Brachial Plexus Traction Injury



  • Synonyms: Brachial plexus stretch injury, brachial plexus avulsion, avulsion pseudomeningocele

  • Stretch injury or avulsion of ≥ 1 cervical roots, brachial plexus


  • Stretch injury: Enlargement, abnormal edema of neural elements

  • Avulsion: Abnormal cerebrospinal fluid signal intensity within empty thecal diverticulum

Top Differential Diagnoses

  • Nerve sheath tumor

  • Lateral meningocele

  • Nerve root sleeve cyst

  • Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP); less often acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP)


  • Adults: Majority posttraumatic injuries secondary to high-energy force

  • Infants: Secondary to excessive traction on plexus during difficult delivery (breech or forceps)

Clinical Issues

  • Complete brachial plexus avulsion produces useless “flail arm”

  • Clinical incomplete paralysis possible with complete root avulsion(s) because of redundant muscle innervation from multiple roots

  • EMG/NCS helps differentiate traumatic from immune etiologies

Diagnostic Checklist

  • Familiarity with normal brachial plexus anatomy essential for MR interpretation

  • Muscle denervation pattern predicts abnormal nerves

Coronal graphic demonstrates posttraumatic avulsion of left C5-C8 nerve roots
, producing local hemorrhage at the site of root injury and associated pseudomeningoceles.

Coronal T2WI MR in a patient with posttraumatic paralyzed “flail arm” demonstrates an extensive extradural cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) signal intensity collection admixed with blood products
, representing CSF leakage following avulsion of multiple nerve roots, displacing the spinal cord to the right.

Coronal STIR MR in a patient with severe brachial plexus traction injury shows avulsion pseudomeningoceles of right C6, C7, and C8 roots
. The C5 root is attenuated with abnormally ↑ signal (incomplete stretch injury)
. The avulsed nerve roots have formed a “retraction ball”
, with abnormal enlargement and T2 hyperintensity of the distal (denervated) plexus

Axial STIR MR confirms the CSF signal and lack of demonstrable neural elements within the right C7 pseudomeningocele



  • Brachial plexus stretch injury, brachial plexus avulsion, avulsion pseudomeningocele


  • Stretch injury or avulsion of ≥ 1 cervical roots, brachial plexus


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