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Since the discovery of the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the elucidation of the genetic mechanisms of heredity, clinical neurology has benefited from advances in genetics and neuroscience. This clinically relevant basic research has permitted dissection of the cellular machinery supporting the function of the brain and its connections while establishing causal relationships between such dysfunction, human genetic variation, and various neurological diseases. In the modern practice of neurology, the use of genetics has become widespread, and neurologists are confronted daily with data from an ever-increasing catalog of genetic studies relating to conditions such as developmental disorders, dementia, ataxia, neuropathy, and epilepsy, to name but a few. The use of genetic information in the clinical evaluation of neurological disease has expanded dramatically over the past decade. More efficient techniques for discovering disease genes have led to a greater availability of genetic testing in the clinic. Approximately one-third of pediatric neurology hospital admissions are related to a genetic diagnosis, and with the widespread use of next-generation sequencing technology, essentially every gene is now available for testing by the practicing neurologist ( ). In conjunction with the precision health movement, this increase in availability of information across the genome is leading to new avenues of diagnostic testing, extending beyond the consideration of only rare neurological disease toward more common disorders. Neurogenetics now touches every aspect of neurology, and while the clinical focus still remains primarily on disease-causing mutations, we can begin to anticipate what the future may hold for a broader appreciation of the role of genetics in all neurological disorders.
As neuroscience and genetic research have progressed, we have been led to a deeper understanding of the sources and nature of human genetic variation and its relationship to clinical phenotypes. In the past there has been a tendency to consider genetic traits as either present or absent, and correspondingly, patients were either healthy or diseased; this is the traditional view of Mendelian, or single-gene, conditions. Although certain relatively rare neurological diseases—Friedreich ataxia or Huntington disease (HD), for example—can be traced to a single causal gene, the common forms of other diseases such as Alzheimer dementia (AD), stroke, epilepsy, or autism usually arise from an interplay of multiple genes, each of which increases disease susceptibility and likely interacts with environmental factors. Subsequently, the realm of the “sporadic” and the “idiopathic” has been challenged by the identification of genetic susceptibility factors, which has sparked a flurry of investigation into a variety of genes and genetic markers that confer a risk of illness yet are not wholly causative. Disease status may lie on the end of a continuum of individual variation and thus can be considered a quantitative rather than purely qualitative trait ( ). So, rather than using what might be considered an arbitrary cutoff point, such as a specific number of senile plaques or neuritic tangles that define affected or unaffected patients, one might instead think in terms of a continuum of pathology that relates to different levels of burden or susceptibility.
As we continue to discover more genes involved either directly or indirectly in neurological disease pathogenesis, the amount of information available to the clinician grows, as do the challenges in interpreting this in a meaningful way for an individual patient. Much of this information, particularly with respect to genetic risk, is not a matter of a positive or negative result, but instead is a feature to be incorporated into the clinical framework supporting an overall diagnosis. While modern neurologists need not also be geneticists, it is essential that they possess a firm understanding of the basics of human genetics in order to be fully prepared to confront the litany of diagnostic information available today. This is becoming more true as the use of clinical exome and genome sequencing becomes increasingly widespread. In this chapter we will discuss these essential basics and present examples of how genetic information has informed our understanding of disease definition and etiology, show how it is utilized in the practice of neurology today, and how it will be used even more extensively in the future. Given the massive acceleration in technology, from microarrays to the methods enabling complete and efficient human genome sequencing, this future is close at hand and the era of genomic medicine is well underway.
The basic principles of molecular genetics are outlined in Fig. 48.1 and Table 48.1 , and more detailed descriptions can be found elsewhere ( ; ; ; ). To briefly summarize, DNA, found in the nucleus of all cells, comprises the raw material from which heritable information is transferred among individuals, with the simplest heritable unit being the gene. DNA is composed of a series of individual nucleotides, all of which contain an identical pentose (2′-deoxyribose)-phosphate backbone but differ at an attached base that can be adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), or cytosine (C). A and G are purine bases and pair with the pyrimidine bases T and C, respectively, to form a double-stranded helical structure which allows for semiconservative bidirectional replication, the means by which DNA is copied in a precise and efficient manner. In total, there are approximately 3.2 billion base pairs in human DNA. By convention, a DNA sequence is described by listing the bases as they are expressed from the 5′ to 3′ direction along the pentose backbone (e.g., 5′-ATGCAT-3′), as this is the order in which it is typically used by the cellular machinery, also called the sense strand (compare with RNA, later). The opposite paired, or antisense , strand is arranged antiparallel (3′–5′) and can also be referred to when discussing sequence; however, by convention this is generally not done unless that strand is also transcribed into RNA.
Allele | Alternate forms of a locus (gene) |
Anticipation | Earlier onset and/or worsening severity of disease in successive generations |
Antisense | Nucleic acid sequence complementary to mRNA |
Chromosome | Organizational unit of the genome consisting of a linear arrangement of genes |
Cis -acting | A regulatory nucleotide sequence present on the molecule being regulated |
Codon | A three-nucleotide sequence representing a single amino acid |
Complex disease | Disease exhibiting non-Mendelian inheritance involving the interaction of multiple genes and the environment |
De novo | A mutation newly arising in an individual and not present in either parent |
Diploid | A genome having paired genetic information; half-normal number is haploid |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid; used for storage, replication, and inheritance of genetic information |
Dominant | Allele that determines phenotype when a single copy is present in an individual |
Endophenotype | Subset of phenotypic characteristics used to group patients manifesting a given trait |
Epigenetic | Relating to heritable changes in gene expression resulting from DNA, histone, or other modifications that do not involve changes in DNA sequence |
Exome | Portion of the genome representing only the coding regions of genes |
Exon | Segment of DNA that is expressed in at least one mature mRNA |
Expressivity | The range of phenotypes observed with a specific disease-associated genotype |
Frameshift | DNA mutation that adds or removes nucleotides, affecting which are grouped as codons |
Gene | Contiguous DNA sequence that codes for a given mRNA and its splice variants |
Gene therapy | A technique designed to treat disease through the modification or replacement of a gene or its product(s). |
Genome | A complete set of DNA from a given individual |
Genotype | The DNA sequence of a gene |
Haplotype | A group of alleles on the same chromosome close enough to be inherited together |
Hemizygous | Genes having only a single allele in an individual, such as the X chromosome in males |
Heteroplasmy | A mixture of multiple mitochondrial genomes in a given individual |
Heterozygous | Genes having two distinct alleles in an individual at a given locus |
Homozygous | Genes having two identical alleles in an individual at a given locus |
Intron | Segment of DNA between exons that is transcribed into RNA but removed by splicing |
Kilobase | 1000 bases or base-pairs |
Linkage disequilibrium | The co-occurrence of two alleles more frequently than expected by random chance, suggesting they are in close proximity to one another |
Locus | Location of a DNA sequence (or a gene) on a chromosome or within the genome |
Lyonization | The process of random inactivation of one of the pair of X chromosomes in females |
Marker | Sequence of DNA used to identify a gene or a locus |
Megabase | 1,000,000 bases or base-pairs |
Meiosis | Process of cellular division that produces gametes containing a haploid amount of DNA |
Mendelian | Obeying standard single-gene patterns of inheritance (e.g., recessive or dominant) |
Microarray | A glass or plastic support (e.g., slide or chip) to which large numbers of DNA molecules can be attached for use in high-throughput genetic analysis |
Missense | DNA mutation that changes a given codon to represent a different amino acid |
Mitosis | Process of cellular division during which DNA is replicated |
Nonsense | DNA mutation that changes a given codon into a translation termination signal |
Penetrance | The likelihood of a disease-associated genotype to express a specific disease phenotype |
Phenotype | The clinical manifestations of a given genotype |
Polygenic risk score | A number derived based on variation observed across multiple genetic loci weighted to enhance prediction of complex disease |
Polymorphism | Sequence variation among individuals, typically not considered to be pathogenic |
Precision health | A medical model promoting health care through the utilization of genomic, clinical, environmental, lifestyle, and other personal data to develop treatment and/or risk prevention strategies unique to the individual patient |
Probe | DNA sequence used for identifying a specific gene or allele |
Promoter | DNA sequences that regulate transcription of a given gene |
Protein | Functional cellular macromolecules encoded by a gene |
Recessive | Allele that determines phenotype only when two copies are present in an individual |
Relative risk | The ratio of the chance of disease in individuals with a specific genetic susceptibility factor over the chance of disease in those without it |
Resequencing | A method of identifying clinically relevant genetic variation in a candidate gene of interest by comparing the sequence in individuals with disease to a reference sequence |
RNA | Ribonucleic acid; expressed form of a gene, called messenger or mRNA if protein coding |
Sense | Nucleic acid sequence corresponding to mRNA |
Silent | DNA mutation that changes a given codon but does not alter the corresponding amino acid |
SNP | Single nucleotide polymorphism |
Splicing | RNA processing mechanism where introns are removed and exons joined to create mRNA; in alternative splicing, exons are utilized in a regulated manner within a cell or tissue |
Trans -acting | A regulatory protein that acts on a molecule other than that which expressed it |
Transcription | Cellular process where DNA sequence is used as template for RNA synthesis |
Transcriptome | The complete set of RNA transcripts produced by a cell, tissue, or individual |
Translation | Cellular process where mRNA sequence is converted to protein |
The expression of a gene is tightly and coordinately regulated (see Fig. 48.1 ), an important consideration for understanding the molecular mechanisms of disease. The typical gene contains one or more promoters : DNA sequences that allow for the binding of a cellular protein complex that includes RNA polymerase and other factors that faithfully copy the DNA in the 5′–3′ direction in a process known as transcription . The resulting single-stranded molecule contains a ribose sugar unit in its backbone and thus the resulting molecule is termed ribonucleic acid , or RNA. RNA also differs from the template DNA by the incorporation of uracil (U) in place of thymine (T), as it also pairs efficiently with adenine, and thymine serves a secondary role in DNA repair that is not necessary in RNA. The sequence of the RNA matches the sense DNA strand and is therefore complementary to (and hence derived from) the antisense strand.
Transcribed coding RNA must be processed to become protein-encoding messenger RNA (mRNA), a term used to differentiate these RNAs from all other types of RNA in the cell. To become mature, RNA is stabilized by modification at the ends with a 7-methylguanosine 5′ cap and a long poly-A 3′ tail. A further critical stage in the maturation of the RNA molecule involves a rearrangement process termed RNA splicing ( Fig. 48.2 ). This is necessary because the expressed coding sequences in DNA, called exons , of virtually every gene are discontinuous and interspersed with long stretches of generally nonconserved intervening sequences referred to as introns . This, along with other mechanisms, likely plays an evolutionary role in the development of new genes by allowing for the shuffling of functional sequences ( ). Nascent RNA molecules are recognized by the spliceosome , a protein complex that removes the introns and rejoins the exons. Not every exon is utilized at all times in every RNA derived from a single gene. Exons may be skipped or included in a regulated manner through alternative splicing, which occurs in nearly 95% of all genes to create different isoforms of that mRNA. This is especially prominent in the nervous system, where alternative splicing is not only prevalent but also highly conserved ( ), reflecting critical aspects of normal neuronal function and links to human disease. The dynamic nature of this observation is critical to a complete understanding of cellular gene expression. DNA is essentially a storage molecule, and with few exceptions in the absence of mutagens, its sequence remains static and, aside from epigenetic events, is therefore limited to a genetic regulatory role as a transcriptional rheostat. Current estimates place the number of individual human protein-coding genes at roughly 21,000 ( ), so it is difficult to reconcile biological and clinical diversity with simple variations in expression. Alternative splicing provides a means of dramatically elevating this diversity by enabling a single gene to encode multiple proteins with a wide array of functions. Supporting this, early analysis of RNA complexity in human tissues suggested that there were at least seven alternative splicing events per multi-exon gene, generating over 100,000 alternative splicing events ( ), with more recent estimates raising that number to over 300,000 across the genome ( ). Because alternative splicing and other forms of RNA processing can be subject to complex layers of temporal and spatial regulation, particularly in the human brain ( ), it is a robust source for both biological diversity and disease-causing mutations (see Polymorphisms and Point Mutations).
The central dogma of genetics has been that DNA is transcribed into RNA that is then translated into protein—the “business” end of the process. So, following its transcription from DNA in the nucleus, mRNA is transported out of the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and possibly to a specific subcellular location depending on the mRNA, where it can be deciphered by the cell. This takes place via interaction with a complex known as the ribosome , which binds the mRNA and converts its genetic information into protein via the process of translation . The ribosome initiates translation at a pre-encoded start site and converts the mRNA sequence into protein until a designated termination site is reached. Sequence information is read in three-nucleotide groups called codons , each of which specifies an individual amino acid. With the four distinct bases, there are mathematically 64 possible codons, but these have an element of redundancy and code for only 20 different amino acids and 3 termination signals (UAG, UGA, and UAA), also called stop codons . The start codon is ATG and codes for methionine. These amino acids are joined by the ribosome to synthesize a protein. This protein, which may undergo further modification, will ultimately carry out a programmed biological function in the cell. Regulation of this process is highly coordinated and important in learning, for example, where activity-dependent translation at the synapse underlies some aspects of synaptic plasticity, which may go awry in certain disorders such as fragile X syndrome and autism ( ). In other cases, such as repeat-associated non-ATG (RAN) translation, specific mutations causing disruption of this fundamental process can be an important mechanism underlying neurological disease ( ; see Repeat Expansion Disorders).
Over the past decade, the discovery of several classes of functional non-protein-coding RNAs has added additional complexity to our understanding of how the genetic code is manifest at the level of cellular function. Of these, microRNAs (miRNAs) are increasingly being recognized as vital players in gene regulation and neurological disease ( ). Nascent miRNA molecules are processed to form short (approximately 22-nucleotide) RNA duplexes that target endogenous cellular machinery to specific coding RNAs and induce post-transcriptional gene silencing through a diverse repertoire including RNA cleavage, translational blocking, transport to inactive cell sites, or promotion of RNA decay ( ). Depending on the cell and the context, miRNA activity can result in specific gene inactivation, functional repression, or more subtle regulatory effects, and may involve multiple RNAs in a given biological pathway ( ). Estimates suggest that miRNAs may regulate 30% of protein-coding genes, implicating these molecules as important targets for future research into the biology of neurological disease ( ).
For a specific disease-related gene, the DNA sequence present within an individual is referred to as their genotype , and the expression of that code often results in a feature (or features) that can be observed or measured, known as the phenotype . Genes are further organized into higher-order structures termed chromosomes , which together compose the entire set of DNA, or genome , of the individual. The human genome is diploid, meaning we possess 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 autosomes, and 1 sex chromosome. Consequently, normal individuals possess two copies (or alleles) of every autosomal gene, one from the mother and one from the father. Because there are two distinct sex chromosomes, X and Y, genes on these chromosomes are expressed in a slightly different manner, discussed in more detail later for the sex-linked disorders.
It is important to emphasize that most genes are not simply “on” or “off.” In reality, cells maintain strict regulatory control over their genes. Some genes, such as those required for cell structure or maintenance, must be expressed constitutively, but genes with specific precise functions may only be needed in certain cells at certain times under certain conditions. Potential levels of regulation are depicted in Fig. 48.1 and include virtually every stage of gene expression. Initially, genes can be regulated at the level of transcription, ranging from the regulated binding of histone proteins, which leads to chromosome condensation, inactivating genes, to the coordinated activity of protein factors that activate or repress gene transcription in response to cell state, environmental conditions, or other factors. Once expressed, the RNA is subject to processing regulation, particularly through alternative splicing, as already discussed. Transport of the mRNA and its translation provide additional steps for cellular regulation. Last, the final protein can be subject to control via post-translational modifications or interactions with other proteins. To operate, all these levels of regulation require trans-acting factors, such as proteins, which stimulate or repress a particular step, as well as cis-acting elements, sequences recognized and bound by the regulatory factors.
Epigenetics , or the study of heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence itself, is emerging as an important aspect of both gene regulation and neurological disease ( ). These changes can involve several mechanisms including methylation of the DNA, modification of histone proteins, chromatin remodeling, expression of noncoding RNAs, and RNA editing, all of which may occur in response to a variety of intracellular or environmental signals ( ). Disruption of epigenetic mechanisms can cause Mendelian neurological disease (see Imprinting), as can impairment of the function of factors that mediate these epigenetic mechanisms ( ). Epigenetics may also play a role in sporadic disease, as a recent study reported the H1 haplotype of the MAPT gene to be differentially methylated in a dose-dependent manner in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy ( ), suggesting an epigenetic mechanism for the disease risk associated with the presence of that haplotype. Further studies investigating the role of these pathways genome-wide in clinical populations will likely uncover more associations with disease and disease risk ( ).
These detailed levels of regulation provide a dynamic and expansive capability to precisely control cellular function, essential for growth, development, and survival in an unpredictable environment. This also provides many potential points at which disease can arise from disrupted regulation, however. Consequently, a defective gene could cause disease directly through its own action or indirectly by disrupting regulation of other cellular pathways. For example, the forkhead box P2 (FOXP2) transcription factor regulates the expression of genes thought to be important for the development of spoken language ( ). Mutations in this gene cause an autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by impairment of speech articulation and language processing ( ). However, other mutations in this gene are responsible for approximately 1%–2% of sporadic developmental verbal dyspraxia ( ), likely via downstream effects. Mutation of the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2), which regulates chromatin structure, causes the neurodevelopmental disorder Rett syndrome, but other mutations in this gene can cause intellectual disability (ID) or autism ( ). Similarly, the RBFOX1 protein (also called ataxin 2 binding protein 1, or A2BP1), a neuron-specific RNA splicing factor ( ) predicted to regulate a large network of genes important to neurodevelopment ( ), causes autistic spectrum disorder when disrupted ( ) but has also been implicated as a susceptibility gene associated with both primary biliary cirrhosis ( ) and hand osteoarthritis ( ), presumably due to downstream effects or specific effects in non-neural tissues. This concept of genes acting on other genes will be explored further later (see Common Neurological Disorders and Complex Disease Genetics).
In addition to the complexity of regulatory mutations that affect gene expression by altering RNA or protein levels or by disrupting RNA splicing, there are certain mutations that do not cause protein dysfunction but instead have effects restricted to the RNA itself. For example, RNA inclusions are found in several forms of triplet repeat disorders (see Repeat Expansion Disorders) including myotonic dystrophy type 1 and the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS; ). The latter is particularly interesting from a genetic standpoint, because a disorder of late-onset progressive ataxia, tremor, and cognitive impairment occurs in carriers of FMR1 alleles of intermediate sizes, which are not full fragile-X-causing mutations ( ). FXTAS is a dominant gain-of-function disease that occurs via an entirely different mechanism than the recessive loss-of-function disease that is fragile X syndrome ( ). FXTAS pathogenicity appears related to repeat-associated non-AUG-initiated translation of a cryptic polyglycine protein ( ), an example of a rapidly emerging mechanism in several RNA-mediated neurodegenerative disorders, including DM1 myotonic dystrophy, C9orf72-mediated amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and several others ( ). Primary disorders of RNA still represent relatively uncharted territory and it is likely that more RNA-specific diseases will be identified. This is particularly exciting for many reasons, not the least of which is that certain classes of these disorders may be amenable to therapy ( ).
As dictated by the principles of natural selection, most genetic variation is not deleterious, and the induced phenotypic variability can be beneficial as a source on which evolution may act. From a clinical standpoint, it is helpful to dichotomize genetic variation into common and rare variation, while accepting that genetic variation is likely a continuum, and the choice of cutoff could be considered arbitrary. Rare genetic variants are of low frequency in the population (<1% frequency), either because they are deleterious and selected against or because they are new and most often benign. Common genetic variation (>1%–5% population frequency), on the other hand, is adaptive, neutral, or not deleterious enough to be subject to strong negative selection; such variants are referred to as polymorphisms . The preeminent genetic model has been that common disease susceptibility is related to common genetic variation, and more rare forms of disease are caused by rare genetic variants, so-called mutations, which act in a Mendelian fashion. In contrast, common variants or polymorphisms may increase susceptibility for disease, but each variant alone is not sufficient to cause disease. Instead, hundreds or thousands of variants necessarily act in combination to lead to disease risk, which is termed “ polygenic risk ” ( ; see Common Neurological Disorders and Complex Disease Genetics).
The most prevalent form of genetic polymorphism is the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), which occurs on average every 300–1000 base pairs in the human genome. Most of these SNPs are relatively benign on their own and do not directly cause disease, so for the purposes of this initial discussion, we will concern ourselves primarily with mutations: rare genetic variants sufficient to cause disease. Pathogenic mutations can occur in numerous ways and vary from single nucleotide changes to gross rearrangements of chromosomes ( Fig. 48.3 ). Owing to the large volume of DNA in the human genome, heritable mutations can arise spontaneously in the germline over time through errors in DNA replication or from DNA damage by metabolic or environmental sources, despite the constant surveillance of extensive cellular preventive proofreading and repair mechanisms. Thus, mutations can be inherited from the parent or occur de novo in the germline. An example of a common de novo variant is trisomy 21, which causes Down syndrome (discussed further in Chromosomal Analysis and Abnormalities). The smallest pathogenic alterations, termed point mutations , involve a change in a single nucleotide within a DNA sequence. A point mutation can result in one of three possible effects with respect to protein: (1) a change to a different amino acid, called a missense mutation ; (2) a change to a termination codon, called a nonsense mutation ; or (3) creation of a new sequence that is silent with regard to protein sequence but alters some aspect of gene regulation, such as RNA splicing or transcriptional expression levels. Nonsense mutations can cause premature truncation of a protein, a potentially disastrous effect, often leading to production of a nonfunctional protein. Missense mutations, in contrast, can affect a protein in different ways depending on the chemical properties of the new amino acid and whether the change is located in a region of functional importance.
It is often not possible to determine the outcome of specific missense changes, or even nonsense ones, without experimental evidence. The term “mutation” thus should be reserved only for those changes known to cause disease, with the typical description of such alterations being “variants.” For example, genome sequencing demonstrates that more than 100 nonsense variants may exist per genome, and the vast majority are expected to be relatively benign ( ; see Genome/Exome Sequencing in Clinical Practice, Disease Gene Discovery, and Gene Therapy). In many cases, the pathogenicity of rare missense variants is not immediately discernible, and without strong statistical or functional evidence, labeling such genetic variation a mutation is premature and may be misleading. As our knowledge of normal human genetic variation grows, it is likely that most of these, including even some variants thought previously to cause rare Mendelian diseases, will be reclassified as benign genetic variation. This is not surprising, as even a complete knockout of one allele caused by a premature stop codon (haploinsufficiency) may have no discernible effect on gene function for a majority of genes in the human genome ( ). In some cases, Mendelian diseases may even require combinations of variants in more than one gene ( ) before a phenotype is observed, further illustrating the challenge of predicting pathogenicity.
Occasionally, silent coding or noncoding variants may cause disease if they damage sequences important for gene expression (e.g., transcriptional and/or RNA processing regulatory elements). It has been estimated that up to half of all disease-causing mutations impact RNA splicing, which can have dire consequences given the importance of splicing to regulated gene expression. Such is the case for FTD with parkinsonism, linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), where in some populations, the most common mutations disrupt splicing, causing a pathogenic imbalance in tau isoforms ( ). As for noncoding mutations, given the large volume of such sequences in the human genome—perhaps up to 96%—and our still imprecise ability to predict sequences required for regulation or to interpret identified sequence changes without direct experimentation ( ), the majority of these mutations likely go unrecognized. Advances in next-generation sequencing and bioinformatic technologies are beginning to examine larger populations of patients globally for both coding and noncoding variants and are expected to expand our understanding of the role of these types of mutation in human disease.
Small deletions and insertions can occur through slippage and strand mispairing at regions of short, tandem DNA repeats during replication. If the deletion or insertion is not a multiple of three, a frameshift will result, which leads to the translation of an altered protein sequence from the site of the mutation. On a larger scale, errors of chromosomal replication or recombination can result in inversions, translocations, deletions, duplications, or insertions ( ). When the region of deletion or duplication is greater than 1 kb, this is referred to as a copy number variation (CNV). CNV is far more common than previously suspected, and it is estimated that at least 4% of the human genome varies in copy number ( ), much of which is commonly observed in the population and benign ( ). However, some rare CNVs such as the recurrent chromosome 17p12 duplication underlying most cases of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) type 1A ( ) or the alpha-synuclein triplication that can cause Parkinson disease (PD; ) are pathogenic and act in a Mendelian fashion. Even though such changes may be extensive, they may not be pathogenic if they do not disrupt expression of any key genes. This is particularly true for balanced translocations where genetic material is rearranged between chromosomes, yet no significant portion is actually lost. Although an individual with such a condition may be normal, if the germline is affected their offspring may receive unbalanced chromosomal material and consequently develop a clinical phenotype ( ), which may be quite severe. CNVs will be discussed in greater detail when we consider common and complex disease genetics (see Copy Number Variation and Chromosomal Microarray Analysis).
Most mutations thus far discussed pass from parent to offspring unaltered, and in large affected families, the identical mutation can potentially be traced back generations. In contrast, there is a specific class of mutation, the repeat expansion ( ; Table 48.2 ), which is unstable and can present with earlier onset and increasing severity in successive generations, a process known as anticipation . There are several examples of diseases caused by expanded repeats in coding sequence (e.g., the common dominant spinocerebellar ataxias [SCAs], HD), as well as examples in noncoding sequence (e.g., fragile X syndrome, myotonic dystrophy) and within an intron (e.g., Friedreich ataxia). Interestingly, virtually all these disorders show neurological symptoms that can include such features as ataxia, ID, dementia, myotonia, or epilepsy, depending on the disease. The most common repeated sequence seen in these diseases is the CAG triplet, which codes for glutamine. Its expansion is seen in a variety of the SCAs including SCA types 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 17, and dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA). In addition to protein-specific effects, these disorders likely share a common pathogenesis due to the presence of the enlarged polyglutamine repeat regions. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that bidirectional transcription may occur from these repeat regions in many of the disorders, through a process termed RAN translation, producing polypeptide proteins which may disrupt metabolism, induce toxic cellular effects, and lead to disease ( ). In some disorders, the phenotype can be quite different depending on the number of repeats, such as in the FMR1 gene, where more than 200 CCG repeats cause fragile X syndrome, but repeats in the premutation range of 60–200, from which fully expanded alleles arise, can result in FXTAS or premature ovarian failure ( ). Although, in general, the underlying mutation is similar, each specific repeat expansion has distinct effects on its corresponding gene, and thus in addition to varying phenotypes, they may also show very different inheritance patterns, as illustrated later (see Disorders of Mendelian Inheritance).
Disease | Locus | Gene Symbol | Protein Name | Protein Function | Normal Repeat ∗ | Repeat Location † | Expanded Repeat ‡ |
9p21.2 | C9orf72 | C9orf72 protein | Unknown | ≤23 GGGGCC | Promoter 5′ UTR |
≥700 |
DM1 | 19q13.2-q13.3 | DMPK | Dystrophia myotonica protein kinase | Ser/Thr protein kinase | ≤34 CTG | 3′ UTR | ≥50 |
DM2 | 3q13.3-q24 | ZNF9 | Zinc finger protein 9 | Translational regulation | ≤26 CCTG | Intronic | ≥75 |
DRPLA | 12p13.31 | ATN1 | Atrophin-1 | Transcription | ≤35 CAG | Coding | ≥48 |
Xq27.3 | FMR1 | Fragile-X mental retardation protein | Translational regulation | ≤40 CGG | 5′ UTR | >200 60–200 § |
FRDA | 9q13 | FXN | Frataxin | Mitochondrial metabolism | ≤33 GAA | Intronic | ≥66 |
HD | 4p16.3 | HTT | Huntington | Unknown | ≤26 CAG | Coding | ≥36 |
SBMA | Xq11-q12 | AR | Androgen receptor | Transcription | ≤34 CAG | Coding | ≥38 |
SCA1 | 6p23 | ATXN1 | Ataxin-1 | Transcription | ≤38 CAG | Coding | ≥39 |
SCA2 | 12q24 | ATXN2 | Ataxin-2 | RNA processing | ≤31 CAG | Coding | ≥32 |
SCA3 | 14q24.3-q31 | ATXN3 | Ataxin-3 | Protein quality control | ≤44 CAG | Coding | ≥52 |
SCA6 | 19p13 | CACNA1A | Ca V 2.1 | Calcium channel | ≤18 CAG | Coding | ≥20 |
SCA7 | 3p21.1-p12 | ATXN7 | Ataxin-7 | Transcription | ≤19 CAG | Coding | ≥36 |
SCA8 ¶ | 13q21 | ATXN8 | Ataxin-8 | Unknown | ≤50 CAG | Coding | ≥80 |
ATXN8OS | None | Unknown | ≤50 CTG | Noncoding | ≥80 | ||
SCA10 | 22q13 | ATXN10 | Ataxin-10 | Unknown | ≤29 ATTCT | Intronic | ≥800 |
SCA12 | 5q31-q33 | PPP2R2B | Protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B, beta | Mitochondrial morphogenesis | ≤32 CAG | 5′ UTR | ≥51 |
SCA17 | 6q27 | TBP | TATA box-binding protein | Transcription | ≤42 CAG | Coding | ≥49 |
∗ In some instances, normal/abnormal repeat length is an estimate due to adjacent polymorphic sequences.
† Location of repeat region within the expressed mRNA.
‡ Does not include alleles with known incomplete penetrance.
§ Premutation alleles for FRAXA result in the FXTAS phenotype.
¶ SCA8 involves bidirectional expression from two overlapping reading frames.
The DNA coding for an individual gene is generally too small to be visualized microscopically, but it is possible to observe the chromosomes as they condense during mitosis as part of cell division ( ; ). Traditionally, various staining techniques (e.g., Giemsa) are applied, producing a detailed pattern of banding along the chromosomes that is then photographed and aligned for comparative analysis. This arrangement and analysis of the chromosomes is known as a karyotype ( Fig. 48.4 ). Through these methods, it is possible to visually identify large chromosomal deletions, duplications, or rearrangements. If high-resolution banding techniques are employed, structural alterations as small as 3 Mb (3 million base pairs) can be detected. More sophisticated techniques can also be employed, such as fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). In this method, a short DNA sequence, or probe, that corresponds to a chromosomal region of interest is hybridized with the patient’s DNA and detected visually via excitation of a fluorescent label. FISH can improve on visual resolution by 10- to 100-fold and is in common use for detection of a large number of well-defined genetic syndromes ( ) such as 15q duplication syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome (22q11 deletion), and Smith-Magenis syndrome (17p11 deletion).
More recent technological developments involving microarray technology ( ) permit screening of the entire genome at high resolution (from kilobase to single nucleotide level) and are rapidly replacing techniques based on microscopic analysis. This technology is responsible for the emerging appreciation for the structural chromosomal variation in humans mentioned earlier, most of which is submicroscopic. We will first focus on chromosomal alterations that can be detected microscopically, and discuss small or rare structural variants subsequently (see Copy Number Variation and Chromosomal Microarray Analysis).
The most common chromosomal abnormalities encountered clinically involve sporadic aneuploidy, either a deletion leaving one chromosome, or a monosomy, or a duplication leaving three chromosomes, or a trisomy ( ). This occurs most frequently via nondisjunction, whereby chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis in the production of the gametes. The majority of aneuploidies are lethal, although there are a few that are viable and will be briefly discussed. Monosomy X (45,XO), also called Turner syndrome, is seen in approximately 1 of every 5000 births and results in sterile females of small stature with a variety of mild physical deformities including webbing of the neck, multiple nevi, and hand and elbow variations, with a very specific cognitive profile in patients with the full deletion ( ). Individuals with additional copies of the X chromosome are also seen. While both females (47,XXX) and males (47,XXY) may have varying degrees of learning disabilities, especially involving language and attention ( ), the males are referred to as having Klinefelter syndrome (KS) due to a phenotype also involving gynecomastia and infertility. XYY males have cognitive profiles similar to XXY males but several studies have suggested more severe social and behavioral problems in some individuals, especially increased aggression, which is rare in KS. Trisomy 21 (47, +21), or Down syndrome, includes profound intellectual impairment, flat faces with prominent epicanthal folds, and a predisposition to cardiac disease. At 1 in approximately 700 births, this is the most common genetic cause of ID and is associated with advanced maternal age at the time of conception. The other aneuploidies which can survive to term (trisomy 13 [47, +13], Edwards syndrome; trisomy 18 [47, +18], Patau syndrome) have much more severe phenotypes with drastically decreased viability, and death generally occurs within weeks to months after birth.
In this section we will consider genetic disorders caused by mutation of a single gene. Associating a clinical disease phenotype to the mutation of a specific gene has long been the goal of clinically based, or translational, neuroscience. It is expected that a more complete knowledge of the effects of genetic variants on gene function, coupled with environmental influences and lifestyle, will eventually lead to an understanding of the basis of disease etiology as well as more accurate diagnosis and better treatments, both for common and rare disease, a concept known as precision health ( ). The ability to determine the genetic nature of most single-gene disease is ultimately based upon the laws of inheritance devised by Mendel in the late 1800s ( ). To summarize these findings in a clinical context, the assumption is made that a phenotypic trait (or in this example, a disease) is caused by the alteration of a single gene. It is important to emphasize that this assumption does not always hold true, particularly for the more complex genetic diseases, as we will discuss later, but it is still true for many diseases seen by neurologists, and more than 5000 Mendelian conditions have been identified to date ( ). Now, if we accept the premise that a given disease is caused by a single gene, we know that for any individual, the gene exists as a pair of alleles with one copy from each parent. However, the alleles may not be equal, and one member of the pair may control the phenotype despite the presence of the other copy. In this case, we say that allele is dominant over the other, the latter of which is labeled as recessive . Depending on the gene and the mutation, as discussed later, a disease allele may be either dominant or recessive. Next, during the development of the gametes, these alleles segregate randomly in a process independent from all other genes. Therefore, the chance of a child receiving a particular allele is entirely random. If these laws all hold true, the observed inheritance of the clinical disease in families will follow a specific pattern that can be used to identify the nature of the causative gene. Although diseases showing Mendelian inheritance are either rare conditions or rare forms of common conditions (e.g., early-onset AD or PD), identification of such genes is a seminal biological advance that can have enormous impact on our understanding of these neurological conditions.
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