Bone Physiology and Osteoporosis

Summary of Key Points

  • Bone is important for structure, locomotion, protection of vital organs, and mineral metabolism.

  • Osteoporosis is a common condition resulting from decreased bone mineral density and poor bone quality, increasing fracture risk.

  • Osteomalacia results from poor bone mineralization, the most common cause being vitamin D deficiency.

  • Fragility fractures of the spine are the most common manifestation of osteoporosis and result in significant increased risk for further fractures.

  • It is essential that all patients with a spinal fragility fracture receive secondary fracture prevention, which is effective at reducing secondary fractures by 40% to 60% and is best performed by a fracture liaison service model.

  • Spine surgeons should be familiar with the indications for and how to interpret DEXA scans and be able to counsel patients regarding their bone health.

  • Poor bone health is associated with worse outcomes after elective spine surgery and an increased risk of complications, including revision surgery.

  • Preoperative bone health optimization should be considered in all patients over the age of 50 years.

  • Proper review of antiosteoporotic medications is associated with improved outcomes and a lower risk of complications.

Osteoporosis is a common disease that is often underdiagnosed and can remain “silent” until fracture occurs. In addition, poor bone health has a negative influence on outcomes of elective spine surgery. With the aging population and the rising expectation that many spinal diseases can be treated surgically, more patients with osteoporosis will be presenting for elective surgery. New methods to detect and classify diagnoses that also define indications for treatment have been developed that can aid spine practitioners in caring for patients. The purpose of this chapter is to review bone physiology, methods to diagnosis osteoporosis, and considerations for medical treatment in spine patients. The aim is to empower spine practitioners to assume care of bone, as well as spinal, diseases.

Bone Structure and Function


The primary function of bone is mechanical, providing form to the skeleton along with musculotendinous attachments and articulations to facilitate movement and protect vital organs. In addition, bone has a much more complex function in providing critical metabolism and storing elemental calcium and phosphate that can be accessed and used as needed.


The physical structure of bone varies depending on the type of bone and location. Cortical bone, composed of lamellar bone, provides the majority of mechanical strength to appendicular bones. The primary structural component of lamellar bone is osteons. The arrangement and orientation of the osteons vary depending on the needs and function of that particular bone. These arrangements can vary within the bones of a single animal and across different animals depending on their specific needs, uses, or functions. Encased within the cortical bone lies the trabecular, or cancellous, bone. This is arranged in trabeculae comprised of vertical rods and horizontal plates that are interconnected to one another. The amount and integrity of the connectivity of the rods and plates comprising the trabeculae contribute to the overall mechanical strength, especially in the spinal column. This is often referred to as microarchitecture. Cancellous bone is more porous than cortical bone, and therefore lighter, but consequently has a greater surface area. In bones where hematopoiesis occurs, this happens within the trabecular regions. Both cortical and cancellous bone undergo turnover; however, the turnover of cancellous bone is faster than that of cortical bone, and it therefore can respond much more rapidly to changes in mechanical, metabolic, or molecular stimuli than cortical bone.


Bone is dynamic, continuously adapting to mechanical and chemical influences by remodeling, which occurs via tightly regulated coordination of resorption and formation. Resorption is mediated by osteoclasts to create lacunae in trabecular bone or cutting cones in cortical bone to remove the unwanted bone. Formation then follows the resorption, with osteoblasts laying down new bone. A remodeling cycle takes about 200 days in cancellous bone and 120 days in cortical bone.

Bone healing occurs via the two mechanisms that initiate bone formation during growth: endochondral and intramembranous bone formation. , With endochondral bone formation a hematoma forms at the fracture site, and a brisk inflammatory reaction develops. Inflammatory cytokines induce neovascularization and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells. Because of the central hypoxia of the hematoma, chondrocyte proliferation occurs, with formation of uncalcified cartilage. The uncalcified cartilage then undergoes calcification. Vascular tissue invasion then leads to osteoclastic resorption of the calcified cartilage. Following the osteoclasts are osteoblasts that create bridging unwoven bone. Over time the woven bone is remodeled by the same process of osteoclastic resorption–osteoblastic formation to near-normal anatomy and strength. Intramembranous bone formation proceeds without cartilage and occurs by layering of appositional bone along surfaces at the fracture site, creating a hard callous. A third form of healing after fracture is primary bone healing. This mechanism, which involves rigid internal fixation, only applies to cortical bone. Cutting cones headed by osteoclasts create a pathway or tunnel from both ends of the bone. Behind the osteoclasts are osteoblasts that produce new bone, bridging the fracture site.

Metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis and the use of antiosteoporotic medications affect these bone-healing processes. Osteoporosis is associated with senescent mesenchymal stem cells, so that during healing fewer are available to differentiate into osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Further, they have a diminished sensitivity or inclination to differentiate into these cell lineages. Finally, during stress they undergo apoptosis. Thus, osteoporotic patients are likely to have impairment of bone healing.

Antiresorptive medications, such as bisphosphonates and denosumab, also affect bone healing. Because these drugs affect osteoclastic resorption they delay the remodeling of the calcified cartilage into woven bone. Fortunately, this does not appear to alter the time to union or mechanical strength at any timepoint. The slower remodeling is compensated for by a larger callous in patients on antiresorptive medications. Animal and human investigations show either no effect or even a positive effect of antiresorptive medications on fracture healing and spinal fusion. , Anabolic antiosteoporotic medications, such as parathyroid hormone (PTH) analogs or antisclerostin agents, increase the proliferation of the osteoblast lineage and therefore theoretically improve healing. , Clinically, anabolic agents have been shown to increase the rate of bone healing in a variety of clinical situations. In some cases, recalcitrant nonunions have had healing success with anabolic drugs, but this has not been systematically studied.

Calcium and Vitamin D Metabolism

Similar to the dynamic nature of bone resorption and formation, the minerals within the bone are subject to constant changes depending on the body’s needs. This is also tightly regulated by several organs and the endocrine system. Low serum calcium stimulates secretion of PTH, while high serum calcium inhibits PTH secretion. PTH activates osteoblasts directly to form new bone, and osteoblasts activate osteoclasts indirectly via the RANK-RANKL system to cause bone resorption and liberation of calcium from bones into the serum for systemic use. PTH also activates 1-alpha hydroxylase in the kidney that performs the final step in the vitamin D activation pathway. The active form of vitamin D is 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D, which is synthesized by sequential reactions in the liver and kidney. In the liver, 25-hydroxylase produces 25-OH vitamin D, and in the kidney 1-alpha hydroxylase produces the active 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D. Vitamin D then acts within the intestine to facilitate calcium and phosphate absorption.

To minimize inappropriate bone turnover, serum calcium homeostasis must be present, with adequate calcium being obtained from dietary intake. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, the current daily recommendation for calcium intake is 1000 mg for women aged under 50 years and men aged under 70 years and 1200 mg daily for women aged over 50 years and men aged over 70 years. Additionally, the recommended daily vitamin D intake is 400 to 800 IU for adults aged under 50 years and 800 to 1000 IU for adults aged over 50 years.

Bone Density, Quality, and Strength

Bone strength, and thus resistance to fracture, is determined by bone density and bone quality. Clinically, bone density is measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) imaging and is reported as gm/cm . An underestimated component of bone strength is the quality of bone, which also significantly contributes to fracture resistance. Bone quality is related to molecular features of the bone, such as mineralization and the size of the mineral crystals, collagen integrity, and microarchitecture. If there are disruptions in bone turnover, then the integrity of the gross bone structure and strength can also be disrupted. The microarchitecture of the bone, including the rods and plates within the trabeculae, also contributes to the quality of the bone. Aberrations in the relationships of the numbers, orientations, and integrity of the rods and plates can also directly affect strength of the bone. Bone that is damaged from either fracture or another pathology can also negatively affect the quality of the bone. These considerations explain why the densest bone might not be the strongest bone, such as in osteopetrosis or fluoride-treated bones that, despite increased density, are actually much more brittle.

Pathological Conditions


In the presence of disruptions of bone density, mass, quality, or strength, various pathological conditions can exist. Osteoporosis is characterized by increased fragility and fracture risk that can result in fragility fractures, which are defined as fractures occurring with minimal trauma or forces that typically would not result in fracture. Although often considered synonymous with low bone mineral density (BMD), osteoporosis is also associated with disruption of mineralization and the microarchitecture. With the loss of both plates and/or rods and the trabeculae they constitute, the state is worse than simply decreased mineralization. Additionally, if there are disruptions of the protein quality and organization within the microarchitecture of the bone, osteoporosis can result.


Osteomalacia, or “soft bone,” occurs from low mineralization secondary to faulty bone metabolism. Vitamin D deficiency is the most common primary underlying problem, with a variety of causes such as a nutritional deficiency of vitamin D and/or phosphate, malabsorption disorders including celiac disease, kidney disease including acidosis, tumors, drugs such as chronic use of antiepileptic drugs, and genetic diseases such as hypophosphatemic rickets. The main treatment for osteomalacia is vitamin D supplementation.


Conversely, osteopetrosis, or “stone bone,” is a genetic disease characterized by a disruption of bone metabolism because of insufficient osteoclastic activity. This can be caused by insufficient numbers of cells or dysfunctional cells, depending on the genotype. Ultimately, bone formation outpaces bone resorption. Although the bone present in this situation is denser, because of the imbalance the bones are actually more susceptible to fracture.

Paget disease

Paget disease results in compromised bone integrity because of the imbalance of resorption and formation, characterized by disorganized formation. The disorganization of the bone formation results in the presence of excessive fibrosity, vascularity, and hypercellularity. In Paget disease the bone integrity is compromised, although the clinical manifestations are variable. This may result in an increase in fractures, but there can also be deformity, pain, and arthritis. This process usually does not involve the global skeleton, but is often isolated to one or more bones. Typically, these are axial or lower-extremity long bones. In the spine, Paget disease can lead to spinal stenosis. Rarely, this process can degenerate into malignant transformation.

Whereas each of these pathologies stem from aberrations at the molecular level, and therefore have different clinical presentations, all ultimately compromise the integrity of the bone and therefore can predispose individuals to an increased risk for fracture.

Epidemiology of Osteoporosis

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