
  • Description: Cervical erosion is the loss of the epithelial surface on the vaginal portion of the cervix, resulting in the exposure of the underlying cervical stroma. Cervical eversion (exposing the dark-red columnar epithelium of the endocervix, ectropion) is often mistaken for or incorrectly labeled as cervical erosion.

  • Prevalence: Uncommon. Ectropion is common in adolescents, pregnant patients, and those using combination oral contraceptives.

  • Predominant Age: Reproductive age.

  • Genetics: No genetic pattern.

Etiology and Pathogenesis

  • Causes: Generally traumatic. May occur through sexual trauma (fingernail, sexual appliances), iatrogenic process (diaphragm, pessary, biopsy, or other instrumentation), tampon use, or pelvic organ prolapse, resulting in the exposure of the cervix outside the introitus.

  • Risk Factors: None known.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Irregularly shaped, depressed lesion with a red base and sharp borders

  • Bleeding generally absent, although tissues may bleed when touched, resulting in postcoital spotting

  • Increased mucoid (clear) discharge may be present

Diagnostic Approach

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