Cardiomyopathy, Ischemic


  • Approximately a 1:1000 incidence per y, increasing with age.

  • M:F incidence ratio: 2:1.

  • Most common cause of heart failure; accounts for 40% of all cases.

Perioperative Risks

  • CHF exacerbation

  • Hypotension

  • Pulmonary edema

  • Myocardial ischemia/infarction

  • Acute renal failure

  • Malignant arrhythmias/pacemaker management with electrocautery

  • LVEF, which is important for prognosis and periop complications but may not correlate with symptoms or exercise tolerance

Worry About

  • Acute heart failure (hypoventilation → hypercarbia → increased PVR → right heart failure)

  • Inability to extubate (cardiac instability, pulmonary edema)

  • Periop cardiac event (MI)

  • Fluid management (balance optimizing preload with volume overload, minimizing fluid shifts)

  • High risk for arrhythmia (PAC, PVC, AFIB, Vtach, VFIB)

  • Postop ICU care (CCU versus SICU [severity of heart disease versus magnitude of surgery])


  • Severe impairment of LVEF leading to CHF; instances arising from myocardial ischemia and infarction have extremely poor prognoses, with a 30–50% 2-y mortality.

  • Pts will benefit from optimization of medical therapy for underlying ischemia (nitrates, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, aspirin), CHF (ACE inhibitors/angiotensin-II receptor blockers, hydralazine, digoxin, aldosterone antagonists, loop diuretics), prevention of cardiac thrombus formation (warfarin), and HR control for atrial fibrillation (digoxin, beta-blockers).

  • An ICD for secondary prevention of SCD is likely. A mortality benefit exists, especially if LVEF <35%.

  • CRT with biventricular pacing improves symptoms in pts with prolonged QRS duration with low LVEF.


  • Acquired disease with genetic predisposition.

  • Risk factors include hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, tobacco, advanced age, obesity, and peripheral vascular disease.

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