Chest tube placement, care, and removal

Before the procedure


  • Most commonly undertaken to treat one of the following conditions:

    • Pneumothorax

    • Pleural fluid collection

      • Hemothorax

      • Simple effusion

      • Empyema

  • Can be both a diagnostic and a therapeutic maneuver


  • In an emergent situation (i.e., tension pneumothorax), there are no contraindications

  • In a nonurgent situation, caution should be exercised in the presence of:

    • Known or suspected adhesions

      • Prior chest surgery or trauma

      • History of pleural space infection

      • Intrinsic parenchymal disease

    • Complex, loculated air or fluid collection(s)

      • Typically noted on imaging studies

  • In situations where insertion is not emergent and is anticipated to be difficult, consideration is recommended for placement by a skilled operator (surgeon) or under image guidance (computed tomography [CT], ultrasound)

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