve structure is complex; it comprises non-planar non-circular annulus, leaflets, and subvalvular apparatus. The adjacent anatomical structures, notably the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and circumflex artery, contribute to its complexity.

The Leaflets

CT anatomy of mitral valve leaflets and segmentation according to Carpentier’s nomenclature is depicted by Fig. 9.1A and Fig. 9.1C . The most lateral scallop (labeled as P1) is adjacent to the anterolateral commissure, P2 (middle) is centrally located, and the most medial (P3 scallop) is adjacent to posteromedial commissure. Similarly, the anterior scallops are labeled as A1, A2, and A3. The leaflets converge at the anterolateral and posteromedial commissures. The coaptation zone, or line, is a semilunar arc conformation with the leaflets converging at the commissures. Despite better visualization of the mitral valve scallops by echocardiography, which is proven to have better temporal resolution than CT, post-processing techniques such as minimum intensity projection (MIP) may improve visualization of the thin low-attenuation leaflets.

Fig. 9.1, CT Anatomy of the Mitral Valve. (A and B) Mitral valve is closed at end-systole. (C and D) Images show the opened valve at end-diastole, (C) with the division of the anterior (A1–A3) and posterior (P1–P3) mitral valve leaflet. (B and D) highlight the aortomitral continuity forming the anterior horn of the annulus remaining fixed in position throughout the cycle (arrowwheads) . (E) Image shows mitral annulus and fibrous trigones (stars) . (F) Minimum intensity projection at end-systole highlights the complex fan-like radiation of fine tendineae running from the papillary muscles to the mitral leaflets (arrowheads) . (From Weir-McCall JR, Blanke P, Naoum C, et al. Mitral valve imaging with CT: relationship with transcatheter mitral valve interventions. Radiology . 2018;288[3]:638–655.)

Mitral Annulus

Mitral annulus (MA) (from Latin “small ring”) gives attachment to the mitral valve formed by a junction of the left atrium, left ventricle (LV), and the leaflets. It is a non-rigid fibromuscular structure changing shape throughout the cardiac cycle and incorporating several structures along the hinge points. The MA 3D configuration is saddle-shaped with anterior and posterior peaks or horns. The anterior horn, more fibrous and less prone to dilatation, extends between the trigones to the aortic root (“aortomitral continuity” or “intervalvular fibrosa”) ( Fig. 9.1B and Fig. 9.1D ). , The continuity between the aortic and mitral valve is a cardiac CT anatomical landmark for identifying the LV. Its relationship with LVOT is crucial for consideration of suitability for TMVR due to potential risk of LVOT obstruction (refer to further discussion in the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction Assessment section).

In healthy individuals, the posterior horn is located at the junction of the atrial and ventricular myocardium and formed by insertion of the posterior mitral leaflet (PML), and the nadir of the annulus is located close to the fibrous trigones. The fibrous trigones represent the anatomic junction between the anterior and posterior annulus and can be identified on CT scan as focal areas of triangular thickening of the medial and later ends of the fibrous annulus ( Fig. 9.1E ). This part of the annulus is mainly muscular and, therefore, susceptible to dilatation (seen in mitral regurgitation [MR]) and calcification.

Subvalvular Apparatus

The subvalvular apparatus has a dual role in maintaining valvular competence and enhancing LV systolic pump function. It consists of papillary muscles and the chordae tendineae.

The papillary muscles are positioned along the mid to apical segments of the LV. The papillary muscles are comprised of one to three muscular bundles that extend from the myocardium and attach to the mitral leaflets through the chordae tendineae. The papillary muscles are named based on their location and the commissures they relate to (i.e., anterolateral and posteromedial).

Fibrous string-like chords of the chordae tendineae are highly variable in their number and configuration. Chordae can be distinguished based on their leaflet insertion ( Fig. 9.1F ). The primary chordae attach to the free edges of the mitral valve leaflets; the second-order chordae insert to the bodies of the leaflets. Finally, tertiary chordae are only found in the posterior leaflet and attach directly to the ventricular wall.


ECG-gated contrast-enhanced multiphasic CTA covering the entire cardiac cycle is required for mitral valve and annulus assessment.

Data acquisition is either synchronized by retrospective or prospective electrocardiography (ECG)—gating, tube voltage, and current set according to the patient’s body habitus. For example, tube voltage varies from 100 to 120 kV in our institution and current from 400 to 600 mA to ensure optimal image quality. Gantry rotation time is one of the adjustable parameters and may be set to 0.24 to 0.33 second. However, some of the aforementioned settings are vendor-specific. Tube current modulation is avoided to ensure high image quality throughout the cardiac cycle.

Image acquisition initiates when the region of interest attenuation reaches the 150 HU threshold within the LV. The acquisition starts at the level of carina and covers the heart to its base. In the case of transapical access, the acquisition should cover the entire thoracic cage to better assess the intercostal space.

Contrast material injection protocol requires a single breath-hold following biphasic injection of 60 to 70 mL of intravenous contrast media (320 mg I/mL) at the rate of 4.5 to 6.5 mL/s and 50 mL saline chaser via an 18-gauge needle in an antecubital vein. Other recommended parameters include slice thickness of 0.5 mm, increment 0.5, and iterative reconstruction for noise reduction.

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