Cardiac Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance

For decades, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) and positron emission tomography (PET) have been clinically established imaging modalities in cardiovascular medicine. For several years, a new multimodality imaging system, PET/magnetic resonance (MR), using sequential or even integrated scanner platforms has been available. This hybrid imaging technique is gradually being implemented into the clinical setting for cardiac imaging.

Because of its unique capabilities, CMR has become a key imaging modality in clinical cardiology practice and a widely accepted standard of reference for the quantification of left and right ventricular function, the assessment of global and regional wall motion abnormalities and tissue characterization (scar, fibrosis, edema), as well as valve function. In contrast, PET is superb at quantification of myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve as well as visualization and quantification of particular metabolic processes at the molecular level. Combining both methods there is a range of complementary information, suggesting the use of integrated cardiac PET/MR may be justified in routine setting for evaluation of different disease entities. However, the exact role and value of PET/MR for cardiovascular imaging has not yet been determined. Critical evaluation of cardiac PET/MR is needed regarding incremental value beyond diagnostic information provided by PET and CMR alone. Because cardiac PET/MR is still in its infancy, this chapter will be based on published studies and case reports, available evidence, and where not yet available, on personal experience and expert opinion.

Technical Aspects and Implementation

Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance Scanners and Instrumentation

To generate fused PET/MR images, several approaches exist. In the past the only practicable solution was to use software to register and fuse separately acquired PET and MR data. Although this method works relatively well for body areas with little deformability such as the head, imaging the heart poses problems with respect to coregistration as a result of patient breathing and cardiac motion, as well as patient positioning. Therefore sequential PET/MR systems provide improvement of coregistration if the patient undergoes both scans in a row on a mobile table system without repositioning. Compared with that, integrated PET/MR systems allow for a completely simultaneous data acquisition and in vivo observation of physiologic processes. Moreover, this technique minimizes the likelihood of movement-related misregistration and leads to a significant reduction of the scan time.

However, for PET/MR the technical problem of system integration is a major challenge attributed to the presence of magnetic fields. In PET/MR the real goal has been to fully integrate both systems without reducing the performance of the PET and the MR components. Uniform magnetic fields are of utmost importance in MR imaging. Thus any additional electronic circuits, which can distort the magnetic field, could potentially deteriorate the accuracy and quality of MR images. Besides the interference with the magnetic field, conventional PET photo-multiplier tubes (PMT) were not designed to be used inside strong electromagnetic fields and do not function properly in or near these fields. Consequently, the main challenge in combining PET and MR into one integrated system has been the development of MR-compatible PET detector technology. Current integrated PET/MR systems are either based on avalanche photodiodes (APD; Siemens mMR Biograph) or silicon photon multipliers (SiPM; GE Signa), where cross-interference with the MR is minimized.

Attenuation Correction in Positron Emission Tomography/Magnetic Resonance

For the attenuation correction of acquired PET data, modern PET and PET/CT systems use attenuation maps (µ-maps) that contain the radiodensity of each body volume element for 511-keV photons. These are typically calculated using transmission scans with external radionuclide sources or coregistered computed tomography (CT) data, which needs an additional transformation to convert to the radiodensity for 511-keV photons. However, for integrated PET/MR systems without a CT or external radionuclide source, new techniques for the creation of attenuation maps are needed. One approach is based on tissue segmentation using specialized computer algorithms to segment MR data into a fixed number of tissue types with a priori assigned coefficients of radiodensity. The currently most common approach uses a multipoint Dixon sequence for the segmentation into lung, fat, soft tissue, and background. However, one limitation of this method is that bones and calcifications are not assigned into a separate class but classified as soft tissue. Consequently, standardized uptake values of tissue close to bone might be significantly underestimated, which could particularly apply to the retrosternal parts of the heart. However, underestimation seems to be rather small in cardiac imaging.

To overcome this limitation, modified segmentation methods based on ultrashort echo time (UTE) sequences can be used, segmenting tissue with very short T2* (such as bone) into a separate class. However, due to a rather small field of view, this technique is not yet usable in cardiac PET/MR imaging.

Because of the fact that all objects between the patient and the PET detector can potentially attenuate and thus compromise the acquired PET data, all instrumentation used in the PET field of view during PET data acquisition has to be optimized for PET transparency. This has particular significance for radiofrequency surface coils, due to their unfavorable attenuation profiles. However, dedicated PET/MR surface coils with minimal attenuation for gamma quanta are commercially available. Alternatively, technical methods exist which allow for integration of attenuation coefficients of standard coil systems into the attenuation map after these have been previously measured in a CT scanner; however, one limitation of this approach is that the expansion of the attenuation map presumes knowledge of the exact coil position in the acquired image area.

Motion Correction

Electrocardiogram Gating

To assign image data to a specific cardiac phase, electrocardiogram (ECG)-based triggering is mandatory for MR and PET of the heart. However, during MR, and thus also during integrated PET/MR, ECG signals can be considerably distorted by the magnetic field and radiofrequency pulses. Therefore special care is needed when applying the electrodes and monitoring the signal. The comparably long cumulative acquisition times of most CMR protocols allow for an extensive parallel acquisition of PET signal, which typically compensates for the lost PET data because of ECG gating, resulting in reconstructed PET images of high quality.

Magnetic Resonance-Based Motion Correction

One of the most promising, yet still experimental, technical new developments of combined PET/MR is the advantage of motion detection using ultrafast (“real-time”) three-dimensional (3D) MR acquisition and tagging techniques. This allows for the MR-based estimation of motion-vector fields during PET acquisition, which can then be used to improve effective spatial resolution of PET and motion-induced inaccuracies in PET quantification. Recent advances in this area suggest a relevant utility of this technology for simultaneous PET/MR cardiac imaging.

Image Postprocessing, Visualization, and Quantification

To achieve a wide acceptance of complex cardiac imaging scans in clinical practice, a semiautomated or even automated processing of cardiac imaging data is required. Meanwhile, several software products are available from commercial and academic sources. However, most of these software products focus on either CMR or PET, but a few software packages analyzing both cardiac PET and MR data are available as well (e.g., Munich Heart or syngo.via). For analysis of clinical cardiac PET/MR scans, the respective software solutions should include tools for the assessment of ventricular function, viability, fibrosis and scar, perfusion, flow quantification, and tissue composition (e.g., T1, T2, T2* mapping) as well as dedicated postprocessing of cardiac PET data, including creation of bull's eye plots and comparison of myocardial tracer uptake to normal databases.

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