Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Artificial Perfusion During Cardiac Arrest

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can be lifesaving for a patient in cardiac arrest, particularly in conjunction with other therapies such as defibrillation or delivery of medications. In several large clinical studies, data have shown that prompt delivery of CPR serves as an important predictor of successful outcome and increases the chance of survival by up to twofold. Each minute without treatment, however, is associated with a 10% to 15% decrease in the probability of survival.

The quality of CPR is an important technical issue and has a direct effect on patient outcome. For example, shallow chest compressions have an adverse impact on the success of defibrillation. Because of these and related data, emphasis has recently been placed on improving the quality of CPR, and such priority has been codified in consensus CPR guidelines promulgated by the American Heart Association. These guidelines are formulated through a formalized data evaluation process and are updated every 5 years, last updated in 2015.

Worrisome data have shown that the quality of CPR during actual resuscitation is endemically poor. Specifically, chest compressions are often administered too slowly with inadequate depth. In addition, pauses in chest compressions are too long, and hyperventilation of arrest patients is common. These deficiencies may be due to a variety of factors, including infrequent training, lack of awareness of the quality of CPR during resuscitation, and inadequate team leadership during resuscitation efforts.

Conventional CPR

Although CPR is widely taught to health care personnel and reassessed periodically, the importance of high-quality CPR cannot be stressed enough. High-quality CPR immediately before defibrillation increases the chance of successful restoration of circulation. Consensus opinion, based on a growing foundation of clinical data, is that early CPR and defibrillation (when appropriate) have a significant impact on patient survival and recovery. Quality chest compression also increases the efficacy of drugs administered during resuscitation, whereas inadequate circulation leads to minimal effects from peripherally delivered drugs. Hyperventilation is also widely prevalent and dramatically compromises hemodynamics. In animal studies, hyperventilation leads to reduced survival from arrest. In this section we review the key procedural aspects of manual CPR.


The 2015 resuscitation guidelines emphasize the importance of quality chest compression by recommending that clinicians focus on maintaining proper chest compression depth and rate. Compress the sternum to a depth of between 2.0 and 2.4 inches with a rate of between 100 and 120 compressions/min. Box 17.1 provides a summary of procedural recommendations for CPR. If possible, place a backboard under the victim to ensure appropriate thoracic compression. In addition, adjust the height of the bed or have the rescuer stand on top of a stepstool so that the entire weight of the rescuer above the waist is directed onto the patient's sternum ( Fig. 17.1 A ). This enhances the depth of compressions and helps prevent leaning on the patient's chest between compressions, which is another key deficiency that has been widely observed. Extend the arms fully and place them perpendicular to the patient's chest while making sure to pull away from the chest sufficiently between compressions to allow full chest recoil. Rotate rescuers aggressively (approximately every 2 to 3 minutes) to avoid deteriorating quality of compressions because of exhaustion. Properly delivered compressions are highly fatiguing, and rescuer bravado often interferes with the realization of declining CPR quality over time.

Box 17.1
Key Procedural Elements of Manual CPR


  • Between 100 and 120 compressions/min

  • Depth of between 2.0 and 2.4 inches/compression

  • Allow full chest recoil between compressions

  • Minimize pauses in compressions


  • 8–10 ventilations/min (avoid hyperventilation)

  • Minimize pauses in chest compression for intubation

  • Use of continuous capnography recommended for intubated patients

CPR, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Figure 17.1, Conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Note : no alternative technique or device in routine use has consistently been shown to be superior to conventional CPR. A, Compress the sternum to a depth between 2.0 and 2.4 inches at a rate between 100 and 120 compressions/min. Better CPR can be achieved by having the rescuer stand on a stepstool during compressions, rotating rescuers every 2 to 3 minutes, and minimizing pauses. B, Deliver ventilations at a rate of 8 to 10 breaths/min. Avoid hyperventilation during resuscitation.

Minimize pauses in chest compressions because even short pauses have profound effects on coronary perfusion pressure and outcomes. As stated earlier, long pauses in chest compressions before delivery of a shock are associated with failure of defibrillation. Do not stop CPR to deliver medications because the drugs can be administered at the same time as the compressions. Keep pauses in chest compressions to a minimum (e.g., for procedures such as intubation or pulse checks).


Deliver ventilations at a rate of 8 to 10 breaths/min (see Fig. 17.1 B ). Hyperventilation (e.g., ventilation rates greater than 30/min) is common during resuscitation. To prevent unwittingly hyperventilating the patient, one practical technique is to ask the rescuer who is providing ventilations to remove his or her hand completely off the bag-valve-mask apparatus between ventilations. The team leader should be vigilant in the observation of delivery of ventilations and should be ready to verbally prompt rescuers to ventilate the patient at the appropriate rate if hyperventilation is performed.

Pulse Checks

Pulse checks are generally performed too frequently during resuscitation efforts and take too much time. If a pulse cannot be readily felt within seconds, return to chest compressions as soon as possible. No studies have suggested that CPR is harmful to a patient with a very weak pulse, so use of a Doppler ultrasound device to detect the pulse is discouraged, as it is unnecessary and leads to increased pause times. If rescuers need ultrasound to find a pulse, the patient is at the very least markedly hypotensive and should probably be receiving CPR. Attempt pulse detection at the location of the carotid or femoral artery because peripheral pulse checks during profound shock or cardiac arrest states are notoriously unreliable. Frequently, a “pulse” can be detected during CPR itself; this phenomenon is often due to venous back pressure during compressions and does not indicate that compressions should be stopped, nor does it necessarily suggest that the compressions are of adequate quality.

Monitoring end-tidal CO 2 pressure (P etco 2 ) also affords an opportunity to detect a pulse during CPR. During ongoing resuscitation of a pulseless patient, capnography will generally remain low (often less than 20 mm Hg), which is indicative of low blood flow. If the patient achieves return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), a sharp increase in the P etco 2 value (usually greater than 25 to 30 mm Hg) is consistent with return of adequate perfusion.

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