Clinical Aspects of Normal and Abnormal Labor


This work was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institutes of Health. The views expressed in this chapter are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the NICHD.

Normal Labor and Its Limits

The proper management of labor and delivery depends on a thorough understanding of the biology of normal labor. Given the inherent limitations in our knowledge of human labor, the astute clinician must take care to not draw firm conclusions and be willing to change his or her practice as new evidence and insights arise. Moreover, effective recognition and management of labor abnormalities require knowledge of the limits of labor and of the physiologic response of both the mother and the fetus to the stresses of labor and delivery.

Uterine contractions occur throughout normal pregnancy. These contractions are irregular in timing and intensity, discoordinate in distribution, and, for the most part, entirely painless. Such uterine activity continues in normal pregnancy until late in the third trimester, when the contractions become more frequent, of greater and more consistent intensity, and more coordinated. Also, during the latter part of the third trimester, effacement (shortening) and dilation of the cervix begin. At the end of this largely painless phase, clinical labor begins, defined as the onset of painful uterine contractions associated with effacement and dilation of the cervix.

The precise onset of this combination of events frequently cannot be ascertained, and for practical purposes clinicians must rely on the patient’s best estimate of when her labor contractions began or when they became regular in consistency and intensity. The specific onset of cervical effacement and dilation can rarely be documented in cases of spontaneous onset of labor; not uncommonly, both effacement and dilation occur late in the third trimester, before the onset of regular or noticeable uterine contractions. Therefore the precise onset of labor is difficult to determine, and much of what is written about false labor, prodromal labor, and the latent phase of labor is influenced by this uncertainty.

Hendricks and associates, who performed serial cervical examinations of 303 patients in the third trimester, studied these prelabor changes of the cervix. Cervical dilation began earlier and was of greater magnitude in multiparas than in primiparas. Cervical effacement, on the other hand, began earlier and was of greater magnitude in primiparas. These authors introduced the concept of the “cervical coefficient,” which is the product of cervical dilation (in centimeters) and the percentage of effacement. They found that, at any point in prelabor, the cervical coefficient was relatively the same for all patients regardless of parity. The mean cervical dilation during the last 3 days before the onset of labor was 1.8 cm for nulliparas and 2.2 cm for multiparas. Their study stressed the importance of the prelabor preparation of the cervix and its influence on the duration of labor. Their findings also demonstrated the difficulty of using a specific time for onset of labor if it is defined as the beginning of cervical dilation.

Categorization of Labor Events

By convention, labor is divided into three stages:

  • 1.

    First stage: from onset of labor to full dilation of the cervix

  • 2.

    Second stage: from full dilation of the cervix to delivery of the infant

  • 3.

    Third stage: from delivery of the infant to delivery of the placenta

Pritchard and MacDonald described a fourth stage of labor, comprising the hour immediately following delivery of the placenta.

One of the most thorough evaluations of the first stage of labor was that by Friedman, which has been conveniently summarized in a monograph. His graphostatistical analysis of labor in term patients , depicted the relationship between duration of labor and dilation as a sigmoid curve, reflecting its exponential nature. He divided the first stage of labor into two major phases:

  • 1.

    Latent phase: from the onset of regular uterine contractions to the beginning of the active phase

  • 2.

    Active phase: from the time at which the rate of cervical dilation begins to change rapidly (at about 3 to 4 cm of dilation in the 1950s) to full dilation

Data from several thousand patients in whom cervical dilation and the station of the presenting fetal part were documented throughout labor were used to establish normal limits of labor for nulliparous and multiparous patients. A group of nulliparas and a group of multiparas were selected who had no apparent complications of labor and who delivered normal infants. From these cases, the norms for “ideal” labor were determined ( Table 40.1 ). Descent of the fetal head in relationship to the ischial spines was found to begin well before the second stage. The rate of descent increased late in the first stage and continued linearly into the second stage of labor until the perineal floor was reached. Data for the maximum rate of descent and the length of the second stage of labor in all patients are also given in Table 40.1 .

TABLE 40.1
Characteristics of Labor in Nulliparas and Multiparas a
Data from Friedman EA. Labor: Clinical Evaluation and Management. 2nd ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1978.
Nulliparas Multiparas
Characteristic All Patients Ideal Labor All Patients Ideal Labor
Duration of first stage (hr)
Latent phase 6.4 ± 5.1 6.10 ± 4.0 4.80 ± 4.9 4.50 ± 4.2
Active phase 4.6 ± 3.6 3.40 ± 1.5 2.40 ± 2.2 2.10 ± 2.0
T otal 11.0 ± 8.7 9.50 ± 5.5 7.20 ± 7.1 6.60 ± 6.2
Maximum rate of descent (cm/hr) 3.3 ± 2.3 3.60 ± 1.9 6.60 ± 4.0 7.00 ± 3.2
Duration of second stage (hr) 1.1 ± 0.8 0.76 ± 0.5 0.39 ± 0.3 0.32 ± 0.3

a Mean ± SD.

Friedman formulated a series of definitions that have been incorporated into routine obstetric care. For example, he defined no cervical dilation for 2 hours as an arrest of the active phase of labor and a rate of dilation in the active phase of less than 1.2 cm/hr in nulliparous women or less than 1.5 cm/hr in multiparous women as a protracted active phase. His work has helped generations of obstetricians conceptualize progress in labor and has provided a standardized model for intervention. Moreover, he demonstrated that labor is an exponential process with a slow rate of dilation at the outset, followed by a rapid rise in rate.

Are Friedman’s labor curve and definitions applicable to populations a half-century later? Numerous studies done in the last 20 years indicate that the pattern of labor progression is different from what was observed in the 1950s and that the clinical cutoff points for intervention and the duration of those interventions derived from Friedman’s work are no longer clinically useful. , Zhang and associates, in a landmark paper using a statistical approach based on likelihood, demonstrated how different contemporary labor progression is from that described in earlier years. Differences include the following: (1) a gradual rather than an abrupt transition from latent to active-phase labor; (2) a length of active labor of 5.5 hours, rather than the 2.5 hours described by Friedman; (3) no deceleration phase; (4) the common occurrence of at least 2 hours elapsing in the active phase without cervical dilation; and (5) the 5th percentile for rate of dilation being less than 1 cm/hr.

The findings of Zhang’s group appear in Table 40.2 and Fig. 40.1 . The figure allows comparison of Friedman’s labor curves with those generated from contemporary practice. Rouse and colleagues , incorporated this finding of slower rates of progression in modern labor into a demonstration that extending the minimum period of oxytocin augmentation for active-phase labor arrest from 2 to at least 4 hours was both effective and safe. The curves from both eras are plots of dilation against time and mimic an exponential mathematical equation. Like a compound interest curve, they begin slowly and rise more quickly as time elapses. The exponential nature of this biologic function can exasperate the patience of the laboring woman, her family, and caregivers. It lends biologic support to the age-old adage, “Patience is the virtue of the obstetrician.”

TABLE 40.2
Expected Time Interval and Rate of Change at Each Stage of Cervical Dilation in Nulliparas a
Data from Zhang J, Troendle J, Yancey MK. Reassessing the labor curve in nulliparous women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2002;187:824.
Cervical Dilation (cm) Time Interval (hr) Rate of Cervical Dilation (cm/hr)
From 2 to 3 3.2 (0.6, 15.0) 0.3 (0.1, 1.8)
From 3 to 4 2.7 (0.6, 10.1) 0.4 (0.1, 1.8)
From 4 to 5 1.7 (0.4, 6.6) 0.6 (0.2, 2.8)
From 5 to 6 0.8 (0.2, 3.1) 1.2 (0.3, 5.0)
From 6 to 7 0.6 (0.2, 2.2) 1.7 (0.5, 6.3)
From 7 to 8 0.5 (0.1, 1.5) 2.2 (0.7, 7.1)
From 8 to 9 0.4 (0.1, 1.3) 2.4 (0.8, 7.7)
From 9 to 10 0.4 (0.1, 1.4) 2.4 (0.7, 8.3)

a Median (5th, 95th percentiles).

Figure 40.1, Changing patterns of cervical dilation in labor curves during the past half-century.

Zhang and colleagues, using data from the National Collaborative Perinatal Project, extended their repeated-measured analysis techniques to women who spontaneously labored. In these 26,838 parturients, the abdominal delivery rate was 2.6% and the induction rate was 7.1%. Despite the fact that this cohort was assembled more than 50 years ago, the low rate of obstetric intervention makes it an ideal cohort in which to study the natural history of the first stage of labor with minimal obstetric intervention that would alter the normal progression.

Among numerous important findings, they discovered that the inflection points on the aggregate labor curves that are indicative of the onset of the active phase occurred later than the timepoint of 3 to 4 cm cervical dilation previously described by Friedman. The inflection point was much later and less obvious in nulliparous women ( Fig. 40.2 ). Inflection points were at 5 to 5.5 cm in multiparous women, occurring slightly sooner in parity 2+ compared to parity 1.

Figure 40.2, Average labor curves by parity.

Tables were constructed from these data that demonstrate median duration of labor in hours by parity and cervical dilation ( Tables 40.3 and 40.4 ). Perusal of these tables shows that a parity 0 woman may require up to 4 hours to progress from 4 to 5 cm dilation. These tables suggest that boundaries for prolonged labor should be adjusted in clinical practice according to cervical dilation. A 2-hour cutoff is probably too short for women dilated less than 6 cm, and a 4-hour limit would be excessive after 6 cm.

TABLE 40.3
Duration of Labor (in Hours) by Parity, National Collaborative Perinatal Project, 1959–1966 a
From Zhang J, Troendle J, Mikolajczyk R, et al. The natural history of the normal first stage of labor. Obstet Gynecol. 2010;115:705.
Cervical Dilation (cm) Parity 0 Parity 1 Parity 2+
From 3 to 4 1.2 (6.6)
From 4 to 5 0.9 (4.5) 0.7 (3.3) 0.7 (3.5)
From 5 to 6 0.6 (2.6) 0.4 (1.6) 0.4 (1.6)
From 6 to 7 0.5 (1.8) 0.4 (1.2) 0.3 (1.2)
From 7 to 8 0.4 (1.4) 0.3 (0.8) 0.3 (0.7)
From 8 to 9 0.4 (1.3) 0.3 (0.7) 0.2 (0.6)
From 9 to 10 0.4 (1.2) 0.2 (0.5) 0.2 (0.5)
From 4 to 10 3.7 (16.7) 2.4 (13.8) 2.2 (14.2)

a Data are median (95th percentile).

TABLE 40.4
Duration of Labor (in Hours) in Nulliparas Based on Cervical Dilation at Admission, National Collaborative Perinatal Project, 1959–1966 a
From Zhang J, Troendle J, Mikolajczyk R, et al. The natural history of the normal first stage of labor. Obstet Gynecol . 2010;115:705.
Cervical Dilation (cm) Admitted at 2–2.5 cm Admitted at 3–3.5 cm Admitted at 4–4.5 cm Admitted at 5–5.5 cm
Adm. to 3 1.0 (8.5)
Adm. to 4 2.3 (12.6) 0.7 (6.5)
Adm. to 5 3.6 (15.3) 1.9 (10.5) 0.5 (5.4)
Adm. to 6 4.5 (17.0) 2.7 (12.4) 1.3 (8.4) 0.4 (3.4)
Adm. to 7 5.1 (18.0) 3.3 (13.3) 2.0 (10.1) 0.9 (5.5)
Adm. to 8 5.5 (18.8) 3.7 (14.1) 2.4 (11.4) 1.3 (6.6)
Adm. to 9 5.9 (19.8) 4.1 (15.2) 2.8 (12.7) 1.7 (8.2)
Adm. to 10 6.3 (20.7) 4.5 (16.2) 3.2 (14.1) 2.1 (9.3)
Adm., Admission.

a Data are median (95th percentile).

Since the 1960s, both maternal characteristics and obstetric practices have changed considerably. Pregnant women are older and heavier, and both advancing maternal age and increasing body mass index (BMI) are associated with progressively longer labor. Zhang’s group examined labor patterns in a more recent cohort of 62,415 low-risk parturients who achieved vaginal delivery in the Consortium on Safe Labor, a multicenter, retrospective, observational study in the United States from 2002 to 2008 (87% of the births occurred in 2005 to 2007). They found that progression of cervical dilation from 4 to 5 cm can take longer than 6 hours and that from 5 to 6 cm more than 3 hours. Another important finding was that the “average” duration of labor was not necessarily applicable to an individual parturient; rather, an upper limit (e.g., the 95th percentile) may be more useful in clinical management. Zhang proposed the use of a partogram instead of average labor transition times as a better instrument for defining labor arrest.

How best to measure and categorize labor remains controversial, and the ideal paradigm that describes the biology and is useful clinically has yet to be constructed and tested. There remains much to be discovered, and proponents of various approaches, including Friedman himself, continue to debate the topic. ,

Role of Maternal Obesity

As maternal BMI rises in the developed world, there is a linear rise in the diagnosis of dystocia and the need for abdominal delivery. , This relationship is particularly pertinent to the American clinician: in the United States in 2008, 33.8% of adults were obese. Kominiarek and colleagues, as part of the Consortium on Safe Labor, attempted to study how obesity affects labor progression. In 126,657 deliveries, the mean admission BMI was 30.5 kg/m 2 and more than 7% of the parturients had BMI greater than 40 kg/m 2 . Figs. 40.3 and 40.4 demonstrate the progression of dilation of parity 0 versus parity 1+ women. In both groups, labor was longer as obesity increased. The differences between normal-weight women and those with BMI greater than 40 kg/m 2 was more than 2 hours in nulliparous women and 1 hour in multiparous women. It is clear that maternal size has a significant impact on labor progression. Moreover, the risk for cesarean delivery increased by 5% in parity 0 women and by 2% in parity 1+ women for each 1 kg/m 2 increase in BMI. Others have documented that the first stage of labor is slower in obese women and that maternal size should be taken into account when assessing labor progress. These changes are independent of parity and birth weight.

Figure 40.3, Predicted probability of cesarean delivery based on body mass index (BMI) as a continuum stratified by parity and prior cesarean status.

Figure 40.4, Cesarean section rate and prepregnancy maternal body mass index (BMI).

Documentation of Labor Progression

One of the most important aspects of labor management is accurate and thorough documentation of the progress of labor or the lack thereof. Most authorities agree that a graphic display of intrapartum data that allows prompt visualization of the status and progress of cervical dilation, and in some cases descent of the presenting part, is an essential adjunct to intrapartum patient monitoring. This can be accomplished with a simple record of cervical dilation plotted against time on ruled graph paper or by a more comprehensive recording in graphic form of all intrapartum data related to the progress of cervical dilation.

If data about effacement and dilation of the cervix and station and position of the presenting part are recorded only in narrative form, early and significant abnormalities of labor may not be recognized as soon as they would be if a more visual display of labor progress were available. This is especially important if more than one attendant monitors the patient, as frequently occurs in a labor that is longer than normal or a labor that overlaps a change of shift in the hospital. Tabular and graphic displays of intrapartum data are entirely in keeping with the concept that labor and delivery are worthy of intensive surveillance, and they afford a convenient method of reviewing labor events in situations of an untoward fetal or maternal outcome.

The crucial factor in evidence-based management of labor is the timing of interventions such as amniotomy, stimulation of contractions with oxytocin, operative delivery, or, in much of the world, transfer from home to a unit for those interventions. A World Health Organization trial performed in multiple labor units across the world, in which a graphical partogram was relied on to time interventions, demonstrated reductions in prolonged labors, in the frequency of emergency abdominal delivery, and in the use of oxytocin augmentation. Therefore visual representation of dilation versus time can help clinicians improve the care of patients in labor.

This principle that visual representation of labor progress can improve clinical care of women in labor was demonstrated in a cluster randomized control trial completed in Norway. Bernitz and associates compared a World Health Organization graph for one based on Zheng’s findings and found no difference in the frequency of abdominal delivery in labor between the two groups. In support of the principle, units assigned to either of the two graphic approaches showed a reduction in cesarean deliveries in nulliparous patients compared to historical controls.

The compulsiveness, form, and orderliness of documentation of labor events need not interfere with compassionate, family-centered care of a woman in labor. In fact, the challenge of modern obstetrics is to manage a pregnancy with the least interference and yet maintain the capability of recognizing and correcting incipient complications at the earliest possible moment.

Management of Labor Abnormalities

Abnormalities of the First Stage

In attempting to extend Friedman’s work , into contemporary practice, with its longer duration of normal labors, the modern obstetrician is faced with confusing definitions, the applicability of which in the individual case cannot be certain. Other than the recommendations of Rouse and colleagues , to prolong augmentation in the face of second-stage arrest, we know of no new clinical guidelines for obstetricians to use. Moreover, Friedman’s management suggestions were made without experimental verification of the hypotheses underlying his thinking. Friedman’s framework —in which he described labor abnormalities, identified associated problems, detailed the prognosis for the mother and fetus, and recommended a course of management—remains clinically useful, although the actual definitions of labor arrest and onset of active phase are outdated.

Friedman reported that abnormalities of the first stage of labor occurred in 8% of parturients, with a much higher incidence among primiparas than among nulliparas. Philpott and Castle found that 11% of primiparas experienced abnormal labor progress in the first stage and required oxytocin augmentation. In a population-based study of 92,918 women, Sheiner and associates found that failure to progress complicated 1.3% of all labors and resulted in abdominal deliveries. Independent risk factors are listed in Table 40.5 .

TABLE 40.5
Factors Associated With Failure to Progress in the First Stage of Labor
Modified from Sheiner E, Levy A, Feinstein O, et al. Risk factors and outcomes of failure to progress during the first stage of labor: a population-based study. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002;81:224. Printed with permission from Blackwell Munksgaard.
Factor Odds Ratio 95% Confidence Interval
Premature rupture of membranes 3.8 3.2–4.5
Nulliparity 3.8 3.3–4.3
Labor induction 3.3 2.9–3.7
Maternal age >35 yr 3.0 2.6–3.6
Fetal weight >4 kg 2.2 1.8–2.7
Hypertensive disorder 2.1 1.8–2.6
Hydramnios 1.9 1.5–2.3
Fertility treatment 1.8 1.4–2.4

Prolonged Latent Phase

On the basis of the 95th percentile limit of the distribution of latent-phase duration in the primiparous population, 20 hours is considered the definition of an abnormal latent phase. For multiparas, the corresponding definition of prolonged latent phase is 14 hours. Sometimes it is difficult to ascertain the difference between a prolonged latent phase and so-called false labor. Friedman found that prolongation of the latent phase was associated with excessive sedation, prematurely administered epidural anesthesia, unfavorable cervical status, or myometrial dysfunction.

Although early studies suggested that prolongation of the latent phase was not associated with increased perinatal mortality and was not the harbinger of other abnormalities of labor, subsequent research showed otherwise. In a study of 10,979 patients in San Francisco, Chelmow and colleagues found that prolonged latent phase of labor, defined as longer than 12 hours for nulliparous patients and longer than 6 hours for multiparous patients, was associated with an increased risk for subsequent labor abnormalities, cesarean delivery, low Apgar score, and need for neonatal resuscitation. These risks for adverse outcomes remained significantly elevated even when data were controlled for other labor abnormalities, prolonged rupture of membranes, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, parity, and epidural use. In addition to the increased risk of cesarean delivery, a prolonged latent phase of labor in patients who delivered vaginally was associated with an approximately twofold increased incidence of third-degree and fourth-degree lacerations, febrile morbidity, and intrapartum blood loss.

One of the major problems with evaluation and management of the latent phase of labor is knowing at what hour labor began. Some authorities have used the time of admission to the hospital as a convenient starting point for judging when to intervene in the progress of labor. , , Hanley and colleagues systematically reviewed various definitions of the onset of labor and found little consensus or evidence of superiority of one definition over another. Friedman, however, regarded the onset of regular contractions as the beginning of labor and recommended intervention when the duration of the latent phase of labor reaches 20 hours in the primipara. He found that either adequate sedation (“therapeutic narcosis”) or oxytocin augmentation resulted in the resumption of normal cervical dilation. Because most patients are exhausted after 20 hours of labor, Friedman preferred therapeutic narcosis over oxytocin augmentation. For narcosis, he recommended morphine sulfate, 15 to 20 mg, with 10 to 15 mg more if the first dose has not made the patient somnolent and thereby inhibited uterine contractions. The obvious advantage of this therapy is that the patient awakens rested and refreshed and prepared for the active phase of labor.

Critics of this approach, especially O’Driscoll and Meagher, argued that waiting out 20 hours of latent phase before considering the labor to be abnormal only promotes exhaustion and discourages the patient. They advocated a protocol for active management of labor that has been practiced and evaluated at the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin. The protocol has several important features:

  • 1.

    Patients are admitted to the labor unit only when they are experiencing painful uterine contractions as well as complete effacement of the cervix, ruptured membranes, or passage of blood-stained mucus.

  • 2.

    Amniotomy is performed soon after admission for patients who have intact membranes.

  • 3.

    Oxytocin augmentation of labor is performed if the progress of labor is less than 1 cm/hr over a 2-hour period. Oxytocin infusion is begun at 4 mU/min and is increased by 6 mU/min every 15 minutes until there are seven contractions per 15 minutes. The oxytocin infusion rate does not exceed 40 mU/min.

  • 4.

    Continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring is used only if there is meconium-stained amniotic fluid and after the fetal scalp pH has been determined to rule out fetal acidosis.

  • 5.

    A nurse-midwife is in constant attendance with the patient throughout labor.

  • 6.

    The patient is assured that if her labor exceeds 12 hours, cesarean delivery will probably be performed.

  • 7.

    The progress of labor is documented on a simple graphic form, and the senior obstetrician in charge of the unit reviews all cases daily. A partogram, as described earlier, is used to time interventions.

  • 8.

    This approach to the management of labor is confined to nulliparas.

This active management protocol, with minor modifications, has also been evaluated in several obstetric services in the United States and other countries. These studies have consistently demonstrated a small but significant shortening of labor associated with active management. Although most have also demonstrated a decrease in the incidence of cesarean delivery for dystocia, the largest prospective and best-designed controlled trial showed no difference in the incidence of cesarean delivery for dystocia, although it did show shortened labor and a decreased incidence of maternal infection with the active management protocol.

Holmes and associates clearly demonstrated that women who present to the hospital with less than 3 cm dilation are more likely to undergo cesarean or operative vaginal delivery than women presenting with more advanced dilation. Interestingly, they found that women presenting with less than 3 cm dilation had spent less time at home (2.0 versus 4.5 hours) since the onset of painful uterine contractions. Their results imply that women who present with reduced cervical dilation could have intrinsically different labors than those who present with more advanced dilation. Murphy and coworkers and Falzone and colleagues made similar observations, noting that nulliparous women presenting in labor with unengaged and particularly floating (above −3/3 station) fetal heads had higher risks for obstetric intervention.

Protraction Disorders

Protraction disorders are those in which the progress of cervical dilation and descent of the fetal head occur at a slower than normal rate during the active phase of labor. The work by Friedman originally demonstrated that the rate of cervical dilation for nulliparas should be at least 1.2 cm/hr; for multiparas, it should be 1.5 cm/hr or faster. , For descent of the fetal head, the rate for nulliparas should be 1.0 cm/hr or faster; for multiparas, it should be 2.0 cm/hr. These criteria for minimum rates of cervical change represent the 95th percentiles for each parity category. More recently, the Consortium on Safe Labor found that nulliparous women who presented in spontaneous labor with vaginal delivery and normal perinatal outcome had longer 95th percentiles labor durations depending on the cervical dilation ( Table 40.2 ). The 95th percentile for labor duration was 7 hours from 4 to 5 cm cervical dilation and over 3 hours from 5 to 6 cm cervical dilation for multiparous women. In 2012, a joint summary was released by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. After reviewing the available evidence, the workshop concluded, “These data suggest that the historical criteria defining normal labor progress—cervical change of 1.2 cm/hr for nulliparous women and 1.5 cm/hr for multiparous women—are no longer valid.”

Friedman found protraction disorders in primiparas to be associated frequently with cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD), use of conduction anesthesia, and fetal malposition. Whether these factors are related in a cause-and-effect manner is not known. Moreover, he found oxytocin augmentation and therapeutic narcosis to be of little value in these cases. Friedman also noted unusually high neonatal mortality and morbidity rates when this labor abnormality was terminated by mid-forceps delivery; however, the diagnosis of a primary dysfunctional labor (i.e., persisting at a cervical dilation rate of <1.2 cm/hr) is usually made in retrospect, after oxytocin augmentation has been used and found not to increase the dilation rate.

The experiences of Beazley and Kurjak and those of O’Driscoll and Meagher suggested that an early, more active use of oxytocin, as described in the active management of labor protocol, effectively corrects most protraction disorders, although these authors did not specifically separate protraction disorders from arrest disorders. Those who advocate the active management of labor explain that the use of x-ray pelvimetry is unnecessary in the nulliparous patient, because rupture of the uterus does not occur with the recommended oxytocin augmentation. Therefore, in nulliparous patients with suboptimal progress of labor from any cause, it is safe to use a trial of oxytocin to determine whether labor will progress to completion.

Ganström and associates demonstrated significant differences in collagen content and collagen remodeling in the cervix and lower uterine segment in patients with protracted labors compared with those having normal labors. This finding may explain why some patients with protracted labor do not respond to oxytocin augmentation.

Arrest Disorders

Friedman originally defined an arrest disorder as the cessation of either cervical dilation or descent of the fetal head in the active phase of labor for longer than 2 hours. In their pure form, arrest disorders differ from protraction abnormalities in that, before the arrest of progress, the rate of cervical dilation or descent of the fetal head is normal. Arrest of progress can also complicate a protraction disorder. In either situation, Friedman found that 45% of the cases of arrest disorder were associated with CPD. Philpott and Castle also found that patients whose labor progress crossed the “action line” (i.e., those with protraction or arrest disorders) had smaller pelvic measurements and more often required cesarean delivery for CPD.

Because of the frequent association between arrest disorders and CPD, Friedman recommended radiographic cephalopelvimetry followed by cesarean delivery for those with CPD and oxytocin augmentation for the remainder. He found that 80% of women with arrest disorders who did not have CPD delivered after oxytocin augmentation. Philpott and Castle and O’Driscoll and Meagher found that radiographic studies are not required, especially in primiparas, and that a trial of oxytocin augmentation is indicated in all protraction and arrest disorders. With careful monitoring of mother and fetus and discontinuation of augmentation if there is no progress after 4 to 6 hours, patients are not in danger. This is the approach of most, if not all, obstetric services in the United States; radiographic cephalopelvimetry is seldom used in the management of abnormal labor in vertex presentations.

A notable exception is the use of the fetal-pelvic index by Morgan and Thurnau. This technique combines ultrasound measurement of the fetal head circumference (HC) and abdominal circumference (AC) with radiographic measurement of the maternal pelvic inlet circumference (IC) and midpelvic circumference (MC). The fetal-pelvic index is the sum of the two greatest positive circumference differences (i.e., HC−IC, HC−MC, AC−IC, or AC−MC). A positive fetal-pelvic index value indicates the presence of fetal-pelvic disproportion, and a negative fetal-pelvic index value indicates the absence of fetal-pelvic disproportion. This index had a 94% positive predictive value for cesarean delivery of patients with abnormal labor patterns. These authors also found the fetal-pelvic index to be useful in predicting the success of induction of labor and the success of attempted vaginal birth after previous cesarean delivery. Ferguson and colleagues were not able to confirm the efficacy of the fetal-pelvic index, and the method is not widely used.

Using labor progression guidelines based on the slower labor curves characteristic of modern parturients, Rouse and colleagues demonstrated the effectiveness of a new protocol to treat arrest disorders. Their protocol had three principal elements:

  • 1.

    An intent to achieve a sustained uterine contraction pattern of greater than 200 Montevideo units as measured by an intrauterine pressure catheter

  • 2.

    A minimum of 4 hours of oxytocin-augmented labor arrest with a contraction pattern of greater than 200 Montevideo units before proceeding to abdominal delivery for active-phase arrest (more liberal than the original Friedman cutoff of 2 hours)

  • 3.

    For patients who cannot achieve a sustained uterine contraction pattern of greater than 200 Montevideo units, administration of a minimum of 6 hours of oxytocin augmentation before proceeding to cesarean delivery for active-phase labor arrest

The researchers demonstrated not only the effectiveness (92% vaginal delivery rate) but also the safety of this approach, with no serious adverse maternal or perinatal effects. The only cost of liberalization of the minimums was an increased risk of maternal infection, with the risk proportional to the time elapsed.

These recommendations of Rouse and colleagues raise the issue of whether intrauterine pressure catheters are useful tools for clinicians managing labor abnormalities. Lucidi and colleagues reviewed the literature in 2001 and noted that there were no clinical trials testing the utility of this device. The technique is not included in the routines of the active management protocols described earlier. It would seem that partograms have a much stronger evidence basis than measurement of uterine contractibility to guide the timing of obstetric interventions. Bakker and associates systematically reviewed internal versus external tacodynamometry during labor and found no differences in any maternal or fetal outcome. These same authors from the Netherlands reported a randomized trial in 1456 women of internal versus external modalities and showed no differences in operative delivery or newborn outcomes.

Zhang and colleagues in the Consortium on Safe Labor compared oxytocin augmentation protocols in 15,054 women. Oxytocin regimen had no effect on cesarean delivery or other perinatal outcomes. Compared to regimens starting at 1 mU/min of oxytocin, those starting at 2 mU/min and 4 mU/min shortened duration of labor by 0.8 and 1.3 hours, respectively, in nulliparous women. Similar results were seen in parity 1+ women. Although the authors endorsed starting oxytocin augmentation protocols at higher doses, the reader should be mindful that these data were obtained within large, tertiary units. The findings may not be generalizable to smaller units with fewer resources to monitor mothers and their unborn babies. The small decreases in labor length must be weighed against any potential harms from higher-dose regimens.

Several authors have evaluated the effects of ambulation on the progress of labor. Flynn and coworkers found that patients who ambulated had more rapid labor with fewer instances of fetal distress than a similar number of patients who labored in bed. Williams and associates, studying 48 patients who ambulated, could find no differences in duration of labor or frequency of fetal distress compared with control patients. Read and colleagues studied 14 patients whose labors were regarded as requiring augmentation because of lack of progress attributed to inadequate contractions. Progress of labor was as rapid in the 8 patients who were randomized to an ambulation study protocol as in 6 control patients whose labors were augmented with oxytocin.

These studies suggest that ambulation is not detrimental to the progress of labor or the well-being of the fetus. However, these studies had an insufficient sample size and it has not been established whether ambulation is clearly beneficial or whether it is a substitute for pharmacologic augmentation of labor in cases of abnormal progress.

Abnormalities of the Second Stage

Abnormalities of Rotation and Descent

Textbooks of obstetrics traditionally have discussed the first and second stages of labor as if they were separate clinical and biologic entities, which they are not. Descent and rotation of the fetal head frequently occur before complete dilation of the cervix, a phenomenon that is clear to most clinicians and that was confirmed by the studies of Friedman. In addition to showing slower rates of cervical dilation than did Friedman, the contemporary data of Zhang et al. showed a slower rate of fetal head descent. As demonstrated in Table 40.6 and Fig. 40.5 , it can take up to 3 hours to descend from +1/3 to +3/3 station and an additional 30 minutes for delivery. Again, there is a clear need for practice guidelines to incorporate these new data.

TABLE 40.6
Expected Time Interval and Rate of Descent at Each Stage of Station a
Data from Zhang J, Troendle J, Yancey MK. Reassessing the labor curve in nulliparous women. Am J Obstet Gynecol . 2002;187:824.
Station (in Thirds) First and Second Stages Second Stage Only
From To Time Interval (hr) Rate (cm/hr) Time Interval (hr) Rate (cm/hr)
−2 −1 7.9 (0.9, 65) 0.2 (0.03, 1.8)
−1 0 1.8 (0.1, 23) 0.9 (0.07, 12)
0 +1 1.4 (0.1, 13) 1.2 (0.12, 12)
+1 +2 0.4 (0.04, 3.8) 4.4 (0.44, 42) 0.27 (0.02, 2.93) 6.2 (0.57, 3.9)
+2 +3 0.1 (0.02, 0.9) 12.8 (1.9, 83) 0.11 (0.02, 0.63) 15.2 (2.6, 83)

a Median (5th, 95th percentiles).

Figure 40.5, Patterns of cervical dilation and fetal descent in nulliparas.

Arrest of descent and rotation, whether it occurs before or after complete dilation of the cervix, is a matter of concern and requires evaluation. Arbitrary limits on the duration of the second stage of labor probably resulted from misinterpretation of the data presented by Hellman and Prystowsky. In their study, patients whose second stage of labor was longer than 2 hours were at increased risk for perinatal and maternal morbidity. This observation was interpreted by many clinicians to mean that delivery of the fetus should be accomplished, by whatever means, before 2 hours of the second stage had elapsed. This interpretation occasionally resulted in traumatic mid-forceps operations or unnecessary cesarean deliveries, not to mention overzealous use of the vacuum extractor. The reader should note that their recommendation of a 2-hour second stage limit antedates electronic fetal monitoring.

Cohen demonstrated that when patients with fetal distress or traumatic delivery are excluded, the duration of the second stage bears no relationship to perinatal outcome. If there are no serious fetal heart rate abnormalities, the mother is well hydrated and reasonably comfortable, and there is some progress in descent or rotation of the fetal head (regardless of how slow), there is no need for operative delivery. Similarly, Menticoglou and associates confirmed that the duration of the second stage of labor is in itself not related to untoward outcomes. Hansen and coauthors, in a trial of active versus passive pushing in the second stage, found that second-stage lengths as long as 4 to 9 hours had no harmful effects. Moreover, delayed pushing was better tolerated by patients and was associated with fewer fetal heart rate decelerations. In a meta-analysis of 20 studies, Lemos and associates found that delayed pushing leads to a shortening of actual time pushing and an increase in spontaneous delivery at the cost of an overall longer second stage of labor. They concluded that there is not evidence to endorse any style of pushing with or without epidural anesthesia. Rouse and colleagues performed a secondary analysis on 5341 participants in the fetal pulse oximetry trial and demonstrated that 55% of women with a second-stage labor lasting 3 hours or longer had a successful vaginal delivery. There was an increased risk of maternal morbidity, including chorioamnionitis, severe perineal lacerations, uterine atony, and blood transfusions. Admission to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and composite serious neonatal morbidity were also increased with a second stage lasting 3 hours or longer. Laughon and colleagues in the Consortium on Safe Labor assessed maternal and neonatal outcomes for deliveries ≥36 weeks with a prolonged second stage, defined as nulliparous women with epidural >3 hours and without >2 hours and multiparous women with epidural >2 hours and without >1 hour. Prolonged second stage was associated with increased chorioamnionitis and third-degree or fourth-degree perineal lacerations, regardless of parity or epidural status. Nulliparous women with an epidural who delivered after a prolonged second stage had additional increased rates of endometritis, wound separation, and postpartum hemorrhage; multiparous women who delivered with prolonged second stage regardless of epidural status had higher rates of postpartum hemorrhage. Neonatal morbidity with prolonged second stage included small increases in sepsis in nulliparous women regardless of epidural status, asphyxia in nulliparous women with epidural, and perinatal mortality in deliveries without an epidural. However, among the offspring of women with epidurals whose second stage was prolonged (3533 nulliparous and 1348 multiparous women), there were no cases of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or perinatal death. More data are needed to help determine the optimal cutoff for second stage labor.

After the cervix is dilated more than 7 cm, descent or rotation of the fetal head can be expected. If this does not occur, uterine contractions, if they are not adequate, should be augmented with oxytocin. Manual examination to determine the position of the fetal head and the dimensions and shape of the pelvis often helps at this point. Posterior presentation, brow presentation, marked degrees of asynclitism, and very large infants are associated with longer labors, even with adequate contractions.

The Mueller-Hillis maneuver also may help. The obstetrician applies pressure to the uterine fundus with one hand and detects descent of the fetal head with the examining finger in the vagina. If the fetal head descends 1 cm or more with fundal pressure, the prognosis for vaginal delivery is good; if no descent occurs, the prognosis for delivery is poor. This maneuver is not predictive of outcome if it is performed early in labor, but it is helpful late in the first stage or in the second stage of labor.

Kominiarek and colleagues from the Consortium on Safe Labor showed that although obesity lengthened the first stage of labor in a linear fashion (i.e., with increases in BMI, the first stage was longer), there was no relationship between maternal weight and the length of the second stage. Robinson and coworkers studied this point further in 5341 nulliparous women from the Fetal Pulse Oximetry Trial. Obesity did not have any relationship with second-stage length and moreover was not related to need for abdominal delivery performed in the second stage. Therefore obesity seems to affect labor by lengthening the first stage and to have no impact on the length of the second stage.

Cahill and associates completed a randomized controlled trial in 2404 nulliparous women receiving epidural anesthesia to compare immediate versus delayed voluntary propulsive efforts (“pushing”) in the second stage. Both groups had a high proportion of spontaneous delivery (around 80%), with the immediate group having a shorter mean second-stage length by 32 minutes, lower occurrence of chorioamnionitis, and fewer postpartum hemorrhages. One can conclude that delayed pushing has no benefit on spontaneous vaginal delivery and increases the risk of complications and argue for immediate pushing.

Shoulder Dystocia

Shoulder dystocia occurs in 0.24% to 2.00% of vaginal deliveries. This wide range of prevalence estimates highlights the lack of a standard definition. The cause is impingement of the biacromial diameter of the fetus against the symphysis pubis anteriorly and the sacral promontory posteriorly. Why the shoulders do not descend in the oblique diameters of the pelvis is unclear, although sometimes the fetus is simply too large. Although the risk of shoulder dystocia rises with increasing birth weight, 40% to 50% of cases occur in infants whose birth weight is less than 4000 g.

Risk factors for shoulder dystocia , include fetal macrosomia, diabetes, a history of shoulder dystocia in a previous birth, and prolonged second stage of labor. Other factors that have been inconsistently reported as increasing the risk , , include a history of macrosomia or postterm pregnancy, multiparity, obesity, and operative vaginal delivery from the midpelvis. In 50% of cases of shoulder dystocia, no risk factors are identified.

Maternal morbidity from shoulder dystocia includes postpartum hemorrhage and rectal injuries. The morbidity for the infant is attributable to asphyxia from delay in delivery or to trauma from the maneuvers used to deliver the fetus. Infant morbidity related to trauma includes brachial plexus and phrenic nerve injuries and fractures of the humerus and clavicle. The most serious traumatic morbidity is brachial plexus injury (Erb palsy), which occurs in 10% to 20% of infants born after shoulder dystocia. , If they are recognized early, 80% to 90% of brachial plexus injuries recover completely with proper physical therapy and, in some situations, neurosurgical management. For this reason, permanent neurologic injury is rare, occurring in 1 or 2 of every 10,000 births. This low prevalence greatly limits the ability to conduct prospective prevention studies.

Most brachial plexus injuries resulting from shoulder dystocia involve the arm and shoulder that are in the anterior pelvis at the time of delivery. The brachial plexus is believed to be injured when excessive downward traction and lateral extension of the fetal head and neck occur during the attempt to deliver the anterior shoulder ; however, there are exceptions to this cause of brachial plexus injury. Some infants with brachial plexus injury were born by vaginal delivery in which there was no evidence of shoulder dystocia. Also, brachial plexus palsy can involve the arm that was in the posterior pelvis at the time of delivery. Furthermore, Erb palsy has occurred in infants born by cesarean delivery. , Finally, several reports have described brachial plexus injuries in newborns that were confirmed by physical findings and electromyographic tests to have occurred before the onset of labor. , It is postulated that these injuries resulted from chronic nerve compression due to malposition in utero. , The presence of a permanent injury does not imply that the delivering clinician applied excessive force, despite the res ipsa loquitur argument seen in so many torts arising from these births.

Prevention of Shoulder Dystocia

Primary cesarean delivery can prevent shoulder dystocia in a small proportion of patients when several predisposing factors are present, such as multiparity, gestational diabetes, and an estimated fetal weight in excess of 4500 g. Rouse and Owen, using decision analytic techniques, concluded that prophylactic cesarean delivery for sonographically detected fetal macrosomia to prevent shoulder dystocia is a Faustian bargain. Use of either 4000 or 4500 g as the cutoff point for abdominal delivery would require more than 1000 cesarean sections to prevent one permanent injury to the brachial plexus. Also, if arrest of descent of the fetal head occurs during labor along with other risk factors for shoulder dystocia, operative vaginal delivery should be avoided. Boulvain and colleagues conducted a pragmatic multicenter randomized controlled trial in which fetuses estimated to be larger than the 95th percentile were randomly assigned to induction or expectant management. Induction resulted in fewer incidents of shoulder dystocia with no increase in abdominal delivery. No baby in either group in this trial of 822 women had a permanent brachial plexus injury. A subsequent Cochrane review by Boulvain and associates included four randomized controlled trials of labor induction for suspected macrosomia at 37 to 40 weeks for a total of 1190 nondiabetic women. Compared to expectant management, induction of labor was associated with a decreased risk of shoulder dystocia and any type of fracture but was not associated with a decreased risk of brachial plexus injury. The authors determined that because brachial plexus injury is rare, the studies may not have enough power to detect a difference in this outcome. In order to prevent one fracture, 60 women would need to be induced. The authors concluded that future research is warranted given the inaccuracy in detecting macrosomia and to determine the optimal timing of delivery.

Management of Shoulder Dystocia

Conventional wisdom dictates that the most effective treatment includes prompt recognition that delivery of the shoulders will be difficult and avoidance of excessive downward traction on the fetal head when attempting to deliver the anterior shoulder. Retraction of the fetal head immediately on its delivery (turtle sign) is an early warning that delivery of the shoulders may be difficult. Studies using simulated models of the fetus and pelvis have demonstrated that obstetricians frequently underestimate the amount of traction they apply to the fetal head. ,

Several maneuvers have been useful in resolving shoulder dystocia. Hyperflexion of the mother’s thighs, known as the McRoberts maneuver, flattens the lumbosacral curve, thereby removing the sacral promontory as an obstruction to the inlet. , The knee-chest position tends to accomplish the same end. Suprapubic pressure can be applied in conjunction with the McRoberts maneuver.

Rubin described rotating the fetal shoulders into the oblique position by inserting the fingers of one hand vaginally behind the most accessible shoulder (usually the posterior) and pushing the shoulder toward the fetal chest. This is a substantial improvement on the commonly described Woods maneuver, which involves pushing the shoulder toward the fetal back.

If these maneuvers are not successful, the posterior arm of the fetus can be delivered if the obstetrician inserts one hand posteriorly, grasps the elbow, and draws the arm across the chest of the fetus. This maneuver may result in fracture of the humerus or the clavicle, which is a consistently remediable injury and preferable to a brachial plexus injury of the opposite arm. Finally, replacement of the fetal head in the uterus followed by cesarean delivery—the Zavanelli maneuver—may be necessary in rare instances.

Although the soft tissue of the perineum does not contribute to shoulder dystocia, many protocols recommend a wide episiotomy to facilitate one or more of the described maneuvers.

The successful management of shoulder dystocia is a matter of considerable obstetric judgment and skill. There is an inverse relationship between the incidence of brachial plexus injuries from shoulder dystocia and the experience of the obstetrician. Shoulder dystocia culminating in an injury that is permanent (1 in 10,000 births) is so rare that all of the recommendations on prevention are based on accumulated wisdom and opinion rather than evidence-based medicine. Athukorala and coauthors demonstrated the paucity of evidence for interventions in their systematic review and pointed to the flimsy foundation underlying any obstetrician’s criticism of another’s management of shoulder dystocia or suggestion that a particular approach in his or her own hands would have prevented an injury.

Hoffman and colleagues, using data from the Consortium on Safe Labor, studied 132,098 deliveries in which a total of 2018 cases of shoulder dystocia were reported, for an incidence of 1.5% (range among 12 centers, 0.2% to 3.0%). Among these cases, 101 babies (5.2%) had a birth injury, and 64 of those involved a nerve palsy. There were no neonatal deaths. The injury rates were the same whether the births were attended by residents, attending physicians, or midwives. Maneuvers performed are listed in Table 40.7 . As the number of maneuvers needed to resolve the shoulder dystocia increased, so did the likelihood of temporary birth injury ( Fig. 40.6 ). The McRoberts maneuver and suprapubic pressure were most often used as initial responses, and delivery of the posterior shoulder had the highest rate of success. However, because it is not known how many of the palsies were permanent, the conclusions of this study are applicable only to transient injuries.

TABLE 40.7
Outcomes of Obstetric Maneuvers a
From Hoffman MK, Bailit JL, Branch DW, et al. Consortium on Safe Labor. A comparison of obstetric maneuvers for the acute management of shoulder dystocia. Obstet Gynecol. 2011;117:1272.
Maneuver Total
N With Order Documented First Second Third Fourth Fifth+ P Value Overall P Value
Rate of Success with a Particular Maneuver
McRoberts 1679 1123 (66.9%) 213/918 (23.2%) 49/186 (26.3%) 11/19 (57.9%) .0067 273/1123 (24.3%) <.001
Suprapubic pressure 1386 875 (63.1%) 58/116 (50.0%) 406/635 (63.9%) 74/116 (63.8%) 6/8 (75.0%) .0002 544/875 (62.2%) <.001
Delivery of posterior shoulder 262 179 (68.3%) 7/8 (87.5%) 28/32 (87.5%) 55/73 (75.3%) 40/45 (88.9%) 21/21 (100%) .4642 151/179 (84.4%) Referent
Rubin maneuver 86 50 (58.1%) 4/6 (66.7%) 4/5 (80.0%) 16/27 (59.3%) 9/12 (75.0%) .7760 33/50 (66.0%) <.005
Woods corkscrew 315 221 (70.2%) 14/19 (73.7%) 27/34 (79.4%) 78/114 (68.4%) 35/49 (71.4%) 5/5 (100%) .7031 159/221 (72.0%) <.005
Rate of Injury With Attempted Maneuver
McRoberts 1679 1123 (66.9%) 51/918 (5.6%) 15/186 (8.1%) 2/19 (10.5%) .15 68/1123 (6.1%) .25
Suprapubic pressure 1386 875 (63.1%) 6/116 (5.17%) 39/635 (6.1%) 10/116 (8.6%) 1/8 (12.5%) .26 56/875 (6.4%) .34
Delivery of posterior shoulder 262 179 (68.3%) 0/8 (0.0%) 0/32 (0.0%) 2/73 (2.7%) 8/45 (17.78%) 5/21 (23.8%) <.0001 15/179 (8.4%) Referent
Rubin maneuver 86 50 (58.1%) 0/6 (0.0%) 0/5 (0.0%) 5/27 (18.5%) 2/12 (16.7%) .27 7/50 (14.0%) .23
Woods corkscrew 315 221 (70.2%) 0/19 (0.0%) 0/34 (0.0%) 13/114 (11.4%) 7/49 (14.3%) 1/5 (20.0%) .01 21/221 (9.5%) .7

a The Cochran-Armitage test for trend was performed with delivery of posterior shoulder as the referent.

Figure 40.6, Percentage with injury by number of maneuvers.

Grobman and colleagues studied the impact of a shoulder dystocia protocol focused on team response in a large urban tertiary care hospital. Informal training was concentrated on response to this event and not on specific maneuvers. Key elements were (1) an overt and unequivocal announcement of the diagnosis, (2) a simplified approach to summoning the team through overhead notification and a paging tree, (3) declaration of the duration of shoulder dystocia to team members on their arrival, (4) role clarity for various team members, and (5) structured documentation. The team consisted of nurses, available attending obstetricians, anesthesia, pediatricians, and obstetric residents. During the three 6-month periods before, during, and after introduction of the protocol, documentation improved and the incidence of brachial plexus palsy diagnosed at delivery declined from 10.1% to 4.0% and then to 2.6%. The authors could not comment on the rate of permanent injury given the low prevalence of that phenomenon. Although these results may be generalizable to other tertiary care settings, implementation would not be possible in smaller community hospitals that lack the resources of academic health centers. This report does add evidence for the arguments that a coordinated team response and prearranged implementation process can reduce transient injury from shoulder dystocia.

Abnormalities of the Third Stage

Placental Separation and Control of Uterine Bleeding

The third stage of labor is defined as the time from delivery of the infant to delivery of the placenta. For all practical purposes, it should also include the hour after the delivery of the placenta, because it is during this time that the patient is at greatest risk for postpartum hemorrhage.

After the infant is born, the uterus contracts and placental separation occurs by cleavage along the plane of the decidua basalis. Placental separation usually is complete by the time two contractions have occurred, although several additional contractions may be necessary to accomplish expulsion of the placenta from the uterus. Large venous sinuses are exposed after separation of the placenta, and control of bleeding from these sinuses depends primarily on contraction of uterine muscle and only secondarily on coagulation and thrombus formation in the placental site. The average blood loss during a normal vaginal delivery is about 600 mL. In the young, healthy parturient, acute blood loss is well tolerated because of the increased blood volume of pregnancy and the decrease in vascular volume that occurs with the reduction of the uteroplacental circulation at the time of birth.

Management of the placenta in the third stage is a matter of debate among qualified obstetricians. Elective manual removal of the placenta, if performed promptly, has been associated with no increase in puerperal morbidity. Advantages include the immediate identification of retained placental fragments and intrauterine extensions of cervical lacerations and the shortened time of placental removal. , However, manual removal is not a painless procedure in the unanesthetized patient, and it is unnecessarily invasive in most cases. Gentle massage of the uterine fundus encourages uterine contractions and helps one to detect changes in the shape of the uterus that signal placental separation. Vigorous fundal massage accomplishes nothing and is painful; if combined with excessive traction on the umbilical cord of a placenta implanted in the fundus of the uterus, it could promote uterine inversion.

The prophylactic administration of a uterotonic medication to reduce blood loss, either immediately after delivery of the infant or after delivery of the placenta, is a generally accepted practice, and prospective trials show that it decreases blood loss and reduces the need for therapeutic oxytocics. These trials also found no difference in effectiveness of ergot preparations compared with oxytocin, although there were nonsignificant trends toward increased need for manual removal of the placenta, increased need for blood transfusions, and increased blood pressure associated with the use of ergot alkaloids. Intravenous oxytocin is the drug of choice on most obstetric services. Prophylactic administration of the thermostabile prostaglandin E 1 analogue misoprostol has been used to reduce bleeding in the third stage of labor. Though inferior to parenteral oxytocin in both efficacy and safety, orally administered misoprostol would be a reasonable choice as a uterotonic agent in low-resource settings when oxytocin is not available.

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