Basic Principles of Genetics


The completion of the human genome sequence, with an estimated size of 3.2 gigabases (Gb) and containing ~20 000–25 000 genes , represents a powerful tool in medicine that facilitates the identification of disease-associated genes. Detailed information on human sequence variation and advanced technologies for its detection have broadened our knowledge of the genetic basis of human disease. The pathogenesis of many disorders also involves epigenetics, which represent heritable changes in phenotype and/or gene expression that do not result from changes in the DNA sequence.

Rapid advances in the development of molecular biology techniques (see Ch. 3 ), together with information-based tools derived from the sequencing of the human genome, provides the physician with direct access to clinically relevant genetic information. Consequently, it is important for physicians in general, and dermatologists in particular, to understand basic concepts of genetics ( Table 54.1 ). Familiarity with new technology and approaches to identifying disease-causing genes is essential in order to appropriately utilize and interpret the results of genetic studies in the patient care setting. The wealth of new information emphasizes the need to bridge the gap between the bench and the bedside, bringing together efforts from both the clinical and research arms of dermatology.

Table 54.1
Basic concepts in genetics.
Nuclear DNA
  • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) contained within nuclei of eukaryotic organisms

  • Packed into chromosomes

  • Selectively folded and unfolded to allow the expression of hundreds of genes at different times and in different cell types

  • Each somatic cell contains approximately 2 meters of DNA

  • Organized structures of DNA and proteins that are found within the nucleus

  • Each diploid organism (including humans) has two sets of chromosomes, one from its father and one from its mother

  • Each pair of chromosomes is composed of two homologous chromosomes, one from each parent

  • Humans normally have 23 pairs of chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes (XX in females and XY in males)

  • Chromosomes X and Y share only two small regions, known as the pseudoautosomal regions

  • Describes the chromosomal constitution of an individual (e.g. 46, XY or 46, XX)

Haploid cell
  • Contains only one chromosome complement or “n” (for humans, n = 23)

  • Gametes (paternal and maternal) are haploid cells

Diploid cell
  • Contains two chromosome complements or “2n” (for humans, 2n = 46)

  • Human cells (other than gametes) are diploid

  • A site of constriction in a chromosome that is essential for correct cell division

  • Depending on the position of the centromere, chromosomes can be:

    • -

      Metacentric : centromere near the middle, two “arms” of similar length

    • -

      Submetacentric : centromere between the center and end, two “arms” of somewhat different lengths

    • -

      Acrocentric : centromere near the end, two “arms” of very different lengths

  • Composed of a series of histone proteins and repetitive DNA sequences (several thousand kilobases)

  • Divides the chromosome into two arms: the short (petite) arm or p, and the long arm or q

  • A region of repetitive DNA (TTAGGG sequence) and proteins at the ends of each chromosome

  • Plays a key role in the maintenance of chromosomal integrity and ensuring correct replication

  • The process of cell division by which a diploid cell from the germline gives rise to haploid gametes via segregation and random assortment of homologous chromosomes

  • Results in combinations of chromosomes in the daughter cells that are different than that in the parental cell

  • The process of somatic cell division of proliferating cells by which the genetic material of a cell is duplicated and equally distributed between the two resulting daughter cells

  • To achieve this duplication of genetic material, the chromosome replicates itself and forms two sister chromatids , which will each become the chromosome of a daughter cell

  • The location of a particular sequence of DNA (e.g. a gene or DNA fragment) on a chromosome

  • Since we have two copies of each chromosome, we also have two copies of each locus, which can be identical or different

  • A segment of DNA that encodes a protein (or occasionally an RNA chain) that serves a function

  • Alternative forms of a particular gene or DNA sequence at a given locus

  • An individual has two alleles at each autosomal locus (one from each parent), and the locus/individual is referred to as:

    • -

      Homozygous if the alleles are identical

    • -

      Heterozygous if the alleles are different

  • Since males have only one copy of the X and Y chromosomes, they are hemizygous for loci on these two chromosomes

Polymorphic locus
  • Exhibits at least two alleles with a frequency in the general population of >1%

  • Can be located within or outside of a gene

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
  • A single nucleotide in a particular location within the genome that has at least two different forms with a frequency of >1% in the general population

  • Occurs on average every 1000 nucleotides

  • A change in the DNA sequence

  • Refers to variation resulting in a disease phenotype

  • Although any change in the DNA is technically a mutation, the term is often used to refer to a pathogenic variant that results in a disease phenotype

  • The alleles present at a specific locus (or in the whole genome) of an individual

  • The manifestation of a particular genotype (in the context of the environment in which it is expressed)

  • Different genotypes are not always recognizable as distinct phenotypes

  • A change in a phenotype can be caused by variant alleles that are present in the general population (normal variation) or by pathogenetic variation that leads to a disease

Access to patients with genetic disorders and accurate clinical descriptions are essential for investigations aimed at the identification of disease-causing genes. Combined with functional studies and translational approaches, these findings can in turn provide benefits to affected individuals. Such insights have importance in genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis, and they can also contribute to the identification of at-risk individuals/families, prediction of disease course and possible complications, determination of response to therapeutic interventions, and even the development of targeted treatments.

Since the early 1980s, the molecular bases of numerous cutaneous genetic disorders have been elucidated, including multiple forms of epidermolysis bullosa (EB; see Ch. 32 ), ectodermal dysplasia (ED; see Ch. 63 ), ichthyosis (see Ch. 57 ), and hypotrichosis (see Chs 68 & 69). The gene-identification strategies employed for these relatively uncommon Mendelian (single-gene) disorders have provided a foundation for the study of common complex disorders such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and alopecia areata. Advances in mapping and detecting human sequence variation have led to more sophisticated approaches, including genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and whole-exome sequencing. Functional genomic studies, e.g. comparison of the transcriptome (expressed genes) in samples from patients and unaffected individuals, have also helped to identify candidate genes for further investigation. The clinician plays a key role in enabling such research, which requires a well-characterized collection of patient samples.

Genetic Diseases

Key features

  • Accurate information about phenotype and family history is essential in identifying the pattern of inheritance of a genetic disease

  • Genetic diseases include Mendelian (monogenic) disorders caused by defects in one gene as well as polygenic disorders due to defects in more than one gene; complex (multifactorial) disorders result from the interaction of environmental and genetic factors

  • The major Mendelian patterns of inheritance are autosomal recessive (e.g. oculocutaneous albinism), autosomal dominant (e.g. Darier disease), X-linked recessive (e.g. hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia), and X-linked dominant (e.g. incontinentia pigmenti)

  • Factors modifying the basic Mendelian pattern of inheritance include incomplete penetrance, age-dependent penetrance, variable expression, de novo mutations, pseudodominant inheritance, genomic imprinting, and mitochondrial inheritance

  • Chromosomal anomalies can consist of abnormalities in the number (e.g. polyploidy, aneuploidy) or structure (e.g. translocations, inversions) of the chromosomes

  • Heterogeneity at the locus or allelic level can make identification of a gene defect challenging

Genetic diseases can manifest in multiple members of a family. However, not every disease present in more than one family member is genetic. Pedigrees of families in which a genetic disease is transmitted (i.e. segregates or is inherited) can range from a single affected member to many affected members in several generations.

Mendelian (monogenic) diseases are caused by defects in one gene, while polygenic diseases result from defects in more than one gene and complex (multifactorial) diseases result from the interaction of environmental and genetic factors. In addition to mutations within particular genes, abnormalities in the structure, number, or parental contribution of chromosomes can cause disease.

In the following sections, we provide an overview of the different types of genetic diseases.

Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance

A key initial step in the assessment of the risk for a particular inherited disease is determination of its mode of inheritance. For this purpose, it is essential to collect accurate information on the clinical phenotype and to examine as many family members as possible to classify their status – affected or unaffected. The family is usually ascertained through one family member, the proband , around whom the pedigree is built with information on the phenotypes and relationships between different individuals.

Even when a single-gene defect is enough to cause a disease phenotype (monogenic disorders), the clinical expression can be affected by variable expression and even incomplete penetrance (see below). Genes are expressed on a particular genetic background, which is different in every individual, and genes and their products interact with other genes and proteins. One can therefore expect that monogenic disorders will show some degree of variability.

Allelic heterogeneity refers to mildly or even considerably different clinical entities due to different mutations in the same gene ( Table 54.2 ). In contrast, locus (genetic) heterogeneity refers to mutations in different genes that result in the same phenotype ( Table 54.3 ). Of note, there are some diseases, such as EB simplex, that display both allelic and locus heterogeneity. Thus, diagnosis based purely on either clinical signs/symptoms or the results of genetic testing can lead to misclassification, underscoring the importance of integrating clinical and molecular findings.

Table 54.2
Examples of allelic heterogeneity in genodermatoses .
ABCA12 , ATP binding cassette, family 1 member 12 gene; AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; ATP7A , ATPase, Cu 2+ -transporting, α-polypeptide gene; EBS, epidermolysis bullosa simplex; GJB3 , gap junction β3 gene (encodes connexin 31).
Mutated gene Phenotypes
GJB3 Erythrokeratodermia variabilis
AR and AD non-syndromic hearing impairment
AD peripheral sensory neuropathy and hearing impairment
Desmoplakin ( DSP ) Striate palmoplantar keratoderma
Dilated cardiomyopathy with woolly hair and keratoderma (Carvajal syndrome)
Severe dermatitis, multiple allergies, and metabolic wasting (SAM) syndrome
Skin fragility–woolly hair syndrome
Acantholytic EBS
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
ABCA12 Harlequin ichthyosis
Lamellar ichthyosis
Plectin ( PLEC ) EBS and limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
EBS of the Ogna type
EBS with pyloric atresia
ATP7A Menkes disease
Occipital horn syndrome

Table 54.3
Examples of genodermatoses with genetic/locus heterogeneity .
AP3B1/D1 , adaptor related protein complex 3, β1/δ1 subunit gene; BLOC1S3/6 , biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex-1, subunit 3/6 gene; DSG1, desmoglein 1 gene; DSP , desmoplakin gene; DTNBP1 , dystrobrevin binding protein 1 gene; KRT , keratin gene.
Phenotype Gene
Striate palmoplantar keratoderma DSG1
Epidermolytic ichthyosis KRT1
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (localized and generalized variants) KRT5
Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome (HPS) HPS1, HPS3, HPS4, HPS5, HPS6
AP3B1, AP3D1
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) TSC1
Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia * EDA (ectodysplasin A)
EDAR (ectodysplasin A receptor)
EDARADD (EDAR-associated death domain)

* Mutations in different genes result in X-linked recessive (EDA), autosomal recessive (EDAR, EDARADD), and autosomal dominant (EDAR, EDARADD) forms of the disorder.

Once a phenotype and its range of clinical findings are defined, the trait can be followed within a pedigree. The transmission of the trait in the pedigree defines the pattern of inheritance of the disease. The genes responsible for monogenic traits can be located either on autosomes, resulting in an autosomal pattern of inheritance, or on the X chromosome in the case of an X-linked pattern of inheritance. Irrespective of the gene location, when a mutation in one of two alleles is sufficient to produce the phenotype, the trait is considered dominant . In contrast, when both alleles of a gene (or one allele in hemizygotes) must be altered in order to produce the phenotype, the condition is considered recessive . Hence, Mendelian inheritance patterns include autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, and X-linked recessive ( Table 54.4 ). There are also Y-linked genes that primarily affect male fertility , although their relevance in more general diseases is possible.

Table 54.4
Patterns of inheritance.
Pattern Parents affected Gender affected Transmission Recurrence risk Risk factors
Autosomal recessive No (carriers) Both equally Disease seen in siblings of proband, not in parents or offspring
Usually only in one generation
1 in 4 Consanguinity, isolated population (e.g. geographically, linguistically)
Autosomal dominant Yes * Both equally Disease seen in successive generations 1 in 2 De novo mutations
X-linked recessive Mother a “carrier” * Males have the “complete” disease
Female “carriers” may have mild manifestations (e.g. in a mosaic pattern) **
No male-to-male transmission (but all daughters of an affected male are “carriers”) 1 in 2 male children born to a female “carrier” will be affected (and 1 in 2 of her female children will be carriers) De novo mutations
X-linked dominant Yes * Predominantly females if lethal in males during embryonic development; otherwise milder in females (often with a mosaic pattern of skin lesions) and more severe in males Affected males have: (1) no affected sons; and (2) all daughters affected
No male-to-male transmission
1 in 2 children born to affected female; may spontaneously abort male fetuses if “male-lethal” condition De novo mutations

* Unless the proband has a de novo mutation and is therefore the first generation affected.

** Does not represent a “pure” X-linked recessive disorder if there are manifestations in female “carriers”.

This chapter focuses on genodermatoses, but the explanations of Mendelian and complex traits also apply to extracutaneous diseases.

Autosomal Dominant Inheritance

In a pedigree of an autosomal dominant disease, each affected person other than the first affected family member, who has a de novo mutation, has an affected parent. Both sexes are equally affected and can transmit the trait, and there is vertical transmission from generation to generation ( Fig. 54.1A ) . Since a single mutant allele is enough to produce the phenotype, each offspring of an affected individual has a 50% risk of inheriting the mutant allele and therefore the disorder. Examples of autosomal dominant genodermatoses include EB simplex, Darier and Hailey–Hailey diseases, and nail–patella syndrome.

Fig. 54.1, Mendelian patterns of inheritance.

A patient with an autosomal dominant disease is usually heterozygous for the disease-causing mutation. Homozygosity for autosomal dominant traits occasionally occurs, and this usually results in a more severe phenotype. For example, a mutation in the keratin 14 gene ( KRT14 ) may give rise to localized EB simplex when heterozygous but generalized EB simplex when homozygous . Exceptions to the expected autosomal dominant inheritance pattern may also be due to incomplete penetrance or variable expression (see below).

Dominant mutations can give rise to a phenotype by: (1) haploinsufficiency, in which the protein produced from one wild-type (non-mutant) allele is not sufficient to sustain normal function; or (2) a dominant negative effect , where the mutated proteins physically interfere with wild-type proteins and prevent them from functioning properly. The latter mechanism often occurs when the mutated protein forms dimers or polymers; examples include keratins (e.g. KRT14 in EB simplex) and tyrosine kinase receptors (e.g. KIT in piebaldism).

Autosomal Recessive Inheritance

In a pedigree of an autosomal recessive disease, an affected individual has clinically unaffected parents, both sexes are equally affected, and there is no transmission from generation to generation ( Fig. 54.1B ). Both alleles of a given gene must be mutated for the disease to develop. When both parents are heterozygous carriers of a mutant allele, the chance of inheriting the disorder is 25% for each of their offspring. Oculocutaneous albinism type 1 and atrichia with papular lesions are examples of autosomal recessive genodermatoses.

There is often an increased frequency of consanguinity (sharing a common ancestor) in families with recessive conditions. Consanguineous matings (inbreeding) increase the probability that a mutated allele present in the common ancestor will become homozygous in the offspring (homozygosity by descent); these individuals are typically also homozygous for the region surrounding this mutated gene. When more than one affected family member with an autosomal recessive disease is present in a single pedigree, they are usually part of the same generation. However, the presence of consanguinity can also explain some pedigrees in which an autosomal recessive trait is observed in more than one generation. For example, matings between unaffected carriers and affected patients can give rise to affected family members in two consecutive generations (pseudo-dominant inheritance; see below).

Patients with an autosomal recessive disease have two mutant alleles (biallelic mutations), while both of their parents are typically heterozygous carriers of one mutant allele as well as having one wild-type allele. If both parents carry the same mutation, their affected offspring will be homozygous for the disease-causing mutation; this is the usual mechanism in consanguineous families. However, the parents may carry two different mutations in the same gene, and their affected offspring will be compound heterozygous .

X-Linked Recessive Inheritance

Patients with an X-linked recessive disease are typically male, and they classically have unaffected parents. However, in several X-linked “recessive” disorders, patients' mothers have some clinical evidence of the condition due to functional mosaicism (see Ch. 62 ). These mosaic manifestations in female “carriers” blur the distinction between recessive and dominant forms of X-linked inheritance, thereby removing such conditions from the “pure” X-linked recessive category. With variable skewing of X-inactivation (see below), the spectrum of disease in female “carriers” can range from absent to severe.

There is no male-to-male transmission, since an affected male will transmit the Y chromosome and not the mutant X chromosome to his son, and the complete (non-mosaic) trait does not appear in successive generations ( Fig. 54.1C ). However, one rare exception is the offspring of an affected male and a female carrier.

The inheritance risk for the offspring depends on the parent transmitting the disease allele. An affected father will transmit the mutated allele (but not the complete disease) to all his daughters, but to none of his sons. Thus, his daughters become obligate carriers and will transmit the mutated allele to 50% of their children. As a result, the sons and daughters of a carrier mother will have a 50% chance of being affected or carriers, respectively.

Examples of recessive X-linked diseases in dermatology are X-linked recessive ichthyosis (steroid sulfatase deficiency; see Ch. 57 ), hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, and congenital generalized hypertrichosis.

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