Clinical Correlations to Specific Phenotypes and Measurements With Classification Systems: Lumbosacral Spine


Over the past few decades, the management of lumbosacral spinal disease has become notoriously difficult, whereby complex biomechanics and heterogeneity in presenting conditions have challenged treating clinicians. In response, classification systems emerged, leading to expanded characterization of disease and improvements in treatment guidelines. Though the earliest classifications of the lumbosacral region were simply descriptive, advances in knowledge and technology have since led to systems resulting in measurable improvements in patient outcomes. Over time, the introduction of imaging techniques, such as plain radiographic films and tomography followed by CT, MRI, angiography, and myelography led to major advancements in taxonomic development. These advancements led to the identification of various phenotypes or measurements that could be used to categorize lumbosacral disease and injury, assess boney anomalies, disc vitality, and alignment of the lumbosacral spine in relation to adjacent vertebrae, discs, and soft tissues. This chapter aims to highlight lumbosacral classifications with emphasis on measurement, phenotypic variation, and the clinical relevance of the various systems proposed.

Current Classifications

Alignment (Spinal Curvature)

Adult spinal deformity

Adult spinal deformity (ASD) has conventionally been defined as aberrant curvature or alignment of the spinal vertebrae. While the vast majority of spinal deformity falls into the category of degenerative scoliosis, there are frequent incidences of ASD in patients with persistent adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. As such, increased precedence is being placed on examining other, atypical deformities as novel research continues to unravel the complex, heterogeneous nature of the various disorders that fall within the diagnosis. In 2006, the SRS and Schwab classifications were developed to address such issues and have subsequently been combined in routine clinical use. The SRS-Schwab classification leverages full-spine (free-standing) radiographs to assess the hip joints and femoral heads in relation to a patient’s underlying deformity. In 2008, Kuntz described the CKIV Classification, which utilized some of the parameters in the SRS classification, such as thoracic kyphosis (TK) and lumbar lordosis (LL), but placed precedence on developing an age-dependent system that was further subcategorized by abnormal characteristics (location, severity, pattern) as well as overall global spinal alignment ( Table 1 ). Finally, in 2012, the SRS-Schwab classification was modified to include updated pelvic parameters, such as pelvic tilt (PT), pelvic incidence-lumbar lordosis (PI-LL) mismatch, and Cobb angle, as these factors had been previously correlated with clinical outcomes, such as disability, pain, and quality of life scores ( Table 2 ).

Table 1
CKIV Classification of ASD
Patient age (year)
Infantile (0–2)
Juvenile (3–9)
Adolescent (10–18)
Adult (19–60)
Geriatric (> 60)
Spinal abnormality
Scoliotic, kyphotic, lordotic, mixed deformity curves
Major structural deformity curve standing deformity curve with greatest deviation from age-appropriate NUSA for 98.5% of the asymptomatic population
Scoliotic deformity curves
Scoliotic major structural deformity curve > age-appropriate NUSA for 98.5% of the population
Minor structural scoliotic curves remain > 25 degrees on side-bending radiographs
Scoliotic curves named for curve apex in spinal zones
Location (disc)
Occipitocervical: O-C2
Cervical: C2/C3 disc-C6/C7 disc
Cervicothoracic: C7-T1
Proximal thoracic: T1/T2 disc-T5
Main thoracic: T5/T6 disc-T11/T12 disc
Thoracolumbar: T12-L1
Lumbar: L1/L2 disc: L4/L5 disc
Lumbosacral: L5-S1
Kyphotic and lordotic deformity curves
Kyphotic major structural deformity curve > age-appropriate NUSA mean + 2.5 SD
Lordotic major structural deformity curve < age-appropriate NUSA mean − 2.5 SD
Minor structural kyphotic curves remain > adult NUSA mean + 1 SD on extension radiographs
Minor structural lordotic curves remain < adult NUSA mean − 1 SD on flexion radiographs
Kyphotic and lordotic curves named for Sagittal angle in spinal zones
Location (Vertebra)
Occipitocervical: O-C2
Cervical: C2-C7
Cervicothoracic: C6-T2
Proximal thoracic: T1-T5
Main thoracic: T4-T12
Thoracolumbar: T10-L2
Lumbar: L1-L5
Lumbosacral: L4-S1
Scoliokyphotic and scoliolordotic deformity curves
Structural scoliotic curve plus structural kyphotic curve in the same zone
Structural scoliotic curve plus structural lordotic curve in the same zone
Coronal imbalance
± Coronal imbalance, C7-S1 CVA (greater or less than age-appropriate NUSA mean ± 2.5 SD)
Sagittal imbalance
± Sagittal imbalance, C7-S1 SVA (greater or less than age-appropriate NUSA mean ± 2.5 SD)
Pelvic alignment, neutral
Coronal rotation PO > adult NUSA mean ± 2.5 SD
Sagittal rotation PT > or < adult NUSA mean ± 2.5 SD
NUSA , neutral upright spinal alignment.

Table 2
SRS Classification of Adult Spinal Deformity
Primary curve types
Single thoracic (ST)
Double thoracic (DT)
Double major (DM)
Triple major (TM)
Thoracolumbar (TL)
Lumbar “de novo”/idiopathic (L)
Primary sagittal plane deformity (SP)
Adult spinal deformity modifiers
Regional sagittal modifier (include only if outside normal range as listed)
(PT) Proximal thoracic (T2-T5): ≥+20 degrees
(MT) Main thoracic (T5-T12): ≥+50 degrees
(TL) Thoracolumbar (T10-L2): ≥+20 degrees
(L) Lumbar (T12-S1): ≥−40 degrees
Lumbar degenerative modifier (include only if present)
(DDD) 2 disc height and facet arthropathy based on X-ray include the lowest involved level between L1 and S1
(LIS) Listhesis (rotational, lateral antero, retro) ≥ 3 mm includes the lowest level between L1 and L5
(JCT) Junctional L5-S1 curve ≥ 10 degrees (intersection angle superior endplates L5 and S1)
Global balance modifier (include only if imbalance present)
(SB) Sagittal C7 plumb ≥ 5 cm anterior or posterior to sacral promontory
(CB) Coronal C7 plumb ≥ 3 cm right or left of CSVL
SRS definition of regions
Thoracic: apex T2-T11-T12 disc
Thoracolumbar: apex T12-L1
Lumbar: apex L1-L2 disc-L4
Criteria for specific major curve types
Thoracic curves
• Curve ≥ 40 degrees
• Apical vertebral body lateral to C7 plumbline
• T1 rib or clavicle angle ≥ 10 degrees upper thoracic curves
Thoracolumbar and lumbar curves
• Curve ≥ 30 degrees
• Apical vertebral body lateral to CSVL
Primary sagittal plane deformity
• No major coronal curve
• One or more regional sagittal measurements (PT, MT, TL, L) outside

The currently used classification systems allow for an understanding of the impact of disease, mostly by leveraging radiographic findings, yet fail to accurately prognosticate the likelihood of complication rates. The most commonly utilized system is the SRS classification, and while it provides pertinent information regarding previously unconsidered factors (pelvic tilt, incidence, etc.) it fails to take into consideration other potentially relevant factors (comorbidities, treatment, alignment, and patient goals). Perhaps the most commonly utilized system is the pelvic incidence/lumbar lordosis (PI-LL) mismatch calculation, which was described by the creators of the Schwab classification ( Fig. 1 ). The PI-LL mismatch is a quick, simple calculation that is commonly applied for evaluation and preoperative planning. Furthermore, the PI-LL mismatch is a diagnostic marker in other pathologies, such as adjacent segment disease after lumbar fusion or pelvic dissociation. A PI-LL mismatch < 10 degrees has traditionally been associated with improved postoperative health-related quality of life scores, though some recent evidence may suggest that differences up to 20 degrees may lead to acceptable outcomes as well.

Fig. 1, Spinopelvic radiographic parameters. LL , lumbar lordosis; PI , pelvic incidence; PT , pelvic tilt; SS , sacral slope.

Recent literature indicates the need to reevaluate our current parameters to identify associations with perioperative complication rates in ASD patients. While studies, such as Lafage et al., have described age-specific ASD classification systems, there still is ample opportunity to improve upon the current ASD schemes, as some researchers believe the patients’ symptomology should have a larger role in their classification and treatment. The current heterogeneity in the described classification systems at the time of the writing of this chapter further serves as evidence supporting the need for a more comprehensive system.

Facet Joints

Zygapophysial (“facet”) joints are small articulations found along the entire length of the spine, providing stability and a restricted range of motion between adjacent vertebral segments. As such, with increasing age and cumulative biomechanical stress, the facet joints may undergo progressive degeneration and become a consistent source of back pain and disability. Facet joints located in the lumbar spine are perhaps most susceptible to such pathology, as corresponding vertebral segments and intervertebral discs experience greater flexibility, axial loads, and other concomitant degenerative changes. Further, facet joint pathology has been notoriously difficult to identify through routine history and physical examination, as frequently the cause of pain, disability, or radicular symptoms is multifaceted and may require invasive diagnostic procedures to identify. Such considerations have led to the development of numerous imaging-based classification systems, with hopes that specific facet phenotypes may best correlate with presenting symptoms and help identify which patients will respond appropriately to specific interventions.

Lumbar facet arthropathy

Lumbar facet arthropathy (LFA) is a form of osteoarthritis that occurs in the lumbar zygapophysial joints. LFA is often portrayed as a result of degenerative processes, such as excessive loading or abnormal movement patterns, but may occur as a result of trauma as well. Generally speaking, LFA occurs as the synovium in the facet joint begins to fail, leading to erosions, decreased disc space, and subchondral osteosclerosis. LFA presents most commonly at L4-L5, though all levels of the lumbar vertebral column may be involved, and often results in complaints of chronic low back pain or radiculopathy due to spinal cord compression. Three classification systems are currently utilized to describe lumbar facet arthropathy ( Tables 3–5 ).

Table 3
Grogan et al. Classification
Grade Description
1 Uniformly thick cartilage which covers the articular surface plus well-defined cartilage over articular processes
2 Cartilage covers the entire articular surface with evidence of irregular regions or erosion, interspace is irregular or noncrescentic
3 Cartilage incompletely covers the articular surfaces with underlying bone exposed
4 Cartilage is absent from the articular surface (may have trace amounts). Voids are evident with low MRI signals within the interspace

Table 4
Weishaupt et al. Classification
Grade Criteria
0 Normal facet joint space (2 ± 4 mm width)
1 Narrowing of the facet joint space (< 2 mm) and/or small osteophytes and/or mild hypertrophy of the articular processes
2 Narrowing of the facet joint space and/or moderate osteophytes and/or moderate hypertrophy of the articular process and/or mild subarticular bone erosions
3 Narrowing of the facet joint space and/or large osteophytes and/or severe hypertrophy of the articular process and/or severe subarticular bone erosions and/or subchondral cysts

Table 5
Pathria et al. Classification
Grade Description
1 Normal; no degeneration
2 Mild; joint space narrowing or mild osteophyte
3 Moderate; sclerosis or moderate osteophyte
4 Severe; marked osteophyte or subchondral cysts

Despite expansive efforts concerning LFA classification schema development, there is no current consensus on any of these classifications. A study by Kettler et al. in 2006, which set kappa or ICC at > 0.40 (moderate agreement), was carried out to determine which system to recommend statistically for clinical use. Their efforts yielded two classifications that met their recommendation standards, namely the Pathria and Weishaupt systems. Additionally, they included the Grogan system, which is also utilized in clinical care, despite the that the classification did not meet study standards. As a whole, the agreement set on this study is low compared to the research community’s standards. The heterogeneity in classification systems as well as the lack of agreement at the time of the writing of this chapter necessitates further evaluation. Examination of which of the aforementioned systems correlates “better” with patient symptoms or clinical outcomes could be completed in a comparative analysis similar to that described by Kettler et al. in 2006.

Vertebral Endplate

Endplate degeneration

Modic changes (MC) are currently defined as signal changes in vertebral subchondral bone marrow present on magnetic resonance. The sentinel study by M.T. Modic et al., first described Modic changes in 1989 using T1-weighted sagittal MRI. These changes have been strongly associated with degenerative spinal pathologies, specifically degenerative disc disease. Type 1 MC has been correlated with low back pain (LBP) in numerous studies although its role in the pathogenies of LBP is under scrutiny. To date, three main types of MC have been delineated ( Fig. 2 ).

Fig. 2, Modic changes (A) type 1; (B) type 2; (C) type 3.

Currently, only Modic type 1 has been associated with low back pain in study populations, despite recent evidence the Modic type 2 changes may be more prevalent in individuals with greater fat mass. According to a study by Mitra et al., Modic changes represent a pathologic progression from acute (Modic type 1) to other chronic forms with Modic type 2 resulting in improvement of the patients’ symptoms. Overall, most hypotheses about the pathogenesis and role of Modic changes in degeneration are speculative, despite the classification’s widespread use in the research community. Continued analysis of the role of type 3 changes in spinal pathologies, with specific attention to the progression of degenerative etiologies, is necessary to elucidate the relationship with patient symptoms. Furthermore, it is important to note that recent studies have proposed a combined classification system that utilizes not only Modic changes, but Pfirrmann grading, high-intensity zones, and loss of disc height as well. Continued analysis of algorithmic approaches that leverage multiple classical scoring systems may provide better prognostic utility when evaluating the spine for degeneration.

Schmorl’s nodes

Schmorl’s nodes (SN) are a subclassification of herniation that results in the nucleus pulpous (NP) being pushed through the cartilage and endplate. In most cases, SN are asymptomatic findings on imaging modalities but may become painful over time. Despite numerous postulates as to the pathogenesis of SN (autoimmunity, trauma, degeneration, etc.), no single theory is currently accepted. Previous studies indicated SN is associated with the degeneration of the vertebral discs. With the wide variability of reported prevalence data, 3.8%–76%, precedence has been placed not only on examining the different etiologies of SN but on classifying it as well. Currently, at least one study has proposed a classification system. The classification is broken into five categories based on the contour, morphology, and typology of the lesion.

Despite continued research, such as that by Mok et al. which described the association between SN and disc degeneration, the clinical relevance of SN remains uncertain as the explanatory mechanism or pathogenesis to lower back pain has not been fully elucidated. Additionally, conflicting evidence about the progression of SN to disc degenerative symptomology exists, making prognostication inherently difficult. The initial results of the classification system described by Samartzis et al are promising with an excellent intraobserver (kappa = 0.88) and good interobserver reliability (mean kappa = 0.79). Despite the initial findings, it is important to note that the intraobserver reliability was calculated with a small observer sample size ( n = 2) and is a logical starting place for future analysis. Additionally, further studies investigating the prognostic utility and reliability of the aforementioned system as well as mechanistic evaluations of the pathophysiology of SN is necessary.

Intervertebral Discs

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