Coma, Disorders of Consciousness, and Brain Death

Disorders of consciousness and limited responsiveness ( Table 373-1 ) encompass a range of conditions, from mild encephalopathy or confusion to coma and brain death. Although not all causes of encephalopathy lead to poor outcomes, the rapid and comprehensive evaluation of a patient with altered consciousness remains one of the most important goals in all of medicine. Depending on the cause, a patient with altered mental status or coma may suffer irreversible brain injury or even death; conversely, with prompt diagnosis and treatment, many if not most patients will recover, often fully.

TABLE 373-1
From Bernat JL. Ethical Issues in Neurology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008:292.
Brain death Absent Absent Absent Absent ECS Absent Absent cortical metabolism The person has died
Coma Absent Absent Depressed, variable Reflex or posturing Polymorphic delta, burst suppression BAER variable; cortical ERPs often absent Resting <50% Variable
Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome Absent Present, intact sleep-wake cycles Intact Reflex, nonpurposeful Delta, theta, or ECS BAER preserved; cortical ERPs variable Resting <50%; primary areas stimulatable Poor, when chronic
Minimally conscious state Intact but poorly responsive Intact Intact Variable with purposeful movements; may follow some commands Nonspecific slowing BAER preserved; cortical ERPs often preserved Reduced; secondary areas also stimulatable Variable
Locked-in syndrome Intact but communication difficult Intact Intact breathing; often brain stem signs Quadriplegia, pseudobulbar palsy Usually normal BAER variable; cortical ERPs normal Normal or nearly normal Poor
BAER = brain stem auditory evoked response; ECS = electrocerebral silence; EEG = encephalography; ERP = event-related potential; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; PET = positron emission tomography.

The table lists typical findings, which are not necessarily present in all patients. Locked-in syndrome may be mistaken for a disorder of consciousness.

Consciousness arises from the ascending reticular activating system, an ill-defined group of neurons that originates in the rostral portion of the brain stem tegmentum and projects to the thalami and then to both cerebral cortices. For consciousness to be disrupted, the underlying pathologic process must affect the brain stem or thalami primarily (e.g., a structural injury such as an intracerebral hemorrhage or ischemic stroke), affect both cerebral cortices simultaneously (e.g., global anoxic brain injury or encephalitis), or both (e.g., drug intoxication or toxic-metabolic insult).

Consciousness comprises two elements: wakefulness and awareness. Wakefulness represents the ability to establish an alertness response to internal need or external stimulation. Awareness of the self and environment is established by a diffuse network of thalamocortical and corticocortical circuits. Patients in coma have neither wakefulness nor awareness. Patients in persistent vegetative state (or unresponsive wakefulness syndrome as it is also called) have wakefulness, including sleep-wake cycles, but no awareness.


Coma is a state of pathologic unresponsiveness from which the patient cannot be aroused by any form of stimulation.


The most common causes of coma include trauma, toxic-metabolic, global anoxia, and lesions that result in herniation and compression of the brain stem ( Table 373-2 ).

TABLE 373-2
Traumatic brain injury

  • Contusion

  • Intracerebral, epidural, subdural, or subarachnoid hemorrhage

  • Diffuse axonal injury

  • Raised intracranial pressure

Neoplasms and other mass lesions

  • Meningitis

  • Encephalitis

  • Brain abscess or empyema

  • Sepsis or other infection, especially in the elderly or a demented patient

Cerebrovascular disease

  • Intracerebral hemorrhage

  • Infarction in the brain stem or cerebellum or large hemispheric infarction

  • Hemorrhage in the brain stem or cerebellum or large hemispheric hemorrhage

  • Vasculitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura


  • Status epilepticus

  • Spike-wave stupor

  • Postictal state

Metabolic encephalopathies

  • Hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia

  • Hypercalcemia

  • Hyponatremia, hypernatremia

  • Hypoxemia, including anoxia after cardiac arrest

  • Acidosis

  • Organ system failure: hepatic, renal, pulmonary, cardiac

  • Endocrinopathy (e.g., myxedema coma)

Toxic encephalopathies

  • Drug intoxications : alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opioids, stimulants, salicylates, anticonvulsants, anticholinergics, psychotropic drugs, or others

  • Poisoning: carbon monoxide, industrial toxins

Other encephalopathies

  • Hypertensive encephalopathy

  • Acute hydrocephalus

  • Pituitary apoplexy


  • Conversion, malingering, functional neurologic disorder

Most common causes.


Wakefulness arises from the ascending reticular activating system, which is a neural network that originates in the central tegmentum of the pons and midbrain in the rostral brain stem, receiving input at each level as it ascends into the central basal forebrain, thalami, and cerebral cortices. Arousal can be affected by damage or dysfunction anywhere along these pathways, but thalamic and cortical neurons are more susceptible to damage because of their higher metabolic demands. The classic scenario is a global anoxic insult from a cardiac arrest, which selectively injures specific cortical laminae, the thalami, basal ganglia, and the hippocampus owing to their high oxygen demands and relatively high metabolic activity. By comparison, phylogenetically older and less metabolically demanding neurons of the ascending reticular activating system are relatively spared. This selective injury helps explain the unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (also called the vegetative state), which is characterized by wakefulness without awareness.

Coma can be caused by (1) structural damage as a result of trauma, edema, inflammation, ischemia, hemorrhage, or mass lesions or (2) diffuse toxic and/or metabolic effects on neurons. Structural lesions can affect the ascending reticular activating system directly by neuronal damage or indirectly by extrinsic pressure or displacement, thereby causing ischemia and/or edema. Metabolic and toxic encephalopathies diffusely affect all brain neurons but preferentially the metabolically sensitive neurons in the cortex and thalamus. However, several acute metabolic derangements or toxicities can also cause structural brain injury by altering blood pressure or oxygenation (e.g., opioid toxicity [ Chapter 365 ]), brain edema (e.g., acute hepatic failure [ Chapter 140 ] with hyperammonemia), or acute demyelination (e.g., central pontine myelinolysis owing to rapid osmolar shifting, such as seen in rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia [ Chapter 102 ]).

Structural lesions causing coma typically present with clinically recognizable herniation syndromes, in which shifts in intracranial pressure produce caudal and lateral displacement and ischemia of the midbrain and medial temporal lobe through the tentorial incisura. Herniation results in dysfunction of cranial nerves (pupillary dilation followed by more complete third nerve palsy), breathing, and motor systems. Most commonly, central herniation occurs with global events such as meningoencephalitis ( Chapter 383 ), global anoxic brain injury, massive brain swelling from toxic-metabolic insults, or hydrocephalus. Uncal herniation results from rapidly expanding and laterally placed lesions that trap the ipsilateral oculomotor nerve against the uncus of the temporal lobe. Lateral displacement of brain structures can match or exceed downward displacement. Brain stem compression can also result from structural lesions in the posterior fossa. The ascending reticular activating system also can be damaged directly by primary brain stem injuries, such as from hemorrhage or infarction, or indirectly by downward-directed pressure produced by hemispheric mass lesions, such as from brain trauma ( Chapter 368 ), neoplasms ( Chapter 175 ), abscesses ( Chapter 382 ), hemorrhages ( Chapter 377 ), or large infarctions ( Chapter 376 ).

Encephalopathy in the setting of metabolic disturbances results from perturbation of the neuronal microenvironment by altering the precise metabolic conditions necessary for normal neuronal conduction and excitability. These disturbances can occur due to changes in blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose concentration, temperature (hyperthermia or hypothermia), electrolyte concentrations, and intracranial pressure. Other causes include meningitis, seizures, and organ failure. The severity of the insult matches the impact: more profound metabolic insults cause greater encephalopathy. The rapidity of onset also is an important factor. Sudden metabolic changes, such as in serum sodium concentration, may result in seizures and coma, whereas a slow decline, even to a low level, may cause little clinical impact ( Chapter 102 ). Toxic encephalopathies, with indistinguishable clinical manifestations, can result from exogenous poisoning with illicit (e.g., opiates, hallucinogenics) or therapeutic (e.g., antidepressants, anticholinergics) substances, or endogenous toxins that result from renal or hepatic failure. Acute meningoencephalitis, with inflammation of both the meninges and cerebrum, causes coma by direct inflammation, vascular insults, cerebral edema, and hydrocephalus.

Clinical Manifestations

A patient in coma displays neither wakefulness nor awareness. There is no purposeful response to noxious stimulation. Reflexive posturing may be present. The eyes are typically closed, except in the rare situation of “eyes open coma, ” which occasionally follows cardiac arrest ( Chapter 50 ) with global anoxic brain injury. The eyes do not open in response to noxious stimulation. The patient does not express any interpretable sounds reflective of responsiveness, only sounds associated with attempts at breathing.

Coma should be differentiated from stupor, in which the patient is able to be aroused temporarily during vigorous stimulation but then immediately resumes unresponsiveness once stimulation is stopped. However, this differentiation serves only to distinguish levels of brain stem dysfunction and does not imply reversibility, which depends on the underlying etiology. The pattern of brain stem dysfunction usefully localizes the anatomic extent of a structural injury or impingement.


Rapid diagnosis of the etiology of coma is crucial for expeditious and targeted treatment ( Table 373-3 ). A detailed history, physical examination, laboratory testing, and neuroimaging should be performed in a parallel manner. Immediate attention should be focused on whether the patient has signs of trauma (cranial or cervical), meningitis (fever, nuchal rigidity), drug intoxication (which may be rapidly reversed), seizures (including nonconvulsive status epilepticus, which may manifest only with eye deviation), or focal findings suggestive of a mass lesion or vascular event.

TABLE 373-3

  • Abrupt onset of unconsciousness

  • Sudden headache

  • Vomiting


  • Focal neurologic signs (hemiparesis, posturing, asymmetrical reflexes)

  • Abnormal pupillary light reflexes


  • Gradual onset of unconsciousness

  • Preceding confusional state

  • Seizures

  • Known cognitive impairment

  • Taking insulin or illicit drugs


  • Absence of focal neurologic signs

  • Presence of frontal release signs

  • Intact pupillary light reflexes

  • Tremor, asterixis, or multifocal myoclonus

  • Evidence of systemic infection

  • Needle tracks


  • Worsening headache

  • Neck stiffness and pain

  • Fever, chills

  • Progressive stupor and coma


  • Fever, rigors

  • Nuchal rigidity and signs of meningeal inflammation

The history should focus on any witnessed events or recent history according to others, such as feeling unwell or suffering any trauma or medication changes. Information should be obtained regarding any preceding headache, vomiting, confusional state, prescription and illicit drug use, alcohol use, fever, metabolic disturbances (including a history of diabetes), seizure history, abnormal recent behavior, and preexisting medical conditions, particularly atrial fibrillation or prior neurologic events (e.g., stroke, hemorrhage).

The general physical examination should include assessment of vital signs, otoscopy, funduscopic examination, and a search for physical signs of head trauma, nuchal rigidity, or needle track marks. The respiratory rate and pattern should be carefully noted ( Table 373-4 ). Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a periodic breathing pattern whose amplitude forms a sine wave, with 5- to 45-second periods of apnea alternating with periods of hyperpnea. It can be seen in patients with primary cardiac/respiratory disorders or in patients with metabolic encephalopathy, and it is typically reversible by treating the underlying cause. Central neurogenic hyperventilation consists of continuous hyperpnea and tachypnea that leads to a pure respiratory alkalosis; it occurs with lesions of the rostral brain stem tegmentum at the level of the midbrain, or damage to the central pons. Kussmaul respiration, which consists of rapid deep breathing, is seen as a compensatory mechanism in the setting of severe metabolic acidosis, often with hyperglycemia ( Chapter 210 ). Ataxic or irregular breathing patterns, with or without apneic periods, are associated with lower brain stem dysfunction and can represent an agonal pattern.

TABLE 373-4
High diencephalic Light stupor Eupnea, yawning, post-hyperventilation apnea Small, reactive Loss of checking component Paratonia, grasp
Low diencephalic Deep stupor Cheyne-Stokes Small, reactive Loss of checking component Decorticate posturing
Midbrain Coma Central neurogenic hyperventilation Midposition, fixed Loss of medial rectus function Decerebrate posturing
Upper pons Coma Central neurogenic hyperventilation Midposition, fixed Loss of medial rectus function Decerebrate posturing
Lower pons Coma Ataxic Midposition, fixed Absent Flaccid
Medulla Coma Apnea Midposition, fixed Absent Flaccid
Early third nerve Unreliable Normal Ipsilateral dilated, fixed Normal Contralateral hemiparesis
Late third nerve Coma Cheyne-Stokes or central neurogenic hyperventilation Ipsilateral dilated, fixed; contralateral dilated, fixed Medial rectus dysfunction Ipsilateral hemiparesis and contralateral decerebrate posturing
Midbrain-pons Coma Central neurogenic hyperventilation or ataxic Midposition, fixed Absent Bilateral decerebrate posturing

A detailed neurologic examination is important to discern if there are localizing signs that may point to a structural etiology to assess the level of brain function and to look for evidence of trauma or drug use.

The patient’s limbs should be uncovered to view any movements, either spontaneously or in response to stimulation. Responsiveness should be checked by increasingly noxious stimulation, starting with loud auditory stimulation. Noxious physical stimulation should include not only stimulation of the extremities (typically starting with pressure on the nail bed), but also on the cranium, including the supraorbital ridge and temporomandibular joint. Only when adequate stimulation has been provided can one say that the patient is truly unresponsive and comatose.

Cranial Nerve Examination

In a detailed cranial nerve examination, the eyes should be held open, and any spontaneous eye movements, deviation, nystagmus, or dysconjugation should be noted. The patient should be asked to look up and down, so that pseudocoma from a locked-in state can be detected. A blink to visual threat should be tested with the hand flat (so as to avoid creating a wind wave that would stimulate a corneal reflex) approaching the eye, first laterally (to test the visual field), and then centrally if there is no response laterally. The pupillary light reflex should be tested with a bright light, and a magnifying glass or pupillometer may be helpful to evaluate questionable responsiveness or briskness and degree of response. A corneal reflex may be tested initially with a squirt of water or saline and then a light cotton wisp; however, if these minor stimuli are not successful, a more potent stimulus, such as pressing on the eye with a cotton-tipped applicator, may be necessary.

Pupillary responses to bright light and darkness assess the pathways of the optic nerve, oculomotor nerves, midbrain, and sympathetic nerves. Pupillary reactivity helps distinguish structural from toxic-metabolic causes of coma. Pupils remain reactive to light and usually symmetrical through varying depths and causes of toxic-metabolic coma, whereas pupillary reflexes are abnormal, and often asymmetrical, with structural causes of coma such as transtentorial herniation with compression of the third nerve. With asymmetrical pupils, it is important to distinguish which eye is the abnormal one; the larger pupil may not necessarily be the abnormal side, such as in the setting of Horner syndrome, in which there is loss of sympathetic input. However, in the setting of a compressive lesion or other cause of third nerve dysfunction, pupillary enlargement occurs before ophthalmoplegia because the parasympathetic pupilloconstrictor fibers course on the outside of the nerve and are compressed first. With progressive herniation, the brain stem sympathetic tracks are also damaged, so the pupil may return to be midposition and remain unreactive. Primary structural injuries to the pons (e.g., hemorrhage or infarction) cause “pinpoint” pupils owing to loss of sympathetic tracts; however, they are typically still reactive with a magnifying glass or pupillometer. Pinpoint pupils are not simply the result of loss of sympathetic tone; pontine lesions stimulate adjacent intact parasympathetic tracts, thereby making the pupils even smaller than by pure sympathetic denervation alone.

The examiner should consider the potential for preexisting pupillary abnormalities (e.g., diabetes, postsurgical), as well as locally applied medications that can impair pupillary reflexes.

A dilated funduscopic examination is helpful to look for ocular pathology as well as evidence of increased intracranial pressure. However, if pharmacologic dilation is performed, it is important that all caregivers know that it has been performed so erroneous conclusions do not result.

Spontaneous eye movements may have localizing value. Horizontally and conjugately deviated eyes owing to a hemispheric lesion follow the rules of “look toward a stroke, look away from a seizure” because of ablation or stimulation of the frontal lobe gaze center. With lesions in the brain stem, however, the eyes often will deviate in the opposite direction because of damage to the parapontine reticular formation. Tonic downward eye deviation is sometimes seen in patients with global anoxic brain injury. Ocular bobbing, with rapid downward movement followed by a slow return upward, can occur with pontine lesions. “Reverse” ocular bobbing with slow downward but rapid upward movement (“ocular dipping”) may be seen after primary brain stem insults or with global anoxia or toxic-metabolic states. “Ping-pong” gaze with alternative conjugate horizontal movements is nonspecific, but a slower and similar disorder of periodic alternating gaze can be seen with hyperammonemia owing to portosystemic encephalopathy.

Horizontally dysconjugate gaze should be placed in the clinical context because it may be from a brain stem injury or it may simply be an uncovering of a preexisting esotropia or exotropia. However, vertical dysconjugation (“skew”) is almost always abnormal and should signal a structural problem at the level of the rostral brain stem.

The vestibulo-ocular reflex can be tested using ice-water caloric stimulation of the external auditory canals. Before doing the ice-water test, otoscopic evaluation should reveal an intact tympanic membrane and a clear auditory canal, and the head of the bed should be elevated to 30 degrees. Ice water is instilled in one ear at a time for 60 seconds continuously, and the eyes are observed for any movement. With an intact brain stem, the eyes will tonically deviate toward the cold-irrigated ear, sometimes with nystagmus in the opposite direction. Both ears should be tested, but there should be an interval of at least 5 minutes before testing the second ear. If a cervical spine computed tomography (CT) scan shows cervical spine stability, it also can be tested using sudden head movements. For this test, the head is briskly rotated, laterally as well as vertically to elicit the oculocephalic reflex. In an intact brain stem, the eyes move in the opposite direction from which the head is turned.

Facial movement is tested as above with noxious stimulation, which can also include stimulation of the nasal hair and septum with a cotton-tipped swab, which may elicit a grimace response. Lower cranial nerve function is tested with posterior pharyngeal stimulation to test for a gag reflex, and deep bronchial suctioning to test for a cough reflex.

Motor Examination

The motor response can give a clue to localization. The motor examination includes observing the patient for spontaneous movements, testing tone, and testing responses elicited by noxious stimulation of the extremities, typically starting with deep nail bed pressure, and then with noxious stimulation more proximally on the limb. The movement in response to stimulation in both locations should be noted, including whether they are symmetrical. Stereotyped responses are most consistent with a posturing reflex. Responses can be graded as localization, purposeful withdrawal, reflex flexor (decorticate) posturing, reflex extensor (decerebrate) posturing, and none.

Decorticate or flexor posturing suggests a lesion above the level of the red nucleus in the brain stem, whereas decerebrate or extensor posturing suggests a brain stem lesion. Symmetrical findings are more consistent with a toxic-metabolic or global insult, whereas asymmetrical findings suggest a focal structural injury. However, exceptions include hypoglycemia and hyponatremia, which notoriously can cause focal neurologic findings in the absence of a structural injury and which are often reversible. Other motor findings include tonic or clonic movements consistent with seizure, or myoclonic (nonrhythmic) jerking, which is a nonspecific finding associated with many disease states. Unrelenting myoclonic jerking (myoclonic status epilepticus) in the setting of a global anoxic brain injury tends to carry a poorer prognosis.

Grading Coma

Multiple scales are helpful for grading and evaluating coma, estimating prognosis, and assessing changes over time. The Glasgow Coma Scale ( Table 368-1 ) is widely used, especially to evaluate patients with traumatic brain injury; its components include verbal, motor, and eye responses. The more recent FOUR score ( Table 373-5 ) is more comprehensive for brain stem function (including respiratory patterns) and responsiveness, and it is useful in evaluating all causes of coma.

TABLE 373-5
From Wijdicks EFM. The Comatose Patient . 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2014.
E4 = Eyelids open or closed, tracking or blinking to command
E3 = Eyelids open but not tracking
E2 = Eyelids closed but open to pain
E1 = Eyelids remain closed with pain stimuli
M4 = Thumbs up, fist, or peace sign
M3 = Localizing to pain
M2 = Flexion response to pain
M1 = Extension response to pain
M0 = No response to pain or generalized myoclonic status epilepticus
B4 = Pupillary and corneal reflexes present
B3 = One pupil dilated and unreactive to light
B2 = Pupillary or corneal reflexes absent
B1 = Pupillary and corneal reflexes absent
B0 = Absent pupillary, corneal, or cough reflexes
R4 = Regular breathing pattern
R3 = Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern
R2 = Irregular breathing pattern
R1 = Triggers or breathes above the ventilator rate
R0 = Apnea or breathes at the ventilator rate

For nontraumatic coma and other disorders of consciousness.

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