Zitelli and Davis' Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis

Urologic Disorders

Many congenital urologic malformations and acquired disorders, as well as the results of common urologic surgical procedures, produce visible or palpable findings on physical examination. Some clinical presentations are unique. In other cases, disorders of varying etiology may present similar…


The manifestations of kidney and genitourinary disorders range from readily apparent gross structural abnormalities to subtle abnormalities of the urinary sediment. This chapter will review key history and physical findings, characteristic urinary findings, and updated diagnostic and radiographical studies of…

Infectious Diseases

Infectious Exanthems Exanthematous disorders are numerous, and commonly encountered, because they have many similarities, often a source of clinical confusion. In establishing a diagnosis, the clinician should not only attend to the basic character of the exanthem but also to…

Hematology and Oncology

Hematology Red Blood Cells The red blood cell (RBC) is classically described as a biconcave disk. Red cells evolve from immature forms, beginning with pronormoblasts, which are large cells with dark blue cytoplasm and a large centrally located nucleus. As…

Nutrition and Gastroenterology

Nutritional and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are two of the most common themes encountered in general pediatric medicine. Globally, undernutrition and diarrheal disease cause substantial morbidity and mortality. In the developed world, nutritional assessment is paramount in well-childcare and chronic illness…

Vascular Anomalies

Introduction Vascular anomalies represent a broad spectrum of disorders from the simple birthmark to the multisystem life-threatening disorder. Classically they have had a variable nomenclature that has promoted misdiagnosis and mistreatment. The modern movement in the field of vascular anomalies…

Pediatric Endocrinology

Introduction Clinical presentations of endocrine disease can vary widely. Alterations in hormone balance can result in distinct phenotypes affecting linear growth, timing of puberty, and body composition as well as metabolic functions. The steady stream of discoveries of new genes,…


Most of us think of our skin as a simple, durable covering for our skeleton, muscles, and internal organs. However, the skin is a complex organ, in fact the largest organ of the body, consisting of many parts and appendages…


Acknowledgments We extend our deepest thanks to the original author of this chapter—Dr. Aldo V. Londino. Dr. Londino, until the time of his passing in 2000, was the sole pediatric rheumatologist in western Pennsylvania and was widely recognized for his…

Child Abuse and Neglect

Child abuse and neglect constitute a pediatric public health problem of enormous magnitude. Their contribution to morbidity and mortality throughout life has been shown to be much greater than had previously been realized. More than a million children are abused…