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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The use of carotid artery stenting to treat carotid bifurcation stenosis remains a topic of recent investigation and vigorous debate regarding safety and efficacy. Multiple prospective randomized controlled trials have compared carotid endarterectomy (CEA) with carotid artery stenting (CAS) and have shown comparable outcomes in asymptomatic patients. There are certain complications that are more frequent or specific to the use of closed versus open cell nitinol carotid artery stents. This chapter focuses on clinical evidence describing the complications as well as the clinical decision making and preoperative evaluation to limit these complications.
Complications following CAS with closed and open cell nitinol stents can be divided into periprocedural and late. Periprocedural complications include inability to cross the lesion with the stent, severe residual stenosis, and postprocedure stroke. Late complications include stent fracture and/or deformation, restenosis, and late stroke.
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