Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Clinical Presentation A 24-year-old Black American female sustained an avulsion injury to her left forearm wound secondary to a motor vehicle accident. She sustained a large complex soft tissue wound, measuring 18 × 8 cm, in the left volar forearm with multiple…
Clinical Presentation An 18-year-old White male had multiple subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules over his left elbow. He complained about pain and discomfort in the area and agreed to surgical resection to remove the subcutaneous lesions. Because of the large area affected,…
Clinical Presentation A 55-year-old White female had residual sarcoma over her left upper arm after previous resection. She underwent a wide local excision of the sarcoma by the surgical oncology service. The plastic surgery service was asked to perform a…
Clinical Presentation A 67-year-old White male had a chronic wound in the right axilla secondary to previous radiation for treatment of his advanced metastatic lung cancer. He had responded incredibly well to chemotherapy for his lung cancer and had been…
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Clinical Presentation A 52-year-old White male underwent C4–C7 posterior cervical fusion 4 months previously. He was discharged home and subsequently had wound dehiscence and drainage from his neck wound. He was seen in outpatients by the orthopedic spine service and was…
Clinical Presentation An 89-year-old White male developed a recurrent squamous cell cancer (SCC) over his right upper lateral neck with a large, ulcerated lesion. He had an SCC resection in the same area many years before. The patient was referred…
Clinical Presentation A 30-year-old White female sustained severe neck contracture from a previous burn injury about 5 years ago. She had excision of the deep burn wound and skin grafting in a local hospital but unfortunately developed severe anterior neck…
Case 1 Clinical Presentation An 18-year-old man fell off a moving vehicle and was then struck by the same vehicle. He was intubated and was in critical condition. Initial injuries included an open skull fracture with exposed intracranial contents, scalp…
Case 1 Clinical Presentation A 58-year-old White female had a 4 × 4 cm skin lesion of cancerous appearance above her central lower lip ( Fig. 9.1 ). She underwent a local excision of the lower lip lesion with a 5-mm margin by…