Authorized User and Radioisotope Safety Issues


In the United States, personnel qualifications and safety requirements for the medical use of radioisotopes as they apply to the practitioners of clinical nuclear medicine are set nationally by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). These may be found primarily in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 35 (10 CFR 35), Medical Uses of Byproduct Material. Implementation, oversight, and enforcement of these regulations is performed in some states by the NRC directly. However, the large majority of states have an agreement with the NRC to accept the responsibility for oversight of these regulations within their jurisdiction. These are known as agreement states ( Fig. 13.1 ), and their regulations are at least as strict as those of the NRC, although slight variation is allowed in some areas. The agreement states regulate all sources of radiation in the state (with the exception of federally controlled sites, such as the Department of Veterans Affairs [VA] facilities and military bases).

Fig. 13.1, Agreement States.

There are a number of specific designations in the NRC regulations related to performance and qualifications for various aspects of nuclear medicine practice. The personnel recognized by the NRC as having particular responsibilities in nuclear medicine are required to complete and document regulation-specified training and experience in order to be deemed “authorized” on facility radioactive materials licenses. A nuclear medicine practitioner should be familiar with these personnel classifications.

Authorized User

Nuclear medicine activities in any department or outpatient imaging center take place under the supervision and authorization of an authorized user, also referred to as an AU. An AU is a physician (medical or osteopathic), dentist, or podiatrist who is licensed to practice and who meets specific requirements and is identified as an AU on the institution's license or permit. All radiopharmaceuticals dispensed or administered must be pursuant to an order (e.g., prescription) of an AU. For most diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, this does not need to be done for each patient individually but can be accomplished with standing orders. However, for radiopharmaceuticals used for therapy, and in some other circumstances detailed later in this chapter, a written directive, which may only be issued by an AU, is required for each treatment. Other physicians and technologists may work with byproduct material under the supervision of an AU.

Institutions with a broad-scope license may have AUs designated by the Radiation Safety Committee, but they are not listed on the license. With a limited-scope license, which constitutes the majority of licenses, the AU must be listed on the license and there must be at least one AU for every classification of clinical use designated on the license. Training requirements for an AU vary, depending on the type of procedure. The training requirements are covered in several following sections. Some items with which an AU should be very familiar are shown in Box 13.1 .

Box 13.1
Typical Items With Which an Authorized User Should Be Familiar

  • Duties and responsibilities of an authorized user

  • Public and occupational dose limits

  • Personal dosimeters (requirements, types, and use)

  • Signage and required posting of rooms and packages

  • Receipt, survey, and wipe testing of packages

  • Dose calibration before administration of radionuclides

  • Written directive (authority, requirements, and contents)

  • Administration of therapy with unsealed radionuclides

  • Release of patients after therapy with unsealed radionuclides

  • Survey and wipe tests of areas in the department

  • Radioactive spills (major and minor), definition, and management

  • Waste disposal (methods and labeling)

  • Medical event, definition, and reporting requirements

  • Radiation protection measures (clothing, gloves, syringe shields, etc.)

  • Approximate doses to persons near patients

  • Record keeping and record retention

  • Pregnancy (patients and staff)

  • Breastfeeding restrictions

  • Where to get help and additional information

Radiation Safety Officer

A radiation safety officer (RSO) is typically a health physicist or medical physicist who must meet substantial additional training and experience requirements. Every radioactive materials license must list one permanent RSO. A licensee may appoint and name on the license a qualified individual with expertise in certain areas to serve as an Associate RSO (ARSO). This individual will be required to complete the same training and experience requirements as the named RSO for the individual’s assigned sections of the radiation safety program. The ARSOs will have oversight duties for the radiation safety operations of their assigned sections, while reporting to the named RSO. The regulations allow a licensee to name only one RSO on a license. The RSO will continue to be responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the entire radiation safety program. An RSO is responsible for implementing the radiation safety program and ensures that activities are being performed in accordance with approved procedures and regulatory requirements. The RSO must meet the training requirements outlined in the Federal Regulations, 10 CFR, Part 35.50. Recently, NRC rules have been modified so that Authorized Users, Authorized Medical Physicists, and Authorized Nuclear Pharmacists who (1) have met the requirements to serve as the RSO or ASRO and (2) are listed as such on their institutional license may be listed on any other medical use license to serve as an RSO or ASRO. Additionally, these ARSOs and RSOs may serve as preceptors for an individual seeking to be named as the RSO.

Duties of the RSO include investigating overexposures, accidents, and other mishaps and collecting or establishing written policies and procedures relative to purchasing/ordering, receipt and opening, storage, inventory, use, and disposal of byproduct material. The RSO is also responsible for performing checks of survey instruments and other safety equipment, training personnel, performing radiation surveys, retaining copies of reports and policies, briefing management once each year, and establishing investigational levels of personnel exposure (which when exceeded, initiates an investigation by the RSO) and taking emergency action if control of radioactive material is lost. For up to 60 days each year, a licensee may permit one or more AUs or individuals qualified to be an RSO to function as an RSO.

Other Authorized Personnel

An authorized medical physicist is an individual who is predominantly involved with high-energy external beam radiotherapy, brachytherapy, and stereotactic radiosurgery and who has little involvement with most diagnostic nuclear medicine operations. Specific training requirements can be found in 10 CFR, Part 35.51. An authorized nuclear pharmacist is identified as such on the facility license or permit and must meet requirements specified in 10 CFR, Part 35.55. These individuals are usually employed in commercial or large institutional radiopharmacies.

NRC and Other Regulatory Agencies

Radioactive materials and radioactive exposures are regulated by the NRC or its agreement state agencies or other federal agencies. The NRC regulates special nuclear material (enriched uranium and plutonium), source material (uranium and thorium), and byproduct material. Byproducts include any radioactive material (except enriched uranium or plutonium) produced by a nuclear reactor, the decay products of uranium and thorium, and more recently, naturally occurring radionuclides (such as radium-226) and accelerator-produced radioactive material (such as fluorine-18), but not the accelerators themselves or their operation. Thus, the definition encompasses all the radionuclides used in diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, including positron emission tomography (PET), and therapeutic agents. Typically, agreement states regulate the sources of radiation that the NRC does not, such as radiation-producing instrumentation, including x-ray machines and particle accelerators.

NRC regulations govern most nuclear medicine operations and may be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR, Parts 20, 30, and 35). Part 20 is concerned with standards for protection against radiation, including permissible dose limits, levels, concentrations, precautionary procedures, waste disposal, posting in radiation areas, and reporting theft of radioactive materials. Part 35 is concerned with the medical use of byproduct material, including the ALARA ( a s l ow a s r easonably a chievable) program, personnel training requirements, licensing, required surveys, instrumentation, and training requirements. The philosophy of a radiation protection program required by the NRC is that of ALARA. This is designed to keep radiation doses as low as reasonably achievable . To satisfy requirements of ALARA, administrative personnel, the RSO, and all AUs must participate in an ALARA program as requested by the facility's radiation safety committee (RSC) or RSO. The program must also include notice to the workers of the program's existence and the worker's responsibility to participate in this philosophy.

Types of Licenses

NRC regulations describe two types of specific licenses for the medical use of byproduct materials. There are specific licenses of broad scope and specific licenses of limited scope. Broad-scope licenses are described in NRC regulations, Part 33 (10 CRF 33.11) and are usually reserved for large hospitals and academic institutions. There are type A, B, and C broad-scope licenses, depending on the amount of byproduct material in possession. Type A broad-scope licensees are typically the largest licensed programs. Broad-scope licensees have significant decision-making authority.

Part 35 specific licenses of limited scope are usually for small hospitals and office practices. Human research is usually conducted under a broad-scope license but is also possible with a limited-scope license. Specific Part 35 licenses are related to the particular use or uses of byproduct materials, as addressed in the specific sections of the regulations, as follows:

  • CFR 35.100—the use of radiopharmaceuticals for uptake, dilution, and excretion studies

  • CFR 35.200—the use of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, and reagent kits for imaging and localization studies

  • CFR 35.300—the use of radiopharmaceuticals for unsealed radiopharmaceutical therapy

  • CFR 35.400—the use of radioisotope sealed sources in brachytherapy and for teletherapy

  • CFR 35.500—the use of radioisotope sealed sources for diagnosis

There is also an NRC Master Materials license. Formerly, the NRC issued individual licenses to VA medical centers. Under the master materials license, the VA system is authorized to issue individual permits to each of its VA medical centers replacing the previous NRC licenses. The license requires use of NRC licensing and inspection criteria.

Dose Limits

NRC dose limits are shown in Box 13.2 . Radiation dose is expressed in several forms. Absorbed dose is energy deposited in tissue and is expressed in units of rads or Gray (Gy). Absorbed organ dose can be multiplied by a radiation weighting factor to account for the effectiveness of different types of radiation. The radiation weighting factor of photons and x-rays is 1.0. This yields an equivalent dose, which is expressed in units of rem or Sievert (Sv). The equivalent dose can be multiplied by a defined tissue weighting factor, which accounts for different potential detriments from the exposure of various tissues. This quantity is called effective dose. Effective dose is also expressed in units of rem and Sv. Dose limits for organs are equivalent dose, and dose limits for the whole body are effective dose.

Box 13.2
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dose Limits (2004), Part 20

  • A.

    Occupational exposures (annual)

    • 1.

      Whichever is more limiting:

      • a.

        Total effective dose equivalent, or 5 rem (50 mSv)

      • b.

        Sum of deep dose equivalent and committed dose 50 rem (500 mSv) equivalent to any organ/tissue except lens of the eye (nonstochastic)

    • 2.

      Eye dose equivalent 15 rem (150 mSv)

    • 3.

      Shallow dose equivalent to skin/extremity 50 rem (500 mSv)

    • 4.

      Minors (occupational under the age of 18 years) 10% of the above

  • B.

    Public exposure

    • 1.

      Total effective dose equivalent (annual) 0.1 rem (1 mSv)

    • 2.

      Dose in unrestricted area (in any 1 hr) 2 mrem/hr (0.02 mSv/hr)

  • C.

    Embryo/fetus exposures

    • 1.

      Total dose equivalent (after pregnancy declared) 0.5 rem (5 mSv)

  • D.

    Planned special occupational exposure

    • 1.

      In any year as in A, above

    • 2.

      In individual's lifetime 5 × A, above

  • E.

    Required notification of NRC a

    a If in a Nuclear Regulatory Commission state. If in an agreement state, reporting to the state may vary but is usually very similar.

    from a single event dose exceeding the following:

    • 1.

      Immediate (telephone)

      • a.

        Total effective dose equivalent 25 rem (0.25 Sv)

      • b.

        Eye dose equivalent 75 rem (0.75 Sv)

      • c.

        Shallow dose equivalent 250 rem (2.5 Sv)

    • 2.

      Within 24 hours (telephone)

      • a.

        Total effective dose equivalent 5 rem (0.05 Sv)

      • b.

        Eye dose equivalent 15 rem (0.15 Sv)

      • c.

        Shallow dose equivalent 50 rem (0.5 Sv)

    • 3.

      30 days, any doses in excess of occupational, public, or embryo/fetus limits


Occupational dose is that received in the course of employment in which the individual's assigned duties involve exposure to radiation or radioactive material from licensed and unlicensed sources of radiation whether in the possession of the licensee or other person. Occupational dose does not include doses from (1) natural background radiation, (2) medical exposures of the individual, (3) exposure to persons who have been administered radioactive material and released, (4) voluntary participation in medical research, or (5) as a member of the public.

A licensee must demonstrate that unmonitored individuals are not likely to receive in 1 year a radiation dose in excess of 10% of the allowable occupational limits or they must monitor external and/or internal occupational radiation exposure to such individuals. Practically speaking, this 10% rule governs who should wear a film badge (or other monitoring device) in a nuclear medicine facility.


Public dose is that received by a member of the public from exposure to radiation or to radioactive material released by a licensee. Public dose does not include (1) occupational exposure, (2) medical exposures the individual has received, (3) exposure to natural background radiation, (4) any medical exposure from another person who has received radioactive material and been released, or (5) voluntary participation in biomedical research.


An embryo/fetus is subject to a dose equivalent limit of less than 0.5 rem (5 mSv) during the entire pregnancy from occupational exposure of a woman who has declared her pregnancy. This is true even though the mother may be subject to higher occupational exposure limits in her employment. If the dose equivalent to the fetus is found to have exceeded 0.5 rem (5 mSv) or is within 0.05 rem (0.5 mSv) of exceeding this dose by the time the woman declares the pregnancy to the licensee, the licensee is in compliance as long as the additional dose equivalent to the embryo/fetus does not exceed 0.05 rem (0.5 mSv) during the remainder of the pregnancy. It should be noted that there is no fetal dose limit if the pregnancy is not declared to the employer.


Breastfeeding cessation is not regulated, but there are NRC guidelines. Cessation is not needed for fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose ( 18 F-FDG), and cessation times for technetium radiopharmaceuticals range from 0 to 24 hours. Breastfeeding is usually discontinued for a week or more for thallium-201, gallium-67, and indium-111 pharmaceuticals. Breastfeeding is contraindicated for several months after radioiodine therapy (see Appendix G ).

Family and Caregivers

In 1997, the NRC amended its regulations for the release of patients receiving treatment with radioactive materials from an activity-based limit to a dose-based limit. The regulation was based on the maximally exposed individual (including family or caregivers) not being likely to exceed an effective dose equivalent of 0.5 rem (5 mSv) from this single radioisotope treatment (see Appendix H.2 ). Compliance with the dose limit is demonstrated by (1) using a default table for activity or dose rate or (2) performing a patient-specific dose calculation. If the total effective dose equivalent to any other individual is likely to exceed 1 mSv (0.1 rem), written radiation safety guidance (instructions) to reduce this dose through ALARA practices is required to be given to the patient. There is no specific guidance with regard to radiation exposure of pregnant women through contact with the treated patient, but it does indicate that written instructions must be provided if a nursing child of the patient is likely to exceed an effective dose of 100 mrem (1 mSv). These instructions must include (1) guidance on interruption or discontinuation of breastfeeding and (2) the potential consequences of not following this guidance.

Radiation Safety Committee

This requirement varies in accordance with the type of license granted to a facility. Under NRC regulations, each medical institution with a type A broad-scope license is required to have an RSC. The committee membership must include an AU of each type of use permitted by the licensee—the RSO, a representative of the nursing service, and a representative of management who is not an AU or an RSO. Other members may be included as appropriate. Institutions with type B or C broad-scope licenses or those with program-specific licenses are not required to have an RSC.

The committee must meet at intervals not to exceed 6 months, and at a minimum, at least half of the members (including the RSO and management representative) must be present. Minutes must include the date of the meeting; a listing of those present and absent; a summary of deliberations, discussions, and recommended actions; and an ALARA program review. The committee is required to maintain a copy of the minutes for the duration of the license.

The committee also reviews for approval or disapproval those who wish to become AUs, the RSO, and/or other staff members requiring approval. They also review audits, reviews, and inspections; evaluate the results; and specify necessary corrective actions. The committee must review every 6 months the summary of occupational radiation dose records and any health and safety issues or possible radiation safety program deviations from regulatory compliance or required practices. There must be an annual review of the radiation safety program. Other duties include review and approval of changes to training, equipment, physical plant or the facilities, radiation safety procedures, or practices. The RSO also has duties relative to research involving licensed byproduct material. They must evaluate human subject research and coordinate with the institutional review board to ensure that for research requiring ionizing radiation, the informed consent process has been followed.

NRC Technical Requirements

Dose Calibrators and Survey Instruments

If radiopharmaceuticals and patient dosages are prepared on-site, the licensee must possess and use instrumentation to measure the activity of unsealed byproduct material before it is administered to each patient. The instrument (dose calibrator) must also be calibrated according to nationally recognized standards or the manufacturer's recommendations. Survey instruments must also be calibrated before first use, annually, and after repair. All scales with readings up to 1000 mrem (10 mSv) must be checked for accuracy by obtaining two separate readings on each scale, and the indicated exposure must be within 20% of the calculated exposure. Dates of calibration must be indicated on the instrument. Records of the information, including serial number of instruments, names of those performing the calibration, and dates must be kept for 3 years.

Determination and Records of Dosages

The licensee needs to determine and record the activity of each dosage before medical use. For patient unit doses supplied by a commercial radiopharmacy, there must be direct measurement or a decay correction based on the activity determined by the licensed preparer. For other than unit doses (usually multidose vials), determination of activity for each individual patient dosage must be made by direct measurement (dose calibrator), a combination of measurement and mathematical calculations, or combinations of volumetric measurements and mathematical calculations. Unless specified by the AU, a licensee may not use any dosage if it falls outside of the prescribed dosage range or differs from the prescribed dosage by more than 20%. Records of dosage determination must be retained for a period of 3 years and must contain the name of the radiopharmaceutical, patient's or subject's name or identification number, the prescribed dosage or a notation that the total activity is less than 30 µCi (1.1 MBq), date and time of administration of the dosage, and the name of the individual who determined the dosage.

Calibration, Transmission, and Reference Sources

In addition to patient imaging and treatment, radioisotope sources are used for instrument calibration and quality control purposes as well as for transmission images. Any person authorized for medical uses of byproduct material may receive, possess, and use byproduct material for check, calibration, transmission, and reference use. This includes sealed sources not exceeding 30 mCi (1.11 GBq) provided or redistributed in original packing by a licensed manufacturer. Possession also includes byproduct material with a half-life of not longer than 120 days in individual amounts not to exceed 15 mCi (0.56 GBq) or byproduct material with a half-life of longer than 120 days not to exceed the smaller of 200 µCi (7.4 MBq) or 1000 times the quantity in Appendix B of Part 30 of 10 CFR. One can also possess technetium-99m ( 99m Tc) for these purposes in amounts as needed.

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